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Technology Transfer Center TIMS Database Maintenance

General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Special Notice (Original)
  • Original Published Date: Aug 22, 2023 01:41 pm EDT
  • Original Response Date: Aug 25, 2023 03:00 pm EDT
  • Inactive Policy: 15 days after response date
  • Original Inactive Date: Sep 09, 2023
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • Product Service Code: R699 - SUPPORT- ADMINISTRATIVE: OTHER
  • NAICS Code:
    • 541511 - Custom Computer Programming Services
  • Place of Performance:
    Rockville , MD 20850



The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Cancer Institute (NCI), Technology Transfer Center (TCC), plans to procure services, on a sole source basis, from the DataWaves, 12070 East Sugar Maple Court, Suttons Bay, MI 49682-9590.

The response close date of the notice for this requirement is in accordance with FAR 5.203(b). This acquisition will be processed under FAR Part 12 - Acquisition for Commercial Items and will be made pursuant to the authority in FAR Part 13.106-1(b)(1)(i); and is exempt from the requirements of FAR Part 6. The North American Industry Classification System code is 541511 and the small business size standard is $34.0 million.

It has been determined there are no opportunities to acquire green products or services for this procurement.


The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Technology Transfer Center (TTC) is responsible for negotiating agreements between the National Cancer Institute (NCI) scientists and private sector companies, universities and non-profits for the collaborative development of federally funded bio-medical research into commercially successful products and the continued resource sharing that is part of the NIH mission.  TTC has used FileMaker Pro software to track its agreement negotiation process and invention deadline management since 1992 starting with an ‘in-house’ developed flat database. As the scope of TTC’s responsibilities and the number of agreements and information to track increased, TTC contracted with a FileMaker Pro developer to convert the flat files to a relational database, Technology Information Management System (TIMS), to maintain and upgrade software versions and further enhance the database to meet the ever changing needs of the TTC including tangential work related to technology transfer, specialized reporting to the NCI Office of the Director, and changes in TTC procedures.


The objective of the acquisition is to contract for FileMaker Pro software development expertise to maintain The National Cancer Institute (NCI), Technology Transfer Center's (TTC) Technology Information Management System (TIMS) database computer software functionality.

3.0  SCOPE

The Contractor shall furnish all the necessary services, qualified personnel, materials and facilities not otherwise provided by the Government as needed, to maintain the NCI, TTC, TIMS database computer software functionality, and update the software as needed to maximize the capabilities of the FileMaker computer software in which the TIMS database is written.


4.1  TASKS

The Contractor shall perform the following tasks for the TIMS maintenance:

  1. Assist NCI server support staff when the FileMaker server has problems.
  2. Make minor changes, such as but not limited to fields, value lists, and screen layouts that do not require extensive programming.
  3. Provide advice and help by phone and/or email to the TTC TIMS administrator.
  4. Correct newly discovered “bugs” and/or system generated errors. 
  5. Add XML fields required for new forms and documents.
  6. Correct any problems related to the electronic import of data.
  7. Upgrade FileMaker software to newest version supported by the NCI. Modify programming code as needed so TIMS data in the older FileMaker version is transferred correctly to the new version and all database functionality works correctly.
  8. Correct any problems related to the electronic connection from within TIMS to other software such as Outlook, Word, Excel, and file transfer. This includes deploying maintenance updates to third party plug-ins registered to TTC and required by the TIMS system.

Final task products shall be Section 508 compliant for § 1194.21-Software Applications and Operating Systems.

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, as amended by the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (P.L. 105-220) requires that when Federal agencies develop, procure, maintain, or use information and communication technology (ICT), it shall be accessible to people with disabilities. Federal employees and members of the public who have disabilities must have access to, and use of, information and data that is comparable to people without disabilities. Remediation of any materials that do not comply with the applicable Section 508 requirements as set forth below, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.

Products, platforms and services delivered as part of this work statement that are ICT, or contain ICT, must conform to the Revised 508 Standards, which are located at 36 C.F.R. § 1194.1 & Apps. A, C & D, and available at standards/communications-and-it/about-the-ict-refresh/final-rule/text-of-the-standards- and-guidelines

Per Section 508 and as mandated under HHS Policy for Section 508 Compliance and Accessibility of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) (07/2020) all documents or electronic files provided to the NIH NCI under contract must be conformant with Section 508 standards and accessible to persons with disabilities.  Conformance shall be confirmed by use of material provided at HHS OS Factsheets & Reference Guides and verified through the use of the HHS Checklist Documents (WCAG 2.0 Refresh); in addition, contractors and vendors are encouraged to make use of the instructional materials and checklists at GSA Section’s Create Accessible Digital Products

4.2   Qualifications:

The proposed Contractor Key Personnel (FileMaker Pro software developer) shall be a certified FileMaker Pro 14-17 developer and must maintain certification status for all versions of FileMaker Pro deployed by TTC.  Due to the complexity of the information that is tracked in the TIMS database, the many inter-relationships of the various agreements, and the need to obtain and integrate into TIMS data from other databases which are written in different programming languages, the proposed Contractor Key Personnel shall have at least ten (10) years of demonstrated ability and expertise in FM Pro software relational database design and development.  Key Personnel for this contract shall be able to perform all the tasks described in this SOW. 


This is a firm fixed price purchase order.


The services specified in each contract line item (CLIN) have been determined to be severable services.  


The anticipated period of performance shall be for one (1) 12-month base period, plus two (2), 12-month option period, as follows:

Base Period - September 20, 2023 to September 19, 2024

Option Period 1 - September 20, 2024 to September 19, 2025

Option Period 2 - September 20, 2025 to September 19, 2026


Services shall be performed onsite at the contractor’s facility.


The government shall furnish a PC computer (GFE) to the contractor as the sole computer used to log into the government’s network when necessary to fulfill the work under the contract.


At the end of each Period, the Contractor shall provide the TTC with all documentation (in hard copy or electronic format) that details how the TTC's FM Pro database runs. This will include, but is not limited to, the following: all field definitions, scripts, calculations, and value lists; established relationships among fields; business rules and constraints.

The Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) shall review the contents of all draft deliverables. If no comments or requests for revisions are provided to the Contractor within 60 calendar days, the deliverables shall be considered acceptable. If revisions are required, NCI shall respond to the Contractor within sixty (60) calendar days of receiving the deliverable, specifying the required changes/revisions. Final copies of approved drafts shall be delivered to the NCI COR within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of the Government’s comments. 

All deliverables shall be provided electronically in Microsoft Word or Excel compatible format or hard copy, unless approved by the NCI COR per the following deliverable schedule:

DELIVERABLE DESCRIPTION:  All field definitions, scripts, calculations, and value lists; established relationships among fields; business rules and constraints. FORMAT REQUIREMENTS: Electronic copy easily editable and searchable (i.e., Excel) or hard copy. DUE DATE:  5 business days prior to the end of each purchase order period.


The use of DataWaves as the sole source for this order is required.  The TIMS database is a custom designed FileMaker Pro solution built to TTC’s specifications and requirements. The database and underlying design are complex because of both the required table structure design that links the various agreements TTC maintains for the NCI, and the required interactions the database has with TTC personnel’s Outlook email accounts, the data imports from the NIH OTT database (TechTracS) and the file storage requirements and setup within the NCI CBIIT networks and firewalls. The user interface of the database is copyrighted to DataWaves.


This notice is not a request for competitive quotations. However, if any interested party believes it can meet the above requirements, it may submit a proposal or quote for the Government to consider. The response and any other information furnished must be in writing and must contain material in sufficient detail to allow NCI to determine if the party can perform the requirement.  All responses and questions must be sent via email to the Contract Specialist, Holly Knott, at by no later than 3:00 PM EST on August 25, 2023.  A determination by the Government not to compete this proposed requirement based upon responses to this notice is solely within the discretion of the Government. Information received will be considered solely for the purpose of determining whether to conduct a competitive procurement. In order to receive an award, Contractors must be registered and have valid certification through Reference: 75N91023Q00167 on all correspondence.

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • Bethesda , MD 20892
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact


  • Sep 09, 2023 11:55 pm EDTSpecial Notice (Original)