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APEX Accelerators are an official government contracting resource for small businesses. Find your local APEX Accelerator (opens in new window) for free government expertise related to contract opportunities.

APEX Accelerators are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense.

The APEX Accelerators program was formerly known as the Procurement Technical Assistance Program (opens in new window) (PTAP).

General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Solicitation (Original)
  • Original Published Date: Jul 01, 2024 06:21 am EDT
  • Original Date Offers Due: Jul 29, 2024 04:30 pm EDT
  • Inactive Policy: 15 days after date offers due
  • Original Inactive Date: Aug 13, 2024
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • NAICS Code:
    • 334412 - Bare Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing
  • Place of Performance:


CONTACT INFORMATION|4|N721.15|B1Z|215-697-6278|| ITEM UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION AND VALUATION (JAN 2023)|19| | | | | | | | | | | ||||| | | | | HIGHER-LEVEL CONTRACT QUALITY REQUIREMENT|8| | | | | | | | | WIDE AREA WORKFLOW PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS (JAN 2023)|16|tbd| |tbd|tbd|tbd|tbd|tbd|tbd| | | | | | || | NAVY USE OF ABILITYONE SUPPORT CONTRACTOR - RELEASE OF OFFEROR INFORMATION (3-18))|1| | EQUAL OPPORTUNITY (SEP 2016)|2| | | EQUAL OPPORTUITY FOR WORKERS WITH DISABILITIES (JUN 2020)|2| | | BUY AMERICAN-FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS-BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM-BASIC (FEB 2024)|11| | | | | | | | | | | | ALTERNATE A, ANNUAL REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS (NOV 2023)|13| | | ||| | | | |||| | BUY AMERICAN-FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS-BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM CERTIFICATE-BASIC (FEB 2024))|5| | | || | BUY AMERICAN--BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM (FEB 2024)|1| | ANNUAL REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS (MAY 2024)|12|336413|1250| | || | | | | || | NOTICE OF PRIORITY RATING FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE, EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS, ANDENERGY PROGRAM USE (APR 2008))|2|DO-A1A | | Repair Turnaround Time (RTAT) definition: The contractual delivery requirement is measured from asset Return to the date of asset acceptance under the terms of the contract. For purposes of this section, Return is defined as physical receipt of the F-condition asset at the contractor's facility as reflected in the Action Date entry in the Commercial Asset Visibility (CAV) system. In accordance with the CAV Statement of Work, the contractor is required to accurately report all transactions by the end of the fifth regular business day after receipt and the Action Date entered in CAV must be dated to reflect the actual date of physical receipt. The Contractor must obtain final inspection and acceptance by the Government for all assets within the RTATs established in the subsequent contract. Required RTAT: ## 656_ days after receipt of asset. Throughput Constraint: Contractor must provide a throughput Constraint for each NSN(s). Total assets to be repaired monthly after initial delivery commences X/month (contractor fill in #). A throughput of ##000_ per month reflects no throughput constraint. Induction Expiration Date: 365 days after contract award date. Any asset received after this date in days is not authorized for repair without bi-lateral agreement between the Contractor and NAVSUP WSS Contracting Officer. ALL CONTRACTUAL DOCUMENTS (I.E. CONTRACTS, PURCHASE ORDERS, TASK ORDERS DELIVERY ORDERS AND MODIFICATIONS) RELATED TO THE INSTANT PROCUREMENT ARE CONSIDERED TO BE "ISSUED" BY THE GOVERNMENT WHEN COPIES ARE EITHER DEPOSITED IN THE MAIL, TRANSMITTED BY FACSIMILE, OR SENT BY OTHER ELECTRONIC COMMERCE METHODS, SUCH AS EMAIL. THE GOVERNMENT'S ACCEPTANCE OF THE CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL CONSTITUTES BILATERAL AGREEMENT TO "ISSUE" CONTRACTUAL DOCUMENTS AS DETAILED HEREIN. 1. SCOPE 1.1 . Markings shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-130. 1.2 PRE-AWARD / POST AWARD REQUIREMENTS: Due to the critical use of this item and its quality history, a pre-award survey and post-award conference may be required for all new manufacturers. For all previous sources, a post-award conference may be recommended. 1.3 . The contractor shall include on the detailed process/operation sheets developed, (1) all in house manufacturing processes and (2) the identity of all manufacturing sources performing processes/operations outside their facility. These sheets shall not be revised or altered after the successful completion of First Article or Production Lot Testing without approval from the Basic Design Engineering activity, via the PCO. 1.4 . Unless otherwise specified, for fabricated parts, the Inspection Method Sheets/ Final Inspection Sheets shall list the characteristics of each item produced under the contract. The manufacturer shall be required to provide certifications of all raw material including castings and forgings. the material source shall be identified and the documentation shall be able to identify the customer and/or contract number. The manufacturer shall maintain all raw material documentation for a minimum of ten (10) years. The contractor is responsible for providing completed Inspection Method Sheets/Final Inspection Sheets showing the actual dimensions taken for ALL Characteristics,in addition, critical characteristics shall be annotated. 1.5 The components being acquired under this solicitation have been classified as Flight Critical requiring engineering source approval by the Naval Air Systems Command. Only those companies who have submitted requests for source approval and been approved will be eligible for award under this solicitation. Any company not previously approved may submit a Source Approval Request to the contracting officer, Naval Inventory Control Point, (See Block 10 of the SF33 for name and code). The Source Approval Request shall contain the following documentation and shall be submitted by the closing date of this solicitation: (A) Copy of complete configuration drawings for a similar item(s) which your company has produced within the past three years, including test procedures for which your company (1) has been qualified to manufacture and (2) which is similar, i.e., requires the same materials, manufacturing processes, inspections, tolerances and similar application as the item(s) for which you are seeking approval. (B) Copy of the complete process/operation sheets used to manufacuture the similar item, including but not limited to, detailed shop sketches. These plans must note those operations and processes performed by subcontractors/ vendors. (C) Complete copies of purchase orders, shipping documents, etc. that document delivery of production quantities of the part to the Original Equipment Manufacturer or Military service. Provide the most recent copies of the documents. (D) A detailed comparative analysis of the differences/similarities between the similar part and the part(s) for which you are seeking approval. This analysis should include materials, configuration, tolerances, process requirements, dimensions, castings, forgings, etc. (E) Copy of inspection method sheets used in the manufacturing and at final inspection. These sheets should include actual tolerance, print requirements, inspection devices, sources performing the operation and level of inspection. Critical characteristics should be discernible from all other characteristics. The above requirements are a subset of requirements specified in the ASO Source Approval Information Brochure dated January 1995. The submission of this data subset is contingent upon and in consideration of the submitting contractor meeting all other requirements specified in this solicitation to include a bilateral agreement with MDA which includes availability of complete data, MRB disposition, etc. Any company not having such agreement, but desiring to seek engineering source approval, will be required to submit data meeting all requirements of the ASO/NAVICP Source Approval Brochure. 1.6 The material covered in this contract/purchase order will be used in a crucial shipboard system enabling the launch and/or recovery of aircraft. The use of incorrect or defective material would create a high probability of failure resulting in a serious personnel injury, loss of life, loss of vital shipboard systems or loss of aircraft. Therefore,the material has been designated as Critical material and special control procedures are invoked to ensure receipt of correct material. 1.7 Articles to be furnished hereunder shall be manufactured, tested and inspected in accordance with ;3113AS232; drawing number ( ;072E5; ) ;MOST CURRENT; , Revision ;APPLIES; and all details and specifications referenced therein. 1.8 Unless expressly provided for elsewhere in this clause, equipment such as fixtures, jigs, dies, patterns, mylars, special tooling, test equipment, or any other manufacturing aid required for the manufacture and/or testing of the subject item(s) will not be provided by the Government or any other source and is the sole responsibility of the contractor. The foregoing applies notwithstanding any reference to such equipment or the furnishing thereof that may be contained in any drawing or referenced specification. 1.9 If MIL-STD-454 is referenced in the drawings or in the specification, the contractor is expected to show compliance with IPC/EIAJ-STD-001C. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS DRAWING DATA=201AS113 |30003| D| |D| | | | DRAWING DATA=3113AS2211 |30003| D| |D| | | | DRAWING DATA=3113AS2212 |30003| E| |D| | | | DRAWING DATA=3113AS232 |30003| L| |D| | | | DRAWING DATA=3113AS233 |30003| G| |D| | | | DRAWING DATA=3113AS241 |30003| H| |D| | | | DRAWING DATA=3113AS417 |30003| A| |D| | | | DRAWING DATA=3113AS5233 |30003| | |D| | | | 3. REQUIREMENTS 1. Unique Requirements: a. All records pertaining to ALRE CAI manufacture and inspection/test shall be provided to the ALRE Cognizant Technical Authority. All records shall be maintained by LKE QA and by the manufacturer for a period of seven years. b. The contractor/overhaul activity shall provide the repair procedure they will follow to NAWCADLKE engineering for review and approval prior to commencingrepairs. The repair procedure shall be forwarded per the Overhaul/RepairProcedure CDRL provided in this document. NAWCADLKE engineering POC is Jose Olivares, 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE 4.1 CRITICAL MANUFACTURING PROCESSES ( ;N/A; ) HEAT TREAT ( ;N/A; ) WELDING ( ;N/A; ) CADMIUM PLATING ( ;N/A; ) ENGINEERING CHROME PLATING ( ;N/A; ) NICKEL CHROME PLATING ( ;N/A; ) CASTING(S) ( ;N/A; ) FORGING(S) ( ;N/A; ) MPR (MATERIAL PROCESSING REQUIREMENTS) 4.2 . Mandatory Inspection Requirements: 100% Procurement Contracting Officer (PCO) mandatory inspection is required and shall be accomplished at source under the surveillance and final approval of the cognizant DCMAO Quality Assurance Representative (QAR). During production, mandatory inspection is required to be accomplished by the contractor as follows: A. Level of Inspection (LOI). 1. Critical characteristics: 100% inspection shall apply. 2. Major and Minor characteristics: LOI shall be in accordance with a sampling plan acceptable to the QAR. B. Critical characteristics: ;APPLIES; C. Major and Minor characteristics 1. Shall be defined by the contractor subject to QAR concurrence, unless defined on applicable drawings and associated specifications. 4.3 SPECIAL INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS ( ;N/A; ) MAGNETIC PARTICLE INSPECTION ( ;APPLIES; ) SURFACE INSPECTION ( ;N/A; ) PENETRANT INSPECTION ( ;N/A; ) RADIOGRAPHIC INSPECTION ( ;N/A; ) ULTRSONIC INSPECTION ( ;N/A; ) HIGH SHOCK TEST ( ;N/A; ) MECHANICAL VIBRATION TEST 4.4 FINAL INSPECTION REQUIREMENT:Due to the critical nature of this item, representatives of the buying office/and the cognizant field activity, NAWC Lakehurst, shall be notified by the successful contractor at least 14 days prior to presentation to the DCM QAR of the items for final inspection so that they may have the option of witnessing the final inspection. The contractor shall notify by email or TELEFAX PCO and NAWC Lakehurst QA ;NAWCADLKE engineering POC is Jose Olivares,; to arrange for the final inspection.The authority of the QAR shall not be abrogated. If the notification is not given to both sites then the QAR shall not accept the units. QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The paragraphs shown below, when referenced on the QM1006 checklist, provide the detailed Quality Assurance requirements to be used for the particular procurement. These paragraphs shall only apply when the corresponding "Yes" block has been checked on the associated checklist. 1. First Article Testing: N/A 2. Production Lot Special Tests: N/A 3. For purposes of this TDR, the term NDT shall refer to the followingmethods: MT - Magnetic Particle Testing, PT ? Penetrant Inspection, UT ? Ultrasonic Testing, RT ? Radiographic Testing, and VT ? Visual Testing. 4. Companies performing NDT shall be NADCAP accredited, or a laboratory accredited by one of the organizations listed below as satisfying ISO 17025 (General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories).NDT certificates shall be bear the symbols of accreditation and the accreditation body. a. American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) b. ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) c. International Accreditation Service, Inc. (IAS) d. National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) e. Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation, Inc. (PJLA) f. Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation Inc. (CALA) g. Standards Council of Canada (SCC) 5. PACKAGING- MIL-STD 2073 PACKAGING APPLIES AS FOUND ELSEWHERE IN THE SCHEDULE 6. NOTES - NOT APPLICABLE THIS IS A ALRE CRITICAL APPLICATION ITEM. NAVSUP REFERENCE ONLY:REPAIR/OVERHAUL TDR 23-10094. PROCUREMENT TDR 23-10103. THE COMPONENTS BEING ACQUIRED UNDER THIS SOLICITATION HAVE BEEN CLASSIFIED AS "CRITICAL" REQUIRING ENGINEERING SOURCE APPROVAL BY NAVAL AIR SYSTEMS COMMAND ONLY THOSE COMPANIES WHO HAVE SUBM& BEEN APPROVED WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR AWARD UNDER THIS SOLICITATION ANY COMPANY SUBMIT A SOURCE APPROVAL REQUEST AS OUTLINED IN THIS SOLICITATION. \ DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION=ASREQ 16. REMARKS If the extent of the repair effort for this assembly is beyond the scope of theexisting NAWCADLKE/NAVAIR approved overhaul/repair procedure for this assembly then the overhauling contractor or activity shall provide a step-by-step overhaul procedurefor disassembly and reassembly. NAWCADLKE engineering POC is Jose Olivares, The overhaul procedure shall be subject to NAVAIR approval priorto commencing overhaul. The procedure shall include SUGGESTED quality assurance "hold points"as required to ensure that any CSI/CAI components or processes that cannot be adequately inspected at final assembly are accessible for proper interim inspection.

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • PHILADELPHIA , PA 19111-5098
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact


  • Aug 13, 2024 11:55 pm EDTSolicitation (Original)