TITLE: Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Program (CERP), Central Everglades Planning Project (CEPP), Contract 3B, S-355W Spillway Project, Miami-Dade County, Florida DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The Jacksonville District has a new requirement for Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Program (CERP), Central Everglades Planning Project (CEPP), Contract 3B, S-355W Spillway Project, located in Miami-Dade County, Florida. The Scope of Work for this project includes the following features: Excavation, dewatering, blasting, levee embankment repairs, and construction for a new spillway structure and associated sheet pile retaining walls. These new project components are constructed approximately 4.2 miles east of the existing S-333 and S-333E spillways, along the L-29 Levee System, Section 3 Levee Segment. The overall site is approximately 7.9 acres. Specific project components include the following items and incidental related work: The new spillway structure has a design capacity of approximately 1,200 cubic feet per second (cfs) with two bays with vertical lift roller gates, a control room, a service bridge, and a two-lane public access bridge. Lower the existing levee crown elevation within the project site from the existing levee crown elevations current elevation of 20 to 22 feet NAVD88 down to a final elevation of 17 feet NAVD88.The lowering of the levee starts approximately 300 feet west of the S-355W service road centerline and extends to the western end of the low area east of S-355W.The new spillway is required to be constructed in the dry and requires the installation of a cofferdam system. The cofferdam system consists of steel sheet piles, tremie slab and anchors. The new spillway requires the installation of sheet pile retaining walls on both the intake and discharge sides, and along the south side of the L-29 canal to support the new right turn lane from US41. The bulkhead walls consist of steel sheet piles and are anchored tie back anchors. The project includes installation of rip rap slope protection along the canal banks and Marine mattress along the canal bottom of the L-29 canal. The project includes installation of monitoring platforms within the L-29 canal inside the project limits. The estimated period of performance is 1122 calendar days after receipt of Notice to Proceed. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS Award will be made to the offeror whose proposal represents the best value to the government utilizing best value source selection procedures. Proposals will be evaluated in the areas of Technical Merit, Past Performance, Small Business Participation, and Price. Anticipated Magnitude of Construction per DFARS 236.204: $25,000,000 - $100,000,000 The solicitation will be issued on or about Friday, 20 December 2024 with a response date on or about Monday, 03 February 2025. The solicitation will be issued in electronic format only and will be posted on the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) website. In order to receive notification of any amendments to this solicitation, interested vendors must REGISTER AS AN INTERESTED VENDOR on the SAM.gov website. If you are not registered, the Government is not responsible with providing you with notification of any changes to this solicitation. You must be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) in order to receive an award from this solicitation. You must also register in PIEE to submit a proposal to this solicitation. The SAM website can be located at https://sam.gov. The PIEE website can be found at https://piee.eb.mil/. The Pre-proposal Conference information will be provided with the solicitation posting.