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APEX Accelerators are an official government contracting resource for small businesses. Find your local APEX Accelerator (opens in new window) for free government expertise related to contract opportunities.

APEX Accelerators are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense.

The APEX Accelerators program was formerly known as the Procurement Technical Assistance Program (opens in new window) (PTAP).

General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Solicitation (Updated)
  • Updated Published Date: Nov 06, 2023 12:57 pm EST
  • Original Published Date:
  • Requirements Strategy:
  • Inactive Policy: 15 days after date offers due
  • Updated Inactive Date: Dec 19, 2023
  • Original Inactive Date:
  • Authority:
  • Fair Opportunity / Limited Sources Justification Authority:
  • Initiative:
    • None


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CONTACT INFORMATION|4|N742.8|ER2DD|7176052982|| ITEM UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION AND VALUATION (JAN 2023)|19|||||||||||||||||||| HIGHER-LEVEL CONTRACT QUALITY REQUIREMENT (NAVICP REVIEW FEB 1991)(FEB 1999)|1|See specifications C and E| INSPECTION OF SUPPLIES--FIXED-PRICE (AUG 1996)|2||| INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE - SHORT VERSION|8|X||X|||||| TIME OF DELIVERY (JUNE 1997)|20|0001AA|19|365|0001AB|18|365||||||||||||||| WIDE AREA WORKFLOW PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS (JAN 2023)|16|Certifications - Stand-Alone Receiving Report Material - Receiving report and invoice combo|Material - inspect and accept at source|To be determined (TBD)|N00104|TBD|TBD|W25G1U - 19 W62GT - 18|TBD|N/A|N/A|N/A|S ee Form DD1423|N/A|N/A|See Form DD1423|1-866-618-5988 - WAWF Helpdesk| NAVY USE OF ABILITYONE SUPPORT CONTRACTOR - RELEASE OF OFFEROR INFORMATION (3-18))|1|WSS| EQUAL OPPORTUNITY (SEP 2016)|2||| WARRANTY OF SUPPLIES OF A NONCOMPLEX NATURE (JUNE 2003)|6|One year from date of delivery|One year from date of delivery||||| WARRANTY OF DATA--BASIC (MAR 2014)|2||| FIRST ARTICLE APPROVAL--CONTRACTOR TESTING (SEP 1989)|10|One (1)||14|30|Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division, (NSWCPD) 5001 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19112-1403||30|||| BUY AMERICAN --FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS--BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM - BASIC (JAN2023))|3|||| NOTICE OF TOTAL SMALL BUSINESS SET-ASIDE (OCT 2020)(DEVIATION 2020-O0008)|1|| ALTERNATE A, ANNUAL REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS (NOV 2020)|13|||||||||||||| BUY AMERICAN-FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS-BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM CERTIFICATE-BASIC (DEC 2022))|3|||| ANNUAL REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS (MAR 2023)|13|333923|1250|||||||||||| NOTICE OF PRIORITY RATING FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE, EMERGENCY PERPARDENESS, AND ENRGY PROGAM USE (APRIL 2008))|2|X|| 1. All contractual documents (i.e. contract, purchase orders, task orders, delivery orders, and modifications) related to the instant procurment are considered to be "issued" by the Government when copies are either deposited in the mail, transmitted by fax, or sent by other electronic commerce methods such as e-mail. The Government's acceptance of the contractor's proposal constitutes bilateral agreement to "issue" contractual documents as detailed herein. 2. Any contract awarded as a result of this solicitation will be DX certified for national defense use under the Defense Priorities and Allocations System (DPAS). Provision 52.211-14, Notice of Priority Rating for National Defense, Emergency Preparedness, and Energy Program Use, shall be inserted in solicitations when the contract to be awarded will be a rated order. 3. This requierement is pursuant to the Emergency Acquisition Flexibilities (EAF). 4. If you are not the manufacturer of the material you are offering, you must state who the manufacturer is (name and CAGE code) and be able to provide traceability information if requested. Examples of traceability documentation include but are not limited to: purchase order/invoice between you and the manufacturer identifying the part number, revision level, and quantities; manufacturer's packing slip or certification identifying the part number, revision level, and quantities. \ 1. SCOPE 1.1 ;This procurement specification contains the requirements for manufacture and the contract quality requirements for ;Lifting Clamp Assembly #51; for use on Navy submarines.; 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Applicable Documents - The document(s) listed below form a part of this contract/purchase order including modifications or exclusions. 2.1.1 Documents, drawings, and publications supplied are listed under "Drawing Number". These items should be retained until an award is made. 2.1.2 "Document References" listed below must be obtained by the Contractor. Ordering information is included as an attachment to this contract/purchase order. 2.1.3 The "Document Changes" section provides supersessions/changes to referenced documents. 2.2 Order of Precedence - In the event of a conflict between the text of this contract/purchase order and the references and/or drawings cited herein, the text of this contract/purchase order shall take precedence. Nothing in this contract/purchase order, however, shall supersede applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained. DRAWING DATA=4398614 |53711| V| |D|0001 | V|49998|5520157 DOCUMENT REF DATA=ADHESIVE | | | | |A| | | DOCUMENT REF DATA=ASTM A36 | | |M |190701|A| | | DOCUMENT REF DATA=MIL-STD-130 | | |N |121116|A| |01| DOCUMENT REF DATA=MIL-STD-2035 | | |A |950515|A| | | DOCUMENT REF DATA=ASME B46.1 | | | |190101|A| | | DOCUMENT REF DATA=ISO9001 | | | |150915|A| | | DOCUMENT REF DATA=MS16285 | | |A |970406|D| | | DOCUMENT REF DATA=MIL-S-22698 | | |C |941020|A| 2| | DOCUMENT REF DATA=MS27183 | | |L |211022|A| | | DOCUMENT REF DATA=MIL-I-45208 | | |A |810724|A| | | DOCUMENT REF DATA=NCSL Z540.3 | | | |060803|A| | | DOCUMENT REF DATA=NASM 90725 | | | |160531|A| | | DOCUMENT REF DATA=FED-STD-H28/20B | | | |941221|A| |01| DOCUMENT REF DATA=MIL-DTL-24441/20B | | | |090827|A| | | DOCUMENT REF DATA=MIL-DTL-24441/21B | | | |090827|A| | | DOCUMENT REF DATA=BRAKE LINING MATERIAL | | | | |A| | | DOCUMENT REF DATA=S9074-AQ-GIB-010/248 | | | |950801|A| | | DOCUMENT REF DATA=S9074-AR-GIB-010/278 | | |A |130214|A| | | DOCUMENT REF DATA=T9074-AS-GIB-010/271 | | |1 |140911|A| | | DOCUMENT REF DATA=ISO10012 | |01| |030415|A| | | DOCUMENT REF DATA=MIL-STD-973 | | | |950113|A| |03| 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 ;Design and Manufacturing - The ;Lifting Clamp Assembly #51; furnished under this contract/purchase order shall meet the material, mechanical, physical, welding and test requirements as specified on Drawing 4398614, (consisting of Iten Nos. 14, 22, 24, 25, 26, 33, 34, 60, 62 and 65) including associated specifications mentioned in this procurement. ; 3.1.1 ;The supplier shall perform all welding and nondestructive testing and inspection on ;Lifting Clamp Assembly #51; in accordance with the requirements of NAVSEA Technical Publications S9074-AR-GIB-010/278, T9074-AS-GIB-010/271 and MIL-STD-2035 specified on Drawing 4398614, Note 6.;The supplier has the option of performing magnetic particle or liquid penetrant nondestructive testing and inspection on all welds.;; 3.1.2 ;The supplier welders performing welding on ;Lifting Clamp Assembly #51; shall be qualified in accordance with NAVSEA Technical Publication S9074-AQ-GIB-010/248 specified on Drawing 4398614, Note 6.; 3.1.3 ;The supplier shall have or fabricate the required Weight Handling Equipment and Test Fixture in accordance with Drawing 4398614 requirements to perform Weight Test and Holding Capacity Test on ;Lifting Clamp Assembly #51;. The supplier shall maintain and perform nondestructive testing on said equipment as required by the drawing.; 3.1.4 ;The supplier shall perform Weight Test and Holding Capacity Test on ;Lifting Clamp Assembly #51; in accordance with the Test Procedure for Weight Handling Equipment and Test Weight Requirement, and Test Setup specified on Drawing 4398614. The test procedure for weight handling equipment Note 5.1 of Drawing 4398614, Sheet 57 states "The Clamp Weight Test can be conducted simultaneously with the Holding Capacity Test in accordance with Note 6.1" of the drawing.; 3.2 ;Marking Requirements - The supplier shall permanently identify each first article and production lot unit ;Lifting Clamp Assembly #51; in accordance with Drawing 4398614 Notes 5, 19 and 21 using Item Number 65 (Label Plate) shown on sheet 44 of the drawing per MIL-STD-130. The supplier shall identify ;tag or bag; each first article and production lot unit with contract number and assembly serial number per MIL-STD-130.; 3.2.1 ;The supplier shall assign matched set serial numbers to the clamp halves item number 33 of drawing 4398614 and shall keep clamp halves in matched set by serial numbers. This is a mandatory requirement specified on Drawing 4398614, Sheet 57, and Test Procedure for Weight Handling Equipment under the Notes Header.; 3.2.2 ;The supplier shall mark ;tag or bag; all piece parts with contract, drawing/ item, heat, lot or batch and serial number in accordance with MIL-STD-130 until installed on the designated assembly.; 3.3 ;First Article Testing/Inspection - (Supplier Testing/Inspection). The first article testing/inspection procedure and approval are required for ;Lifting Clamp Assembly #51;. Government approval is required prior to commencement of first article unit.; 3.4 ;Notification - The supplier shall notify Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division, (NSWCPD), 5001 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19112-1403 by email, Code 242MO after award of contract.; 3.4.1 ;The NSWCPD is the acceptance activity for the Contract Data Requirements List (DD1423) Data Items. NSWCPD WAWF/IRAPT ;Acceptor; DODACC is ;N64498;.; 3.5 Configuration Control - MIL-STD-973 entitled "Configuration Management", Paragraph 5.4.8, Configuration Control (Short Form Procedure), is hereby incorporated. The Contractor shall submit all Engineering Change Proposals in accordance with MIL-STD-973, Paragraph and Appendix D. Requests for Deviations shall be processed in accordance with MIL-STD-973, Paragraph and Appendix E. Requests for Waivers shall be processed in accordance with MIL-STD-973, Paragraph and Appendix E. (Original and two copies shall be submitted to Contracting Officer, NAVICP-MECH, P. O. Box 2020, Mechanicsburg Pa. 17055-0788.) 3.5.1 Configuration Control - When the Contractor has received authorization on a prior contract for the same NSN for the use of a drawing of a later revision status, that authorization is hereby extended to all succeeding contracts/purchase orders until another drawing revision is approved. The Contractor will notify the PCO of this occurrence in each instance, in the response to the solicitation. Such notification shall be in writing setting forth the contract under which the prior authorization was granted, the date of the granting of the authorization, and the name of the granting authority. Contractors shall also refer technical inquiries (other than those covered by MIL-STD-973) on company letterhead signed by a responsible company official, with copies distributed as stated below. The original and two copies of all Contractor generated correspondence regarding configuration shall be submitted to Contracting Officer, NAVICP-MECH, P.O. Box 2020, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-0788. Contractors are cautioned that implementing engineering changes, waivers, deviations or technical inquiries into the contract/purchase order without approval of the Contracting Officer will be at the sole risk of the Contractor. 3.6 Mercury Free - The material supplied under this contract/purchase order is intended for use on submarines/surface ships and therefore shall contain no metallic mercury and shall be free from mercury contamination. Mercury contamination of the material will be cause for rejection. If the inclusion of metallic mercury is required as a functional part of the material furnished under this contract, the Contractor shall obtain written approval from the Procurement Contracting Officer before proceeding with manufacture. The contractor's request shall explain in detail the requirements for mercury, identify specifically the parts to contain mercury, and explain the method of protection against mercury escape. Such a request will be forwarded directly to the Procurement Contracting Officer with a copy to the applicable Government Inspector. Upon approval by the Contracting Officer, the vendor will provide a "Warning Plate" stating that metallic mercury is a functional part of the item and will include name and location of that part. The use of mercury, mercury compounds, or mercury-bearing instruments and/or equipment in a manner which might cause contamination in the manufacture, assembly, or test of material on this contract is prohibited. The most probable causes of contamination are direct-connected manometers, mercury vacuum pumps, mercury seals, or the handling of mercury in the immediate vicinity. Mercury switches, mercury in glass thermometers, standard cells and other items containing mercury may be used if they are located so as not to constitute a contamination hazard. If external contamination by metallic mercury occurs or is suspected, the following test may be used to determine whether contamination by metallic mercury exists or whether corrective cleaning measures have been effective. Enclose the equipment in a polyethylene bag or close-fitting airtight container for eight hours at room temperature (70 degrees F minimum).Sample the trapped air and if mercury vapor concentration is 0.01 mg/cu meter or more, the material is mercury contaminated insofar as the requirements of this contract are concerned. These requirements shall be included in any subcontract or purchase order hereunder and the Contractor shall insure SubContractor compliance with these requirements. Technical questions pertaining to these requirements shall be referred to the Procurement Contracting Officer via the cognizant Administrative Contracting Officer. For background, the following information is provided: Mercury is corrosive to gold, silver, nickel, stainless steels, aluminum and copper alloys. Stainless steels, nickel, and copper alloys are widely used in reactor plants and other submarine/surface ship systems. Accidental trapping of mercury in a component could cause serious damage to vital parts. Mercury is also toxic if inhaled, ingested, or absorbed through the skin. It is evident that grave consequences could result from small amounts of mercury vapor present in an unreplenished submarine/surface ship atmosphere. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE 4.1 Responsibility for Inspection - Unless otherwise specified in the contract/purchase order, the Contractor is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract/purchase order, the Contractor may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements. 4.2 Responsibility for Compliance - All items must meet all requirements of this contract/purchase order. The inspection set forth in this specification shall become a part of the Contractor's overall inspection system or quality program. The absence of any inspection requirements shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of assuring that all products or supplies submitted to the Government for acceptance comply with all requirements of the contract/purchase order. Sampling in quality conformance does not authorize submission of known defective material, either indicated or actual, not does it commit the Government to acceptance of defective material. 4.3 Records - Records of all inspection work by the Contractor shall be kept complete and available to the Government during the performance of contract/purchase order and for a period of 365 calendar days after final delivery of supplies. 4.4 ;Inspection System - The Supplier's Quality Inspection System shall be in accordance with MIL-I-45208 or ISO 9001 and NCSL Z540.3 or ISO 10012. The supplier shall develop and submit their written Quality Inspection and Test Plan as indicated on the Contract Data Requirements List (DD Form 1423). Government approval of the supplier's written Quality Inspection and Test Plan is required by the contract. CDRL: QUALITY INSPECTION & TEST PLAN per MIL-I-45208, NCSL Z540.3 and DI-QCIC-81110 ; 4.5 ;Surface Roughness - All surface finishes are in RMS measurements. Where the degree of surface roughness is indicated, the surface shall be free from all visible imperfections as defined by Standard ASME B46.1.; 4.6 ;Finished Edges - Finished edges shall be in accordance with the applicable drawing requirements.; 4.7 ;Threads - Threads shall be inspected in accordance with FED-STD-H28/20 System 21 requirements. Thread inspection shall include the measurement and recording of the major diameter for external threads and the minor diameter for internal threads.; 4.8 ;Material Control - The supplier shall have an effective material control system that provides for certified quantitative mill or industrial laboratory reports of chemical and physical analysis by heat, lot or batch for raw material ordered for first article and production units. If the material is subsequently heat-treated a certification of physical analysis, after heat treatment is also required for each heat lot or batch. Also, where the applicable material specification calls out (e.g. corrosion resistance test, macro-etch test) these test results shall also be reported on the applicable mill or industrial laboratory report. The physical analysis shall establish the following properties for metallic parts: Ultimate Tensile Strength, Yield Strength and Elongation.; 4.9 ;First Article Testing/Inspection - (Supplier Testing/Inspection). The supplier shall perform first article testing/inspection on ;Lifting Clamp Assembly #51; in accordance with the applicable drawing, specifications andtheir approved first article procedure and nondestructive testing (visual, magnetic particle liquid penetrant) procedure.; 4.9.1 ;The first article inspection shall be made by the cognizant DCMA-QAR at the supplier's and/or subcontractor facility. The supplier shall notify NSWCPD, Code 242MO two weeks in advance prior to the scheduled first article testing/inspection, so an NSWCPD representative has the option of being present during the first article testing/inspection.; 4.10 ;First Article Approval for Testing/Inspection Procedure and Acceptance - (Supplier Testing/Inspection). The supplier shall prepare and submit their First Article Testing/Inspection Procedure for ;Lifting Clamp Assembly #51; in accordance with the requirements of DI-NDTI-80603, the applicable drawing and specifications as indicated on the Contract Data Requirements List (DD Form 1423). Government approval of the procedure is required prior to commencement of first article unit. CDRL: FIRST ARTICLE TESTING/INSPECTION PROCEDURE per DI-NDTI-80603A; 4.11 ;First Article Testing/Inspection - The supplier shall perform 100% examination,inspection and testing on the first article ;Lifting Clamp Assembly #51; unit (component parts/assembly) in accordance with the applicable drawing, their approved first article procedure and nondestructive testing (visual, magnetic particle or liquid penetrant) procedure. The supplier shall record the actual measurements and results of each dimension, threads, examination, inspection and test identified on the applicable drawing.; 4.11.1 ;The supplier shall visually and physically inspect 100% the (component parts/ assembly) dimensions and threads (including of the major diameter for external threads and the minor diameter for internal threads) identified on the applicable drawing. Threads shall be inspected 100% and results recorded.; 4.11.2 ;The supplier shall visually inspect and perform magnetic particle or liquid penetrant testing 100% on all weld joints shown on Drawing 4398614 for ;Lifting Clamp Assembly #51; in accordance with their approved nondestructive testing procedure.; 4.11.3 ;The supplier shall perform 100% weight test and holding capacity test on ;Lifting Clamp Assembly #51; in accordance with Procedure Note 6 requirements of Drawing 4398614, Sheet 62. No clamp slippage is permitted once the maximum test load is reached. The supplier shall adhere to the warning under Procedure 6 for nondestructive test on all lifting equipment welding before and after the weight test in accordance with General Note 6 of Drawing 4398614, Sheet 5. No defect is allowed. Further, the supplier shall adhere to the mandatory requirement specified on Drawing 4398614, Sheet 57, and Test Procedure for Weight Handling Equipment under the Notes Header that clamp halves be kept in a matched set by serial numbers. Failure to do so negates weight test and holding capacity test.; 4.12 ;First Article Testing/Inspection Report and Acceptance - (Supplier Testing/Inspection). The supplier shall submit for completed first article unit ;Lifting Clamp Assembly #51; testing/ inspection reports in compliance with the requirements of DI-NDTI-80603, NAVSEA Technical Publications, drawing and specifications. The report shall also include a copy of ;Certified Mill Certification; Weld Rod Certification; Certificate of Compliance for Material; Certificate of Conformance for Material; Visual/Dimensional Inspection Report; NDT Visual/Magnetic Particle or Liquid Penetrant Inspection Testing Report; Welder's Qualification Certification; NDT Visual/Magnetic Particle or Liquid Penetrant Inspector Qualification Certification; Weight and Holding Capacity Test; identified in the Objective Quality Evidence Records Section of this document, and as indicated on the Contract Data Requirements List (DD Form 1423). Government approval of the first article testing/inspection report is required prior to commencement of production units. CDRL: FIRST ARTICLE TESTING/INSPECTION REPORT per DI-NDTI-80809B ; 4.13 ;Production Lot - The supplier shall perform 100% examination, inspection and testing on each production lot ;Lifting Clamp Assembly #51; unit (component parts/assemblies) in accordance with the applicable drawing and their approved nondestructive testing (visual/magnetic particle or liquid penetrant) procedure. The supplier shall record the actual measurements and results of each dimension, thread, examination, inspection and test identified on the applicable drawing.; 4.13.1 ;The supplier shall visually and physically inspect 100% each (component parts/assemblies) dimensions and threads (including of the major diameter for external threads and the minor diameter for internal threads) identified on the applicable drawing. Threads shall be inspected 100% and results recorded.; 4.13.2 ;The supplier shall visually inspect and perform magnetic particle or liquid penetrant testing 100% on all weld joints shown on Drawing 4398614 for ;Lifting Clamp Assembly #51; in accordance with their approved nondestructive testing procedure.; 4.13.3 ;The supplier shall perform 100% weight test and holding capacity test on each ;Lifting Clamp Assembly #51; in accordance with Procedure Note 6 requirements of Drawing 4398614, Sheet 62. No clamp slippage is permitted once the maximum test load is reached. The supplier shall adhere to the warning under Procedure Note 6 for nondestructive test on all lifting equipment welding before and after the weight test in accordance with General Note 6 of Drawing 4398614, Sheet 5. No defect is allowed. Further, the supplier shall adhere to the mandatory requirement specified on Drawing 4398614, Sheet 57, and Test Procedure for Weight Handling Equipment under the Notes Header that clamp halves be kept in a matched set by serial numbers. Failure to do so negates the weight test and holding capacity test.; 4.14 ;Production Lot Testing/Inspection Reports and Acceptance - (Supplier Testing/ Inspection). the supplier shall submit for the completed production units ;Lifting Clamp Assembly #51; testing/inspection reports in compliiance with the applicable Data Item Descriptions (DIDs), NAVSEA Technical Publications, drawing and specifications. The Production Lot Testing/Inspection report shall consist of ;Certified Mill Certification; Weld Rod Certification; Certificate of Compliance for Material; Certificate of Conformance for Material; Visual/ Dimensional Inspection Report; NDT Visual/Magnetic Particle or Liquid Penetrant Inspection Testing Report; Welder's Qualification Certification; NDT Visual/Magnetic Particle or Liquid Penetrant Inspector Qualification Certification; Weight Test and Holding Capacity Test and Mercury Exclusion Certification; identified in the Objective Quality Evidence Records Section of this document, and as indicated on the Production Lot Test/Inspection (PLT) Contract Data Requirements List (DD Form 1423). Government approval of the production lot testing/inspection report is required prior to shipment of production lot units. CDRL: PRODUCTION LOT TESTING/INSPECTION REPORT per DI-NDTI-80809B; 4.15 ;PROCEDURES.; 4.15.1 ;Welding Procedure - The supplier shall prepare and submit a written welding procedure and welding procedure qualification test data for performing welding in accordance with NAVSEA Technical Publications S9074-AR-GIB-010-/278 and S9074-AQ-GIB-010/248 including welder's qualification per Tech Pub S9074-AQ-GIB-010-248 as indicated on the Contract Data Requirements List (DD Form 1423). Government approval of the Welding Procedure and Welding Qualification Test Data is required prior commencement of first article unit. CDRL: WELDING PROCEDURE AND WELDING QUALIFICATION TEST DATA PROCEDURE per NAVSEA TECHNICAL PUBLICATION S9074-AR-GIB-010/278 AND S9074-AQ-GIB-010/248; 4.15.2 ;Nondestructive Testing (NDT) Procedure - The supplier shall prepare and submit a written nondestructive testing procedure for Visual/Magnetic Particle or Liquid Penetrant inspection testing in accordance with NAVSEA Technical Publication T9074-AS-GIB-010/271 and Acceptance Standard MIL-STD-2035 including nondestructive test personnel qualifications per Tech Pub T9074-AS-GIB-010/271 as indicated on the Contract Data Requirements List (DD Form 1423). Government approval of the NDT Visual/Magnetic Particle or Liquid Penetrant Inspection Testing Procedure is required prior to commencement of first article unit. CDRL: NDT VISUAL/MAGNETIC PARTICLE OR LIQUID PENETRANT TESTING PROCEDURE per NAVSEA TECH PUB T9074-AS-GIB-010/271 and MIL-STD-2035; 4.16 ;Production Lot Inspection/Acceptance - (Supplier Testing/Inspection). The supplier shall submit for the production lot units, the inspection and test reports identified in the Objective Quality Evidence Records Section of this document and as indicated on the Production Lot Testing/Inspection (PLT) Contract Data Requirements List (DD Form 1423). Government approval is required prior to shipment of production units.; 4.17 ;Final Inspection and Acceptance - Final inspection and acceptance of production lots shall be made by the cognizant DCMA-QAR in conjunction with the Specific Government Inspection Instructions (SGIIs) furnished by NSWCPD. In addition to the normal DCMA surveillance, the production unit(s) shall be under the surveillance of NSWCPD Quality Assurance Specialist as required.; 4.18 ;Objective Quality Evidence Records - The supplier shall maintain Objective Quality Evidence Data (OQEDs) of materials used in the fabrication of the ;Lifting Clamp Assembly #51;. Records shall be traceable by drawing/item, heat, lot or batch, contract number and matched set serial numbers. All OQEDS shall be clearly legible including name and title. The supplier may provide exact (quality) photocopies of objective quality evidence records being delivered under this purchase order instead of originals.; 4.18.1 ;The supplier shall furnish a copy of the following OQEDs listed below and as indicated on the Contract Data Requirements List (DD Form 1423) for acceptance. The reports shall be correlated to the drawing/item, heat, lot or batch, contract number and matched set serial numbers (clamp halves and assembly). Supplier format is acceptable for the below listed CDRLs. a.Certified Quantitative Mill or Industrial Laboratory Certification (chemical and physical analysis) for Item Numbers 14,22,24,25,26,33 and 34 of drawing 4398614. CDRL: CERTIFIED QUANTITATIVE MILL CERTIFICATION per DI-MISC-82386 b.Certification of Weld Rod used in the manufacturing of the Lift Clamp Assembly in accordance with NAVSEA Tech Pub S9074-AR-GIB-010/278 CDRL: WELD ROD CERTIFICATION per DI-MISC-82386 c.Certificate of Compliance for Materials (certifying Item Nos. 60, 62 and 65 in accordance with drawing 4398614 requirements). CDRL: CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE per DI-MISC-82386 d.Certificate of Conformance for Materials (certifying Primer/MIL-DTL-24441/20 and Paint/MIL-DTL-24441/21 in accordance with drawing 4398614 and specifications requirement). CDRL: CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE per DI-MISC-82386 e.Visual/Dimensional Inspection Reports shall show all the characteristics, the actual measurement and results of each dimension inspected (component parts/ assemblies), including threads (also the major diameter for external threads and the minor diameter for internal threads), contract number, name ofsupplier, drawing/item number, drawing revision letter, heat, lot or batch number of finished part and matched set serial numbers (clamp halves and assembly), item nomenclature and inspector's signature and date. CDRL: VISUAL/DIMENSIONAL INSPECTION REPORT per DI-NDTI-8089B f.NDT Visual/Magnetic Pariticle or Liquid Penetrant Inspection Testing Report shall be in accordance with NAVSEA Technical Publication T9074-AS-GIB-010/271. CDRL: NDT VISUAL/MAGNETIC PARTICLE or LIQUID PENETRANT INSPECTION TESTING REPORT per NAVSEA TECHNICAL PUBLICATION T9074-AS-GIB-010/271 g.Welder's Qualification Certification of personnel performing welding in accordance with NAVSEA Technical Publication S9074-AR-GIB-010/278. CDRL: WELDER'S QUALIFICATION CERTIFICATION per NAVSEA TECH PUB278. S9074-AR-GIB-010/278 h.NDT Inspector Qualification Certification of personnel performing visual and magnetic particle or liquid penetrant nondestructive inspection testing in accordance with NAVSEA Technical Publication T9074-AS-GIB-010/271. CDRL: NDT VISUAL/MAGNETIC PARTICLE or LIQUID PENETRANT INPECTOR CERTIFICATION per NAVSEA TECHNICAL PUBLICATION T9074-AS-GIB-010/271. i.Weight Test and Holding Capacity Test Reports shall show all the test characteristics, the actual measurement and results, start and stop times, gauge serial number, gauge calibrated date and due date of each assembly tested including contract number, name of supplier, drawing/item number, drawing revision letter, and matched set serial numbers of the tested assembly, item nomenclature, inspector's acceptance signature and date. CDRL: WEIGHT TEST & HOLDING CAPACITY TEST REPORT per DI-NDTI-80809B j.Mercury Exclusion Certification (representing the contract units shipment). CDRL: MERCURY EXCLUSION CERTIFICATION per DI-MISC-82386; 5. PACKAGING 5.1 Preservation, Packaging, Packing and Marking - Preservation, Packaging, Packing and Marking shall be in accordance with the Contract/Purchase Order Schedule and as specified below. MIL-STD 2073 PACKAGING APPLIES AS FOUND ELSEWHERE IN THE SCHEDULE 6. NOTES 6.1 Ordering Information for Document References - The Department of Defense Single Stock Point (DODSSP), Website, provides product information for the Department Of Defense Index Of Specifications and Standards (DODISS) (i.e.Military/Federal Specifications and Standards), Data Item Descriptions (DIDs), and other DODSSP Products. A. Availability of Cancelled Documents - The DODSSP offers cancelled documents that are required by private industry in fulfillment of contractual obligations in paper format. Documents can be requested by phoning the Subscription Services Desk. B. Commercial Specifications, Standards, and Descriptions - These specifications, standards and descriptions are not available from Government sources. They may be obtained from the publishers of the applicable societies. C. Ordnance Standards (OS), Weapons Specifications (WS), and NAVORD OSTD 600 Pages - These type publications may be obtained by submitting a request to: Commander, Indian Head Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center Code 8410P, 101 Strauss Avenue Indian Head, MD 20640-5035 D. On post-award actions, requests for "Official Use Only" and "NOFORN" (Not Releasable To Foreign Nationals) documents must identify the Government Contract Number, and must be submitted via the cognizant Defense Contract Management Command (DCMC) for certification of need for the document. On pre-award actions such requests must be submitted to the PCO for certification of need for the document. E. NOFORN Military Specifications and Standards (including Amendments, Change Notices and Supplements, but NOT interim Changes) to be ordered from: Contracting Officer NAVICP-MECH Code 87321 5450 Carlisle Pike P.O. Box 2020 Mechanicsburg, Pa. 17055-0788 F. Nuclear Reactor Publications Assigned NAVSEA Documents and Identification Numbers (i.e. NAVSEA Welding Standard, NAVSEA 250-1500-1) are to be ordered from: Commanding Officer NAVICP-MECH Code 009 5450 Carlisle Pike P.O. Box 2020 Mechanicsburg, Pa. 17055-0788 G. Technical Manuals Assigned NAVSEA Identification Numbers (i.e. NAVSEA Welding And Brazing Procedure, NAVSEA S9074-AQ-GIB-010/248) are to be ordered from: Naval Inventory Control Point Code 1 Support Branch 700 Robbins Avenue Phildelphia, Pa. 19111-5094 H. Interim Changes and Classified Specifications shall be obtained by submitting a request on DD Form 1425 to NAVICP-MECH. DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION=ASREQ ;;APPROVAL OF THE QUALITY INSPECTION PLAN BY NSWC PHILADELPHIA DIVISION IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO FIRST ARTICLE.;; ;;NSWCPD IS THE ACCEPTANCE ACTIVITY FOR CDRL DATA ITEM A001. NSWCPD WAWF/IRAPT ACCEPTOR DODACC IS "N64498".;; DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION=ASREQ ;;APPROVAL OF THE PROCEDURE BY NSWC PHILADELPHIA DIVISION IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF FIRST ARTICLE UNIT.;; ;;NSWCPD IS THE ACCEPTANCE ACTIVITY FOR CDRL DATA ITEM A002. NSWCPD WAWF/IRAPT ACCEPTOR DODACC IS "N64498".;; DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION=ASREQ ;;APPROVAL OF THE REPORT BY NSWC PHILADELPHIA DIVISION IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF PRODUCTION LOT UNITS.;; ;;NSWCPD IS THE ACCEPTANCE ACTIVITY FOR CDRL DATA ITEM A003. NSWCPD WAWF/IRAPT ACCEPTOR DODACC IS "N64498".;; DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION=ASREQ ;;PROCEDURE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NAVSEA TECHNICAL PUBLICATION S9074-AR-GIB-010/278.;; ;;APPROVAL OF THE PROCEDURE BY NSWC PHILADELPHIA DIVISION IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF FIRST ARTICLE UNIT.;; ;;NSWCPD IS THE ACCEPTANCE ACTIVITY FOR CDRL DATA ITEM A004. NSWCPD WAWF/IRAPT ACCEPTOR DODACC IS "N64498".;; DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION=ASREQ ;;PROCEDURE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NAVSEA TECHNICAL PUBLICATION S9074-AQ-GIB-010/248.;; ;;APPROVAL OF THE PROCEDURE BY NSWC PHILADELPHIA DIVISION IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF FIRST ARTICLE UNIT.;; ;;NSWCPD IS THE ACCEPTANCE ACTIVITY FOR CDRL DATA ITEM A005. NSWCPD WAWF/IRAPT ACCEPTOR DODACC IS "N64498".;; DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION=ASREQ ;;LIQUID PENETRANT PROCEDURE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NAVSEA TECH PUB T9074-AS-GIB-010/271.;; ;;APPROVAL OF THE PROCEDURE BY NSWC PHILADELPHIA DIVISION IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF FIRST ARTICLE UNIT.;; ;;NSWCPD IS THE ACCEPTANCE ACTIVITY FOR CDRL DATA ITEM A006. NSWCPD WAWF/IRAPT ACCEPTOR DODACC IS "N64498".;; DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION=ASREQ ;;SUPPLIER FORMAT IS ACCEPTABLE.;; ;;PLT REPORT SHALL CONSIST OF OQED RECORDS LISTED IN CONTRACT SECTION E: CERTIFIED MILL CERT; WELD ROD CERT; CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE MATERIAL; CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE MATERIAL; VISUAL/DIMENSIONAL INSPECTION RPT; NDT INSP TESTING RPT; WELDER'S QUAL CERTIFICATION; NDT INSPECTOR QUAL CERTIFICATION; WEIGHT TEST & HOLDING CAPACITY TEST RPT AND MERCURY EXCLUSION CERT.;; ;;APPROVAL OF THE REPORT BY NSWC PHILADELPHIA DIVISION IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO SHIPMENT OF PRODUCTION LOT UNITS.;; ;;NSWCPD IS THE ACCEPTANCE ACTIVITY FOR CDRL DATA ITEM A007. NSWCPD WAWF/IRAPT ACCEPTOR DODACC IS "N64498".;;

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