Presolicitation Notice
Presolicitation Notice
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Presolicitation Notice
Presolicitation Notice
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This is not a solicitation announcement. This is a pre-solicitation notice only. The
purpose of this notice is to announce that the Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans
Integrated Service Network (VISN 22), Network Contracting Office (NCO) 22 is seeking
contractors interested in providing a quote for: The VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System (VAGLAHCS) for qualified personnel to assist with maintenance of state-of-the-art media equipment for asynchronous, or single user training modules to alleviate the need for group scheduling which can hinder timely training. The Contractor shall also assist with design and set-up and maintenance of two recording studios and portable (field) video recording systems. The equipment and studios shall be used to capture and produce training videos on disaster preparedness and emergency management. The training material is intended for clinical and administrative support employees at VA facilities. The goal of the training is to reduce interruptions to continuity of service to Veterans during disasters and emergencies.
The Veterans Emergency Management Evaluation Center (VEMEC) also requires assistance with design and production of preparedness assessment tools and related instructional design for content. The goal is to improve disaster preparedness and increase resiliency of staff during emergencies (natural disasters, epidemics, etc.) Assist with recording presentation of best practices in preparedness and response to disasters. Other training material with the capabilities of playback in a variety of multimedia formats, local playback, and streaming both live and as Video-On-Demand (VOD) over a network (e.g., local-area network (LAN), the Internet, Talent Management System (TMS), etc.). Applications range from disseminating information about VEMEC projects and training across the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) as well as to non-VA healthcare providers and affiliated staff who deliver care to Veterans, to facilitate emergency readiness education for both Veterans and their healthcare clinicians. In addition, the media system will be used for creation, management, and distribution of training material based on current understanding of learning principles, and content management. Some learning modules will be further developed for use in Game-Based Learning Management System for on-demand, asynchronous training to provide immersive hands-on experience.
Solicitation shall be issued on or about July 05, 2023, with proposals due no later than July 26, 2023 at 5:00 P.M. MST. The following NAICS code: 611430 and FSC code: R406 apply to this requirement.
This is a 100% Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) set-aside. ALL
respond to the solicitation announcement. A response to this notice is not a request to be added
to a prospective bidders list or to receive a copy of the solicitation. Telephone responses will not
be accepted. Point of Contact for this announcement is Jamie ElBedawi at