Statement of Work
Awning Install for Bldg. 8
VA North Texas Healthcare System
Dallas VA Medical Center
4500 South Lancaster Road
Dallas, TX 75216-7167
BACKGROUND: The North Texas VA Health Care System (VANTXHCS) currently has a requirement for a project to install an Awning at the rear entrance of VA Police Office Bldg. 8. The location of this project is on the VA Dallas Campus at 4500 South Lancaster Rd, Dallas, Texas 75216. This project is to be considered time sensitive, as it is having a direct impact on the Basement Floor of BLDG 8. Due to the flooding issue in the Basement Floor of bldg. 8 an Awning needs to be installed to prevent further Flooding in the Basement per the guidelines below.
PERFORMANCE PERIOD: 90 Days From receipt of Notice to Proceed. (This needs to be completed in a timely manner because of the affect it has on staff and equipment.)
STATEMENT OF WORK: The project will include all labor, materials, equipment, supervision to perform the required work to build and install a new Awning, to include testing all drains and repairing or replacing as needed on bldg. 8. The scope of this project will require coordination between the contactor, COR, and VA staff. Ultimately, the means and methods to perform this work and determine a sequence of work will be determined by the contractor. A site visit will be required to confirm all measurements and existing conditions. The VA will consider alternative options and material options for installing the Awning on building 8. The alternative options will need to be approved by the VA prior to construction.
WORK SHALL INCLUDE: The contractor shall provide the specific services and deliverables described below: The work effort, however, does suggest a general, phased sequence of construction.
Sequence of work.
Test all roof drains and repairing or replacing as needed in accordance with the VA TIL and Master Construction Specifications.
Demolition of roofing material and insulation with disposal of construction waste.
Install new Awning in accordance with the VA TIL.
Extend awning covering to encompass the full paved area.
Contractor will provide a roll-off type container and transport for construction waste removal.
Clean up and approval of work.
Provide 1-year warranty on install and 30 years on roof materials.
DELIVERY: If for any reason any deliverable cannot be delivered within the scheduled time frame, the contractor is required to notify the CO in writing including a firm commitment of when the work shall be completed. The notice shall cite the reason for delay and the impact on the installation. The contractor will provide updated lead times on these materials, as well as an updated timeline, if the delay impacts the current timeline.
SECURITY: This service does not involve contractor connection of one or more contractor-owned IT devices (such as laptop computer or remote connection from a contractor system) to a VA internal trusted (i.e., non-public network) therefore Information Technology (IT) Security certification and accreditation (authorization) (C&A) requirements do not apply per VA Handbook 6500.6 The C&A requirements do not apply and that a Security Accreditation is not required.
The Contractor shall provide all work required in the plans and specification for Emergency Replace domiciliary roof, insulation, and repair and replace roof drains at Dallas VA Medical Center.
The Contractor shall survey all work areas and report any suspicious material before starting work.
All contractor personnel must report to the Engineering Bldg. 9 at the Facility prior and after any work performed and sign out after completion of services. The contractor must furnish to the COR a detailed field report, or equivalent, showing work completed before leaving the Facility.
The Contractor shall not perform any service that will result in additional charges without prior approval from the Contracting Officer.
The Contractor shall comply with the standards in the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). Superintendent shall have OSHA 30-hour training & all workers OSHA 10 hours training.
The Contractor is responsible for his employees while on Facility grounds including any accidents while performing the service.
Site superintendent is required to be on site during all phases of demolition/construction and possess a valid OSHA 30 certificate.
Contractor will be subject to inspections performed by the VANTXHCS Safety manager and the COR.
Contractor will follow all codes Local, State, and governing regulations pertaining to the replacement of the building 79 roof.
Contractor shall provide Overhead protection in all areas where Patients, Staff and Construction Crews will be exposed to falling debris.
Contractor shall comply with safety regulations and codes.
Contractor shall follow VANTXHCS Infection Control standards.
Contractor shall follow VANTXHCS' Construction Safety guidelines.
Contractor shall follow VANTXHCS Patient Safety requirements.
All work shall comply with applicable VA specifications found at www.cfm.va.gov/til/spec.asp with strict attention to, but not limited to only the following sections of the VA specifications:
Divisions 01, 02, 05,06,07, 22, 23, 25 and
01 33 23, Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples
01 42 19, Reference Standards
01 57 19, Temporary Environmental Controls
01 74 19, Construction Waste Management
02 41 00, Demolition
05 36 00, Composite Metal Decking
06 00 00, Wood+ Plastics and Composites
07 00 00 Thermal and Moisture Protection.
07 01 50.19, Preparation for Re-roofing
07 11 13, Bituminous Damp-proofing
07 12 00, Built-Up Bituminous Waterproofing
07 13 00, Sheet Waterproofing
07 13 52, Modified Bituminous Sheet Waterproofing
07 14 21, Latex Mastic Deck Covering
07 22 00, Roof and Deck Insulation
07 31 13, Asphalt Shingles
07 51 00, Built-Up Bituminous Roofing
07 51 13.11, Hot-Applied Built-Up Asphalt Roofing
07 51 13.13, Cold-Applied Built-Up Asphalt Roofing
07 52 16.11, Cold Adhesive Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene Modified Bituminous Membrane Roofing
07 52 16.12, Hot-Mopped Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene Modified Bituminous Membrane Roofing
07 53 23, EPDM Roofing
07 54 16, Ethylene Interpolymer (Kee) Roofing
07 54 19, Polyvinyl-Chloride Roofing
07 54 23, Thermoplastic Polyolefin (TPO) Roofing
07 56 00, Fluid Applied Roofing
07 57 13, Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roofing
07 60 00, Flashing and Sheet Metal
07 61 16, Batten Seam Sheet Metal Roofing
07 71 00, Roof Specialties
07 72 00, Roof Accessories
07 92 00, Joint Sealants
22 13 00, Facility Sanitary and Vent Piping
23 05 11, Common Work results for HVAC
23 09 23, Direct-Digital Control Systems
23 23 00, Refrigerant Piping
23 36 00, Air Terminal Units
23 37 00, Air, Outlets, and inlets
Not limited to the ones identified.
DELIVERY LOCATION: All work related to this contract shall be accomplished at the VA Dallas Campus at 4500 South Lancaster Rd, Dallas, Texas 75216.
COMPETENCY OF PERSONNEL: Personnel shall be authorized by the contractor to perform the services. All work shall be performed by fully qualified and competent personnel. The government reserves the right to request training certificates and credentials from the contractor at any time during this contract through written request by the Contracting Officer (CO).
BADGES: All Contractor personnel are required to wear I.D. badges during the entire time he/she is on Government property. I.D. badges must have an identification picture and shall state the name of the individual and the company he/she represents. The Contractor is to coordinate with the COR to obtain the I.D. badge from the Engineering Service. The Contractor is to provide a list of personnel who shall be performing the service.
HOURS: Contractor personnel shall notify the Contracting Officer Representative (COR) when arriving on station, prior to commencing services. Services shall be performed during normal working hours from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm excluding federal holidays unless requested and approved by the COR. Federal holidays include:
New Year's Day January 1st
Martin Luther King's Birthday Third Monday in January
President's Day Third Monday in February
Memorial Day Last Monday in May
Juneteenth June 19th
Independence Day July 4th
Labor Day First Monday in September
Columbus Day Second Monday in October
Veterans Day November 11th
Thanksgiving Day Fourth Thursday in November
Christmas Day December 25th
When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed as a legal holiday. When a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday is observed as a legal holiday by U.S. Government agencies. Also, included, would be any other day specifically declared by the President of the United States of America to be a National Holiday.
SMOKING: Smoking is prohibited on campus at the VANTXHCS.
PARKING: It is the responsibility of the Contractor s personnel to park only in designated parking areas. The VANTXHCS shall not waive or make reimbursement for parking violations of the Contractor s personnel under any circumstances.
PROTECTION FROM DAMAGE: The Contractor shall provide all necessary to protect personnel, furnishings, equipment, and buildings from damage; Contractor shall move, remove, and/or replace movable items as necessary and shall replace any item damaged due to work performed under this contract, equal to its original installation, and/or finish.
End of Statement of Work