Statement of Work
Ambulatory Pump Rental/Service Agreement
West Haven VA Medical Center
Title of Contract: Ambulatory Pump Rental/Service Agreement
VA Connecticut Cancer Center strives to ensure quality care and provides expert cancer
diagnosis and services. VA Connecticut offers assistance to support Veterans through
treatment and beyond. One of the Services offered is Chemotherapy which uses powerful
drugs to fight cancer.
An infusion pump is a medical device made to deliver fluids into a patient's body in a
controlled manner. An ambulatory infusion pumps offer patients the freedom to live a
more normal life. They serve as a practical solution as opposed to receiving treatment in
a hospital.
VA Connecticut requires for 15 infusion pumps to be available. VA Connecticut requires
24/7 on-call coverage from the vendor to assist with patient or nursing issues related to
the infusion pumps.
Vendor responsibilities shall include:
a) Provide 15 ambulatory infusion pumps to Clinic for use by Clinic patients only.
b) Provide 24/7 on-call hotline for patients and clinicians staffed by registered nurses
for response to pump related issues.
c) Provide equipment that is clean and functional.
d) Provide free shipping of pumps and supplies to Clinic via Federal Express. Vendor
assumes all risk for damage of pumps or supplies in shipment.
e) Provide personal sales and support staff.
f) Invoice Clinic for pumps, supplies, and services. This would include invoicing Clinic
monthly for pumps and supplies provided for use by all patients.
VA Connecticut Responsibilities shall include:
a) Provide at least monthly log sheets (PTL) summarizing how many pumps are in use for that given month.
The contractor shall provide 24/7 on-call pump support, patient education video
accessible online, all biometric pump service and repair.
The contractor will abide by all FDA guidelines.
Specific Tasks and Deliverables
The contractor shall not commit or permit any act that interferes with the performance
of work awarded to another contractor or with the performance of Government
employees. In any case where, in the course of fulfilling the contract requirements, the
contractor disturbs any work guaranteed under another separate contract, the
contractor must restore such disturbed work.
The A&A requirements do not apply, and that a Security Accreditation Package is not
Period of Performance
The Period of Performance (POP) shall be for (5) five years; one (1) base year, and (4)
four option years.
Place of Performance
The machines will be rented by VA Connecticut, 950 Campbell Avenue, West Haven, CT
Government Recognized Holidays
This contract is for equipment and 24/7 hotline coverage including holiday coverage.
Type of Contract
The Government anticipates award of a Firm Fixed-Price contract.
1. For every task, the contractor shall identify in writing all necessary subtasks (if any), associated
costs by task and associated sub-milestone dates. The contractor's subtask structure shall be
reflected in the technical proposal and detailed work plan.
2. All written deliverables shall be phrased in layperson language. Statistical and other technical
terminology shall not be used without providing a glossary of terms.
3. All educational documents will be delivered in an editable format.
4. All educational documents (non-administrative) rendered electronically are considered eLearning products and will receive certification from the VA 508 Office or its delegate, without
exception, prior to acceptance and final delivery. The VA 508 office utilizes the VA Section 508
Checklists. The contractor shall follow the VA 508 Review Request process, to submit the elearning products for review and validation by the VA 508 Office or its delegate, unless otherwise
designated by the Contracting Officer s Representative (COR). The contractor shall utilize the
Request for Section 508 Review with or without the assistance of the COR, when
appropriate. Note: There are multiple Section 508 checklists; each checklist references
different aspects of a product that needs to be 508 compliant; and several 508 checklists may
pertain to a given product, such as an online course. For example, the Web Based, Functional,
and Video and Multimedia checklists may all be needed for documents presented electronically.
The contractor shall develop and maintain an effective quality control program to ensure that
services are performed in accordance with this SOW. The contractor shall develop and
implement procedures to identify, prevent and ensure non-recurrence of defective services. The
contractor s quality control program is the means through which the work will comply with the
requirement of the contract. After acceptance of the quality control plan, the contractor shall
receive the contracting officer s acceptance in writing of any proposed change to his or her
Quality Control system.
The Government will review within 15 days each deliverable and provide
feedback/comments. The contractor shall have five business days to incorporate
feedback/comments and make appropriate revisions. The contractor shall provide the revised
version of each deliverable within two days to the Contracting Officer s Representative (COR).
The COR will review and determine final acceptance by the Government. The COR will notify the
contractor of final acceptance within five business days.
Any changes to this SOW shall be authorized and approved only through written correspondence
from the Contracting Officer. A copy of each change will be kept in a project folder along with all
other products of the project. Costs incurred by the contractor through the actions of parties
other than the Contracting Officer shall be borne by the contractor. Only a warranted CO may
alter, change, or delete contract terms. Any contractor acting on its own or under any other
circumstances do so at its own economic peril.
1. The contractor shall submit a monthly progress report, due on the fifth workday, addressing
the status of all active efforts to the COR and CO. The monthly report shall also serve as the
official reporting for order compliance, and each one will cover progress made for the prior
month. At the conclusion of each deliverable, the contractor shall provide a written
memorandum documenting deliverable completion.
2. The monthly progress report shall also identify any problems that may have arisen and
provide an explanation of how each problem was resolved, or where one was not resolved, a
plan for how the problem will be resolved.
3. The contractor shall take minutes of all formal conference calls and/or meetings held
with the Program Manager. Copies of these minutes shall be attached to the next monthly
progress report.
4. Monthly progress reports shall contain, but are not limited to, the following:
a) Status summary
b) Change request status (new, open, closed since last report)
c) Issue status (new, open, closed since last report)
d) Schedule status
e) Minutes of status meetings
5. The contractor shall notify the Program Manager, COR and the Contracting Officer, in
writing, if problems arise that could have an adverse effect upon the performance of the
Vendor Electronic Invoice Submission Methods: Invoices will be submitted via electronic form.
Facsimile, e-mail, and scanned documents are not acceptable forms of submission for payment
requests. Electronic form means an automated system transmitting information electronically
according to the accepted electronic data transmission methods below:
i. VA s Electronic Invoice Presentment and Payment System The FSC uses a
third-party contractor, Tungsten, to transition vendors from paper to electronic
invoice submission. The contractor can go to this website: to begin submitting
electronic invoices, free of charge.
ii. A system that conforms to the X12 electronic data interchange (EDI) formats
established by the Accredited Standards Center (ASC) chartered by the
American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The X12 EDI Web site
Vendor e-Invoice Set-Up Information: The contractor may contact Tungsten at the phone
number or email address listed below to begin submitting electronic invoices to the VA Financial
Services Center for payment processing, free of charge. If the contractor has questions about the
e-invoicing program or Tungsten, the FSC can be contacted at the phone number or email
address listed below:
i. Tungsten e-Invoice Setup Information: 1-877-489-6135
ii. Tungsten e-Invoice email:
iii. FSC e-Invoice Contact Information: 1-877-353-9791
iv. FSC e-invoice email:
It is agreed that:
1. The preliminary and final deliverables and all associated working papers, application source
code and other material deemed relevant by VA that have been generated by the contractor in
the performance of this contract are the exclusive property of the U.S. Government and shall be
submitted to the Contracting Officer at the conclusion of the contract. These deliverables will be
provided to VA in an editable format.
2. The Contracting Officer will be the sole authorized official to release, verbally or in writing, any
data, draft deliverables, final deliverables, or any other written or printed materials pertaining to
this contract. No information shall be released by the contractor. Any request presented to the
contractor for information relating to this contract shall be submitted by the contractor to the
Contracting Officer for response.
3. Press releases, marketing material or any other printed or electronic documentation related to
this project shall not be publicized without the written approval of the Contracting Officer.
Security Requirements
1. The contracted personnel will not have access to VA information systems or sensitive
information and will be escorted by VA authorized staff while onsite at VA facility.
2. The C&A requirements do not apply, and a Security Accreditation Package is not required.
Records Management
1. Citations to pertinent laws, codes and regulations such as 44 U.S.C chapters 21, 29, 31 and 33;
Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552); Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a); 36 CFR Part 1222 and Part
2. Contractor shall treat all deliverables under the contract as the property of the U.S.
Government for which the Government Agency shall have unlimited rights to use, dispose of, or
disclose such data contained therein as it determines to be in the public interest.
3. Contractor shall not create or maintain any records that are not specifically tied to or
authorized by the contract using Government IT equipment and/or Government records.
4. Contractor shall not retain, use, sell, or disseminate copies of any deliverable that contains
information covered by the Privacy Act of 1974 or that which is generally protected by the
Freedom of Information Act.
5. Contractor shall not create or maintain any records containing any Government Agency
records that are not specifically tied to or authorized by the contract.
6. The Government Agency owns the rights to all data/records produced as part of this contract.
7. The Government Agency owns the rights to all electronic information (electronic data,
electronic information systems, electronic databases, etc.) and all supporting documentation
created as part of this contract. Contractor must deliver sufficient technical documentation with
all data deliverables to permit the agency to use the data.
8. Contractor agrees to comply with Federal and Agency records management policies, including
those policies associated with the safeguarding of records covered by the Privacy Act of 1974.
These policies include the preservation of all records created or received regardless of format
[paper, electronic, etc.] or mode of transmission [e-mail, fax, etc.] or state of completion [draft,
final, etc.].
9. No disposition of documents will be allowed without the prior written consent of the
Contracting Officer. The Agency and its contractors are responsible for preventing the alienation
or unauthorized destruction of records, including all forms of mutilation. Willful and unlawful
destruction, damage or alienation of Federal records is subject to the fines and penalties
imposed by 18 U.S.C. 2701. Records may not be removed from the legal custody of the Agency or
destroyed without regard to the provisions of the agency records schedules.
Contractor is required to obtain the Contracting Officer's approval prior to engaging in any
contractual relationship (sub-contractor) in support of this contract requiring the disclosure of
information, documentary material and/or records generated under, or relating to, this contract.
The Contractor (and any sub-contractor) is required to abide by Government and Agency
guidance for protecting sensitive and proprietary information.
electronic information systems, electronic databases, etc.) and all supporting documentation created
as part of this contract. Contractor must deliver sufficient technical documentation with all data
deliverables to permit the agency to use the data.
8. Contractor agrees to comply with Federal and Agency records management policies, including
those policies associated with the safeguarding of records covered by the Privacy Act of 1974. These
policies include the preservation of all records created or received regardless of format [paper,
electronic, etc.] or mode of transmission [e-mail, fax, etc.] or state of completion [draft, final, etc.].
9. No disposition of documents will be allowed without the prior written consent of the Contracting
Officer. The Agency and its contractors are responsible for preventing the alienation or
unauthorized destruction of records, including all forms of mutilation. Willful and unlawful
destruction, damage or alienation of Federal records is subject to the fines and penalties imposed by
18 U.S.C. 2701. Records may not be removed from the legal custody of the Agency or destroyed
without regard to the provisions of the agency records schedules.
10. Contractor is required to obtain the Contracting Officer's approval prior to engaging in any
contractual relationship (sub-contractor) in support of this contract requiring the disclosure of
information, documentary material and/or records generated under, or relating to, this contract.
The Contractor (and any sub-contractor) is required to abide by Government and Agency guidance
for protecting sensitive and proprietary information.