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SERMC - CRANE Services with Operator(s)

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APEX Accelerators are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense.

The APEX Accelerators program was formerly known as the Procurement Technical Assistance Program (opens in new window) (PTAP).

General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Sources Sought (Updated)
  • Updated Published Date: Nov 29, 2023 02:20 pm EST
  • Original Published Date: Nov 29, 2023 02:17 pm EST
  • Updated Response Date: Dec 15, 2023 10:00 am EST
  • Original Response Date: Dec 15, 2024 10:00 am EST
  • Inactive Policy: 15 days after response date
  • Updated Inactive Date: Dec 30, 2023
  • Original Inactive Date: Dec 30, 2024
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • NAICS Code:
    • 336611 - Ship Building and Repairing
  • Place of Performance:
    Jacksonville , FL






1.  Background:  This is a non-personal services contract to provide a hydraulic rough terrain mobile crane operator services with crane). The contractor shall perform to the standards in this PWS.  All work shall be performed at the Southeast Regional Maintenance Center (SERMC) on Naval Station Mayport, at Jacksonville, Florida.

2. Period of Performance

 The period of performance shall be for one (1) year, four (4) option years and an option for a six month extension.

Base Year – 12 months

Option Year One – 12 months

Option Year Two – 12 months

Option Year Three – 12 months

Option Year Four – 12 months

Option to Extend – 6 months                       

3.  Applicable Directives

The contractor shall abide by all applicable Federal, State and Local regulations, and local policies and procedures.  The contractor shall utilize the most recent revisions of all directives during the performance of this task order.

Department of Defense Manual 1000.13 Volume 1 – DOD Identification (ID) Cards:

ID Card Life-Cycle (DODM 1000.13-M-V1).

NAVINST 5239.3series, SECNAV Manual-5239.2

NAVSTAMYPTINST 11260.1 series

29CFR1915.152 (b) (1) through (b)

OPNAVINST 5100.23 series                              

Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970

OPNAVINST 5102.1 series

OPNAVINST 5100.23 series


4. Acronyms and Abbreviations

  1. SERMC
  2. CLIN
  3. NVFAC
  4. KO
  5. COR
  6. PWS
  7. DOD
  8. DON
  9. NTE
  10. CASREP
  11. QCP
  12. QC
  13. DBIDS
  14. NAVSTA
  15. EIN
  16. DISS
  17. CAC
  18. CUI

5. Scope:  Services include the provision of a hydraulic rough terrain crane operator and crane; all associated supplies (to include, but not limited to, fuel) and qualified operator(s) to be utilized onsite at SERMC to support ship repairs and other directed crane lifts as required. Crane and crane operation shall be in accordance with NAVFAC P-307 – Weight Handling Program Management. The period of performance shall be for one (1) base year of 12 months and four (4) 12-month option years, with option to extend 6 month in accordance with the CLINs.

5.1 Crane Operator(s):  All crane operator(s) performing in accordance with this PWS shall be licensed in the operation of Category 1 cranes throughout the entire contract period in accordance with NAVFAC P-307.

All operator(s) shall be able to read, write, and speak English fluently.

The contractor shall not employ or enter into a contract with any person to perform work under this contract who is an employee of the U.S. Government, either military or civilian, unless such person receives approval in accordance with applicable Federal, Navy and DoD regulations.

5.2 Crane:  The contractor shall provide one (1) Hydraulic Rough Terrain Crane, 100 Ton Capacity, with the following salient characteristics: minimum 5-section main boom length 39.4’-154.2’, minimum 2- stage bi-fold lattice jib length 33.2’, and a maximum turning radius 2 wheel steer, 39’1”. To the maximum extent practicable, unavailability of the crane shall be coordinated in advance. The crane must not be unavailable for any period greater than six (6) hours. A replacement crane of equal or better performance specifications shall be provided within six (6) hours.

5.3 Meetings:  The contractor shall attend the post award conference convened by the contracting activity. The crane operator(s) shall attend the 0700 daily work group meetings, Monday through Friday.

5.4 Training:  The Crane operator shall participate in training candidates for RICs (rigger in charge), Signalmen and Safety Observers. Training will include crane lifts and material movements as directed by the candidates and overseen by Government trainers for the listed positions. Additionally, the crane operator will participate in training for the safety observer in the understanding of swing radius and counter weights is vital for crane operation.

5.5  Hours of Operation:  Crane operator(s) will work 40 hours every week during the hours of 0700 -1530, Monday through Friday (excluding Federal holidays) except as noted in the following paragraph.

Based on mission requirements, the operator(s) may work beyond those hours and/or on weekends and/or Federal holidays. The contractor shall have an operator(s) available to work seven (7) days a week for up to 16 additional hours each week to insure support for emergent and casualty report (CASREP) jobs. These hours, above and beyond the 40 hour work week, are to be ordered by the Contracting Officer (KO) or Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR). If an operator is called in to work after normal hours, he/she shall report to SERMC within two hours of notification or as directed by the COR or KO.

The contractor must at all times maintain an adequate workforce for the uninterrupted performance of all tasks defined within this PWS. Stability and continuity of the workforce are essential requirements. .  If the crane operator is not available for any period greater than six (6) hours, then a replacement crane operator of the same access and qualifications shall be provided within six (6) hours.

5.6 Delay and Disruption: Government and other contractor personnel will be working in common areas during working hours. Contractor performance shall not interfere with Government work in the area where any service or maintenance work is being performed. In the event the contractor believes that Government and other contractor personnel are interfering with the performance of the tasks described in this PWS, the contractor shall notify the KO immediately. The contractor is obligated to continue performance of the effort described in this contract unless there is authorization from the KO to stop work. Failure by the contractor to notify the KO and receive necessary instructions could result in denial of any additional costs incurred in performance of the contract under such conditions.

5.7 Points of Contact:  The contractor’s contract administrator and crane operator(s) shall be designated in writing to the KO, to include 24/7 contact telephone numbers to be used by the KO and COR for notifications of emergent work, heavy weather conditions and base closures or delays.

5.8 Stop Work:  At the direction of the Government, the contractor cease provision of services and will remove the crane offsite from NS Mayport within 24 hours.  The COR or KO will provide direction to the contractor to return onsite at NS Mayport.  Contractor shall return to NS Mayport with crane and operator within 24 hours of direction.

6. Quality Control Plan (QCP):  The contractor shall develop and maintain an effective QCP to ensure services are performed in accordance with this PWS. The contractor shall submit a QCP to the Government KO for review and approval within five (5) working days of contract award date. The plan shall discuss the contractor’s overall approach and procedures for evaluating the services contained in the PWS; communicating with the Government; resolving deficiencies; identifying potential improvements; and managing day to day operations. Results of any contractor internal QC inspections and corrective actions taken shall be made available to the Government for review throughout the performance of this contract. The Government may periodically require the contractor to update/revise the QCP based on any revisions to applicable Federal, Navy and DoD regulations that change procedures, to ensure quality service is maintained throughout the life of the contract.

6.1 The contractor shall submit a progress report to the COR no later than the fifth day after the end of each month of the period of performance. The report shall include a list of tasks completed by the crane operator required IAW the PWS, by date and hours of work performed.

7. Performance Requirement Summary

Performance Objective


Acceptable Quality Level (AQL)

Method of Surveillance

Provide licensed operator(s)

Operator(s) shall maintain a current crane operator license IAW NAVFAC P-307 and carry on his/her person during performance under this contract.


Random Surveillance

Crane unavailability not longer than six hours

Crane must not be unavailable for a period of greater than six hours.  Replacement crane to be provided within six hours or NLT 0700 the next day


100% Inspection

Crane Operator to attend daily 0700 work group meetings

Daily Monday through Friday, except Federal Holidays


Daily attendance

Crane and operator to be on site and working Monday through Friday from 0700-1530

Eight hours periods Monday through Friday from 0700-1530 with a 30 min. Lunch, except Federal Holidays


Random Surveillance

Operator on call 24/7, to report within two (2) hours when directed

Operator must report within two (2) hours or as directed by COR if other than normal hours of operation as defined in the PWS.


100% Inspection


Submitted monthly invoices are timely and accurate


100% Inspection

9. Deliverables:

CDRL Title




Submit To

Safety Training Requirement


Initially & Annually



Progress Reports





Quality Control Plan


Award + 30 Days



Minimum Insurance Requirements


Award & Annually



10. Security Requirements:

10.1 Citizenship Requirement

U.S. citizenship is required for all contractor employees assigned to this contract. 

10.2 Naval Station (NAVSTA) Mayport and SERMC Access Requirements

Contractor personnel shall comply with all current badging and security procedures required to gain access to any Government site (e.g. DBIDS). Access to Naval Installation and sites may only be gained by obtaining a badge (either permanent or temporary) from the Installation Security Office.  It is the Contractor’s responsibility to check for, and obtain changes and updated information at each installation on a continual basis. Further information can be found at: For information regarding the Defense Biometric Identification System (DBIDS):

10.2.1 Defense Biometric Identification System (DBIDS) Credentialing

Contractor employees assigned to the contract must undergo the DBIDS background vetting process, and be eligible to obtain a DBIDS credential from NAVSTA Mayport.  SERMC will serve as the DBIDS sponsoring activity. 

In order to obtain unescorted access to Naval Station (NAVSTA) Mayport, contractors must obtain Defense Biometric Identification System (DBIDS) credentials. To obtain unescorted access to SERMC facilities as required by this contract, contractors must submit a Contractor Visit Request (SERMC 5220/2) to These processes are initiated through the SERMC Security Division and can be done simultaneously. 

If a contractor employee fails the DBIDS background screening/vetting process, the employee may apply for a waiver. It will be the responsibility of the employee to obtain a DBIDS Waiver Request Form from NAVSTA Mayport Security and provide it to their employer as notification. It is the responsibility of the contractor to initiate the waiver request process within 60 days of receiving a Waiver Request Form from the employee. The contractor shall submit all Waiver Requests Forms to the SERMC Security Division for processing and submission to the NAVSTA Mayport Security Office. The Commanding Officer, NAVSTA Mayport is the final waiver determination authority.

NOTE:  Failure to obtain DBIDS credentials shall exclude any contractor employees from performance of duties under this PWS.  The exclusion of an employee for inability to obtain DBIDS credentials shall not relieve the contractor from performance of the services required under this contract.

Contractor must also submit a complete the Department of the Navy, Local Population ID Card/Base Access Pass Registration (SECNAV 5512/1) Form to NAVSTA Mayport – Main Gate Visitor Control, during registration. Additional information that may also be required either before, or during the DBIDS registration process may include: Employee’s legal full name, date of birth, social security number, company name, address, phone number, and email address, contract number, contract date(s) of performance, employee identification number (EIN), a digital photo, fingerprints, and employee home address and phone number.

10.3 Contractor Visit Request

SERMC Security Division uses the attached Contractor Visit Request (SERMC 5220/2) for processing request to the ships and SERMC.  Do not use any other Contractor Visit Request form.  The Contractor Visit Request is only for contractor that does not have access to Defense Information System for Security (DISS).  If the contractor employees are not listed in DISS or the contracting company does not have access to DISS, the contractor FSO or designated representative shall fill out the Contractor Visit Request Form and submit the form to SERMC Security Division.  If the contractor has access to DISS, contact your FSO or Security Management Office to submit a visit request via DISS to SERMC, which is the preferred method for submitting government or embedded contractor visit requests.  Do NOT use any other Contractor Visit Request form for visiting SERMC (see Block 6) and blocks 7-9 are required to be filled in.  The designated SERMC Point of Contact (POC) can be reached via email at:;

10.4 Issuance of a DOD Common Access Card (CAC)

All personnel assigned to this task order must be sponsored by a Department of Defense (DOD) Government official or employee to be issued a DOD Common Access Card (CAC). All personnel assigned to this task order shall be “DOD CAC- Eligible Contractors”. A “DOD CAC-Eligible Contractor” is defined as:  A contractor employee performing under a current contract with a DOD Service /Component /Agency and sponsored by a DOD Service / Component / Agency.

Background vetting is required for all contractor DOD CAC- Eligible applicants. CAC- Eligible Contractors shall not be issued a DOD CAC without satisfying the background vetting requirements of Department of Defense Manual 1000.13 Volume 1 – DOD Identification (ID) Cards: ID Card Life-Cycle (DODM 1000.13-M-V1). A background investigation shall be initiated by the employing entity or by the sponsoring DOD Service/Component/Agency before a DOD CAC will be issued.

10.5   Information and OPSEC Security Requirements

The Contractor shall comply with the security directives used regarding the protection of Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), DODI 5200.48 CUI and SECNAVINST 5510.30C DON, Personnel Security Program. In addition, the contractor may not release CUI information to the public without prior approval of the originator. In addition, the contractor may not release CUI information to the public without prior approval of the originator. Removal of CUI designation can only be accomplished by the originator or other competent authority. The contractor may disseminate CUI information to employees and sub-contractors who have a need for the information in connection with this task order only. A copy of the aforementioned instructions can be provided upon receipt of a written request. All contractor requests for sharing of classified and other sensitive information must be forwarded in writing to the Commanding Officer, SERMC, P.O. Box 280057, Naval Station Mayport Jacksonville, FL. 32228 for approval.

All Contractor personnel assigned to this task order must adhere to, and comply with applicable Operations Security (OPSEC) measures in accordance with DoD Directive 5205.02 – DoD Operations Security Program (DODD 5205.02). Contractor personnel must protect sensitive information, and shred all waste paper containing Critical Information (CI). Compliance with OPSEC measures, if imposed by programs supported, or by documents generated by the Commanding Officer, SERMC may be necessary.

Note: The DoN has determined that all DoN Information systems are sensitive regardless of whether the information is CUI. A contractor employee whose work involves access to sensitive unclassified information warrants a judgment of an employee's trustworthiness.

10.6 Physical Security

The Contractor is responsible for knowledge of and compliance with all OPNAV and local site instructions, policies, and procedures regarding physical security in the performance of this task order. The Contractor shall safeguard all Government property in assigned work areas and secure all Government material in the Contractor’s possession when not under direct physical control of personnel.

10.7 Identification Badges and Passes

Contractor personnel shall obtain and display required employee and vehicle passes IAW local base or SERMC policy and instructions. The contractor shall submit to the Designated Government Representative, prior to the performance start date, an estimate of the number of personnel expected to implement the contract. The Government will issue badges without charge. Each employee shall provide the information requested for the badge and vehicle pass, and shall wear the Government-issued badge over the front of their outer clothing, visible and above the waist. Government-issued employee identification shall be worn at all times while on the installation and provided for inspection when requested by management, security, or police personnel. Passes and badges issued by the Contractor to their personnel are in addition to the requirements of the Government for employee identification. The SERMC Security Officer will have and exercise full and complete control as to granting or denying security identification badges. It shall be the contractor’s responsibility to account for all security identification badges issued to its Contracted personnel; lost badges shall be reported immediately to the issuing office. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring all departing Contractor personnel are out-processed, to include turn-in of security identification badges to the SERMC Security Officer upon their departure. Failure to comply with this requirement shall constitute a breach of this task order.

10.8 Cyber Security (CS)

The contractor shall comply with SECNAVINST 5239.3 and SECNAV M-5239.2 and site-specific installation regulations for cyber security.

11. Safety

The employer shall comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.

11.1 Provide and ensure that each affected employee uses the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) for the eyes, face, head, extremities, torso, and respiratory system, including protective clothing, protective shields, protective barriers, personal fall protection equipment, and lifesaving equipment, meeting the applicable provisions of this subpart, wherever employees are exposed to work activity hazards that require the use of PPE IAW 29CFR1915.152 (a).

11.2 Assess its work activity to determine whether there are hazards present, or likely to be present, which necessitate the employee's use of PPE IAW 29CFR1915.152 (b) (1) through (b) (3). If such hazards are present, or likely to be present, the employer shall select the type of PPE that will protect the affected employee from the hazards identified in the employer’s occupational hazard assessment.

11.3 Provide a copy of the employer’s hazard assessment required IAW 29CFR1915.152 (b) (4) and documentation of training IAW 29 CFR1915.152 (e) to SERMC.

11.4 The contractor is solely responsible for compliance of all safety regulations of personnel while working in Government facilities. All accidents which may arise out of, or in connection with, performance of services required hereunder which result in injury, death, or property damage, shall be reported in writing to the SERMC safety office, KO and COR within 24 hours of such occurrence.

11.5 Accidents: The contractor is solely responsible for compliance of all safety regulations of employees while working on Government-owned facilities. All accidents which may arise out of, or in connection with, performance of services required hereunder which result in injury, death, or property damage, shall be reported in writing to the KO and COR within twenty-four hours of such occurrence. Reports shall provide full details of the accident, including statements from witnesses. The fore-going procedures shall also apply to any claim made by a third party against the contractor as a result of any accident that occurs in connection with performance under this contract.

11.6 Contractors whose employees perform work within Government spaces in excess of 1000 hours per calendar quarter during a calendar year shall submit the data elements on OSHA Form 300A, Summary of Work Related Injuries and Illnesses, for those employees to the safety office, via the COR by 15 January for the previous calendar year, even if no work related injuries or illnesses occurred. If a contractor’s injury/illness rates are above the Bureau of Labor Statistics industry standards, a safety assessment may be performed by the Safety Office to determine if any administrative or engineering controls can be utilized to prevent further injuries/illnesses, or if any additional Personal Protective Equipment or training will be required.

11.7 Workplace Attire:  Contractor personnel shall provide and utilize the required personal protective equipment (PPE) IAW OPNAVINS 5100.23. Workplace attire shall be appropriate for an industrial environment.

12.  Smoking /Drug/Alcohol Policy

The contractor shall comply with local command smoking / alcohol policies. 

The contractor shall comply with all applicable federal statutes, laws and regulations to implement a Drug Free Work Program.

13. Personnel Conduct

The selection, assignment, reassignment, transfer, supervision, management, and control of contractor personnel employed to perform task specified herein shall be the responsibility of the contractor. The contractor shall be responsible for the performance and conduct of contractor and subcontractor personnel at all times. Personnel employed by the contractor in the performance of this contract, or any representative of the contract entering the installation shall abide the security regulations listed in the contract and shall be subject to such checks by the Government as deemed necessary. The contractor shall not employ for performance under the contract any person whose employment would result in a conflict of interest with the Government’s standards of conduct.

14. Personnel Compliance

The contractor shall ensure that the contractor’s employees observe and comply with all local and higher authority policies, regulations, and procedures concerning fire, safety, environmental protection, sanitation, security, traffic, parking, energy conservation, flag courtesy, “off limits” areas, and possession of firearms or other lethal weapons.  When two or more directives or instructions apply, the contractor shall comply with the more stringent of the directives or instructions.

15. Personnel Removal

Government rules, regulations, laws, directives, and requirements that are issued during the term of the performance period relating to law and order, installation administration, and security shall be applicable to all contractor employees and representatives who enter the installation.  Violation of such rules, regulations, laws, directives, or requirements shall be grounds for removal (permanently or temporarily as the Government determines) from the work site or installation.  Removal of employees does not relieve the contractor from the responsibility for the work defined in this contract. 

15.1 Removal by Installation Commander:  The Installation Commander may, at his discretion, bar an individual from the installation under the authority of 18 USC 1382 (1972), for conduct that is determined to be contrary to good order, discipline, or installation security and safety.

 15.2 Removal Requested by the COR:  The COR may require the contractor to remove an employee working under this contract for reasons of misconduct or security violations.  Contractor employees shall be subject to dismissal from the premises upon determination by the COR that such action is necessary in the interest of the Government.

15.3 Removal by Military Police:  Contractor employees may be denied entry to or may be removed from the installation by Military Police if it is determined that the employee’s presence on the installation may be contrary to good order, discipline, or installation security and safety.

16. Vehicle and Equipment Operation

16.1 Privately-Owned Vehicle (POV) Permits: Contractor personnel using POVs on DOD installations shall have proper permits for entry onto the installations.  All vehicles, private or contractor-owned, shall comply with the vehicle operation regulations.  All vehicles are subject to search while on DOD installations.  Only licensed contractor personnel shall operate vehicles on DOD installations.  Vehicles shall be operated IAW local and state laws as well as installation specific traffic regulations.

16.2 Privately-Owned Vehicle (POV) Parking: The contractor shall utilize on-station POV parking in authorized areas. The Government reserves the right to change parking arrangements at any time.  The contractor is advised that parking at Naval Station Mayport is limited and may require parking at distant satellite locations.

16.3 Traffic Accident Report Requirements: The contractor shall report to Base Security, within one hour, any traffic accident involving contractor personnel that occurs on base, whether in the performance of this PWS or commuting in their POVs, IAW OPNAVINST 5102.1 series, OPNAVINST 5100.23 series, and other applicable local instructions.  The contractor shall supply a copy of all on-base traffic accident report(s) to the COR within five workdays of occurrence.

16.4 Fines, Fees, Point Assessment and Other Costs:  The contractor shall pay all fines, fees, point assessment, and other costs associated with traffic violations or accidents that occur in the performance of work under this contract.

17. Contract Management and Administration

The KO has the ultimate authority for administration of this contract. However, certain tasks will be delegated to the COR via official delegation letter, to be provided to the contractor at time of award. 

18. Required Insurance:

The following types of insurance are required and shall be maintained in the minimum amounts shown below.  Contractor shall provide proof of insurance to the Government KO prior to the contract start date.  The contractor shall submit proof of the required minimum insurance coverages in accordance with clause C-228-H002 MINIMUM INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS (NAVSEA) (JAN 2019).  Should the aforementioned clause be revised, the updated coverage amounts will be required.

18.1 Comprehensive General Liability:

$100,000 per person and $500,000 per accident for bodily injury. No property damage general liability insurance is required.

18.2 Automobile Insurance:

$200,000 per person and $500,000 per accident for bodily injury and $20,000 per accident for property damage. Comprehensive form of policy is required.

18.3 Standard Workmen's Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance:

Longshoremen's and Harbor Worker's Compensation Insurance) in the minimum amount of $100,000.   

(End of Performance Work Statement)

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • PO BOX 280057
  • MAYPORT , FL 32228-0057
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact
