[AM 0001: Internal review requirements have delayed formal solicitation, check back frequently to this SAM announcement for updates.][[AM0002: Updated the Response Time for this DRAFT, through the forecasted Official Solicitation Issuance. Future amendment(s) may be issued in order to maintain a current forecasted Official Solicitation Issuance Date for Industry Awareness]]USACE-Omaha District (CENWO) intends to acquire Design-Build Services for the Ft Harrison, MT VAMC Seismic Upgrade and Specialty Care Improvements; Phase I, Design-Build Central Utility Plant (CUP) and Parking Garage. This acquisition is to design and construct two facilities and supporting infrastructure on the Ft Harrison Campus: an approximately 15,700 GSF Central Utility Plant (CUP) with utilities distribution system and an approximately 660-space Parking Garage (PG) north of the main hospital building, interior demolition of building 171 (current operational boiler plant), and the modification of the existing campus heating/hot water [AM0003: Providing industry access to DRAFT RFP after closing, through 31 JAN 2025.