657-21-106JB FCA Replace Air Handling Units Buildings 52 and 53, Jefferson Barracks
Summary Scope of Work
(See the specifications and drawings for the complete scope of work)
Construction Services are required for the project titled FCA Replace FCA Replace Air Handling Units Buildings 52 & 53. This is under Project Number 657-21-106JB at the Jefferson Barracks Division of the St. Louis VA Medical Center, St. Louis, MO. This project will replace obsolete AUHs that support Buildings 52 and 53. The existing AHUs are beyond their useful life and most date back 35 years.
The triennial FCA review in 2011 identified all AHUs as being rated "F and D" (FCA # 164285-289). Replacement of the AHUs for Building 52 & 53 will also allow the St. Louis VAMC to reduce energy consumption and green-house gas emission pursuant to Executive Orders 13423 and 13514. Finally, approval of this project will provide improved patient Environment of Care in regard to temperature and humidity control. Expected length of construction (Period of Performance) is 270 days.
This is a summary scope of work, please see the specifications and drawings for the complete scope of work.