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Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships -2 (NextSTEP-2) Omnibus BAA and Appendix A: Habitat Systems

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General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Presolicitation (Original)
  • Original Published Date: Apr 19, 2016 03:50 pm EDT
  • Original Response Date: Jun 15, 2016 06:00 pm EDT
  • Inactive Policy: Manual
  • Original Inactive Date: Jan 01, 2022
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
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This National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Broad Agency Announcement (BAA), titled Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships -2 (NextSTEP-2), solicits concept studies, basic and applied research and technology development and demonstrations in support of NASA's Advanced Exploration Systems Division (AES) within the Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate (HEOMD). NextSTEP-2 is an omnibus covering all aspects of basic and applied supporting research and technology for Human Space Exploration and robotic precursor activities. Research areas will be announced by issuing Appendices to this BAA, to include, but not limited to: deep space habitation system capabilities, studies to support mission architecture definition, new approaches to rapidly develop prototype systems, demonstration of key capabilities, validation of operational concepts for future human missions beyond low-Earth orbit, and end-to-end design, development, test, and in-space evaluation of future flight systems. The intent is that awards resulting from this BAA will enable public-private partnerships for robust exploration and implementation of opportunities managed by AES.

The initial release of the NextSTEP-2 BAA includes Appendix A: Habitat systems. The next step for human spaceflight beyond Low Earth Orbit (LEO) into cislunar space and on a Journey to Mars is the development of deep space habitation capabilities, which are needed to support ambitious missions in the proving ground and beyond cislunar space. This Appendix is focused on developing deep space habitation concepts, engineering design and development, and risk reduction efforts leading to a habitation capability in deep space that can support more extensive human space flight missions in the proving ground of cislunar space to long duration deep space habitation capabilities while encouraging advancement to commercial LEO habitation capabilities. Ultimately this habitation capability will support development of the human rated deep space habitation and transportation spacecraft by validating the human systems, elements and operations in cislunar space thus enabling human exploration beyond the Earth/Moon system. Under a prior solicitation (NextSTEP BAA NNH15ZCQ001K), NASA is executing Phase 1 awarded efforts on habitation systems with the plan for continuing some or all of the studies into Phase 2. Appendix A of the omnibus NextSTEP-2 BAA provides a new opportunity for additional commercial partners not selected previously to participating in Phase 1 to be added to the Phase 2 efforts.

The contracts will be executed in phases with a Phase 2 development period between 21 and 24 months with potential follow on phases that may extend up to 5 years. Appendix A proposals require a minimum cost sharing threshold for eligibility which includes both direct contributions during the period of performance and may include limited prior industry investment. Eligible applicants from U.S. companies, universities, and non-profit organizations must submit proposals electronically by 5 p.m. EDT June 15, 2016.

Notices of intent are appreciated by 5 p.m. EDT May 13, 2016. Proposers will have a chance to ask questions about this particular solicitation during an industry forum on April 25. Additional inquiries must be submitted in writing by May 2 as directed in the solicitation. Additional submission information, participant eligibility, additional proposal guidance information and specific evaluation criteria for the solicitation are identified in the BAA and Appendix.

Interested parties may monitor this website and the NASA website: for updates or additional information. Inquiries about the solicitation may be submitted by e-mail to The questions should not contain proprietary information nor require proprietary information in the response. Inquiries should identify the BAA number and this Appendix in the subject field of the e-mail.

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