Evaluations, Assessments, Studies, Services, and Support (EASSS) 4
Note: There have been new actions to this contract opportunity. To view the most recent action, please click here.
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General Information
- Contract Opportunity Type: Presolicitation (Updated)
- Updated Published Date: Dec 05, 2024 10:27 am EST
- Original Published Date:
- Requirements Strategy:
- Inactive Policy: Manual
- Updated Inactive Date: Jan 31, 2025
- Original Inactive Date:
- Initiative:
- None
- Original Set Aside:
- Updated Set Aside:
- Product Service Code:
- NAICS Code:
- Place of Performance: Hampton , VA 23681USA
UPDATE (5 Dec 24) - Please see the attached Questions & Answers document regarding several additional questions received. We are still working other questions that require updates to DRFP documents. In addition, please note the updated DRFP Cover Letter Rev 2, which updates the dates surrounding the anticipated Final RFP release, approximate proposal due date, and Pre-Proposal Conference.
UPDATE (27 Nov 24) - Please see the attached Questions & Answers document regarding one additional question received.
UPDATE (21 Nov 24) - Please see the attached Questions & Answers document regarding questions received after DRFP posting. Please also note that this update corrects the response date in SAM.gov from December 5, 2025 to December 5, 2024 in accordance with the DRFP.
UDPATE (12 Nov 24) - Please see the below updates to the EASSS 4 DRFP, notably the change in dates surrounding the Pre-Solicitation Conference, anticipated Final RFP release, and DRFP comments.
ORIGINAL (8 Nov 24) - You are invited to review and comment on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Langley Research Center’s (LaRC’s) Evaluations, Assessments, Studies, Services, and Support 4 (EASSS 4) solicitation. The scope of this requirement will include evaluations, assessments, studies, services, and support for the Science Office for Mission Assessments (SOMA) and other NASA organizations as designated in individual task orders as described in Exhibit A – Statement of Work (SOW).
Potential offerors are encouraged to comment on all aspects of the draft solicitation, including the requirements, schedules, proposal instructions, and evaluation approaches, any perceived safety, occupational health, security (including information technology security), environmental, export control, and/or other programmatic risk issues associated with performance of the work. Potential offerors should also identify any unnecessary or inefficient requirements and are encouraged to comment on any unique terms and conditions and the Section M Evaluation Criteria.
NASA will conduct this acquisition as a small business set-aside. This competitive acquisition will result in a Cost-Plus-Fixed Fee (CPFF) Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract. The contract will have an effective ordering period of five (5) years from the contract effective date. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this acquisition is 541715 and the small business size standard is 1,000 employees.
Potential offerors should ensure its company is listed in the online database(s) for the following:
System for award management: https://www.sam.gov/SAM/
- U.S. Department of Labor Veterans’ Employment and Training Service, VETS-4212 Reports: https://vets4212.dol.gov/vets4212/
US Government’s unique entity identifier (UEI): https://www.gsa.gov/about-us/organization/federal-acquisition-service/technology-transformation-services/integrated-award-environment-iae/iae-systems-information-kit/unique-entity-identifier-update
The successful offeror must pass an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) clearance before contract award (See FAR 22.805).
The current planned release date for the Final Request for Proposal (RFP) is January 6, 2025, with proposals being due on approximately February 14, 2025.
The anticipated contract award date is July 2025, with an October 1, 2025 contract effective date. The contract will be performed offsite.
The following additional information is provided to assist in understanding this acquisition:
After release of the draft RFP, the EASSS 4 Pre-Solicitation Conference is anticipated to be held on December 5, 2024.
After release of the final RFP, the EASSS 4 Pre-Proposal Conference is anticipated to be mid-to-late January 2025. Notice will be posted on www.SAM.gov.
NASA has determined that this acquisition may give rise to a potential organizational conflict of interest (OCI). Offerors should refer to the tailored NFS clause 1852.209-71, Limitation of Future Contracting, and tailored LaRC clause 52.227-96, Organizational and Personal Conflicts of Interest, for a description of the potential conflict(s) and restrictions on future contracting.
- Please note a Top-Secret / Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI) Facility Clearance is required for this contract in accordance with the DD Form 254, Contract Security Classification Specification. Please reference the information contained under Responsibility Considerations in Section L for full details. For proposals submitted as Joint Ventures, the facility clearance must be granted in the name of the Joint Venture.
- Proposals for this solicitation are required to be submitted through NASA’s Enterprise File Sharing and Sync Box (EFSS Box), a FedRAMP Moderate certified platform. Potential offerors, especially those that have not previously submitted a proposal utilizing NASA’s EFSS Box, are encouraged to review the solicitation instruction entitled “Electronic Proposal Delivery - Proposal Marking and Delivery Through NASA’s EFSS Box,” which provides instructions related to the submission of proposal via EFSS Box. Offerors are encouraged to check with their corporate IT staff to determine if there are firewall restrictions that will need to be addressed prior to the submission of proposal files through NASA’s EFSS Box.
Documents related to this acquisition, including this letter, the solicitation, attachments, exhibits, any amendments and links to online reference/technical/bidders’ library will be attainable electronically from the World Wide Web through the Government-wide point of entry website at www.SAM.gov. Potential Offerors are encouraged to periodically monitor the websites for updates.
NASA FAR Supplement (NFS) clause 1852.215-84, OMBUDSMAN, is applicable to this DRFP. The Ombudsman can be obtained at https://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/procurement/regs/Procurement-Ombuds-Comp-Advocate-Listing.pdf.
This DRFP is not a solicitation and NASA is not requesting proposals. This DRFP does not commit NASA Langley Research Center to pay any proposal preparation costs, nor does it obligate NASA Langley Research Center to procure or contract for this requirement. This request is not an authorization to proceed and does not authorize payment for any charges incurred by the offeror for performing any of the work called for in this DRFP.
Any comments regarding the DRFP should be submitted electronically in writing, to Sheila Watford, Contract Specialist, at larc-easss4@mail.nasa.gov by 5:00 p.m. ET on December 5, 2024. If a potential offeror believes their comments contain confidential, proprietary, competition sensitive, or business information, then those questions/comments shall be marked appropriately. However, questions that are marked as containing confidential, proprietary, competition sensitive, or business information will not be provided a Government response. The Government will consider all comments received in preparation of the Final RFP. To the extent a comment leads the Government to revise the acquisition approach or requirements, the change will be reflected in the Final RFP. Some DRFP questions and comments may receive a posted response to www.SAM.gov if the Contracting Officer determines that a response would facilitate additional understanding.
Contact Information
Primary Point of Contact
- Sheila Watford
- sheila.r.watford@nasa.gov
Secondary Point of Contact
- Adam Roob
- adam.n.roob@nasa.gov