CRADA Opportunity to Collaborate with Mission Support and Test Services (MSTS)
General Information
- Contract Opportunity Type: Special Notice (Updated)
- Updated Published Date: May 10, 2023 03:42 pm PDT
- Original Published Date:
- Requirements Strategy:
- Inactive Policy: 15 days after response date
- Updated Inactive Date:
- Original Inactive Date:
- Initiative:
- None
- Original Set Aside:
- Product Service Code:
- NAICS Code:
- Place of Performance: North Las Vegas , NV 89030-4129USA
Title: Opportunity to collaborate with Mission Support and Test Services (MSTS) using a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA)
Interested parties are invited to respond to this notice by email indicating:
- Area of interest (see Science and Technology Thrust Areas (STTA) noted below
- Brief company background demonstrating knowledge of and ability to conduct cooperative research in the area of interest
- Experience in conducting CRADA sponsored research
Interested parties are requested to provide the email on or before 30 September 2023) to:
Copy to
Background Information:
The Nevada National Security Site (NNSS) is operated and managed by Mission Support and Test Services LLC., consisting of Honeywell International Inc., Jacobs Engineering Group Inc., and HII Nuclear, Inc. MSTS manages operations at the NNSS and its related facilities and laboratories as a contractor for the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). The NNSS has satellite facilities in Los Alamos and Albuquerque, New Mexico; Santa Barbara and Livermore, California; Long Island, New York; and Washington, D.C. MSTS and the NNSS supports numerous federal, state, and local government agencies, companies, and organizations.
MSTS may perform work for/with industry and/or academia. Any collaboration must meet the requirements the management and operating contract between MSTS and DOE/NNSA. MSTS may also license technologies in the form of patents, and copyrighted material (including software).
Opportunity Description:
MSTS is available to collaborate with non-federal entities (NFEs) including Business, Industry and Non-Profits, Universities, and Government Agencies to leverage a broad spectrum of talent and capabilities. A CRADA Participant benefits from the unique technologies, capabilities, and expertise of MSTS; the option to negotiate an exclusive license in a field of use within the scope of work of the CRADA to inventions that result from work performed under the CRADA (subject inventions); and protection, for up to five years, of information generated under the CRADA and identified by the partner as protected. Proprietary information of the Partner developed outside of the CRADA and brought into the collaboration is treated with confidentiality without time restriction.
MSTS and DOE benefit from collaborative research supporting DOE missions and program objectives. What distinguishes a CRADA from other technology transfer mechanisms is the collaborative nature of the work; through a CRADA a Participant and MSTS will work together as collaborators.
What MSTS Brings to the Collaboration:
When executing a CRADA, MSTS allows Participants to access unique technologies, processes, materials, research and development capabilities, or technical know-how of MSTS. Collaborating with MSTS can result in improved products and technologies, research collaborations that explore niche areas, local economic development, and industry innovation.
The MSTS has aligned research and development areas along seven Science and Technology Thrust Areas (STTA) - See attachment NNSS SDRD STTAs-Final):
Radiographic Systems Imaging and Analysis
Encompasses all aspects of imaging (gamma, x-ray, neutron, optical) supporting advanced hydrodynamic testing and other requirements needed to accomplish our mission.
User-Centered Remote Testing and Operations
Encompasses a broad range of technologies supporting functions that enable mission-critical test and experimentation at the NNSS
Accelerator Beam Science and Target Interactions
Supports critical operational needs, advanced concepts, and innovative solutions for large linear induction accelerators and charged particle beam science
Enabling Technologies for Autonomous Systems & Sensing
Supports concepts and capabilities related to intelligent machine-based systems for critical global security and associated applications.
Neutron Technologies and Measurements
Encompasses aspects of advanced neutron detection, imaging, neutron resonance spectroscopy, diagnostics, and advanced neutron sources supporting subcritical experiments and high energy density physics.
Dynamic Experiment Diagnostics
Focuses on diagnostics and techniques to measure the fundamental properties of materials subjected to shocks or time-varying complex loading conditions.
Communications and Computing
Focuses on advanced secure communications, computing, and related information technology supporting a wide range of mission space and overlapping with needs across all STTAs.
It is possible that opportunities may exist outside the STTAs to collaborate with MSTS. Interested parties should contact the Technology Partnerships and IP Office ( to discuss further.
Financial Requirements for CRADA with MSTS:
To offset the costs of collaboration, CRADA participants must contribute cash or in-kind resources such as personnel, equipment, facilities, etc. DOE requires full cost recovery, therefore a funding source for the work must be identified before work can start.
DOE requires either an advance payment of the entire amount or a payment plan that includes a first payment of a 60-day minimum reserve and, in some instances, funding for the first 30 days of work. DOE has developed a model CRADA that establishes uniform terms and conditions for doing business with the laboratories.
MSTS invites you to explore the opportunity for collaboration. We look forward to receiving expressions of interest.
Work With NNSS
Primary Point of Contact:
Technology Partnerships and Intellectual Property Office
Keywords: Collaboration, Computing and Information, Engineering, Earth Science, Materials, Microsystems, Radiation, Radiography, Electrical, High Energy Density, Autonomous, Neutrons, Accelerator, Diagnostics, Optics
Contact Information
Primary Point of Contact
- Jim Unland
- Phone Number 7022951238