Chiller Preventive Maintenance - FCC Coleman
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General Information
- Contract Opportunity Type: Combined Synopsis/Solicitation (Updated)
- Updated Published Date: Mar 03, 2023 01:12 pm EST
- Original Published Date: Feb 21, 2023 12:58 pm EST
- Updated Date Offers Due: Mar 03, 2023 09:00 am EST
- Original Date Offers Due: Feb 28, 2023 09:00 am EST
- Inactive Policy: 15 days after date offers due
- Updated Inactive Date: Mar 18, 2023
- Original Inactive Date: Mar 15, 2023
- Initiative:
- None
- Original Set Aside:
- NAICS Code:
- 238220 - Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors
- Place of Performance: Coleman , FL 33521USA
Service Procurement – Perform 5-year Maintenance on Chillers
February 13, 2023, 2023
The Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBOP), Federal Correctional Complex (FCC) Coleman, located at 846 NE 54th Terrace, Coleman, FL 32511, is soliciting a contract for a qualified company to perform five-year preventative maintenance on nine chillers located on the Federal Correctional Complex property.
The period of performance for this contract is between February 14, 2023 and June 30, 2023. The vendor awarded this contract shall perform work specified in the contract between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. Delivery hours and days may be altered, if requested in writing forty-eight (48) hours in advance and if approved by the Contracting Officer Representative in writing. Each request will be examined on a case-by-case basis.
FCC Coleman will provide one staff member to provide access to the Remote Utility Building (RUBs) where the chillers are located. The nine chillers being serviced under this contract are located in three separate Remote Utility Buildings (RUBs). Each RUB contains three MultiStack MagLev Chillers:Gen 2.
Chiller Data is as follows:
Camp RUB Chiller #4 MS0242FC1M2W2H1CC44L-R134A AE 07-054 210
Compressor #1 / TT300-G-1-ST 151395210
Compressor #2 / TT400-G-1-ST 172965040
Camp RUB Chiller #5 MS0242FC1M2W2H1CC44L-R134A AE 07-053 210
Compressor #1 / TT300-G-1-ST 151485200
Compressor #2 / TT400-G-1-ST 150225140
Camp RUB Chiller #6 MS0242FC1M2W2H1CC44L-R134A AE 07-052 210
Compressor #1 / TT300-G-1-ST 151815240
Compressor #2 / TT400-G-1-ST 151665240
Low RUB Chiller #4 MS0602FC1L2W2H1CC78FQ-R134A AE 07-005 570
Compressor #1 / TT500-G-1-ST 151325200
Compressor #2 / TT500-G-1-ST 151465070
Compressor #3 / TT500-G-1-ST 151665320
Low RUB Chiller #5 MS0602FC1L2W2H1CC78FQ-R134A AE 07-003 570
Compressor #1 / TT500-G-1-ST 151765080
Compressor #2 / TT500-G-1-ST 151765150
Compressor #3 / TT500-G-1-ST 151765140
Low RUB Chiller #6 MS0602FC1L2W2H1CC78FQ-R134A AE 07-004 570
Compressor #1 / TT500-G-1-ST 151665310
Compressor #2 / TT500-G-1-ST 151605280
Compressor #3 / TT500-G-1-ST 151615070
Medium RUB Chiller #4 MS0702FC1L2W2H1CC78FS-R134A AE 07-015 713
Compressor #1 / TT500-G-1-ST 151405050
Compressor #2 / TT500-G-1-ST 151265110
Compressor #3 / TT400-G-1-ST 151735020
Compressor #4 / TT500-G-1-ST 151315130
Medium RUB Chiller #5 MS0702FC1L2W2H1CC78FS-R134A AE 07-020 713
Compressor #1 / TT500-G-1-ST 151695010
Compressor #2 / TT500-G-1-ST 151265100
Compressor #3 / TT400-G-1-ST 151395230
Compressor #4 / TT500-G-1-ST 151265120
Medium RUB Chiller#6 MS0702FC1L2W2H1CC78FS-R134A AE 07-006 713
Compressor #1 / TT500-G-1-ST 151775170
Compressor #2 / TT500-G-1-ST 151775210
Compressor #3 / TT400-G-1-ST 151735050
Compressor #4 / TT500-G-1-ST 15176511
The vendor shall provide all labor, materials, products, conveyance, offloading equipment, reporting, misc. supplies, etc. to complete the requirements of the contract. FCC Coleman will provide nothing towards the completion of these requirements.
The vendor shall perform preventative maintenance as described in section “F, Description of Duties”. The vendor and their personnel should be professional in nature consistent with FBOP Code of Conduct for FBOP staff. Minor material and work not specified or shown, but necessary for the completion of these services, shall be provided without additional compensation from the Government. The Bureau of Prisons reserves the right to suspend, limit, or revoke the vendor's privileges at the Bureau of Prison facility due to violations of FBOP security procedures.
The vendor shall provide services as follows:
- The vendor shall perform all tasks associated with an annual preventative maintenance on each of the nine chillers listed within this Description of Requirement.
- The vendor shall perform the quinquennial preventative maintenance on each of the nine chillers listed within this Description of Requirement.
- The vendor shall complete the tasks associated with the quarterly and semi-annual inspections.
- The only task identified that the vendor will not complete by the vendor is the tube brushing. Tube brushing on the condensers and evaporators will be complete by FBOP staff on all nine chillers.
- All maintenance will be in accordance with the chiller services procedures and instructions as outlined in the MagLev Centrifugal Chiller Service Manual and meet all manufacturer’s specifications and requirements.
- The following are the systems and tasks to be performed.
- A. Compressors
- 1. Visual inspection for Mechanical Damage
- 2. Check for Excessive Vibration
- 3. Check main power supply voltage
- 4. Check all electrical connections
- 5. Visual inspection of all wiring for hot spots
- 6. Check DC Voltages (5, 15, 17, 24, 250, and Buss)
- 7. Verify/Test all interlocks and safeties
- 8. Clean all PCB’s to remove dust build up
- 9. Replace DC capacitor assembly
- 10. Verify operation of IGV assembly
- B. Evaporators
- 1. Eddy Current of Tubes
- 2. Replace relief valves
- C. Condensers
- 1. Eddy Current of Tubes
- 2. Replace relief valves
- D. Refrigerant Systems
- 1. Verify EXV/S operation
- 2. Verify Liquid Level Sensor Operation
- 3. Verify Liquid Level Sensor Calibration
- 4. Leak Check Chiller
- 5. Leak Check Compressors
- 6. Verify Check Valve Operation
- E. Controls
- 1. Download event logs and trend data
- 2. Replace USB thumb drive
- 3. Replace Compact Flash Drive
- 4. Check all electrical connections
- 5. Verify Power Supply Voltages
- 6. Clean all PCB’s to remove dust build up
- A. Compressors
- All findings and work performed will be documented in a separate and detailed report for each chiller. These reports shall include a copy of the chiller start up log after the work is performed. All reports shall be provided to the FCC Coleman Complex Facility Manager via email ( or hard copies.
- All maintenance and parts used shall be OEM or meet or exceed the requirements of the manufacturer’s specifications on each chiller.
The vendor shall notify the Government of any conflicts and/or
discrepancies prior to acceptance of contract. This project is subject to inspection by the U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Prisons and other regulatory agencies, as required by the Contracting Officer. The vendor will be responsible for proper tool control and equipment control. The vendor should dress in clothing proper and suitable for the deliveries. The vendor’s personnel should not wear khaki, orange, or dark green colored clothing, as those are the colors of the inmate’s clothing. Camouflaged clothing and grey sweats are also prohibited.
The residency requirement applies to both individuals and employees of companies providing services to the Federal Bureau of Prisons. For three of the five years immediately prior to submission of your offer/bid/quote, individuals or contractor employees providing services in any Federal Bureau of Prisons facility must have:
1. Resided in the United States (U.S.);
2. Worked for the U.S. overseas in a Federal or military capacity; or
3. Been a dependent of a Federal or military employee serving overseas
The vendor shall be constantly aware of security and maintain a professional relationship with any inmates at all times, should they encounter the inmate population. Any violations of the institution rules and regulations are to be brought immediately to the attention of an appointed Government employee for prompt and proper action. The vendor will not have unsupervised contact with inmates. The vendor will not supervise inmates and will not be responsible for the administrative management of inmates. FBOP staff members will be present when vendor’s personnel is performing work.
The vendor agrees to adhere to all regulations and guidelines prescribed by the Federal Bureau of Prisons, to include the Federal Correctional Complex (FCC), Coleman local guidelines relating to safety, custody and conduct of inmates, and the safety of the local population. The vendor will be given an orientation, by a member of the FBOP staff, of the policies and procedures of the Bureau of Prisons and FCC Coleman.
The vendor shall provide an invoice once all work identified within the contract has been completed, accepted by the FBOP, and the final written, detailed inspection reports have been received by FBOP. Invoice shall be itemized to match services breakdown as listed on the contract. FBOP is exempt from sales tax; therefore, sales tax should not be added to the invoices. Any invoice containing sales tax or missing the required information will be returned to the vendor for correction and will not be processed until submitted correctly.
Contact Information
Contracting Office Address
- 846 NE 54TH TERRACE PO BOX 1029
- COLEMAN , FL 33521
Primary Point of Contact
- Daniel Frederick
- Phone Number 352-689-3163
Secondary Point of Contact
- Thomas Hollinhead
- Mar 25, 2023 11:58 pm EDTCombined Synopsis/Solicitation (Updated)
- Mar 03, 2023 01:12 pm ESTCombined Synopsis/Solicitation (Updated)
- Feb 28, 2023 09:51 am ESTCombined Synopsis/Solicitation (Updated)
- Feb 23, 2023 12:43 pm ESTCombined Synopsis/Solicitation (Updated)
- Feb 21, 2023 12:58 pm ESTCombined Synopsis/Solicitation (Original)