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APEX Accelerators are an official government contracting resource for small businesses. Find your local APEX Accelerator (opens in new window) for free government expertise related to contract opportunities.

APEX Accelerators are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense.

The APEX Accelerators program was formerly known as the Procurement Technical Assistance Program (opens in new window) (PTAP).

General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Solicitation (Updated)
  • Updated Published Date: Jul 23, 2024 04:50 pm EDT
  • Original Published Date: Jul 12, 2023 06:38 am EDT
  • Updated Date Offers Due: Aug 16, 2024 04:30 pm EDT
  • Original Date Offers Due: Aug 11, 2023 04:30 pm EDT
  • Inactive Policy: 15 days after date offers due
  • Updated Inactive Date: Aug 31, 2024
  • Original Inactive Date: Aug 26, 2023
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • NAICS Code:
    • 332439 - Other Metal Container Manufacturing
  • Place of Performance:


CONTACT INFORMATION|4|n792.02|lpe|2156972582|| COMMERCIAL PRODUCT PROCUREMENT NOTICE|5|||||| ITEM UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION AND VALUATION (JAN 2023)|19|||||||||||||||||||| HIGHER-LEVEL CONTRACT QUALITY REQUIREMENT|8|x|||||||| WIDE AREA WORKFLOW PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS (JAN 2023)|16|invoice and receiving reports|n/a|n/a|n00383|n/a|n/a|n/a|n/a|n/a|n/a|n/a|||||| NAVY USE OF ABILITYONE SUPPORT CONTRACTOR - RELEASE OF OFFEROR INFORMATION (3-18))|1|| EQUAL OPPORTUNITY (SEP 2016)|2||| WARRANTY OF SUPPLIES OF A NONCOMPLEX NATURE (JUN 2003)|6|365 days|45 days after the last delivery under this contract||||| EQUAL OPPORTUITY FOR WORKERS WITH DISABILITIES (JUN 2020)|2||| BUY AMERICAN-FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS-BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM - BASIC (JAN 23)|3|||| CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS REQUIRED TO IMPLEMENT STATUTES OR EXECUTIVEORDERS -- COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS AND COMMERCIAL SERVICES (MAR 2023))|98||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| OFFEROR REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS--COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS AND COMMERCIALSERVICES (DEVIATION 2023-O0002) (DEC 2022))|3|||| ALTERNATE A, ANNUAL REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS (NOV 2020)|13|||||||||||||| BUY AMERICAN-FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS-BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM CERTIFICATE-BASIC (DEC 2022))|3|||| BUY AMERICAN--BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM (NOV 2014)|1|| ROYALTY INFORMATION (APR 1984)|1|| ANNUAL REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS (MAR 2023)|13|336413|1250|||||||||||| NOTICE OF PRIORITY RATING FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE, EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS, ANDENERGY PROGRAM USE (APR 2008))|2||x| EVALUATION--COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS AND COMMERCIAL SERVICES (NOV 2021)|4||||| This solicitation is hereby extended to 08/16/2024. Please provide your TT&E pricing for the units as well as a repair price. NAVSUP is looking for pricing for repairs under tier 3. Please see the below tier 3 description for pricing.Tier 3 (Weld Repair): All of the above, weld repair/patch, welding required to remove replace damaged latch, assembly,manufacturing/remove/replace custom/modified common hardware. This is a full and open small business set aside. The Government will award a contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsible offeror whose offer conforming to the solicitation will be most advantageous to the Government, price and other factors considered. In addition to price, the following Non-price evaluation factor shall be used to evaluate offers and are listed in descending order of importance. Relevant Past Performance Technical Capability The non-price evaluation factors, when combined, are significantly more important than price. There are no subfactors. The Government reserves the right to obtain information for use in the evaluation of past performance from any and all sources including sources outside of the Government. Offerors lacking relevant past performance history will not be evaluated favorably or unfavorably on past performance. The Government will consider the quality of an offeror?s relevant past performance. This consideration is separate and distinct from the Contracting Officer?s responsibility determination. The assessment of the offeror?s r relevant past performance will be used as a means of evaluating the relative risk of the offeror and other competitors in successfully meet the requirements of the RFP. In determining the rating for the past performance evaluation factor, the Government will give greater consideration to the contracts which the Government feels are most relevant to the RFP. The Government reserves the right to award the contract to other than the lowest priced offeror. Page Limitation-Excluding the cover page, table of contents, past performance project forms the technical capability proposal is limited to fifteen (25) pages in at least 11pt. font and 1? margins. Pages in excess of this limitation will not be evaluated. The pages excluded from evaluation will be at the discretion of the Agency. Contractors are informed that it is the Government?s desire to make award on initial proposals when deemed possible by the Contracting Officer, however the Government reserves the right to communicate and/or negotiate with offerors if later determined necessary. None Price Proposal (all non-price factors) -The Contractor is required to submit the following non-price information: 1. Relevant Past Performance: The Contractor is provided an opportunity to demonstrate relevant past performance on contracts currently being performed or performed within the past three (3) years. The Government will determine relevance by analyzing the scope and magnitude of the reference contracts and comparing them to the instant requirement. The Government reserves the right to evaluate submitted projects individually or in the aggregate in order to determine relevance and will do so consistently across all evaluated offers. The Government will consider the quality of the Contractor?s relevant past performance. Reference Contracts: a. The Contractor may submit up to a maximum of three (3) contracts for evaluation. The Government reserves the right to obtain information from sources other than those identified by the Contractor. 2. Technical Capability The government desires that offerors demonstrate technical capability to satisfy the government?s requirements. The offeror?s response will be evaluated to determine whether its response poses risk to performance or whether it will result in better value to the government. In response to this Evaluation Factor, offerors shall address its Manufacturing Equipment; Inspection Method Sheets; Incoming Inspection Sheets; Process Sheets; Quality System Compliance; Welding Certification. In responding to the above areas of the technical capability factor, it is incumbent upon the offeror provide a level of detail the demonstrates to the Government?s satisfaction that the offeror has the technical capability to perform the requirement. If the proposal lacks sufficient detail, it may result in the government assessing risk in the proposal. While there is no prescribed method for demonstrating technical capability, the below are items of interest to the government that the contractor may, at its discretion, address to assist the government in gaining an understanding of the offerors technical capability. Offerors are cautioned that while these areas of interest are not mandatory elements that are required to be addressed, failure to address them or comparable indicia of technical capability, may limit the government?s understanding of technical risk and result in the assignment of commensurate risk. Offerors are also notified that some of these indicia of capability are overlapping, i.e., two or more may evidence the same facet of capability. -Certification of possession or access to the following equipment: For Aluminum and Steel Welded Containers, & Bladebox/riveted construction -Brake Press -Extrusion Dies -CNC machining center(s) capable of lathe and/or milling operations -Copies of inspection method sheets used in-process and/or at final inspection -Copies of incoming inspection documents that show material certificates of conformance, and if applicable, dimensional conformance -Process/Operation sheets to show ability to conform to drawing requirements in-Proof of compliance to ISO9001, and/or, AS9100. -Applicable up-to-date welder certifications showing highest-level certification obtained AWS D1.1 for steel, AWS D1.2 or MIL-W-22248,Class 4 for aluminum, AWS D1.3 for sheet steel and AWS D1.6 for stainless steel. If the offeror address any or all of the above, or provides comparable indicia of capability, it is encouraged to provide supporting evidence and detail, such as but not limited to receipts, certifications, drawings, test results/ logs, maintenance records, calibration records, inspection reports, audits, etc. The weigh accorded to supporting evidence will be at the discretion of the government. The Technical capability proposals will be evaluated to determine the risk of unsuccessful performance as well as relative risk compared to other offerors. This solicitation is hereby extended until 2/20/2024. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. This solicitation is hereby extended to 11/17/2023. Please provide your TT&E pricing for the units as well as a repair price. NAVSUP is looking for pricing for repairs under tier 3. Please see the below tier 3 description for pricing. Tier 3 (Weld Repair): All of the above, weld repair/patch, welding required toremove replace damaged latch assembly,manufacturing/remove/replace custom/modified common hardware. This is a competitive requirement. Offers will be evaluated by Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (LPTA). All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. \ The following remarks are being added to this solicitation: Tier 1 (Inspection/Cleaning/Minor Adjustments): External/Internal Inspection, cleaning and draining inside of base to remove loose debris, remove/replace desiccant, remove/replace installation instructions, adjusting hardware to ensure hermetic seal, stenciling Tier 2 (Remove/Replace Common Components): All of the above, remove/replace common inner frame hardware (screws/bolts/nuts/etc.), remove latch hardware and replace with repair kit, remove replace shockmounts, remove/replace gasket, remove/replace damaged or illegible nameplate, remove/replace humidity indicator, remove/replace valves, remove/replace observation window Tier 3 (Weld Repair): All of the above, weld repair/patch, welding required to remove replace damaged latch assembly, manufacturing/remove/replace custom/modified common hardware. Tier 4 (Manufacturing, Simple): All of the above, manufacturing/remove/replace simple single component parts (plate/tube/etc.). Tier 5 (Manufacturing, Complex): All of the above, manufacture/remove/replace complex assemblies (brackets/frame/mounting assembly/etc.) No repair shall exceed 75% of new container cost. Repair Turnaround Time (RTAT) definition: The contractual delivery requirementis measured from asset Return to the date of asset acceptance under the termsof the contract. For purposes of this section, Return is defined as physicalreceipt of the F-condition asset at the contractor's facility as reflected inthe Action Date entry in the Commercial Asset Visibility (CAV) system. Inaccordance with the CAV Statement of Work, the contractor is required toaccurately report all transactions by the end of the fifth regular businessday after receipt and the Action Date entered in CAV must be dated to reflectthe actual date of physical receipt. The Contractor must obtain final inspection and acceptance by the Governmentfor all assets within the RTATs established in the subsequent contract. Required RTAT: ## 76 days after receipt of asset. Induction Expiration Date: 365 days after contract award date. Any assetreceived after this date in days is not authorized for repair withoutbi-lateral agreement between the Contractor and NAVSUP WSS ContractingOfficer. Reconciliation:A reconciliation modification will be issued after finalInspection and acceptance of all assets inducted under the subsequentcontract. The parties have agreed to a price (shown on the schedule page) foreach unit at the negotiated RTAT. Such prices are based on the Contractormeeting the RTAT requirements described within the schedule page. If theContractor does not meet the applicable RTAT requirement, consideration willbe assessed and subject to negotiation. ALL CONTRACTUAL DOCUMENTS (I.E. CONTRACTS, PURCHASE ORDERS, TASK ORDERSDELIVERY ORDERS AND MODIFICATIONS) RELATED TO THE INSTANT PROCUREMENT ARECONSIDERED TO BE "ISSUED" BY THE GOVERNMENT WHEN COPIES ARE EITHER DEPOSITEDIN THE MAIL, TRANSMITTED BY FACSIMILE, OR SENT BY OTHER ELECTRONIC COMMERCEMETHODS, SUCH AS EMAIL. THE GOVERNMENT'S ACCEPTANCE OF THE CONTRACTOR'SPROPOSAL CONSTITUTES BILATERAL AGREEMENT TO "ISSUE" CONTRACTUAL DOCUMENTS ASDETAILED HEREIN. Early and incremental deliveries accepted and preferred. FAR Part 12 Applies. This is a competitive requirement. Offers will be evaluated by Lowest PriceTechnically Acceptable (LPTA).

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • PHILADELPHIA , PA 19111-5098
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact
