Date: August 8, 2022
To: Contract File
Subject: Addendum Sole Source Justification for 36C10X21P0117 Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Innovation Network (iNET) VA-21-00078491
There are no changes to section 1 - 2 of the Justification & Approval
Section 3 and Section 5 is hereby revised to include the following:
Modification P00002 increased the total value by $192,000.00 from $572,240.00 to $764,240.00.
VHA IE submitted correspondence requesting changes to the current contract to accommodate the Government s need for an additional eight (8) training sessions . During the period of performance, the Government and the contractor discovered an in-scope need for additional workshops with new content, deemed critical to the development of the VHA Innovators Network, that was not originally known or foreseen. With this discovery, the training sessions the Government now requires is beyond the quantities originally envisioned by the Government and the contractor.
VHA iNET is requesting additional training workshops concerning Innovation Specialist training and development to meet VHA iNET s planning and forecasting needs for training in the outyears. This level of innovative training and development requires techniques and expertise that VHA iNET currently does not possess organically within the organization. The additional eight sessions required will meet VHA IE s current needs as the Program Office plans for innovative expansion within VA to meet the varied needs of Veterans throughout in the nation.
Section 7 is hereby revised to include the following:
Modification P00002 is in the best interest of the Government as it is required to ensure continuity of the services provided at VHA iNET. Pricing for the additional work was reviewed and approved by the COR. An additional review of the pricing for the additional eight (8) courses, to include travel, was conducted by the Contracting Officer and determined fair and reasonable. Furthermore, the award of this modification does not impact competition as this was awarded as a sole source under FAR SUBPART 13.5.