Enterprise Cyber Capabilities (EC2)
Note: There have been new actions to this contract opportunity. To view the most recent action, please click here.
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General Information
- Contract Opportunity Type: Presolicitation (Updated)
- Updated Published Date: Nov 03, 2022 03:44 pm CDT
- Original Published Date: Mar 10, 2022 06:10 pm CST
- Updated Response Date: Dec 02, 2022 03:00 pm CST
- Original Response Date: May 31, 2022 12:00 pm CDT
- Inactive Policy: Manual
- Updated Inactive Date: Dec 31, 2024
- Original Inactive Date: Dec 31, 2024
- Initiative:
- None
- Original Set Aside: Partial Small Business Set-Aside (FAR 19.5)
- NAICS Code:
- 541330 - Engineering Services
- Place of Performance: Tinker AFB , OK 73145USA
Update 22:
Amendment 2 has been issued to extend the proposal due date to Friday, 02 December 2022. The government's goal is to issue Amendment 0003 and provide answers to questions submitted by industry on or before Tuesday, 15 November 2022.
Update 21:
Thank you for submitting your questions. Due to the high volume of questions received the government requires additional time to prepare responses. Your patience is greatly appreciated. The government responses and any amendments will be posted to SAM.gov as soon as completed. The proposal due date will be addressed at that time.
The next amendment will change the Amendment 0001 Procurement Instrument Identification (PIID) FA877323R0001 back to the original PIID FA877322R0005. Any documents related to this acquisition should reflect FA877322R0005. The solicitation may be found in PIEE Solicitation Module and SAM.gov under FA877322R0005.
Do not submit piecemeal submissions directly to the Contracting Officer in email or PIEE except for completed Past Performance Questionnaires. All documents must be submitted at the same time per the proposal submission instructions in Section L.
Update 20:
Amendment 01 has been posted at: https://piee.eb.mil/sol/xhtml/unauth/search/oppMgmtLink.xhtml?solNo=FA877322R0005
Update 19 dated 26 September 2022:
1) Final RFP Posting -- The EC2 solicitation is posted at the following website: https://piee.eb.mil/sol/xhtml/unauth/search/oppMgmtLink.xhtml?solNo=FA877322R0005
Update 18:
1) Final RFP Posting Date -- The EC2 Final RFP is anticipated to be posted the week of 26 - 30 September 2022.
Update 17:
1) Presolicitation Notice -- In accordance with FAR 5.203, the EC2 presolicitation notice has been posted at: https://sam.gov/opp/1d13181f351e40dc8a3d3fab42cb9018/view
Update 16:
1) Notice to Prospective Offerors -- Newly implemented DoD Source Selection Procedures, effective 20 August 2022, contain provisions regarding signed agreements involving subcontractors, affiliate companies, sister companies, teaming arrangements, joint ventures, and others:
3.1.6. If subcontractor experience is submitted for consideration as part of the proposal, the offeror should include a commitment signed by offeror and subcontractor certifying that if a contract is awarded resulting from the proposal, the parties commit to joint performance as proposed. If the signed commitment is not fully executed by both parties and provided with the Past Performance Proposal, subcontractor references will not be evaluated or considered. Affiliate companies, sister companies, teaming arrangements, joint venture agreement, etc., will be considered provided that sufficient documentation is included in the proposal. The primary offering entity must demonstrate that the affiliate will perform significant and critical aspects of the contract if awarded. Documentation includes a copy of the signed arrangement such as documented affiliation, a copy of the teaming agreement, a copy of the joint venture agreement, etc."
Therefore, as part of the EC2 proposal, prospective offerors should expect that the EC2 solicitation will require all Prime Contractors to submit “signed commitments” between the prime contractor and the supporting company/entity (i.e., identifying the EC2 categories which the company/entity will perform, if awarded). All pages of the signed commitments are required to be submitted; there will be no page limit. The specific instructions (and evaluations) of this requirement will be described in the forthcoming EC2 RFP. This notice only serves to provide prospective offerors with advanced notice of the new provisions for planning purposes.
Update 15:
1) Final RFP Posting Date -- The EC2 Final RFP is anticipated to be posted on 23 September 2022. There will be an update posted to this Contract Opportunity on SAM.Gov providing interested parties with notice that the RFP is posted along with the link to access the posting directly.
Update 14:
1) Questions and Answers (Q&As). -- Answers to (timely) submitted questions from Industry are posted below.
2) Final RFP -- The EC2 Final RFP will not be posted before 1 August 2022. There will be an update posted to this Contract Opportunity on SAM.Gov, providing interested parties with an expected RFP posting date (or the best available information) as soon as it's known.
Update 13:
The Government's updated timelines are to post the Q&As from the Draft RFP before 8 July 2022 and post the Final RFP before 1 August 2022.
Update 12:
Pre-Solicitation Conference slides posted below.
Update 11: Draft RFP
1. The draft RFP includes: A) Solicitation, (i.e. draft RFP sections and clauses). B) Section J, List of Attachments and C) Sections L & M; Section L - Instructions, Conditions, and Notices to Offerors and Section M - Evaluation Factors for Award. Additionally, there are fourteen (14) Attachments. The total number of documents/files is seventeen (17).
2. Use "Attachment 12. Question-Answer Matrix" and send official questions to 1) cheryl.hawkins-prebula@us.af.mil, 2) shaun.mcginnis.1@us.af.mil, AND sara.ryan.2@us.af.mil. These questions will be collected, addressed, and answers posted in bulk to this advertisement page in SAM.gov. A response that “your question has been received” will be provided but individual answers to questions will not be provided. Questions are due not later than May 16, 2022 but sooner is appreciated.
3. A Pre-Solicitation Conference is scheduled for May 17, 2022 at 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada). This will be a virtual conference. Please register in advance at: https://www.zoomgov.com/meeting/register/vJItfuiorz8vE24v8iQgR32Psc6MLZs6ZSU After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Companies are limited to not more than 4 personnel per company. The link to attend the meeting is: https://www.zoomgov.com/meeting/register/vJItfuiorz8vE24v8iQgR32Psc6MLZs6ZSU
Update 10: Providing Answers to RFI's & General Updates
- Transition all communications from SAM Notice ID: FA7037-21-EC2-RFI to FA877322R0005. Notice ID FA7037-21-EC2-RFI will be deactivated 31 March 2021.
- Update title from EC2 to Enterprise Cyber Capabilities (EC2).
- Answers to all questions received in response to RFI #3 are posted in attachments.
- The Government anticipates releasing the Draft RFP on/about 13 April 2022.
Update 9: EC2 has relocated to FA8773, AMIC DET 2/OL-C, Tinker AFB, OK.
- Answers to all questions received in response to RFI#3 are forthcoming, and will be posted to this (new) pre-solicitation link.
- Revised versions of Sections L & M will be posted here to collect additional feedback.
- POCs have been updated to Tinker AFB personnel.
- In approximately 2 weeks, the previous sam.gov posting for FA7037-21-EC2-RFI will be deactivated to avoid confusion.
Update 8:This update provides updated information, provides Draft Section L&M, and “activates” the IVL in sam.gov.
Updated information:
1. The EC2 Program will have two pools: SB and an Unrestricted Pool
2. Projected Ordering Period: 10 Year.
3. Projected RFP Release Date: 2QFY22
4. Projected Award Date: 1QFY23
5. Projected number of awards in each pool: TBD. However, the SB pool is projected to have a higher number of awards.
6. The estimated value for the EC2 Program, both pools, is >$5B-<$6B over 10 years.
Draft Section L&M is provided for review and comment. This version is primarily focused on the SB Pool, however procedurally both pools will be evaluated similarly. You can expect the Unrestricted Pool to have a requirement for a Sub-contracting Plan (for OTSB) and the evaluation criteria to be more stringent than the SB pool. Request your input on the draft L&M NLT 16 Dec 2021. Another opportunity to review the Draft Solicitation, to include section L&M will be provided at a later date.
New Attachments:
Attachment #5, Section L
Attachment #6, Section M
Attachment #9, Self-Scoring Matrix
Scoring Sheet Directions
RFI #3, L&M SB Only Feedback Form (return this file once filled in).
Interested Vendor List (IVL): The IVL funtion is still not working properly. A new notice will be published in th near future with the following RFP #: FA7037-22-R-0001.
Update 7:
This update provides the most recent PWS, Interested Vendors List (IVL), IDIQ Labor Categories (LCATS), and Questions and Answers from RFI #2.
It also updates the NAICS code to 541330 as the primary NAICS code.
Also, the previously posted acquisition timelines are outdate and will slip to the right by several months. A new schedule will be posted when the Draft Section L&M are posted, or sooner.
List of updated documents:
1. PWS dated 06 Oct 2021: Now specifically includes Overseas Locations/Requirements.
2. LCATS: The IDIQ LCATS are mapped to the PWS. The LCATS identify the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) at the IDIQ Level. The TOs will provide the specific capability indicators, e.g. Entry/Intermediate/Advanced requirements, etc.
3. IVL: The IVL is being provided as an attachment here until the sam.gov system can automatically display the list.
4. RFI #2, Questions and Answers (20 Oct 2021)
Update 6:
Attached is Reqeust for Information (RFI) #2. Please provide your responses on the attached spread sheet and return in an Excel format. Please submit your response as soon as possible, but not later than 17 Sept 2021.
UPDATE 5: The questions received during Industry Day on 7 April have been reviewed and answers finalized. We apologize for the delay as we were awaiting the conclusion of the Early Strategy and Issues Session (ESIS). The answers incorporate details that were not available during Industry Day. All QAs previously posted are superseded by the following attachment.
ATCH 3 – EC2 Industry Day QAs Post ESIS (26 Aug 2021)
There have also been several questions regarding Small Business Joint Ventures. Please refer to “13 CFR § 121.103” at https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?rgn=div5;node=13%3A1.
A second RFI will be posted next week and will allow interested parties to submit additional questions.
UPDATE 4: Provided are the latest updates regarding the EC2 Program:
- The place of performance will also include Overseas Locations. The draft PWS will remain significantly the same as previously posted.
- After re-analyzing the spend data, the primary NAICS code will most likely be revised to NAICS 541330, Engineering Services (military exception), instead of NAICS 541512, Computer Systems Design Services. Feedback of this change will be requested from all interested parties in the near future.
- Decentralized ordering to other AF organizations is being contemplated, typically referred to as Decentralize Contracting Office (DCO). This will enable other than AMIC units to issue task orders from the EC2 vehicle. We will be gathering information/conducting additional Market Research on this issue and will advise industry once a final decision is made. If DCO capabilities are expanded, the magnitude of the IDIQ will grow accordingly.
- The answers to the questions previously posted will be updated based on recent information available and will be re-posted before 30 Aug 2021. Thereafter, a second round of questions will be requested from all interested parties.
Tentative Revised Schedule
-The draft schedule is subject to revision and based on the determination of whether DCO capabilities will be employed.
Tentative Schedule Projected Date
Post Draft Section L&M TBD
Industry Day TBD
ASP 25 Oct 21
Draft RFP 26 Oct 21
RFP Issuance 29 Dec 21
Initial Evaluation Briefing 12 May 22
Pre-FPR Briefing 31 Aug 22
Source Selection Decision Briefing 9 Nov 22
Contract Award 23 Nov 22
Ordering Period Start 1 Dec 22
UPDATE 3: The Government Team is making adjustments to the EC2 Program and preparing for the Early Strategy and Issues Session (ESIS). Once the ESIS is complete, the team will be in a better position to provide actionable information to all interested vendors. The team anticipates providing an update to industry within the next 60-90 days.
Note: The information disclosed during Industry Day, and related documents, were pre-decisional and are subject to change. Industry Day was held early in the market research phase and we would like to emphasize that additional forums will be hosted. The “notional” acquisition schedule previously posted will have significant updates. Please stand by for additional updates.
Industry Day Recordings
Attached are the links to the recordings from the Industry Day. The recordings cannot be viewed on most government issued computers. Please refer to the Zoom Help Center to ensure you have the correct software and prerequisites to view the recording formats (MP4, M4A, m3u and TXT).
Topic: EC2 Virtual Industry Day
Start Time: Apr 7, 2021 10:58 AM
Meeting Recording:
Access Passcode: $@@hfz38
Topic: EC2 Virtual Industry Day
Start Time: Apr 7, 2021 07:23 AM
Meeting Recording:
Access Passcode: a@m2hmNQ
Interested Vendors List
We encourage all interested vendors, who wish to share their contact information with others, to use the “Interested Vendors List” function on this posting:
You must be logged into SAM.gov to see the Interested Vendors List icon.
UPDATE 2: For your convenience, a draft version of the RFI QA Brief has been posted until finalization is completed.
ATCH 2 - EC2 Industry Day QA Brief Draft (7 April)
UPDATE 1: The Industy Day Briefing is attached. The RFI Q&A Briefing will be posted within the week if not sooner.
ATCH 1 - EC2 Industry Day Brief (7 April)
EC2 Virtual Industry Day Announcement has been re-scheduled to 7 April 2021 at 09:00 AM Central Time.
Your firm must register in advance for this ZoomGov meeting. All attendees must register in advance to attend the meeting at the following link:
After registering, a confirmation email will be provided containing additional instructions.
All RFI questions submitted to date will be addressed during the Virtual Industry Day. If your firm has additional questions, please submit them no later than 5 April 2021, 04:00 PM (CT) to the following:
CO: edgard.flores.1@us.af.mil PM: jason.peters.19@us.af.mil
CO/CS: priscilla.cruz@us.af.mil PM: jody.warner@us.af.mil
Questions will be accepted during the Virtual Industry Day. Depending on the complexity, an attempt will be made to address all questions. However, responses will be officially posted to this site.
The tentative agenda is as follows:
09:00 AM - 11:30 AM Introductions, EC2 Program Overview, Mission Briefs, etc.
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Lunch break
01:00 PM - 04:00 PM Questions and Answers
Contact Information
Contracting Office Address
- BLDG 4004 CP 405 734 7645 4004 HILLTOP RD
- TINKER AFB , OK 73145-2713
Primary Point of Contact
- Shaun McGinnis
- shaun.mcginnis.1@us.af.mil
- Phone Number 405-434-4882
Secondary Point of Contact
- Cheryl Hawkins-Prebula
- cheryl.hawkins-prebula@us.af.mil
- Phone Number (405) 734-5355
- Jan 06, 2024 10:55 pm CSTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Aug 02, 2023 05:09 pm CDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- May 05, 2023 10:00 am CDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Jan 05, 2023 05:42 pm CSTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Dec 21, 2022 02:26 pm CSTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Dec 09, 2022 08:51 am CSTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Dec 09, 2022 08:46 am CSTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Dec 05, 2022 04:21 pm CSTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Dec 05, 2022 03:58 pm CSTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Nov 18, 2022 10:31 am CSTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Nov 18, 2022 10:00 am CSTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Nov 03, 2022 03:44 pm CDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Oct 27, 2022 08:23 pm CDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Oct 06, 2022 04:49 pm CDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Sep 26, 2022 03:02 pm CDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Sep 23, 2022 01:27 pm CDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Sep 09, 2022 11:23 am CDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Sep 08, 2022 09:07 am CDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Aug 07, 2022 08:43 am CDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Jul 20, 2022 04:13 pm CDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Jul 20, 2022 03:38 pm CDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Jun 30, 2022 10:00 am CDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Jun 30, 2022 07:22 am CDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- May 17, 2022 09:24 am CDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- May 02, 2022 01:59 pm CDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- May 02, 2022 12:41 pm CDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- May 02, 2022 09:52 am CDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- May 02, 2022 09:41 am CDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- May 02, 2022 07:40 am CDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Apr 07, 2022 01:21 pm CDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Mar 25, 2022 09:18 am CDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Mar 10, 2022 06:10 pm CSTPresolicitation (Original)