Statement of Work
Upgrade Existing Fire Alarm System Project No. 635-20-101
The Government s objective is to meet the fire alarm and suppression system requirements set forth by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) for Fire Protection Alarm Systems and Fire Suppression Systems, to ensure the safety of personnel and preservation of unit assets. Specifically, the Oklahoma City Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) is seeking General Contractor firms to provide all construction services for the upgrade of existing fire alarm system. It is the intent of this solicitation to follow the design and specifications. Verification of all existing conditions shall be done, and anything overlooked or not included in the proposal required for code compliance should be verified and promptly reported to the COR.
Scope of Work:
The Oklahoma City Veterans Affairs Medical Center (OKCVAMC) will undergo a fire alarm system upgrade. This project includes construction items for addition, modification, and upgrade to bring the facility into compliance with NFPA 72. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, tools, materials, transportation, and equipment, disposal of waste, supervision and personnel to meet the requirements for the upgrade of the fire alarm system. No work outside the Statement of Work (SOW) is authorized, the contractor is responsible for contracting the Contracting Officer (CO) if they believe additional work outside the original scope is necessary.
This project provides a design to bring the current fire alarm system into compliance with NFPA 72.
Performance Requirements:
The contractor shall perform all requirements listed below. Refer to the Attachments sections below for a list of all the drawings and specifications.
Basis of design for construction reference NFPA 72 version 2020.
Building #20 fire alarm system is brought into the new fire alarm system with new devices, detectors, flow switch, tampers switches and audio visual.
Sub-Basement upgrade of components of fire service and fire pump are being upgraded, with regard to tamper and flow switches.
Building #1 select stairwells pull stations and strobes added.
AHU duct detectors added at select locations.
Carbon monoxide system is being added to Boiler Plant area to comply with VA standards and NFPA 72.
Speakers have been added to increase audibility throughout the hospital, and existing speakers are being replaced on a one for one basis.
Visual notification has been added in select portions of the facility to increase visibility.
Server Room smoke detectors to be replaced to create a more accessible device for maintenance.
Performance Standards:
Proper adherence to all safety procedures is required prior to, during, and after work being performed. The contractor shall furnish all personal protective equipment (PPE) as required. The contractor shall safeguard the public and Government personnel, property, materials, supplies, and equipment exposed to contractor operations and activities, and avoid interruptions of
Government operations in the performance of services. The contractor shall be solely responsible for the management, including all associated labor, equipment, materials, mailing costs, and inspection, to meet the requirements of this project.
Phasing Schedule & Continuity of Medical Center Operation:
The contractor shall coordinate and communicate with the Contracting Officer Representative (COR) to develop an approved phasing schedule to minimize interference with medical center operations and ensure Veteran s healthcare is not impeded. Additionally, the contractor shall give a minimum of 24 hours notice to commencement of work by notifying the COR by both telephone and an email.
Pre-Construction Conference:
The contractor agrees to attend the pre-construction conference convened by the CO in accordance with FAR 42.5. The CO, COR and other Government personnel, as appropriate, may meet periodically with the contractor to review the contactor s performance. At these meetings, the CO will apprise the contractor of how the Government views the contractor s performance and the contractor shall apprise the Government of problems, if any, being experienced. The contractor shall resolve outstanding issues raised by the Government. Contractor attendance at these meetings shall be at no additional cost to the Government.
Place of Performance:
Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center, Oklahoma City 921 NE 13th Street
Oklahoma City, Ok 73104
Period of Performance:
The period of performance for this project shall be 300 days from the Notice to Proceed (NTP).
Hours of Work:
The hours of work shall take place during the normal business hours of 7:30 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday, Federal Holidays excluded. Request for weekend, after-hour, and Federal holiday work is permitted with a request in writing submitted beforehand. Off hours are not to billed as overtime. Federal Holidays and any other day declared a federal holiday by the President of the United States are defined below.
New Year s DayMartin
Luther King Jr s Day
Presidents Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
Juneteenth Day
If a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday will be observed as the National Holiday. When a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday is observed as a National Holiday by the U.S. Government.
All work is to have a limited impact on the facility, veterans, and employees. This may require evening or weekend hours and will be identified in the schedule. All after hours work should be scheduled in advance.
Postponement/Delays: In the event climate or weather conditions become unsuitable for work or may induce an environmental hazard, then the entire work shall be rescheduled to a date and time satisfactory to the Contractor and the COR. Postponement due to inclement weather will not cause assessment of the penalty provision outlined above, nor should there be an additional cost to the Government.
All work shall be scheduled and performed within the date and time approved by the COR, in conjunction with the department occupying the space served by this equipment.
Roles and Responsibilities:
The Contracting Officer (CO) is responsible for monitoring contract compliance, contract administration, cost control and for resolving any differences between the observations documented by the COR and the contractor. The CO will designate one full-time COR as the government authority for performance management. The number of additional representatives serving as technical inspectors depends on the complexity of the services measured, as well as the contractor s performance, and must be identified and designated by the CO.
The COR The COR is designated in writing by the KO to act as his or her authorized representative to assist in administering a contract. COR limitations are contained in the written appointment letter. The COR is responsible for technical administration of the project and ensures proper government surveillance of the contractor s performance. The COR is not empowered to make any contractual commitments or to authorize any contractual changes on the government s behalf. Any changes that the contractor deems may affect contract price, terms, or conditions shall be referred to the KO for action. The COR will have the responsibility for completing QA monitoring forms used to document the inspection and evaluation of the contractor s work performance. Government surveillance may occur under the inspection of services clause for any service relating to the contract.
The Contractor shall follow all applicable codes and standards to this type of work including but not limited to Health Care System Memorandums (HCSM), OSHA Guidelines, NFPA 101, NFPA 70, Lock-out-Tag-out, and Rules of Station. VA has adopted the latest edition of the following codes and standards as a minimum for all projects performed in the modernization, alteration, addition, or improvement of its real property and the construction of new structures. VA design Manuals and Master Specifications specify other codes and standards that VA follows on its projects:
VA Directives, Design Manuals, Master Specifications, VA National CAD Standard Application Guide, and other Guidance on the Technical Information Library (TIL) PG-18-1 Master Construction Specifications
PG-18-3 Design and Construction Procedures PG-18-4 Standard Details and CAD Standards VA BIM Manual V2.2
PG-18-5 Equipment Guide List H-18-8 VA Seismic Design Handbook PG-18-9 Space Planning Criteria
PG-18-10 Design Manuals (by discipline)
PG-18-12 Design Guides (graphical, by function) PG-18-13 Barrier Free Design Guides
PG-18-14 Room Finishes, Door, and Hardware Schedules (consult COR for local standards)
PG-18-15 Minimum Requirements for A/E Submissions PG-18-17 Environmental Compliance Manual
H-7545 VA Cultural Resource Management
VA Handbook 0056, Sustainable Building Program VA Directive 0056, Sustainable Building Program
VA Directive 0055, VA Energy and Water Management Program NFPA 101 Life Safety Code
NFPA National Fire Codes
International Building Code (IBC) and all other International Code Series (IPC, IMC, IECC, IFGC, etc.) when applicable or referenced in VA Design documents/ guides.
Occupational, Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards. National Electrical Code (NEC)
Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) A 17.1.
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code ASME Code for Pressure Piping
Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards (ABAAS) including VA supplement, Barrier Free Design Guide (PG-18-13)
Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete, American Concrete Institute and Commentary (ACI 318)
Manual of Steel Construction, Load and Resistance Factor Design Specifications for Structural Steel Buildings, American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)
Energy policy Act of 2007 (EPAct)
DOE Interim Final Rule: Energy Conservation Standards for New Federal, Commercial and Multi- Family High-Rise Residential Buildings and New Low-Rise Residential Buildings, 10 CFR Parts 433, 434 and 435.
Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings: Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
Executive Order 13423: Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management.
The Provisions for Construction and Safety Signs. Stated in the General Requirements Section 01010 of the VA Master Construction Specification.
Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality ASHRAE Standard 62.1- 2013. Safety Standard for Refrigeration Systems ASHRAE Standard 15 2016.
Quality Control:
Quality Control (QC): The contractor shall develop and maintain an effective QC Plan (QCP) to ensure services are performed in accordance with this SOW. The contractor shall develop and implement procedures to identify, prevent, and ensure non-recurrence of defective services. The contractor s QCP is the means by which it assures itself that its work complies with the requirements of the contract.
Acceptance Standards:
The VA reserves the right to dispute completion of contract scope if contract work is found not in accordance with manufacturer recommendations, is not satisfactorily executed, or if the system is
not properly tested and inspected to achieve certification. All work completed by the Contractor must be reviewed and approved by the VA. Work must be approved for one location of each type of fixture prior to proceeding with all other locations specified. If conditions that exist that are not like the location previously approved the contractor shall get approval prior proceeding with work in locations with similar conditions.
Contractor Employee Qualifications/Licenses:
Contractor shall provide personnel who have the knowledge, qualifications, and working experience to perform the functions outlined in this SOW. Contractor must be licensed and certified to work on fire alarm panels, and systems per:
Oklahoma Administrative Code: Title 380 Department of Labor, chapter 75 alarm and locksmith industry rules, subchapter 3 license requirements.
Safety and Prevention:
In the performance of this contract, the contractor shall take such safety precautions as necessary to protect the lives and health of occupants of the building.
The Contractor shall immediately correct any fire and safety deficiencies caused by his/her personnel. If the Contractor fails or refused to correct deficiencies promptly, the Contracting Officer may issue an order stopping all or any part of the work and hold the contractor in default of the contract.
The Contractor shall comply with applicable Federal, State and local safety and fire regulations and codes which are in effect at the beginning of the contract. The contractor shall keep abreast of and comply with changes in these requirements and codes applicable to the contract. The requirements include but are not limited to, those found in Federal and State Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) statutes and regulations, such as applicable provisions of Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 1910 and 1926. Contractor is solely responsible for determining the legal requirements that apply to activities, and shall ensure safe and healthful working conditions for its employees
The Contractor s personnel shall follow applicable facility policies concerning fire/disaster programs.
All materials and equipment will be removed from the facility or stored properly at the end of the workday and secured during the workday. Under no circumstances will the Contractor allow for any equipment to be left unattended for any length of time.
The Contractor shall comply with all applicable Federal, State and local legal requirements regarding workers health and safety.
The Contractor shall assume the responsibility to guard against causing of fires and/or explosions and to protect Government Property.
The Contractor shall perform the work in a manner consistent with the area security and fire safety regulations especially with regard to exits and exit way access. Utility shutdowns shall not compromise security, communication, or fire safety for occupants.
No flammable liquids shall be stored or used in the medical center.
The necessary number and appropriate types of portable fire extinguishers are required per National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) 10 and NFPA 241. Contractor shall keep certification onsite at all times of extinguisher inspections.
The Contractor shall receive from the COR a permit for all cutting, welding, and soldering 24 hours in advance. All permits shall be prominently displayed during all construction.
All necessary precautions shall be taken by the contractor to prevent accidental operation of any existing smoke detectors or sprinkler heads.
The Contractor shall assume responsibility of environmental protection of all material storage.
Accident Prevention:
Precaution shall always be exercised for the protection of persons (including employees) and property. These shall include, but not be limited to, the installation of adequate safety guards and protective devices for all equipment and machinery, whether used in the performance of work or permanently installed as part of the work. Contractor shall comply with all applicable laws relating to safety precautions, including the safety regulations of the Division of Industrial Safety, Department of Industrial Regulations of the state.
Environmental Protection:
In order to provide for abatement and control of all environmentally hazardous materials arising from demolition and/or construction activities, the Contractor shall comply with all applicable environmentally hazardous material control and abatement and all applicable provisions of the Corps of Engineers Manual EM 385-1-1, General Safety Requirements as well as the specific requirements stated elsewhere in the Contract Documents.
The Contractor is responsible for daily cleanup of all areas affected by its work. Areas in use or affected shall be returned to condition in which they were turned over or initially found. VA Housekeeping shall not be dispatched for cleaning associated with contractor work.
The Contractor shall take every precaution in preserving flooring, finishes, equipment, and furniture in areas of work. The Contractor shall repair or replace any damage incurred during its work at their expense.
Contractor shall use freight elevators for transmission of materials and personnel. Contractor shall take every precaution in preserving the elevators, including the hoist way and lobby doors, interior finishes, and shall conduct all good practices in observing lifting and motor components tolerances. Any damage incurred to any elevator component due to negligence will be repaired at expense of the contractor, within the workday of incurred damage.
Badges and Parking:
All Contractor personnel are required comply with VAAR 852.273-74 (Available online at VA Technical Information Library) which covers the following requirements: background checks, and the wearing of identification (I. D.) badges issued by the VA Sheridan VAMC. Contractor must acquire badge, of appropriate level, for all staff onsite prior to work beginning. While on VA Facilities grounds, temporary or official I.D. badges shall be worn continuously. Failure of the background check may result in specific personnel being disallowed to work on VA premises and the Contractor will need to provide replacement personnel.
It is the responsibility of the Contractor s personnel to park in the appropriate designated parking areas. The designated parking area will be specified by COR and VA Police upon award of contract. While performing under this contract, all vehicles used by the contractor shall be locked and the keys removed when not in use. This is intended to protect the contractor s property and the safety of the patients at the medical center. Due to parking constraints, the number of contractor vehicles on site might be limited per the COR or VA Police.
Building Access:
The COR shall issue the contractor one key. The COR shall provide the Contractor access to all buildings and rooms required in the provisions of this contract. The Contractor shall notify the COR when leaving these areas. The contractor shall ensure to return all keys that were issued issued back to the COR after work is completed, failure to return key(s) will result in a charge of $150 per key which the contractor will be responsible for paying.
Clearances/Access Controls: Contractor and all personnel shall comply with the security clearances or access controls of areas within the Medical Center. In the event that the Contractor has to obtain access to areas that require special security precautions the COR will notify the contractor prior to access.
Stamped and Sealed Construction Drawings
Construction Specifications
Construction Design Narrative