VA Western Colorado Health Care System
Grand Junction, Colorado
Provide labor, materials, equipment, and other services as necessary to install new IP-based Nurse Call and Code Blue system and remove old system components in Building 1 and Building 20 at the Grand Junction VAMC, 2121 North Ave., Grand Junction, CO, 81501.
Install new conduit distribution system from the power supply/controller units to the dome lights outside each room served by the system as shown on plans.
Pull new cable to dome lights outside each room served by the system as shown on the plans.
As rooms are turned over to the Contractor, interface the existing conduit within each room to replace the cable and devices within that room while ensuring the existing Nurse Call/Code Blue system that is still being used in rooms yet not converted remail in operation.
Replace existing devices, controllers, master stations, power supplies, etc. and add new devices as identified on the plans to meet Code and other Owner requirements based on current usage of spaces.
Remove existing cabling, conduit, and other appurtenances when new system is fully functional.
The new Code Blue system will also be required to interface the existing pocket paging system and PA/Mass Notification system to automatically notify and initiate response protocols.
The phasing of this project will be critical - see specification section 01 00 00. The VA is required to provide at least 45 days of notice to patients and staff for limitations on scheduled care. The phasing plan provided in the specifications has been established by the affected medical departments to meet this requirement. Dates and durations of work will be established by the contractor.
Properly implemented Infection Control Measures will take priority over construction efficiency. See specification section 01 35 26 1.11 for infection control requirements.
Different areas of the hospital require different hours of operation. These are listed on the phasing plans and are defined below.
All materials shall be delivered to the Contractor at the contractor s laydown area, which has been established and will be shown to Contractor at the Pre-Construction Meeting. No materials shall be delivered to the facility warehouse.
Contractor shall submit dumpster location(s) to be approved by the Contracting Officer s Representative (COR).
The Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA) requires strict adherence to the Code of Federal Regulations 29, Part 1926. This includes the requirement that the contractor have a Competent Person on the job at all times (must have a 30-hour OSHA card), and that all contractor employees have received a minimum of ten (10) hours of OSHA construction safety training. Documentation of these requirements shall be submitted and approved prior to performing the work.
Contractor must submit a company Site Specific Safety Plan (SSSP) that must be approved by VA Safety prior to work beginning. This plan shall detail fire, construction, and health-related safety measures, in addition to listing Training Records for all employees for the previous year. A company standard or boilerplate safety plan will not be acceptable plan should contain a detailed hazard analysis for each element of construction to be performed such as an Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA) or Job Hazard Analysis (JHA).
This entire project shall conform to 100% of all VA standards and specifications, OSHA, AIA Construction Guidelines, Joint Commission Environment of Care Standards, and applicable building codes.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the health and safety of their own employees. The VA will inform the Contractor of any hazards such as designated permit confined spaces, electrical hazards, etc. which may affect Contractor employees. The Contractor must take precautions appropriate for the safety of their employees as well as provide equipment necessary for these actions. Contractor employees will notify the VA Representative before entering a designated permit required confined space, so precautions can be taken in advance of the work.
The Contractor shall hold harmless and indemnify the Government against any and all liability, claims, and costs of whatsoever kind and nature for injury to or death of any person or persons and for loss or damage to any property occurring in connection with, in any way incident to, or arising out of the occupancy, use, service, operation or performance of work under the terms of the contract, resulting in whole or in part from the negligence acts or omissions of the Contractor, any subcontractor, or any employee, agent, or representative of the Contractor or subcontractor
The Contractor is responsible for protection of existing finishes, and VA property, furnishings, fixtures, and equipment (FF&E), located in the areas where demolition, construction, preventative maintenance, and repair work is being performed, as well as along paths of travel to and from these areas. Both exterior and interior finishes and property must be maintained. The contractor is liable for any damage to VA property during the course of the contract. Any damage to existing finishes must be repaired by the Contractor to equal or greater quality than existing finishes. All tasks accomplished by the Contractor personnel will be performed to preclude damage or disfigurement of government-owned FF&E and architectural or building structures. Contractor will report any damage or disfigurement to these items when caused by the Contractor s personnel and will perform repairs or replace government-owned equipment, fixtures, furnishings, grounds and architectural or building structures to their previously existing condition.
Based on the above list of work items the general contractor selected must successfully manage a variety of trades and tasks, coordinate just-in-time delivery of materials, get those materials to the job site, and schedule the necessary labor to construct various parts of this project in a timely fashion. Therefore, a critical aspect of this contract is construction management including but not necessarily limited to:
Scheduling using the critical-path-method.
Running and documenting an OSHA-compliant construction safety program.
Managing job site access and security.
Compliance with all VA security policy and Police requirements, to include badging of all personnel working on site.
Managing the separation of construction activities from on-going hospital patient-care operations.
Managing properly coordinated utility shutdowns including appropriate permitting procedures including lockout/tag out, hot work, etc.
Implementing and maintaining required interim life safety measures (ILSM) as needed
Coordinating with VA COR to maintain acceptable conditions for all on-going hospital functions.
Attend weekly construction meetings.
The contract requires that the Contractor submit a realistic project schedule showing the order in which the work will be performed under the contract. The progress schedule will be submitted to the Contracting Officer and COR for approval. After approval, a copy will be returned to the Contractor. The project schedule for the contract is due no later than 14 calendar days after the pre-construction conference.
The schedule will reflect the full period of performance (POP) of 365 calendar days after Notice to Proceed (NTP), and include appropriate material lead times, redirection and float time. The schedule should reflect the early completion date and the completion date using the full POP.
All pre-construction submittals will be approved prior to issuance of the full Construction NTP.
List of all required technical submittals, with dates for submittal reflected on project schedule.
Requests for information (RFI) as needed
Schedule of all work (See Specification Section 01 32 16.15)
Four-week look-ahead schedule of upcoming work at each construction meeting
Environmental compliance and monitoring plans
Site Specific Safety Plan
Interim Life Safety Measures (ILSM) for all related construction procedures
List of all employees to be working on site and proof of their OSHA certifications (10 or 30 hour)
Name of site superintendent and proof of 30-hour OSHA certification
Updated Nurse Call and Code Blue as-builts upon project completion
Contractor s work shall not interfere with the functions of the facility during weekends. Barricades, ICRA containment provisions shall be arranged to allow patients and staff unimpeded access (including wheelchairs and patient beds where applicable) to services and resources within the facility. All work shall be performed with the least possible impact to the mission, patients, and employees.
Weekday work is defined as taking place during the hours of 7:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday, all Federal Holidays excluded.
Night work is defined as taking place during the hours of 4:30 PM and 2:00 AM the next morning, all Federal Holidays excluded.
Weekend work is defined as taking place during the hours of 2:30 PM on Friday and being complete by 2:00 AM on Monday. Weekend work may be allowed on Federal Holidays. Written notification must be given to the COR at least fourteen working days before the weekend in question. If the work takes place on a Federal Holiday Monday, hours of operation may be extended to 2:00 AM on Tuesday.
An Administrative Notice to Proceed may be issued allowing for submittals and for long-lead equipment and material acquisition. Full Construction Notice to Proceed will be issued with a period of performance of 365 days.