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Notice of Intent to Noncompetitively Acquire Ultra-High Vacuum Translators

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General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Special Notice (Original)
  • Original Published Date: Oct 10, 2024 09:44 am EDT
  • Original Response Date: Oct 24, 2024 05:00 pm EDT
  • Inactive Policy: 15 days after response date
  • Original Inactive Date: Nov 08, 2024
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • NAICS Code:
    • 334516 - Analytical Laboratory Instrument Manufacturing
  • Place of Performance:
    Gaithersburg , MD 20899


Announcement Type: Special Notice
Classification Code: 6695

Announcement Number: NB683140-25-00021 (NOI)

Subject: Notice of Intent to Noncompetitively Acquire Ultra-High Vacuum Translators

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) requires ultra-high vacuum translators to set up a scanning probe microscopy (SPM) lab at NIST.  This lab will be identical to an existing SPM lab at NIST and will share equipment between the two laboratories.  To fulfill this requirement, NIST requires an ultra-high vacuum Rack and Pinion Rotary Linear translator and a single axis translator to position sample/probes in the ultra-high vacuum systems. The translators must be identical and interchangeable with the existing translators in the existing SPM laboratory.

This notice is not a request for a quotation. A solicitation document will not be issued and quotations will not be requested.

This acquisition is being conducted under the authority of FAR 13.106-1(b) via FAR 13.106-1(b). The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this acquisition is 334516, Analytical Laboratory Instrument Manufacturing.

The purpose of this solicitation is to purchase ultra-high vacuum translators to be used at the newly built scanning probe microscopy (SPM) laboratory which must be interchangeable with the already existing NIST SPM laboratory’s equipment. The SPM laboratories are used to characterize quantum material geometric and electronic structures with atomic resolution. The translators are mechanical units that allow samples and other items to be moved inside the vacuum chambers, which are part of the SPM laboratory.

The SPM laboratory supporting this project is currently equipped with a Thermionics Rack and Pinion translator with synchronous motor and controller (Model Number: RPLR-.75-12/VM/MYL-W4/RLS-PMO/MYR-5:1P) and a Thermionics 3-axis jacking stage with synchronous motor and controller (Model Number: Model ECT-B800C-T800T-5.75-8/3LS/MY-Z/LS-Z), both of which are manufactured by Thermionics Northwest, Inc. After thorough evaluation, it has been determined the equipment from manufacturer, Thermionics, is essential for several reasons:

1. Compatibility and Continuity:

Once completed, the two SPM laboratories will be identical, and will share equipment between the two laboratories.  To complete the new SPM laboratory, NIST requires ultra-high vacuum translators to position sample/probes in the ultra-high vacuum systems. The translators must be identical and interchangeable with the existing units previously purchased from Thermionics Northwest, Inc. which are currently installed in the existing SPM laboratory.  In the event of a failure, this compatibility will allow us to interchange the entire units between labs to keep vacuum integrity and critical experiments running and interchange components to maintain in-vacuum positioning and alignment which is required in critical experiments. 

Interchangeability requires that the units have an identical footprint, including operating characteristics, proprietary motors, motor controllers, and electrical connections identical so that they can be interchanged between laboratories when needed. No other vendor can provide translators with identical footprints, operating characteristics, motors, controllers, electrical connections, cables etc. that meet the technical specifications and compatibility requirements required by NIST. If NIST were to obtain a non-compatible translator from a different vendor, NIST would then have to replace the entire vacuum system in our lab achieve the capabilities listed in the SOW. Thermionics Northwest, Inc. is the one vendor that can meet the requirement for full compatibility. Thermionics Northwest Inc. has no authorized resellers.

2. Technical Specifications:  The required translators must have the following technical specifications.

    1.  2.75 CF OD mounting flange
    2. 0.75” diameter linear shaft
    3. 0.375” diameter rotary shaft
    4. 12” linear stroke
    5. /VM: suitable for vertical operation
    6. /MYL-W4: Actuation of linear movement by synchronous motor with 25:1 ratio worm gear
    7. /RLS-PMO: Adjustable end limit switches, parallel mount option
    8. /MYR-5:1P: Actuation of rotation by synchronous motor w/5:1
    9. Synchronous motor controller, single axis handheld unit with momentary switch, Fixed motor speed of 72 RPM, 120 VAC 60 Hz input with 10' AC power cable and 15' motor cable
    10. Synchronous motor controller, single axis handheld unit with momentary switch, Fixed motor speed of 72 RPM, 120 VAC 60 Hz input, /LV - Low voltage end limit input with 10' AC power cable and 15' motor cable

The required 3-Axis Jacking Stage must have the following technical specifications.

  1. 8" CF base flange detail, clearance holes, made into solid 10" O.D. stainless steel plate
  2. 8" CF travel flange detail, tapped holes, made into solid 10" O.D. stainless plate
  3. 5.75" I.D. stainless steel welded bellows 8" stroke
  4. 3 Lead screws and 3 guide rods with position indication
  5. MY-Z: Synchronous motor drive, less controller
  6. LS-Z: Limit switch set
  7. Synchronous motor controller, single axis handheld unit with momentary switch, fixed motor speed of 72 RPM, 120 VAC 60 Hz input, /LV - Low voltage end limit input

NIST conducted market research from May 2024 through September 2024 by internet searches and discussions with sources. The results of that market research revealed that only Thermionics Northwest Inc., 231-B Otto Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368 UEI: UC1QAS6LEX49 appears to be capable of meeting NIST’s requirements.

However, any sources that believe they are capable of meeting NIST’s minimum requirements are encouraged to respond to this notice by the response date to provide the following information at a minimum: Company Unique Entity Identifier number in; details about what your company is capable of providing that meets or exceeds NIST’s minimum requirements; whether your company is an authorized reseller of the product or service being cited and evidence of such authorization; and any other information that can help NIST determine whether this requirement may be competitively satisfied.

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