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NREL - Solar Energy Research Facility (SERF) and Science & Technology Facility (S&TF) Ventilation Restoration

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General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Combined Synopsis/Solicitation (Updated)
  • Updated Published Date: Nov 17, 2022 09:02 am MST
  • Original Published Date: Sep 09, 2022 03:22 pm MDT
  • Updated Date Offers Due: Nov 18, 2022 05:00 pm MST
  • Original Date Offers Due: Nov 04, 2022 05:00 pm MDT
  • Inactive Policy: Manual
  • Updated Inactive Date: Dec 31, 2022
  • Original Inactive Date: Dec 31, 2022
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • NAICS Code:
    • 238220 - Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors
  • Place of Performance:
    Golden , CO 80401


11/17/22 - Amendment 4 and 5 Posted (see attachments)

10/27/22 - Amendment 3 Posted (see attachments).

10/25/22 - Amendment 1 & 2 posted (see attachments)

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is a national laboratory owned by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). NREL is the only federal laboratory dedicated to research, development, commercialization, and deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. NREL is managed and operated for DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy by The Alliance for Sustainable Energy (Alliance), the “M&O Contractor.”

The Solar Energy Research Facility (SERF) on the South Table Mountain (STM) campus of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) was constructed in 1991 – 1992 and has been heavily utilized to support the Laboratory’s research mission.  As a result, the existing ventilation system is not only aged but is at or near capacity. The branch lines of the exhaust system to the chemical hoods have been damaged by historical use of corrosives and installing new dedicated corrosive stations in the SERF and Science and Technology Facility (S&TF) will prevent future damage, while allowing necessary work to continue. Most of the chemical fume hoods in the SERF are old and in need of replacement as well.  These measures are needed to enhance the reliability of the SERF to support future research missions.

Description of Work:

**The design documents and exhibits for this project will be provided by the Subcontract Administrator upon request via a link.**

This project is to provide additional laboratory air exhaust capacity to the center wing of the SERF, replace the chemical fume hoods in the West and Center wings of the SERF, and create separate and dedicated corrosive chemical fume hood operations in the SERF and S&TF.

The design documents for this work in the Exhibit A Drawings and Exhibit B Specifications are split into phases:

Phase 1(Base Scope)

Add two dedicated corrosive etching stations in the S&TF to allow the transfer of highly corrosive etching work.

Phase 2A (Base Scope)

Split the SERF penthouse exhaust plenum into two sections.  Replace the exhaust risers from the second floor and duct into the plenum connected to exhaust fans EAF-5 & 6.  Install a second, redundant, heat recovery/exhaust system, filter system, and rework the second-floor risers to terminate in the plenum connected to the Phase 2A exhaust system.

Phase 2B (Base Scope)

Replace the SERF exhaust risers from the first floor and duct into the plenum connected to the 2A fans. Replace existing exhaust fans EAF 5&6. Rework the first-floor exhaust ductwork to terminate in the plenum connected to the replaced fans.

Phase 3 (Add Alternate 1)

Replace fume hoods and feeder ducts in the SERF West wing one laboratory at a time.

Phase 4 (Add Alternate 2)

Replace fume hoods and feeder ducts in the SERF Center wing one laboratory at a time or at the same time as Phase 2. Rooms C113, C114, C116 and C117 are Class 1000 (ISO Class 6) cleanroom spaces.  The C116 and C118 are cleanroom service/return air spaces.  At the completion of work impacting these areas cleanliness status must be re-established.

Phase 5 (Add Alternate 3)

Add two dedicated corrosive etching stations in the SERF to allow the transfer of highly corrosive etching work. Add two exhaust fans dedicated to the etching stations.  Add one chemical fume hood.

In addition to the Exhibit A Drawings and Exhibit B Specifications, Exhibit G contains a narrative from the Engineer of Record explaining the project scope in more detail.


Offerors shall have a bona-fide office located within 50 miles of NREL’s South Table Mountain Campus or shall be able to demonstrate their capability to perform in these areas:

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

South Table Mountain Campus (STM)

15013 Denver West Parkway

Golden, CO  80401

Other Requirements:

No subcontract award will be made to any contractor that is not registered or in the process of registering with the System for Award Management (SAM). Please visit the SAM website at for instructions on how to register.

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • PO BOX 4011 MAILSTOP RSF-041
  • Golden , CO 80402
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact
