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Notice of Intent to Sole Source for Increase Capacity and Quantities

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General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Special Notice (Original)
  • Original Published Date: Feb 28, 2023 02:03 pm EST
  • Original Response Date: Mar 14, 2023 10:00 am EDT
  • Inactive Policy: 15 days after response date
  • Original Inactive Date:
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • NAICS Code:
    • 237990 - Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction
  • Place of Performance:
    Portsmouth , VA


THIS IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.  Under the authority of 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(2) implemented by FAR 6.302-2, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District, intends to procure, on a sole source basis

This action is to issue a contract modification to increase the capacity and estimated quantities for the 3-year contract period on the Craney Island Earthwork Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) single-award task order contract (SATOC). USACE uses the Craney Earthworks contract to provide for the site improvements at Craney Island Dredged Material Management Area (CIDMMA). Work activities include borrow area preparation for the purpose of dewatering saturated materials for future use, excavation and reclamation of dredged material from prepared borrow area, transport of reclaimed and borrowed materials, and construction of site improvement infrastructure projects with the material. The original potential IDIQ estimated quantities for the contract were awarded based on known requirements. During performance of the contract, additional requirements were incorporated thus utilizing more estimated quantities than planned. Without an appropriate increase in quantities to the contract, it will cause a delay to the design and construction templates. To support ongoing and additional efforts, this proposed contract action will provide for an increase in capacity and estimated quantities on the IDIQ contract values.

CLIN 0003 – Placement of Fill Material on Dikes Measure by Before and After Surveys has an anticipated quantity between 200,000-300,000 cubic yards (CY) per contract year. The anticipated total quantity for CLIN 0003 was estimated at 750,000 for the duration of the contract period. To continue dike raising construction on the IDIQ contract, this modification will increase the estimated quantity of material by 600,000 CY for a total estimate of 1,350,000 CY for the duration of the contract.

CLIN 0004 – Placement of Additional Fill Material Measure By Truck Loads Volume includes fill material placed below the containment cell’s water level and material lost due to immediate settlement in the cell. Material within the interior of Craney Island is predominately fine-grained silty dredged material with a high moisture content. As the perimeter dikes are raised, material placed along the interior toe of the dike is susceptible to immediate settling. Per the contract specifications Section 01 11 00 1.2.2 Project Description “In some areas, additional fill material will be needed for placement on top of soft dredged spoils near the toe of interior dike slopes to build an “initial working platform” which will subsequently support the material placed along the slopes. As the volume of this material cannot be calculated using BD and AD surveys, these quantities will be computed using truck load volume logs for each acceptance area.”

Immediate settling of material along the interior toe during dike construction was anticipated and estimated at 120,000 CY for the duration of the contract. Estimates for CLIN 0004 on TO2 were 25,800 CY, however multiple areas of excessive and unanticipated settlement along the interior toe of the west dike have caused the contractor to place an additional 298,910 CY of material to stabilize the dike surface and replace the material lost beneath the water level. On Task Order 3 the estimated quantity for CLIN 0004 was 47,600 CY.  Further settlement and material loss was experienced by the contractor during raising of the north dike and construction of an initial working platform for the sub-containment cell within the center cell of the CIDMMA. In total, an additional 151,079 CY of material was used on TO3 under CLIN 0004. Changes in this modification include increasing the estimated quantity on the IDIQ contract by 500,000 CY to account for the extensive and unanticipated amounts of settling and material loss within the cells and to provide adequate capacity for issuance of future task orders.

CLIN 0005 Gradation Testing at the Craney Island Borrow Areas is for the testing of every 3,000 cubic yards of material removed from the borrow areas. Anticipated quantities for gradation testing were 300 during the contract period. Following the payment requirements outlined in specifications Section 01 22 00 paragraph, an increase in estimated placed material under CLIN 0003 and 0004 requires an increase in quantities for gradation testing. With an increase of 600,000 CY in CLIN 0003 and 151,079 CY in CLIN 0004 as outlined above, this modification would increase the estimated quantity on the IDIQ contract by 251 tests, for a total of 551 estimated tests for the duration of the contract.

CLIN 0008 Hydroseeding includes the establishment of permanent stands of grass on the slopes of the new construction dike area, measured by acres. Estimates for hydroseeding for the duration of the contract was at 75 acres. On Task Order 2, 28 acres was awarded and on Task Order 3, 44.3 acres was awarded. To provide adequate capacity for remaining work to be performed under future task orders on the IDIQ contract, this modification would increase the estimated quantity on the IDIQ contract by 75 acres.

Due to increase in estimated quantities, the overall capacity limit will increase by $3,000,000 dollars bringing the total capacity amount to $20,000,000. The anticipated quantity increase award date is 04 April 2023. The current period of performance is from 22 April 2021 to 22 April 2024.

The Contracting Officer intends to prepare a Justification and Approval documentation (J&A) for the increase of quantities to the IDIQ. All potential responsible sources wishing to demonstrate ability to meet the agency’s requirements may submit a written response with technical capabilities statement, which if timely received, will be considered by the agency. This notice of intent is not a request for competitive proposals. It is a market research tool being used to determine the availability of other qualified sources that can meet the requirements identified above.  The Government is not obligated to and will not pay for any information received from potential sources as a result of this notice of intent.

This Notice of Intent is hereby published in accordance with FAR 5.201. A determination by the Government not to compete this proposed contract based upon responses to this notice is solely within the discretion of the Government.  Information received will normally be considered solely for the purpose of determining whether to conduct a competitive procurement.

The Norfolk District will consider any responses to this notice received within fifteen (15) calendar days of the posting of the notice.  Responses may be submitted via email to, copy to

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • NORFOLK , VA 23510-1096
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact
