Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Small Business Vendor Day
Note: There have been new actions to this contract opportunity. To view the most recent action, please click here.
General Information
- Contract Opportunity Type: Special Notice (Original)
- Original Published Date: Nov 21, 2023 10:27 am EST
- Original Response Date: Jan 15, 2024 03:00 pm EST
- Inactive Policy: Manual
- Original Inactive Date: Jan 16, 2240
- Initiative:
- Original Set Aside:
- Product Service Code:
- NAICS Code:
- Place of Performance: Atlantic City , NJUSA
WHAT: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Small Business Vendor Day
LOCATION: FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center (WJHTC), (next to Atlantic City International Airport), Atlantic City, New Jersey.
WHEN: Wednesday, January 24th, 2024, from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm
PURPOSE: The purpose of this FAA Small Business Vendor Day is to provide outreach to small businesses with special emphasis on small, disadvantaged, women-owned, HUBZone and service-disabled veteran-owned businesses.
VENDOR DAY DRAFT AGENDA: The speaking Agenda in the Auditorium will feature information about technical NAS engineering programs, IT acquisition strategy, and Agency programs. See attached document, Vendor Day Draft Agenda, for more information. Also, FAA programs and managers will have tables in the Atrium area of the WJHTC to provide an informal atmosphere in which industry may interact with FAA program officials and procurement decision makers. Please note, the attached draft agenda is still in the planning stages and is subject to change.
Small businesses that are registered in the System for Award Management. Due to the technical nature of the draft speaking Agenda, it is recommended that a small business has one or more of the following NAICS codes listed below:
541330 - Engineering Services
541511 – Custom Computer Programming Services
541512 – Computer Systems Design Services
541513 – Computer Facilities Management Services
541519 - Other Computer Related Services
All vendors’ companies must have current registration in the System for Award Management (SAM). This event is first-come-first-serve and registration will be closed once the maximum capacity of registrants is reached. There is no cost to attend this event. PRE-REGISTRATION FOR THIS EVENT IS MANDATORY. Individuals who arrive without having registered will NOT be permitted access to the facility. Even if a vendor already has an FAA-Approved Technical Center access badge, he must still register for this event, per the instructions below.
Upon arrival, event attendees must stop at Gate #18 to obtain a visitor badge from security, park their car, and load a bus for transportation to drop off to Parking Lot A. Please be sure to bring a photo ID to be processed. Due to parking space limitations at Gate #18, carpooling is highly encouraged.
If you are attending this event and possess a Department of Transportation (DOT) Personal Identity Verification (PIV) card, you do NOT have to stop at Gate #18 for event entry. You may proceed directly onto the WJHTC property and park in Parking Lot A.
Foreign National Visitors will be required to provide additional information, immediately without delay, in order to attend this event. Please notify the Small Business Office liaison, Deborah Hemphill.
To register for this event, please navigate to the EventBrite.com website by typing in, or selecting, the below URL. This link will take you directly to the FAA Vendor Day event registration webpage. Please select the link entitled “Registration” to begin the registration process.
Registration for this event closes on January 15th, 2024. The Eventbrite.com link below is providing the only acceptable means to register for this event. No telephone calls please.
As space is limited, vendor display tables are first-come-first-serve, and those who express interest during registration will be offered an opportunity to display (6 foot x 3 foot). Each display table will be provided two chairs. It is expected that each table will have one individual at the table at all times. In order to display at a table each company must bring at least two representatives so one person must remain at the vendor’s table, while the other person attends the presentations in the Auditorium or takes a break.
On the day of the event, vendor display tables will not be assigned and will be first-come-first-serve. Once a vendor has arrived he will be permitted to set-up at any display table that is available at that time.
Vendors exhibiting at a display table will be limited to that which one can carry for this event. Large pop-up display banners that cannot be carried are not permitted to be brought to the event. All attendees will be checked in at security and will board a bus for drop off at the main building (building 300) of the Technical Center.
The FAA does not endorse any product, service or enterprise in connection with vendors at this event.
Contact Information
Contracting Office Address
- US
Primary Point of Contact
- Deborah Hemphill
- deborah.hemphill@faa.gov
Secondary Point of Contact
- Dec 05, 2023 09:43 am ESTSpecial Notice (Updated)
- Nov 21, 2023 10:27 am ESTSpecial Notice (Original)