Accompanying Amendment 36C25222B0034 0002
Accompanying Amendment 36C25222B0034 - 0002
Upgrade Eagle & Freight Elevators
William S. Middleton VA Hospital, Madison, WI
I. bid opening information:
There is no change to the bid opening date, the information remains the same as Amendment 0001 as listed below.
1) Reminder, there will be no in-person public bid opening process this will be conducted as a public virtual activity.
2) The virtual bid opening will be available to the public via Microsoft Teams at the following link and/or phone number;
Click here to join the meeting
(Meeting will be available to be accessed 15 min prior to bid opening)
Meeting phone number: 872-701-0185
Phone Conference ID: 543269745#
3) IAW FAR 52.214-5 Submission of Bids and 14.202-8 Electronic Bids; Bids shall be provided via email to the Contracting Officer at as follows;
Vendor bids are due via email as shown above at 12:00 PM local time on 9/29/2022.
The virtual public bid opening will be held at 1:00 PM local time on 9/29/2022 at the link and/or the phone # provided above.
A hard copy submission is not required. Any bids received after the date and time specified for receipt of bids will be processed in accordance with FAR 52.214-7 Late Submissions, Modifications, and Withdrawals of Bids (Nov 1999).
4) Ensure your complete bid including bid bond are provided in your submission. The successful low bidder is required to furnish their original bid bond within five (5) days after notification by the Contracting Officer.
5) It is highly recommended that Bidders submit their bid at least one hour prior to bid opening to avoid any transmission issues.
II. The following Questions and Answers / Clarifications are the result of bidders request(s) for information:
Q1. Can all work be done during normal daytime work shifts?
A1. Noise concerns and any potential scheduling will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis during the project considering the level of noise/vibration and the impacted area type.
Normal VA business hours are 7am-4:30pm. All work must be coordinated to minimize disruption and downtime. Potential scheduling will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. See Drawing G002 Note 15 for additional requirements.
Q2. Can the Site Superintendent fulfill the duties of the SSHO as well?
A2. Yes.
Q3. What is the anticipated award / NTP / Start timeline for this project?
A3. Anticipated Award: Oct 25, 2022. Anticipated Notice to Proceed: November 7., 2022. Elevator modernization and elevator shutdowns cannot start until submittals have been approved and materials ship timeline has been established. See Spec 01 00 00 and Drawings G002 & 003 for Phasing requirements.
Q4. How will extended lead times on new equipment be delt with? Items like HVAC Equipment, Electrical Gear, and elevator equipment?
A4. Equipment lead time are unpredictable and now industry norm. Extended lead times will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Contractor to keep the VA informed of any possible or anticipated delivery delays that may potentially impact the project schedule.
Q5. Is there a specific location for a site construction Trailer / Staging Area / Dumpsters? If so, can you please advise where it is located?
A5. Construction trailer is not allowed specifically for this project. Staging Space is limited. VA will seek to provide limited space and duration staging on as as-needed basis.
Q6. Will a Construction Fence be required around the staging area and trailer?
A6. Outside staging area is not permitted nor is a trailer.
Q7. In section 01 00 00 1.12.C, referring to delivering two electronic copies of complete As Builts after each completed phase. This also applies to shop drawings. If electronic, does the VA require two?
A7. Yes. Section 01 00 00 1.12.D states paragraphs A,B and C shall also apply to shop drawings.
Q8. Per section 01 00 00.1.18.B, Does the VA require four hard copies of the completed O&M? Do the manuals require delivery when the equipment arrives or at substantial completion?
A8. Two hard copies of the O & M Manuals are acceptable, to be delivered at the completion of the project.
Q9. Is a submittal log/register required for submission by the contractor for this project? Reference 01 33 23 1.3.C, the VA provides the initial submittal register.
A9. Yes.
Q10. Is Submittal Exchange required for this project and who shall pay for the services of Submittal Exchange?
A10. VA intends to pursue purchasing Submittal Exchange for this project, at cost to the government.
Q11. Reference 01 35 26. Page 1. The TOC references 1.13 as Tuberculosis Screening but it appears that section was removed from the part of the spec and 1.13 as contained in the specifications is actually Fire Safety . Please confirm the TOC of specification Section 01 35 26 is not correct and TB Screenings are not part of this project.
A11. Spec Section 01 35 26 is not correct. TB Screening is not required.
Q12. Would Infection Controls Barriers like Edge Guard be allowed on the 8th floor for the Temporary Dust Partitions from Floor to ceiling and then fire Rated poly above the ceiling? Existing mechanicals and utilities above ceilings could cause full height partitions to be extremely difficult.
A12. Yes, Edge Guard is acceptable.
Q13. Will crane picks for the rigging of HVAC equipment and materials be restricted to federal holidays and weekends?
A13. No.
Q14. Is AISC Steel Certification required for Both the Fabricator and the installer?
A14. Yes, refer to 05 12 00, 3 1.5 A.& B.
Q15. Is the Third-Party Fire Penetration inspector hired by contractor or the VA?
A15. Yes, refer to 07 84 00, 1.5.
Q16. Will the VA be providing the services of a Commissioning Agent? As there is not a Commissioning Specification in this project, what is expected from the contractor for Commissioning?
A16. Commissioning/Commissioning Agent is not required on this Project.
Q17. Specification Section 23 31 00, 3.1, item K . Please clarify the expectations of ductwork cleaning. How far back do we clean when connecting new ductwork to existing. It would seem unreasonable to clean all the way back to the existing exhaust fan or air handling unit.
A17. At the point of new connection, clean the first two feet of the existing ductwork.
Q18. Specification Section 23 31 00, duct cleaning. During construction we have will the ends of all new ductwork wrapped in plastic to protect the integrity of the ductwork. Plastic will be removed just prior to system start up. Will machine cleaning of protected ductwork be a requirement of the project
A18. No.
Q19. Has the VA tested the ductwork and mechanical systems scheduled for demolition or relocation for biohazards. If the ductwork or equipment are contaminated, remediation will be required and due to insurance protocol, we cannot subcontract for the remediation.
A19. There is no known biohazards involved in this project.
Q20. Specification Section 23 31 00, Section 3.2, items B thru H , will leak testing be required on ductwork down stream of air terminal units?
A20. There are no Air Terminals to be installed during this project.
Q21. Do the VA require the MEPF contractors need to include hours for training? If so can you please advise what Training will be required?
A21. Training requirements are limited to the specification requirements.
Q22. Above ceiling demolition of MEP s that are not shown on the drawing and not able to be investigated at the walk thru. How are these to be handled?
A22. If above ceiling mechanical/utility conflicts are found and are not specifically address by the plans and specifications. Notify the COR at the time of discovery for further direction.
Q23. If conflicts between new work and existing mechanicals / Utilities are found to exist above the ceiling, that are not indicated on the drawings, will these items require relocation by the contractor, or will the VA have these items relocated?
A23. If above ceiling mechanical/utility conflicts are found and are not specifically address by the plans and specifications. Notify the COR at the time of discovery for further direction.
Q24. Please advise how access to the Elevator pits are going to be dealt with. How will they be classified and what are the procedures for accessing them Limited access, or non-Permit required confined space, or Permit required confined space? Please advise of classification and procedures for access.
A24. The VA does not consider the elevator pits as confined spaces. Eagle Elevator Pit is a walk-in pit, with limited key controlled for authorized personnel only. Elevators #5 & #6 are below grade pits assessable by standard elevator industry practice. Qualified elevator and VA personnel only are allowed access to the pits.
Q25. Are new handrails required to be added to the tops of the existing cars and is there space for the new handrails?
A25. Yes, there is space for new car top handrails. The elevator modernizations are required to meet all applicable portions of ASME 17.1 2019. This includes installation of car top handrails.
Q26. Is fire treated plywood required for the sub floor for the new flooring? As there have been issues with flooring adhesive adhering to fire treated plywood. Please advise.
A26. Contractor may substitute a 5-ply marine grade plywood for treated plywood.
Q27. Amendment 001 adds scope to the project. Removal of the SPS dumbwaiters. Will added drawings be issued in another amendment to clarify and detail out the scope of work for other trades? Electrical, Infection control requirements, Padlock specifications, are any new finished required. Please advise.
A27. No drawings of the dumbwaiters will be issued. All work associated with the removal of the dumbwaiter as detailed in the amendment shall be completed by licensed qualified elevator tradesmen. Infection control containment barrier is limited room B48 . Work will be subject to an infection control risk assessment as defined in specification 01 35 26. Work will be subject to the results of that assessment.
Q28. Will this added scope of the dumbwaiters change the overall performance period of the contract?
A28. Overall performance period will not change.
Q29. In reviewing the Amendment 001 and the added scope for the decommissioning of the dumbwaiters, I was asked if there would be another walk thru for the Dumbwaiter removal Scope?
A29. There are no additional site visits scheduled. Contractor may request a site visit if desire. Contact Brendan McLaughlin at 608-256-1901 x11157 or Jason Dickman at 608-256-1901 x11173
Q30. If there are no plans to install a new dumbwaiter in the future, do these have to be decommissioned by an elevator company?
A30. The dumbwaiters have been shut-down and are not in service. Â Removal (decommissioning) of the dumbwaiter equipment should be performed by qualified elevator mechanics. Â Â
III. general information:
Replace the S07 Wage Determination with the attached revised S07 Wage Determination
There are no further changes.