The Bedford VA Medical Center located at 200 Springs Road in Bedford, MA has a requirement for a Firm Fixed Price contract to provide professional Architect/Engineer (A/E) Design for Project Number 518-21-110 Steam Replacement and Distribution. The objective of this scope of work is an A/E design package (drawings and specifications) consisting of a thorough review of the current Energy Distribution System (EDS), an overall energy and efficiency audits of the entire EDS, a minimum of 2 alternative upgrades scenarios for the EDS, and construction drawings and cost estimates to implement each scenario.
The scope of this project consists of Architectural and Engineer (A/E) services required to complete the project.
The period of performance (type A and B services) is 250 calendar days, beginning with the issuance of the Notice to Proceed (NTP) by the Contracting Officer to the acceptance of 95% Construction Document.
The Magnitude of Construction is between $2,000,000 to $5,000,000.
The VA will not be responsible for any costs incurred by interested parties in responding to this announcement.
This is a Request for Qualifications:
The purpose of this notice is to request SF-330 Qualification statements from qualified SDVOSBs that have the experience directed at the requirements of the Statement of work.
The design effort is to be completed by more than 50% SDVOSB.
The NAICS code is 541330 and the small business size standard is $22.5 million.
Firms must have valid registration in the System for Award Management (SAM). Visit: to register in this database. SDVOSB firms must be verified in VETBIZ under NAICS 541330. Visit:
Interested SDVOSB firms must provide their qualifications to the Contracting Specialist no later than 10:00am on 07/08/2022 via email to
The following information is required as a valid response:
A positive statement of your intention to submit a proposal in response to a solicitation for this project and include your firm s UEI Number, Firms address and Contact information.
Evidence of your experience in A/E Services for complete design and construction of a project similar to this one, preferably with the VA and/or Medical facility (please provide contract descriptions, contract dollar amounts and telephone numbers for points of contact no photographs).
Qualifications (Adjectival Evaluation Factors):
Facility Energy Efficiency Design and/or Energy Distribution System Design (minimum 3 projects in 10 years)
Past Performance (minimum no more than 1 marginal noting in CPARS in the last 3 years)
Competency of staff in disciplines (civil engineering projects, minimum of 3 medium [> 2M+/- construction budget] experience in last 10 years)
Location proximity to Bedford VAMC (200 miles or less)
SF-330 Architect- Engineer Qualifications completed for the intent of the project.
Evidence that your SDVOSB firm will perform more than 50% of the requirement with a qualified SDVOSB and or VOSB team.
Failure to submit all information requested will result in a contractor not being considered as an interested SDVOSB concern.
A comprehensive and thorough presentation of extraordinary
merit with one or more significant strengths. Offeror s response is clearly superior. The response is innovative and exceeds requirements. No deficiency or significant weaknesses exists.
Exceeds all the minimum requirements of the criteria; has an above average probability of success; contains no significant weaknesses and only minor, correctable weaknesses exist.
Meets all the minimum requirements of the criteria; has an average probability of success; no significant weaknesses and any deficiencies can be readily corrected.
Fails to meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the criteria; low probability of success; major weaknesses and/or significant number of deficiencies exist.
Fails to meet any of the minimum requirements of the criteria; very low probability of success.
(Applies only to Past Performance)
Offeror s performance record, relevant past performance or information on past performance is not available
The A/E selection will be completed in two stages as follows: In Stage I, interested firms will submit SF-330 Qualification Statements of Capabilities. In Stage II, the A/E team most qualified will be requested to submit a price proposal for negotiations in an issued Request for Proposal.
Attachment 1 - Project Design Schedule (to be developed)
Attachment 2 - Survey & Web-Geographic Information Services. Project Number 518-12-04, Drawings 1-14, May 17, 2013.
Attachment 3 - Facility Master Plan, pages 1-48 for existing facility overview, dated 12/31/2012, by HAI Architecture
Attachment 4 - Steam Distribution Drawings: (1) Original Steam Distribution Layout. Drawings 1-13, Dated 1/15/1927. (for reference only). (2) Steam Distribution Alterations to Bldgs #2 & 22. Project Number 20-5220, Drawings 1-13, dated 11/26/1958. (3) Replacement Steam Distribution Project Phase II, Project Number 518-81-140, 11 Drawings 1-11, dated 12/7/1990.
Attachment 5 - Upgrade Steam Distribution System Phase I, Project Number 518-96-110, Drawings 1-36, dated 11/30/1998.
Attachment 6 - Upgrade Steam Distribution System Phase II, Project Number 518-96-110, Drawings 1-28, dated 11/30/1998.
Attachment 7 - VA-Upgrade Steam Distribution Phase III, Project 518-07801-ES, Drawings 1-15, dated 12-04-2009.
Attachment 8 - Alterations to Buildings #2, 4, & 22 and Steam Distribution, Project Number 20-5220, Drawings 1-20, dated 11/26/1958.
Attachment 9 - Repair Stacks & Steam Lines - Project Number W912DR-09-D-D-0014, Drawings 1-20, dated 08/18/2009
Attachment 10 - Standard Plumbing Sheets, Drawings 1-12, dated 11/10/2013-07/13/1945.
Attachment 11 - Steam Condensate Return System, Project Number 518-80-215, Drawings 1-8, dated 6/15/1987.
Attachment 12 - Electrical Panel and Feeder Diagrams for Facility: (1) Updated High Voltage Electrical One-Line Schematic Diagrams, Project Number 2523-102, drawings E701-E706, dated 6/21/2017. (2) Electrical Distribution System Upgrades, Project Number 518-13-104, drawings 1-36, dated 2/16/2018.
Attachment 13 - Boiler #3 Replacement: (1) Replace Boiler #3 - Bldg #22, Project # 518-04-106, Drawings 1-11, dated 4/21/2006. (2) Boiler #3 Replacement Project Pipe Connections As-Built Drawings - Dillon Boiler Services, Drawings 12465-12468, dated 11/03/2010
Attachment 14 - Replace Blrs #1 & #2 Project Number 518-96-101, Drawings 1-25, dated original construction 07/30/97 and as-built drawings 08/17/1997
Attachment 15 - Boiler Plant Safety Improvements Bldg #22. Project Number 518-10-102, Drawings 1-11, dated 7/16/2010.
Attachment 16 - Steam, Heating Hot Water, and Outside Distribution Systems Design Manual, September 2016, Volume 1 Steam Boilers.
Attachment 17 - Boiler Plant Piping System Specifications, Section 23.21.11, dated 02/01/2020. Subset of Design Manuals (PG-18-10); HVAC Design Manual for New, Replacement, Addition and Renovation of Existing VA Facilities: Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Construction and Facilities Management.
Attachment 18 - Outside Steam, Heating Hot Water, and Distribution Design Manual, November 1, 2020.
Attachment 19 - Steam and Condensate Heating and Piping Specification, Section 23.22.13, dated 02/01/2020.
Attachment 20 - Steam condensate pumps for Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning Specification, Section 23.22.23, dated 04/01/2020
Attachment 21 - Boiler Plant Mechanical Equipment Specification, Section 23.50.11, dated 04/01/2020
Attachment 22 - Steam Energy Distribution Specification, Section 33.63.00, dated 09/01/17
Attachment 23 - HVAC Design Manual, originally written 11/01/2017, revised 03/01/2020.
Attachment 24 - Model CBLE Cleaver Brooks 125-800 Hp Package Boiler O&M Manual, Revision 02/2013
Attachment 25 - VHA Supplemental Contract Requirements for Combatting COVID-19 Updated 12-14-2021