The Department of Veterans Affairs, Network Contracting Office (NCO) 6 on behalf of is Richmond VAMC is conducting market research through this source sought notice to help determine the availability of qualified businesses, capable of providing Infinium Fiber Patch Cords that meet the following:
Functions to be performed:
Pre-Configured MDC, Infinium Fiber Patch Cords are built to exceed industry standards for quality, performance, insertion and return loss. Available in two performance tiers; Infinium Ultra and Infinium Coresearcher is available in Single-mode and Multimode. MDC offers ultra-dense patching configurations and simplifies moves, adds, and changes, without sacrificing performance.
Quick Polarity Swap: Simply pull the boot away from the connector down the cord jacketing, rotate the boot 180 degrees and slide it back into place. No tools or exposed fibers, just quick and easy polarity swaps.
Performance required: Â
Low System Loss:
Single Mode (OS2) insertion loss of 0.25 dB
Multimode (OM4, 50um) insertion loss of 0.15dB
Overall Channel Loss for System:
Single-mode total channel connection loss: 1.2 dB
Single-mode total channel connection return loss: 49 dB
Multimode total channel connection loss: 1.0 dB
Multimode total channel connection return loss: 16 dB
Essential physical characteristics; Dimensions (if applicable)
Cable Size:
All configurations below are 2mm duplex zip cord.
Fiber Type:
Supports Single-mode OS2 Fiber
Supports Multimode OM4 Fiber
A-B and is designed to pair with Infinium Universal Polarity Cassettes - Reconfigurable
Jacket Color:
Yellow - other configuration options available.
Aqua - other configuration options available.
All respondents shall indicate/provide the following:
Whether or not they are small business manufacturers of the products they wish to offer, or if they are a reseller of a small business manufacturer.
Is your company interested in providing a Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) quote or Open Market quote (indicate FSS contract # ALL PRODUCTS MUST BE LISTED ON THE FEDERAL CONTRACT)?
Identify any other companies owned (wholly or in-part) by the owners of this business who provide goods or services under the same or a related NAICS codes.
Identify any other companies owned (wholly or in-part) by the owners of this business who provide goods or services that are registered under the same or a related NAICS code with the Center for Veterans Enterprise (CVE); Provide the certification type (SDVOSB/VOSB), Federal Identification Number, and state of incorporation for each.
Whether or not your company has an active SAM registration and the companies Unique Entity Identifier.
A copy of its capabilities statement.
Failure to provide the above information may result in the potential offeror being considered incapable of meeting the VA s needs.
If the contractor can provide the above items, the contractor shall provide a letter from the manufacturer stating they are an authorized distributor/licenser of their products. Failure to submit an authorized distributor letter shall result in the product(s) potentially offered to be considered grey market and shall not be considered technically acceptable.
The capability statements received from this market research are for planning purposes only and will assist the Government in planning its acquisition strategy. This is strictly market research, and the Government will not entertain questions concerning this market research. The Government will not assume any costs incurred by the contractor in the preparation of responses. All responses shall be submitted in writing no later than November 4th, at 4PM EST to the attention of:
Please title the subject line for all responses as Infinium Fiber Patch Cords: 36C24625Q0145.