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APEX Accelerators are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense.

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General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Solicitation (Original)
  • Original Published Date: Jul 12, 2024 07:29 am EDT
  • Original Date Offers Due: Aug 12, 2024 02:00 pm EDT
  • Inactive Policy: 15 days after date offers due
  • Original Inactive Date: Aug 27, 2024
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
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CONTACT INFORMATION|4|N792.08|T2N|215-697-1143|| ITEM UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION AND VALUATION (JAN 2023)|19|||||||||||||||||||| HIGHER-LEVEL CONTRACT QUALITY REQUIREMENT|8|x|||||||| TIME OF DELIVERY (JUNE 1997)|20||||||||||||||||||||| STOP-WORK ORDER (AUG 1989)|1|| WIDE AREA WORKFLOW PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS (JAN 2023)|16|Invoice and Receiving Report (combo) Type||Cognizant DFAS|N00383|Cognizant DCMA|Cognizant DCMA|See Schedule|Source||||||||| NAVY USE OF ABILITYONE SUPPORT CONTRACTOR - RELEASE OF OFFEROR INFORMATION (3-18))|1|| VALUE ENGINEERING (JUN 2020)|3|||| EQUAL OPPORTUNITY (SEP 2016)|2||| INTEGRITY OF UNIT PRICES (NOV 2021)|1|| EQUAL OPPORTUITY FOR WORKERS WITH DISABILITIES (JUN 2020)|2||| TRANSPORTATION OF SUPPLIES BY SEA (JAN 2023)|2||| BUY AMERICAN-FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS-BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM-BASIC (FEB 2024)|11|||||||||||| LIMITATION OF LIABILITY--HIGH-VALUE ITEMS (FEB 1997)|1|| LIMITATIONS ON PASS-THROUGH CHARGES (JUN 2020)|1|| ALTERNATE A, ANNUAL REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS (NOV 2023)|13|||||||||||||| BUY AMERICAN-FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS-BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM CERTIFICATE-BASIC (FEB 2024))|5|||||| BUY AMERICAN--BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM (FEB 2024)|1|| ROYALTY INFORMATION (APR 1984)|1|| ANNUAL REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS (MAY 2024)|12|336413|1250||||||||||| FACSIMILE PROPOSALS (OCT 1997)|1|| NOTICE OF PRIORITY RATING FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE, EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS, ANDENERGY PROGRAM USE (APR 2008))|2||x| This solicitation is for made new manufacture spare parts. This is a sole source requirement. The Government physically does not have in its possession sufficient, accurate, or legible data to contract with other than the current source. These items require Government Source Approval prior to award. If you are not an approved source, you must submit, together with your proposal, the information detailed in the NAVSUP WSS Source Approval Brochure which can be obtained on the internet at$public.business_vendor_form_new Offers received which fail to provide all data required by the source approval brochure will not be considered for award under this solicitation. For information or questions regarding this notice, please contact Alexis Healy at the email address: NAVSUP WSS Requests proposals submitted in response to this solicitation remain valid for a minimum of 120 days following submission. All contractual documents related to the instant procurement are considered to be "issued" by the Government when copies are either deposited in the mail, transmitted by facsimile, or sent by other electronic commerce email. The Government's acceptance of the contractor's proposal constitutes bilateral agreement to "issue" contractual documents as detailed herein. \ 1. SCOPE 1.1 . Markings shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-130. 1.2 Articles to be furnished hereunder shall be manufactured, tested and inspected in accordance with ;3890AS001016-01; drawing number ( ;30003; ) ;LATEST; , Revision ;NAWCAD LAKEHURST DRAWING PACKAGE; and all details and specifications referenced therein. 1.3 Unless expressly provided for elsewhere in this clause, equipment such as fixtures, jigs, dies, patterns, mylars, special tooling, test equipment, or any other manufacturing aid required for the manufacture and/or testing of the subject item(s) will not be provided by the Government or any other source and is the sole responsibility of the contractor. The foregoing applies notwithstanding any reference to such equipment or the furnishing thereof that may be contained in any drawing or referenced specification. 1.4 If MIL-STD-454 is referenced in the drawings or in the specification, the contractor is expected to show compliance with IPC/EIAJ-STD-001C. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS - NOT APPLICABLE 3. REQUIREMENTS - NOT APPLICABLE 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: 1.For purposes of this TDR, the term NDT shall refer to the following methods: MT-Magnetic Particle Testing, PT-Penetrant Inspection, UT-Ultrasonic Testing, RT-Radiographic Testing, and VT-Visual Testing. 2.Companies performing NDT shall be NADCAP accredited, or a laboratory accredited by one of the organizations listed be-low as satisfying ISO 17025 (General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories). NDT certificates shall be bear the symbols of accreditation and the accreditation body a. American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA). b. ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) c. International Accreditation Service, Inc (IAS) d. National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) e. Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation, Inc (PJLA) f. Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation Inc. (CALA) g. Standards Council of Canada (SCC) 4.1 CRITICAL MANUFACTURING PROCESSES ( ; ; ) HEAT TREAT ( ; ; ) WELDING ( ; ; ) CADMIUM PLATING ( ; ; ) ENGINEERING CHROME PLATING ( ; ; ) NICKEL CHROME PLATING ( ; ; ) CASTING(S) ( ; ; ) FORGING(S) ( ; ; ) MPR (MATERIAL PROCESSING REQUIREMENTS) 5. PACKAGING- MIL-STD 2073 PACKAGING APPLIES AS FOUND ELSEWHERE IN THE SCHEDULE 6. NOTES - NOT APPLICABLE THIS ALRE ITEM HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED AS NON-CRITICAL. NAVSUP WSS REFERENCE ONLY: In support of this solicitation/contract for this ALRE item, First Time Buy TDR No.24-10032 was used. \ 1. SCOPE 1.1 . Markings shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-130. 1.2 Articles to be furnished hereunder shall be manufactured, tested and inspected in accordance with ;3890AS000599-01; drawing number ( ;30003; ) ;LATEST; , Revision ;NAWCAD LAKEHURST DRAWING PACKAGE; and all details and specifications referenced therein. 1.3 Unless expressly provided for elsewhere in this clause, equipment such as fixtures, jigs, dies, patterns, mylars, special tooling, test equipment, or any other manufacturing aid required for the manufacture and/or testing of the subject item(s) will not be provided by the Government or any other source and is the sole responsibility of the contractor. The foregoing applies notwithstanding any reference to such equipment or the furnishing thereof that may be contained in any drawing or referenced specification. 1.4 If MIL-STD-454 is referenced in the drawings or in the specification, the contractor is expected to show compliance with IPC/EIAJ-STD-001C. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS DRAWING DATA=3890AS000597-01 |30003| M| |D| | | | DRAWING DATA=3890AS000598-01 |30003| L| |D| | | | DRAWING DATA=3890AS000599-01 |30003| N| |D| | | | DRAWING DATA=3890AS000641-01 |30003| C| |D| | | | DRAWING DATA=3890AS000642-01 |30003| G| |D| | | | DRAWING DATA=3890AS000643-01 |30003| C| |D| | | | DRAWING DATA=3890AS000644-01 |30003| D| |D| | | | 3. REQUIREMENTS - NOT APPLICABLE 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: 1. For purposes of this TDR, the term NDT shall refer to the following methods: MT-Magnetic Particle Testing, PT-Penetrant Inspection, UT-Ultrasonic Testing, RT-Radiographic Testing, and VT-Visual Testing. 2. Companies performing NDT shall be NADCAP accredited, or a laboratory accredited by one of the organizations listed below as satisfying ISO 17025 (General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories). NDT certificates shall be bear the symbols of accreditation and the accreditation body: a. American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) b. ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) c. International Accreditation Service, Inc (IAS) d. National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) e. Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation, Inc (PJLA) f. Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation Inc. (CALA) g. Standards Council of Canada (SCC) 5. PACKAGING- MIL-STD 2073 PACKAGING APPLIES AS FOUND ELSEWHERE IN THE SCHEDULE 6. NOTES - NOT APPLICABLE THIS ALRE ITEM HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED AS NON-CRITICAL. NAVSUP WSS REFERENCE ONLY: In support of this solicitation/contract for thisALRE item, First Time Buy TDR No.24-10033 was used. \ 1. SCOPE 1.1 . Markings shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-130. 1.2 Articles to be furnished hereunder shall be manufactured, tested and inspected in accordance with ;3890AS000605-01; drawing number ( ;30003; ) ;LATEST; , Revision ;NAWCAD LAKEHURST DRAWING PACKAGE; and all details and specifications referenced therein. 1.3 Unless expressly provided for elsewhere in this clause, equipment such as fixtures, jigs, dies, patterns, mylars, special tooling, test equipment, or any other manufacturing aid required for the manufacture and/or testing of the subject item(s) will not be provided by the Government or any other source and is the sole responsibility of the contractor. The foregoing applies notwithstanding any reference to such equipment or the furnishing thereof that may be contained in any drawing or referenced specification. 1.4 If MIL-STD-454 is referenced in the drawings or in the specification, the contractor is expected to show compliance with IPC/EIAJ-STD-001C. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS DRAWING DATA=3890AS000603-01 |30003| H| |D| | | | DRAWING DATA=3890AS000604-01 |30003| H| |D| | | | DRAWING DATA=3890AS000605-01 |30003| L| |D| | | | 3. REQUIREMENTS - NOT APPLICABLE 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: 1. For purposes of this TDR, the term NDT shall refer to the following methods: MT-Magnetic Particle Testing, PT-Penetrant Inspection, UT-Ultrasonic Testing, RT-Radiographic Testing, and VT-Visual Testing. 2. Companies performing NDT shall be NADCAP accredited, or a laboratory accredited by one of the organizations listed below as satisfying ISO 17025 (General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories). NDT certificates shall be bear the symbols of accreditation and the accreditation body: a. American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) b. ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) c. International Accreditation Service, Inc (IAS) d. National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) e. Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation, Inc (PJLA) f. Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation Inc. (CALA) g. Standards Council of Canada (SCC) 5. PACKAGING- MIL-STD 2073 PACKAGING APPLIES AS FOUND ELSEWHERE IN THE SCHEDULE 6. NOTES - NOT APPLICABLE THIS ALRE ITEM HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED AS NON-CRITICAL. NAVSUP WSS REFERENCE ONLY: In support of this solicitation/contract for thisALRE item, First Time Buy TDR No.24-10034 was used. \ 1. SCOPE 1.1 . Markings shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-130. 1.2 Articles to be furnished hereunder shall be manufactured, tested and inspected in accordance with ;1680-01-650-3253; drawing number ( ;3890AS000602-01; ) ;LATEST REVISION; , Revision ;NAWCAD LAKEHURST DRAWING PACKAGE; and all details and specifications referenced therein. 1.3 Unless expressly provided for elsewhere in this clause, equipment such as fixtures, jigs, dies, patterns, mylars, special tooling, test equipment, or any other manufacturing aid required for the manufacture and/or testing of the subject item(s) will not be provided by the Government or any other source and is the sole responsibility of the contractor. The foregoing applies notwithstanding any reference to such equipment or the furnishing thereof that may be contained in any drawing or referenced specification. 1.4 If MIL-STD-454 is referenced in the drawings or in the specification, the contractor is expected to show compliance with IPC/EIAJ-STD-001C. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS DRAWING DATA=3890AS000600-01 |30003| H| |D| | | | DRAWING DATA=3890AS000601-01 |30003| G| |D| | | | DRAWING DATA=3890AS000602-01 |30003| J| |D| | | | DRAWING DATA=3890AS000654-01 |30003| D| |D| | | | 3. REQUIREMENTS - NOT APPLICABLE 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: 1. For purposes of this TDR, the term NDT shall refer to the following methods: MT-Magnetic Particle Testing, PT-PenetrantInspection, UT-Ultrasonic Testing, RT-Radiographic Testing, and VT-Visual Testing. 2. Companies performing NDT shall be NADCAP accredited, or a laboratory accredited by one of the organizations listed belowas satisfying ISO 17025 (General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories). NDT certificates shall be bear the symbols of accreditation and the accreditation body: a. American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) b. ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) c. International Accreditation Service, Inc (IAS) d. National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) e. Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation, Inc (PJLA) f. Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation Inc. (CALA) g. Standards Council of Canada (SCC) 5. PACKAGING- MIL-STD 2073 PACKAGING APPLIES AS FOUND ELSEWHERE IN THE SCHEDULE 6. NOTES - NOT APPLICABLE THIS ALRE ITEM HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED AS NON-CRITICAL. NAVSUP WSS REFERENCE ONLY: In support of this solicitation/contract for this ALRE item, First Time Buy TDR No.24-10035 was used. \ 1. SCOPE 1.1 . Markings shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-130. 1.2 Articles to be furnished hereunder shall be manufactured, tested and inspected in accordance with ;3890AS004506-01; drawing number ( ;30003; ) ;LATEST; , Revision ;NAWCAD LAKEHURST DRAWING PACKAGE; and all details and specifications referenced therein. 1.3 Unless expressly provided for elsewhere in this clause, equipment such as fixtures, jigs, dies, patterns, mylars, special tooling, test equipment, or any other manufacturing aid required for the manufacture and/or testing of the subject item(s) will not be provided by the Government or any other source and is the sole responsibility of the contractor. The foregoing applies notwithstanding any reference to such equipment or the furnishing thereof that may be contained in any drawing or referenced specification. 1.4 If MIL-STD-454 is referenced in the drawings or in the specification, the contractor is expected to show compliance with IPC/EIAJ-STD-001C. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS - NOT APPLICABLE 3. REQUIREMENTS - NOT APPLICABLE 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: 1. For purposes of this TDR, the term NDT shall refer to the following methods: MT - Magnetic Particle Testing, PT - Penetrant Inspection, UT - Ultrasonic Testing, RT - Radiographic Testing, and VT - Visual Testing. 2. Companies performing NDT shall be NADCAP accredited, or a laboratory accredited by one of the organizations listed belowas satisfying ISO 17025 (General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories). NDT certificates shall be bear the symbols of accreditation and the accreditation body: a. American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) b. ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) c. International Accreditation Service, Inc (IAS) d. National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) e. Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation, Inc (PJLA) f. Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation Inc. (CALA) g. Standards Council of Canada (SCC) 5. PACKAGING- MIL-STD 2073 PACKAGING APPLIES AS FOUND ELSEWHERE IN THE SCHEDULE 6. NOTES - NOT APPLICABLE THIS ALRE ITEM HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED AS NON-CRITICAL. NAVSUP WSS REFERENCE ONLY: In support of this solicitation/contract for this ALRE item, First Time Buy TDR No.24-10044 was used. \

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