Joint C-sUAS Office (JCO) Defeat of Group 3 sUAS Systems Demonstration
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General Information
- Contract Opportunity Type: Special Notice (Original)
- Original Published Date: Oct 18, 2022 11:53 am EDT
- Original Response Date: Nov 07, 2022 12:00 pm EST
- Inactive Policy: 15 days after response date
- Original Inactive Date:
- Initiative:
- Original Set Aside:
- Product Service Code:
- NAICS Code:
- 334511 - Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical System and Instrument Manufacturing
- Place of Performance:
Joint Counter small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-sUAS) Office (JCO) Request for White Papers (RFWP) for Defeat of Group 3 sUAS Systems Demonstration
INTRODUCTION: This Project Announcement (PA) is a five phased project announcement. The Joint Counter-small Unmanned Aircraft System (C-sUAS) Office (JCO) and Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO) are seeking whitepapers to identify industry interest in demonstrating fixed/stationary or mobile/mounted defeat of Group 3 sUAS at distances equal to or greater than 4 kilometers (km) slant range. The purpose is to identify potential performers that may have promising technologies or approaches relative to the mission described below. Following government evaluation of the whitepaper submissions, the Offerors that describe the most promising solutions may be asked for a follow on in-person oral presentation. Selected Offerors may then be asked to participate in the JCO Demonstration 4 (DEMO 4) tentatively scheduled for May 2023. This demonstration may result in the award of competitively selected prototype projects. Vendors should only submit a White Paper for consideration if their system will be operationally ready for testing by May 2023.
OVERVIEW: The government seeks Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6+ solutions for the purpose of defeat of Group 3 sUAS threats. The overarching government objective is to prototype near production representative, cost-effective defeat system(s) at a distance greater than or equal to 4 km in distance, and to integrate with Forward Area Air Defense Command and Control (FAADC2).
This is a competitive solicitation seeking innovative technologies that accelerate attainment of these critical technologies and may result in the award of prototype projects, which include not only commercially available technologies fueled by commercial or strategic investment, but also concept demonstrations, pilots, and agile development activities that can incrementally improve commercial technologies, existing government-owned capabilities, or concepts for defense application. Both large and small businesses, academic institutions are encouraged to respond. The information provided may be used by the Department of Defense (DoD) in developing its acquisition strategy, statement of work/performance work statements, and/or statement of objectives. Interested parties are responsible to adequately mark proprietary, restricted or competition sensitive information contained in their response accordingly. The government will NOT reimburse respondents for any cost associated with the submission of the information being requested.
To ensure the most capable equipment is provided to the Operational Forces, the JCO/RCCTO intends to conduct a competitive demonstration for Group 3 sUAS defeat capabilities across the DoD. As such, a working sample system will be required to demonstrate the technology during the JCO DEMO 4 projected to take place in May 2023. Prototype system(s) will be operationally field tested to inform capabilities and limitations for potential 10 USC 4022 Other Transaction Agreements (OTAs) or may inform follow-on contract decisions.
BACKGROUND: The fiscal year 2021 NDAA Conference Report required the Executive Agent (JCO) to prioritize the objective of developing and executing a plan to develop, test, and begin production of a counter unmanned aircraft system (C-UAS) to meet immediate operational needs in countering Groups 1, 2, and 3 unmanned aircraft systems and, to the extent practical, has the potential to counter other, larger unmanned aircraft systems. Additionally, previous Joint Urgent Operational Needs and Joint Emergent Operational Needs have described a pressing need to enhance military C-UAS capabilities. The Government expects to potentially award at least one, and perhaps multiple prototype OTAs from this competitive demonstration. Such OTA award(s) may further demonstrate, test and evaluation the technology, or, depending on the Government’s needs, may also allow for limited additional development prior to further demonstration, testing and evaluation. Also, depending on the needs of the Joint Forces, the government anticipates that a follow-on production OTA may be awarded to the vendor(s) for this effort without additional competitive procedures if the systems demonstrated are deemed operationally effective and suitable based on the successful completion of the relevant prototype project(s).
REQUIREMENTS: The following capabilities/attributes are considered essential technical requirements which shall be met for the prototype to be considered effective. The Government will consider these requirements at every phase of this process. The Joint Requirements Oversight Council Memorandum (JROCM) will be provided upon request to all industry partners who have access to SIPR or appropriate cage codes.
- Probability of engagement at JROCM approved distance and defeat for fixed or stationary C-sUAS capability
- Probability of engagement at JROCM approved distance and defeat for mobile or mounted C-sUAS capability
- Pathway to achieve MIL-STD 810 hardening
- System will integrate with Forward Area Air Defense Command and Control (FAADC2)
- The JCO will provide FAADC2 Interface Control Documents (ICD) upon request to approved industry partners selected for Phase 3.
Competition Process, Content Submission Requirements, and Evaluation Criteria:
PHASE 1 (Whitepapers): The whitepapers (WPs) will be reviewed by technical subject matter experts and evaluated on C-sUAS capability and business model. Each WP will be evaluated based on the merit, relevance, and cost as it relates to the evaluation factors stated herein. The Government may also elect to use external market research in the evaluation.
WPs submitted in response to this RFWP will be evaluated to determine the capabilities of greatest interest to the DoD using the criteria listed below, in descending order of importance:
- The overall scientific and/or technical merits of the capability
- Capabilities to defeat Group 3 sUAS at ≥ 4 km slant range.
- Addresses the JCO C-sUAS Capability Gap
- Ease of install and operation
- Concept for FAADC2 WES ICD Integration
- Cost realism for the proposed technical approach
- Evidence of TRL 6+
Upon receipt, the government will evaluate those WPs through the Evaluation Criteria to determine which WPs represent the best value to the Government.
Phases 2-5 of this competition are by invitation only. The Government intends to select up to ten (10) companies to further discuss their proposed concept, technology, and solution in Phase 2. During Phase 2, the Government may request and/or provide additional information to the Company at the Secret Level.
Content/Submission Requirements: The whitepapers shall be limited to no more than fifteen (15) one-sided pages. Submissions shall be capable of being printed on 8.5 x 11-inch paper with one-inch margin (top, bottom, left and right) and a 12-point Arial or Times New Roman font. Line spacing shall be set at no less than single space. Tables, drawings, and header/footer information shall be 10-point Arial font or larger. For tables and drawings, landscape orientation is permitted. Microsoft (MS) Office Professional 2016 and MS PowerPoint 2016 or later shall be used to create the files. All graphics shall be compatible with MS PowerPoint 2016. If any of the material provided contains proprietary or classified information, please mark appropriately and identify disposition instructions (submitted data will not be returned). Responses should include, but are not limited to the following:
- Capabilities statement: An overview of your Class 3 sUAS defeat capabilities and limitations in reference to your offering. Submissions shall specifically address but are not limited to addressing the capabilities/attributes described in the aforementioned “Requirements” section above. Defeat capabilities as well as integration with DoD systems and networks will be evaluated.
- Recommendations: Based on your system’s capabilities, and your company’s understanding of the operating environment, provide any additional recommended capability requirements and performance thresholds. Please highlight unique capabilities that make your product stand out. This information will help bound the art of the possible for the effort in the timeframe we have available.
- Test and Test Support Demo: Assume 5 days’ duration and manpower needed to operate and support/maintain systems during the test. Additionally, please provide a rough estimate for the cost in purchasing the equipment used for this test. Please also provide a separate ROM for the cost of up to 10 systems including delivery schedule.
- Interoperability / Integration with FAADC2: Please address the level of effort required to integrate your system into FAADC2 to include required data, and time estimated.
- Company Information to include:
- Name, Mailing Address, and CAGE Code (if available)
- Technical and Business Points of Contact to include Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses
- Indicate whether your company is a Large Business, Small Business, or Academic Institution
- Indicate whether your company is a non-traditional defense contractor (*see definition below)
- Foreign ownership, either directly or indirectly. If so, country of origin and whether the company is partially or fully foreign owned.
- If your company's proposed approach has been proposed to or previously funded by any federal agency, please identify each specific agency and all applicable contract/agreement numbers
*Non-traditional defense contractor is defined in 10 U.S.C. 3014 as an entity that is not currently performing and has not performed, for at least the one-year period preceding this RFWP, any contract or subcontract for the Department of Defense that is subject to full coverage under the cost accounting standards prescribed pursuant to section 1502 of title 41 and the regulations implementing such section.
The deadline for this RFWP is no later than 12:00EST on Monday, 7 November 2022, via email to James Bedsole at All submissions shall be clearly marked "Whitepapers for JCO Demo 4." Only UNCLASSIFIED white papers will be accepted. There is no limit on the number of white papers that interested companies may submit in response to this announcement. Attendance at the Industry Day on 28 October is highly recommended to address questions and focus responses (please see information at the end of this announcement). The Government does not intend to publish any additional questions or comments received as a result of this announcement. Inquiries outside of the JCO industry Day regarding this solicitation will not be accepted.
PHASE 2 (Oral Presentations): If selected for Phase 2, companies will then have an opportunity to present their project/idea to the JCO's subject matter expert panel, consisting of representation across the JCO and Joint community of C-sUAS interest. Individual presentations will be evaluated against the evaluation criteria below. Upon completion of evaluations, the Government will notify companies if they have been selected to demonstrate their product; or if their proposed concept/technology/solution is not selectable.
Vendor Presentations shall be evaluated on the following factors:
- Technical merit of solution adequately addresses the technology area of interest and feasibility
- Company viability and business acumen
- Proposed plan for FAADC2 WES ICD Integration
- The rough order of magnitude (ROM) cost
- The notional schedule to be evaluated and attend the JCO Demo 4
- Evidence of TRL 6+
- The notional schedule for potential for future delivery and scaling to operational units (development/production)
- The potential impact of data rights assertions
- Ability to repair the system in a deployed environment
- Level of support provided by Contractor (Help Desk, FSR, spare parts, etc.)
PHASE 3 (Demonstration): Within budget constraints, the selected companies who meet our evaluation criteria will be invited to provide a demonstration of their selected product. Range personnel will operate the target and test environment while companies operate their own equipment. Selected companies will be responsible for all costs associated with bringing their system to Yuma Proving Ground (YPG), AZ. The Government will not be liable for any damages caused during the demonstrations, including but not limited to death, bodily injury, and property damage. Selected companies are responsible for submitting all safety related range approvals, including DD1494/JF12 documentation.
Demonstrations shall be evaluated on the following factors:
- Technical Merit of solution adequately addresses government need
- Proven capability to defeat Group 3 sUAS on standardized JCO range
- Low/slow Group 3 sUAS = 1000’ AGL at 100-120 mph
- High/fast Group 3 sUAS = 5000-7000’ AGL at 200-240 mph
- Defeat at ≥ 4 km slant range
- Fire Control quality radar detect/tracks will be provided to all SUT through FAAD WES ICD unless the Vendor elects to provide own detect/track. Intent of this Demo is for Industry to demonstrate their Group 3 defeat capabilities. We will not evaluate Industry capabilities to detect and track Group 3.
Individual demonstrations will be evaluated against the evaluation criteria and not against other demonstrations. Upon completion of evaluations, the Government will notify companies if they have been selected for possible award of a prototype Other Transaction Agreement (OTA) and request the submission of a full proposal; or if their proposed concept/technology/solution is not selectable or eligible to be selected later.
PHASE 4 (Prototype Proposal): Full proposals are by invitation only. Those companies whose whitepaper, in-person presentation, and demonstration are evaluated to be of merit and are selected for potential award may, subject to the availability of funding, be invited to submit a full written proposal as well as negotiate appropriate terms and conditions governing a prototype OTA.
PHASE 5 (OTA Award): Upon favorable evaluation and available funds, the Government may choose to make an award or multiple awards. Awards will be made to the companies whose offer is determined to provide the overall best value to the Government based on the criteria/preferences and availability of funds, this may not necessarily be the proposal offering the lowest cost or receiving the highest evaluated rating. Awards will be made using OTAs. The Agreements Officer will negotiate directly with the company on the terms and conditions of the OTA, including payments, and will execute the OTA on behalf of the Government. Receipt of a Request for Prototype Proposal (RFPP) does not guarantee that a company will receive an award and the Government reserves the right, at any point prior to award of an OTA, to cancel the RFPP. Please be advised, only an Agreements Officer has the authority to enter into, or modify, a binding agreement on behalf of the Government.
Follow-on Production: Upon successful completion of a prototype project under the OTA, the Government and company may negotiate a follow-on production contract or agreement, without the need for further competition. Any concept/technology/solution successfully proven through the prototype OTA may be transitioned to production.
Prototype OTAs awarded will include language providing for the potential award of a follow-on production contract or agreement as authorized under 10 U.S.C. 4022(a)(1). Prototype OTAs will explicitly identify follow-on production OTAs as a potential outcome of a successful prototyping effort.
A transaction for a prototype project is complete upon the written determination of the appropriate approving official for the matter in question that efforts conducted under a Prototype OTA: (1) met the key technical goals of a project; (2) satisfied success metrics incorporated into the Prototype OTA; or (3) accomplished a particularly favorable or unexpected result that justifies the transition to production. Furthermore, successful completion can occur prior to the conclusion of a prototype project to allow the government to transition any aspect of the prototype project determined to provide utility into production while other aspects of the prototype project have yet to be completed. Any Prototype OTA will contain a provision that sets forth the conditions under which that prototype agreement must be successfully completed.
Non-Government Advisors: Non-Government advisors may be used in the evaluation of whitepapers and will have signed non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) with the Government. The Government understands that information provided in response to this solicitation is presented in confidence and may contain trade secret or commercial or financial information, and it agrees to protect such information from unauthorized disclosure to the maximum extent permitted or required by Law, to include:
a. 18 USC 1905 (Trade Secrets Act)
b. 18 USC 1831 et seq. (Economic Espionage Act)
c. 5 USC 552(b)(4) (Freedom of Information Act)
d. Executive Order 12600 (Pre-disclosure Notification Procedures for Confidential Commercial Information); and
e. Any other statute, regulation, or requirement applicable to Government employees.
DISCLAIMER: Participation in this solicitation is not a prerequisite for participating in any future solicitations or procurements. Nothing in this solicitation is a guarantee of future partnerships, contract commitment, or future workload. This announcement is not a contract, a promise to contract, or a commitment of any kind on the part of the Government.
The Government reserves the right to select all, some, or none of the whitepapers or presentations in response to this solicitation. The costs of preparing and submitting whitepapers, oral presentations, and demo are not considered an allowable direct charge to any contract or agreement. The Government will not assume liability for costs incurred by an attendee for marketing efforts; therefore, cost in response to this notice is not considered an allowable direct charge to the Government.
The Government will also not be liable for any damages caused during the demonstrations, including but not limited to death, bodily injury, and property damage.
JCO Industry Day 28 October 2022: No pre-registration required
The JCO is hosting a virtual Industry Day on Friday, 28 October 2022, from 12:00 ET to 14:00 ET. Questions related to Industry Day and this RFWP can be asked during the Industry Day. The Industry Day link is:
Dial in +1 571-616-7941
Phone Conference ID: 383 823 102#
No registration required to attend, but please provide Point of Contact POC information and Industry association via e-mail to:
*Please monitor this SAM announcement for additional updates*
Contact Information
Contracting Office Address
- REDSTONE ARSENAL , AL 35898-0000
Primary Point of Contact
- James Bedsole
Secondary Point of Contact
- Paul Kemp
- Nov 23, 2022 11:56 pm ESTSpecial Notice (Updated)
- Oct 18, 2022 11:56 am EDTSpecial Notice (Updated)
- Oct 18, 2022 11:53 am EDTSpecial Notice (Original)