Alexandria VA Medical Center
Computrition Software for Food and Nutrition Care Management -
The Alexandria VA Medical Center, located at 2495 Shreveport Highway. Pineville, LA 71360-4044 is seeking market research to identify possible sources to provide the following software and equipment:
Salient Characteristics
The Contractor shall provide Menu and Food Service Management (MFSM) software that shall link to the in-house patient database VISTA and may be integrated with other VAMCs as necessary for shared services and production reports. The software shall accommodate future growth, changes in meal service or delivery systems, and be capable of individualization within facility specifications. The Contractor shall provide the MFSM software with a graphical user interface (GUI) display in a windows-based environment.
The Contractor shall provide a system capable of supporting autonomous Nutrition and Food Service operations at the VAMC; which includes associated clinics, alternative food delivery locations, Community Based Outpatient Clinics and Veteran domiciliary facilities. The Contractor shall provide a centralized database with schemas to support these autonomous operations. The Contractor shall provide a system able to accommodate multiple data feeds (HL7 or comparable) from each of the autonomous operations. The Contractor shall provide a System Architecture Document detailing data base and functional architecture including data centers, facilities, and intra-relationships of these.
A. MFSM System Architecture Document
The Contractor shall provide a fully integrated MFSM software module that interfaces with both VISTA and the Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) software described in Section 5.3. The MFSM software shall, at a minimum, be capable of the following:
1) System Security
· Provide the user with the ability to edit/overwrite selected fields in a file (as opposed to only being allowed to overwrite an entire file)
· Provide the Software Administrator the ability to grant read-write, read-only, or hidden access on a field-by-field basis to other users
2) Ingredients
· Receive ingredient cost and data updates from vendors
· Add/update ingredients
· Calculate amount of food to be ordered where some waste is expected as part of the food preparation process (as opposed to edible portion)
· Electronic transmittal of food orders to vendors
· Maintain quantity and cost inventory
· Ability to use menus to calculate the quantities of food to be ordered. Calculations shall incorporate information from the menu, forecasted/actual census needs, on-hand inventory, and anticipated use linked to vendor stock numbers.
3) Recipes
· Enter/edit recipes
· Calculate portion sizes and yields based on entered recipe to assist in identifying ingredient and recipe errors.
· Must allow for alterations in yield based on cooking loss/gain. (E.g., fried foods gain fat and many foods lose water based on time cooked.)
· Capable of adjusting recipe to production scale
· Show difference between recipes for Ready to Serve (RTS) product, scratch product, and product with embedded recipe
4) Production Planning and Details
· Automatically create tally of patient menus
· Use the information from automatic tally to generate production, inventory, ordering, and shipping reports
· Provide production forecasting
· Provide production reports including pull lists, advance production, special handling, and ingredient control measurement lists
· Provide Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) and tracking reports
· Provide lists for tube feeding and floor stock delivery
· Utilize par stock concept to maintain and replenish stock
5) Menus
· Allow multiple serving sites at one time
· Calculates and display cost and nutritional content as menu is developed
· Capable of one-time correction for menu in use without loss of original cycle
6) Patient Specific Preferences and Allergies
· Ability to identify potential allergens in foods and in existing menus
· System must be able to selectively eliminate foods per patient preferences/cultural restrictions
7) Forecasting
· Maintain historical data and provide reporting tools for trend analysis and identification of potential problems with production, distribution, purchasing, inventory, product sources, waste and pilferage
· Provide production forecasting
· Allow for multiple approaches to forecasting
8) Accounting
· Provide customizable reports. Report settings shall provide the ability to filter the data. Report settings shall be able to be saved for future use. These reports shall be viewable on the screen, printed, or exported to a variety of other formats such as Excel, PDF, HTML, Rich Text, and graphic.
· Provide costing reports that analyze user defined periods
· Display costs on-screen during recipe and menu implementation
The Contractor shall provide Software User documentation that shows step-by-step instructions.
The Contractor shall provide a system capable of supporting facility specified concurrent users without a noticeable reduction in speed and/or processing.Â
A. MFSM Software licenses with rights to program recovery
B. MFSM Software User Documentation
The Contractor shall build and provide the initial food data sets prior to software implementation. Food data files shall consist of Government-provided data including ingredients, recipes, menus, food preferences, and allergies.
A. Food Data File
The Contractor shall provide a fully integrated Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) software module that supports select and non-select tray ticket inpatient meal delivery systems for the VAMC facility. The fully integrated MNT software module shall interface with both VISTA and the MFSM Software and shall include the following capabilities:
1. Select Menu
2. Patient Cardex
3. Nutrient Analysis (Data from USDA, manufactures data, branded items)
4. No hold/Late trays
The Contractor shall provide a fully integrated MNT software module that shall:
1. Contrast between buffet, self-select, and menu-driven (standard non-select) options.
2. Provide a comprehensive food allergy and preferences package including:
a. Ability to assign recipe preferences (as a dislike or like)
b. If it is a disliked preference, the software shall automatically replace the menu item as designated by the preferences,
c. Provide a report for the associated preferences for any given recipe
d. Flag preference conflicts on the screen or printout menu.
3. Provide meals on altered schedules and customize to patient needs
4. Provide nutrient analysis of menus and individual patient s calorie counts.
5. Automatically pre-edit and correct menus and tray tickets. The user shall be provided with the ability to:
a. Initiate performance of checks and corrections of the menus offered, and selections made for each patient to account for diet restrictions, calculated meal patterns, allergies, drug/food interaction, likes, dislikes, and preferences
b. Display corrections on the screen or printed.
c. Flag on the screen or on a printout menu conflicts for diet restrictions, food preferences, and allergies.
6. Provide nourishment management (supplemental feedings) that shall be automatically assigned via menus and are patient specific.
7. Allow supplemental feedings to be ordered for a specific day of the week and meal service time.
8. Nourishment labels shall be able to be printed using multiple formats and sizes as well as displaying multiple nourishment items on a single label.
The Contractor shall provide software user documentation that shows step by step instructions.
The Contractor shall provide a system capable of supporting facility specified concurrent users without a noticeable reduction in speed and/or processing.Â
A. MNT Software licenses with rights to program recovery
B. MNT Software User Documentation
The Contractor shall adapt, test, and implement all software with a Clinical Information System (CIS) HL7 unidirectional interface with VISTA/CPRS Electronic Health Record (EHR) and the Nutrition Automated Information System (AIS) software within the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) National System. The interface shall provide a link to the in-house patient database, VISTA, and shall have the ability to integrate with the VAMC community-based clinics or other VAMCs as necessary for any shared services and production reports. The Contractor shall satisfy the requirements of the Class III Field Development process and shall pass all the technical reviews. The Contractor shall provide a test plan and test report for the testing of the HL7 interface software. The Contractor shall provide user manuals for the HL7 interface software. The software HL7 interface engine shall provide continuous data transmission from VISTA for the following data elements:
1. Name
2. Social Security Number (SSN)
3. Religion
4. Allergies
5. Date of Birth
6. Race
7. Diagnosis
8. Height
9. Weight
10. Diet Orders
11. Enteral Feeding Orders
12. Ward/Room/Bed Assignments
The contractor shall provide a system capable of supporting facility specified concurrent users without a noticeable reduction in speed and/or processing.Â
All contractor employees and subcontractor employees requiring access to VA information and VA information systems shall complete the following before being granted access to VA information and its systems:
Response to Training Section:
This is not applicable to the Computrition system as all patient related data is located in the on-premises Oracle database server only. Â Access to the database via the software is controlled through access credentials and security roles. Access to the database server itself would be restricted and controlled by local IT staff
Sign and acknowledge (either manually or electronically) understanding of and responsibilities for compliance with the Contractor Rules of Behavior, Appendix E relating to access to VA information and information systems.
Successfully complete the VA Cyber Security & Privacy Awareness and Rules of Behavior training and annually complete required security training.
Successfully complete the appropriate VA privacy training and annually complete required privacy training; and
Successfully complete any additional cyber security or privacy training, as required by VA personnel with equivalent information system access (to be defined by the VA program official and provided to the contracting officer for inclusion in the solicitation document e.g., any role-based information security training required in accordance with NIST Special Publication 800-16, Information Technology Security Training Requirements.)
The intent of this Request for Information is to establish sources to define the procurement strategy (e.g set-aside, sole source, unrestricted) for a solicitation that VA intends to post in the near future. Interested contractors are requested to respond in accordance with the following:
Please respond to this RFI if you can provide the exact brand name products listed in the table in the background section above. In the response please cite your business size status.
If you have an existing GSA or VA, Federal Supply Schedule contract, please include the contract details in your response.
Please respond to this RFI if you can provide supplies that can be determined EQUIVALENT to the products listed in the table in the background section above. Please provide details on the proposed EQUIVALENT products such as Manufacturer Name, Part Number, and Description.
If you have an existing GSA or VA, Federal Supply Schedule contract, please include the contract details in your response.
Please note that VA is particularly interested in determining the availability of Small Business Manufacturers. If your company is a small business manufacturer of similar items, please respond to this RFI.
Please email all responses to Please respond to this RFI no later than March 16, 2022 @2:30 PM CST
DISCLAIMER: This RFI is issued solely for informational and planning purposes and does not constitute a solicitation. Responses to this notice are not offers and cannot be accepted by the Department of Veterans Affairs to form a binding contract. Respondents are solely responsible for all expenses associated with responding to this RFI.