Notice of Intent to Sole Source Requirement
The Department of Veterans Affairs, VA Healthcare System, Network 10 Contracting Office intends to negotiate a sole source contract for Basic Life Support and Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Ambulance Service under Simplified Acquisition Procedures and the authority of FAR Part 6.302-1, Only One Responsible Source for the following services listed below. The associated NAICS code for this is 621910. The vendor will be Huron Valley Ambulance Inc. This will be a short-term, estimated six months, contract to provide continue service. A competitive solicitation will follow.
Description of services:
SERVICE: Service contract to provide Basic Life Support and Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Ambulance Service. The coverage area will be the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System, which includes transportation between the following clinics.
Adrian Michigan (ACBOC), 770 Riverside Ave Adrian, MI 49221
Canton Michigan (CCBOC) 5900 N Lotz Rd Canton, MI 48187
Flint Michigan (FCBOC), 2360 S Lindon Rd Ste 300, Flint, MI 48532
Howell Michigan (HCBOC) 3399 E Grand River Ave Howell, MI 48843
Jackson Michigan (JCBOC), 4328 Page Ave Michigan Center MI 49254
Toledo Ohio (TCBOC), 1200 S Detroit Ave, Toledo, OH 43614
Green Rd Clinic: 2500 Green Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Packard Rd Clinic: 3800 Packard Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Transportation will also include between the Ann Arbor VA Medical Center and the following medical centers:
Battle Creek VA Medical Center, 5500 Armstrong Road, Battle Creek, MI 49037
Detroit VA Medical Center, 4646 John R. St, Detroit, MI 48201, Wayne County
Saginaw VA Medical Center, 1500 Weiss St, Saginaw, MI 48602, Saginaw County
It is the Government's belief that only the proposed candidate possesses the required capabilities to successfully meet this requirement. It is the Government's intention to solicit and negotiate with only this source for this short-term contract. This requirement is to continue services to allow time for a competitive solicitation.
This notice of intent is not a request for competitive proposals. It is not a solicitation or request for offers.
Any response to this notice must show clear and convincing evidence that competition would be advantageous to the Government. Responses must be received NLT 1:00 PM EST on 11/11/2023. No telephonic inquiries will be accepted. All responses must be e-mailed to the contracting officer.