Repair Concrete Curbs, Walkways, and Ramps
Project Number 554-22-148
Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center (RMRVAMC)
The Department of Veterans Affairs has a requirement to install several concrete walkways and wheelchair curb cuts throughout the RMR VAMC site.
Contractor shall furnish and install a concrete 6 wide by 4 thick tertiary walkway beginning at the northeast corner of the Parking Staff North (PSN) garage, running north approximately 94 feet, and terminating at an existing VA owned sidewalk that will service the new Psychiatric Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Program (PRRTP) building and the Fisher House. Reference attached detail.
Proposed path of sidewalk runs east of a peninsula containing a curb-surround and landscaping stone. Contractor shall remove and dispose of existing landscaping stone as necessary.
Proposed path of sidewalk runs adjacent to a monument sign. Contractor shall taper or angle termination of sidewalk as necessary to keep clear of sign.
Contractor shall compact and tamp soil, set forms, and pour and grade walkway.
Contractor shall follow the VA Site Design manual and all applicable specification sections in the installation of this walkway.
Contractor shall furnish and install a concrete 6 wide by 4 thick secondary walkway beginning at the sidewalk at the southeast corner of the RMRVAMC campus 70 west of Fitzsimons Parkway, running eastward north of two Xcel Energy transformers, turning northeast at a 45 degree angle, and terminating in the existing north-south sidewalk on the west side of Fitzsimons Parkway, a total of approximately 120 linear feet. Reference attached detail.
Contractor shall remove and dispose of existing compacted soil and sod.
Contractor shall compact and tamp soil, set forms, and pour and grade walkway.
Contractor shall follow the VA Site Design manual and all applicable specification sections in the installation of this walkway.
Contractor shall furnish and install a concrete ADA compliant wheelchair curb cut at the pedestrian island at the south entrance of the RMRVAMC campus, allowing wheelchair egress from the island across the drive leading into the Parking Visitor South (PVS) garage and toward the sidewalk outside Clinic Building South (CBS.) Reference attached detail and typical existing curb cut detail.
Contractor shall furnish and install an additional ADA compliant wheelchair curb cut on the sidewalk outside CBS creating a pedestrian crossing from the island to the CBS sidewalk.
Contractor shall saw cut, grade, finish, and paint safety yellow or similar to match existing wheelchair curb cuts.
Contractor shall stripe newly created pedestrian crossing to match existing on site per specifications.
Contractor shall furnish and install pedestrian crossing signs for traffic entering and exiting the underground portion of the PVS garage per specifications and VA Signage Design Manual.
A snowmelt system is installed in the drive leading underground to the PVS garage directly adjacent to the area of the proposed cuts. Contractor shall take all precautions not to disturb or damage this system.
Contractor shall follow the VA Site Design manual, VA Barrier Free Design Guide, VA Signage Design Manual, ADA requirements, and all applicable specification sections in the installation of this pedestrian crossing.
Contractor and/or Sub-contractors are encouraged to attend a pre-bid walkthrough of the work before submitting a bid. The date and time of this walkthrough will be determined by the Contracting Officer. Contractor (CO) and/or subcontractors shall be responsible for making any clarification requests that arise at the pre-bid walkthrough directed to the CO prior to the bidding of work.
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) requires strict adherence to the Code of Federal Regulations 29, Part 1926. This includes the requirement that the contractor have a Competent Person on the job at all times (must have a 30-hour OSHA card), and that all contractor employees have received a minimum of ten (10) hours of OSHA construction safety training.
Contractor must submit a Site-Specific Safety Plan (SSSP) to include Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA) or Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) for each construction activity. This plan shall detail fire, construction and health-related safety measures, in addition to listing training records for all employees for the previous year.
This project shall conform 100% to all VA standards and specifications, OSHA, AIA Construction Guidelines, Joint Commission Environment of Care Standards, and applicable building codes. In addition, any part of any VA specification that is not up to current design and construction practice shall be brought to the attention of the CO and COR for further evaluation. Design is to follow all information outlined in VA Technical Information Library (TIL) located at unless otherwise approved in writing by VA.
Contractor shall completely prepare site for building operations, including any necessary demolition and removal of existing materials and structures, and furnish labor and materials to perform all work. Actual dimensions shall be verified by contractor before start of work. All utility shutdowns shall be coordinated with COR at least 10 days prior.
Based on the above list of work items the general contractor selected must successfully manage a variety of tasks, coordinate just-in-time delivery of materials, expedite materials to the job site and schedule the necessary labor to execute the requirements of this project in a timely fashion. Aspects of this contract includes but is not limited to:
Scheduling using the critical-path-method.
Maintaining and documenting an OSHA-compliant construction safety program
Managing work area access and security.
Securing temporary VA ID badges for employees on a daily basis.
Managing the separation of construction activities from on-going hospital patient-care operations.
Implementing and maintaining required interim life safety measures.
Contractor shall schedule work to not affect operations within the facility on weekends.
Infection Control Risk Assessment (ICRA) procedures shall be adhered to and exercised at the applicable level per location and degree of invasiveness to existing bathroom finishes.
Acquiring permits for managing hot work operations.
Coordinating with VA maintenance personnel and additional VA-Hospital personnel to maintain acceptable conditions for all on-going hospital functions affected.
RMRVAMC Design Drawings and Submittals:
North Campus Site Map
South Campus Site Map
Line Item 1 PSN New Walkway Detail
Line Item 2 Colfax/Fitzsimons Secondary Walkway Detail
Line Item 3 Wheelchair Crossing at PVS and CBS
Typical Wheelchair Curb Cut Detail
VA Specification sections:
Combined Spec PDF
Photographs ZIP
The Contractor shall comply with public laws and statutes including all changes and amendments to federal, state and local environmental statutes and regulations in effect the date of issuance of this delivery order, including applicable portions of the documents cited in the basic contract and below:
NFPA 99-2015 Healthcare Facilities Codes.
29 CFR 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards
29 CFR 1926 Occupational Safety and Health Standards
Contractor shall submit the following:
Cost-Loaded Schedule within ten (10) calendar days of Notice to Proceed (NTP).
Site-specific Safety Plan within ten (10) calendar days of NTP.
Copies of manufacturer s specifications for all materials and equipment planned for installation
Dimensioned shop/site drawings and manufacturer s details as noted in VA Specifications
Certification that the system specified meets all identified code and insurance requirements
Inspection reports, manufacturer approval certificates and warranties as noted in specifications
Site superintendent OSHA-30, and tradesmen/laborer OSHA-10 certificates. The site superintendent that meets these requirements must be on-site anytime work is being performed. Copies of the certifications shall be provided to the COR within ten (10) calendar days prior to start of work.
Contractor shall submit the following:
Project Schedule including sequencing and durations.
o The schedule will be provided to COR ten (10) calendar days prior to start of the work.
Manufacturer s and VA-specifications shall be followed for all materials and procedures used in this project.
Inspection reports and maintenance logs.
Dimension shop drawings, manufacturer s details, and as-built drawings.
The Government will not furnish any resources for the fulfillment of services required under this contract. Contractor must provide all tools, equipment, materials, transportation, professional expertise, personnel, and supervision for Sanitary Sewer Modifications required under this contract.
The Government reserves the right to accept or reject Contractor s staff for cause. Documented prior the work, Contractor shall provide technicians throughout the contract qualified to perform work on Waste and Vent piping systems. The Contractor shall notify the Government within 3 business days if it intends to replace a technician. At the time of notification, the Contractor shall submit all required certifications for all personnel working on the contract. In the event new, or replacement, personnel become involved in the contract, the Contractor must submit all required certification. Additions or changes in personnel require written approval of the Government.
Contractor shall have a back-up technician available in the event the primary technician is unable to perform his/her duties.
The Contractor shall ensure their personnel and subcontractor-personnel meet the privacy standards as set forth by HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) with respect to personal and confidential information that they may come upon, while contract work is being performed.
The Contractor shall assign the appropriate quantity and type of personnel to successfully complete all functions specified in this SOW. The Contractor shall maintain throughout the life of this contract, a current list of technicians and their credentials available for inspection by the Government at any time.
The VA reserves the right to dispute completion of contract scope if contract work is found not in accordance with manufacturer recommendations, is not satisfactorily executed, or if the system is not properly tested and inspected to achieve certification. All work completed by the Contractor must be reviewed and approved by the VA.
All construction activities shall be conducted during normal business hours Monday thru Friday from 0730 hrs. to 1600 hrs. (except where indicated differently herein re: after-hours work), excluding Federal Holidays and any other day declared a federal holiday by the President of the United States listed below. Contractor s work shall not interfere with the functions of the facility. Barricades, ICRA containment provisions shall be arranged to allow patients and staff unimpeded access (including wheelchairs and patient beds where applicable) to services and resources within the facility.
New Year s Day Martin Luther King Jr s Birthday Presidents Day
Memorial Day Juneteenth Independence Day
Labor Day Columbus Day Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day
If a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday will be observed as the National Holiday. When a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday is observed as a National Holiday by the U.S. Government agencies.
Upon arrival at the station, Contractor shall check-in with the COR and/or designee.
If contract work is delayed due to inclement weather the contractor shall inform the COR of said delay and submit an updated schedule.
There is NO SMOKING on any VA property.
A kick-off meeting and site walk will be held at a date and time specified by the COR to review project scope, site, and requirements, as well as provide answers to any questions.
Contractor shall begin work within ten (10) days of Notice to Proceed (NTP). Contractor shall meet with the COR weekly following NTP to provide progress-updates and attend a closeout meeting at period of performance end.
All Contractor personnel are required comply with VAAR 852.273-74 (Available online at VA Technical Information Library) which covers the following requirements: Background checks, and the wearing of identification (I.D.) badges issued by the VA RMRVAMC while on VA property. Contractor must acquire PIV badge for all staff onsite prior to work beginning. Failure of the background check may result in specific personnel not being allowed to work on VA premises and the Contractor will need to provide replacement personnel. Contractor to take into account lead-time on PIV Badging process.
It is the responsibility of the Contractor s personnel to park in the appropriate designated parking areas. The designated parking area will be specified by COR upon award of contract.
16.0 KEYS:
Under no circumstances are Contractor personnel to remove VA keys from VA premises. Lost keys shall be replaced by contractor at costs beginning at $250.00/key. Cost to replace lost keys varies based on scope of access provided by keys.
Period of performance including lead time for materials and submittals: ninety (90) calendar days from NTP.