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F103--Water Engineering Services - Base Year

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The APEX Accelerators program was formerly known as the Procurement Technical Assistance Program (opens in new window) (PTAP).

General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Sources Sought (Original)
  • Original Published Date: Oct 21, 2024 10:08 am EDT
  • Original Response Date: Oct 28, 2024 05:00 pm EDT
  • Inactive Policy: Manual
  • Original Inactive Date: Dec 27, 2024
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • NAICS Code:
    • 541330 - Engineering Services
  • Place of Performance:
    White River Junction VAMC 215 North Main Street White River Junction , 05001


This is a Sources Sought notice only. This is not a request for quotes and no contract will be awarded from this announcement. The Government will not provide any reimbursement for responses submitted in response to this Source Sought notice. Respondents will not be notified of the results of the evaluation. If a solicitation is issued it shall be announced at a later date, and all interest parties must response to that solicitation announcement separately. Responses to this notice are not a request to be added to a prospective bidders list or to receive a copy of the solicitation The purpose of this announcement is to perform market research to gain knowledge of potential qualified sources and their size classification relative to NAICS 541330, (Engineering Services) with a size standard $25.5M. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Network Contracting Office 1 (NCO 1) is seeking to identify a State of Vermont Certified Class 3 Water System Operator to perform Water Engineering Services at the White River Junction VAMC per the Performance Work Statement below. This Sources Sought notice provides an opportunity for respondents to submit their capability and availability to provide the requirement described below. Vendors are encouraged to submit information relative to their capabilities to fulfill this requirement, in the form of a statement that addresses the specific requirement identified in this Sources Sought. Information received from this Sources Sought shall be utilized to facilitate the Contracting Officer s review of the market base, for acquisition planning, size determination, and procurement strategy. Submission Instructions: Interested parties who consider themselves qualified to perform the services are invited to submit a response to this Sources Sought Notice by 5:00 PM EST, 28 October 2024. All responses under this Sources Sought Notice must be emailed to Kenya Mitchell at and David Valenzuela at with RFQ #36C24125Q0032 in the subject line. Telephone inquiries will not be accepted or acknowledged, and no feedback or evaluations will be provided to companies regarding their submissions. Interested parties should complete the attached Sources Sought Worksheet. Parties may submit additional information related to their capabilities, provided it contains all the requirements contained in the Sources Sought Worksheet. Responses to this Sources Sought shall not exceed 8 pages. In addition, all submissions should be provided electronically in a Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format. Attachment 1 Sources Sought Worksheet QUALIFICATION INFORMATION: Company / Institute Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________________________________________________ Point of Contact: _______________________________________________________________ E-mail Address: ________________________________________________________________ Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) #: ___________________________________________________ CAGE Code: __________________________________________________________________ SAM Registered: (Y / N) Other available contract vehicles applicable to this sources sought (GSA/FSS/NASA SEWP/ETC): __________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS: VIP Verified SDVOSB: (Y / N) VIP Verified VOSB: (Y / N) 8(a): (Y / N) HUBZone: (Y / N) Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business: (Y / N) Women-Owned Small Business: (Y / N) Small Business: (Y / N) NOTE: Respondent claiming SDVOSB and VOSB status shall be registered, and Center for Veterans Enterprise (CVE) verified in VetBiz Registry BASED ON THE RESPONSES TO THIS SOURCES SOUGHT NOTICE/MARKET RESEARCH, THIS REQUIREMENT MAY BE SET-ASIDE FOR SDVOSB, VOSB, SMALL BUSINESSES OR PROCURED THROUGH FULL AND OPEN COMPETITION. CAPABILITY STATEMENT: Provide a brief capability and interest in providing the service as listed in Attachment 2 PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT with enough information to determine if your company can meet the requirement. The capabilities statement for this Sources Sought is not a Request for Quotation, Request for Proposal, or Invitation for Bid, nor does it restrict the Government to an ultimate acquisition approach, but rather the Government is requesting a short statement regarding the company s ability to provide the services outlined in the PWS. Any commercial brochures or currently existing marketing material may also be submitted with the capabilities statement. This synopsis is for information and planning purposes only and is not to be construed as a commitment by the Government. The Government will not pay for information solicited. Respondents will not be notified of the results of the evaluation. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Attachment 2 PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT Project Name: WATER SYSTEM OPERATOR SERVICES Place of Performance: 215 North Main Street White River Junction VT 05001 Period of Performance: Base + 4 Option Years (Options Years will be exercised at the Governments discretion) GENERAL INFORMATION The White River Junction VA Medical Center desires the services of a State of Vermont Certified Class 3 Water System Operator. These services will be provided to assist the VA Medical Center (VA) meet their obligation to the State of Vermont (State) and to the requirements of 10 V.S.A. Chapter 56 and the Vermont Water Supply Rule (Rule). The system is a Public Non-Transient Non-Community Water System, known as the VA Medical Center (Water System) and Water System Identification, WSID VT 0021037. The Water System operates under State permit #21037-17.0 issued to the US Department of Veterans Affairs by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, Drinking Water and Ground Water Protection Division (the Division (DWGWPD). The Water System is consecutive to the Town of Hartford Water Department WSID 5319. The Water System has about 20 connections and serves about 1,200 employees and a few hundred patients each day. The services include operation of so-called Utility Water and does not include services related to Legionella; Sterile Processing (Critical Water); and Laboratory water. Experience with operating a medical center water system is preferred. Experience with water treatment modalities including Chlorination and Corrosion control is preferred. Operator must hold a current Class 3 Public Water System Operator Certificate and an OSHA 30 Hour Certificate. Operator shall demonstrate the ability to communicate verbally and in writing. Operator may need to prepare applications and documentation for State permits; periodic written reports to the State; purchasing documents and forms; updates to the operations and maintenance manual; etc. Operator shall work well with others; work effectively as a team; and effectively use Microsoft products such as Outlook; Word; and Excel. SPECIFIC SERVICES INCLUDE (but not limited to): 1. Conduct visual inspections of the system s source, storage facilities, and chemical addition systems at an appropriate frequency considering the system s design, location, vulnerability, Operations and Maintenance Manual, and other relevant factors. 2. Be familiar with all aspects of the treatment and distribution system operation of the water system. 3. Oversee all bacterial monitoring, chemical monitoring, and other monitoring required under this Rule. 4. Review the sample monitoring schedule and locations quarterly. 5. Ensure that all samples are collected and delivered to a certified laboratory in a timely manner. 6. Inspect system within 24 hours of any positive fecal coliform result, positive Total Coliform repeat sample result, or other water system failures that threaten public health. 7. Notify owner of any violation(s) of this Rule. 8. Ensure the accuracy of water meters and other flow measuring devices 9. Be responsible for measuring and recording chemical additions. 10. Operate and maintain chemical feed and all treatment systems. 11. Keep abreast of changes in the drinking water regulations and safety regulations. 12. Fulfill certification and certification renewal requirements. 13. Operate and maintain system in accord with the Operation & Maintenance Manual. 14. Attend all inspections as requested by state personnel. 15. Oversee source water protection, watershed protection, and other activities associated with chemical waivers or otherwise required by this Rule. 16. Be responsible for complete and accurate water system records. 17. Carry out all required reporting requirements including submitting a complete monthly report to the Secretary by the 10th day of the following month. 18. Develop and maintain an accurate site plan showing the water source and distribution system. 19. Respond to VA management on any consumer complaints promptly. 20. Comply with all applicable state and federal statutes, rules and orders governing water system regulation. 21. Conduct all duties with reasonable care and judgment for the protection of public health, public safety, and the environment. 22. Complete a daily log report covering each site visit and deliver to the Facilities Management Service Point of Contact within 48 hours of the site visit. Identify system issues/concerns which need further attention and recommend who is responsible for action on each concern. 23. Be available by phone and/or email to address any water issues covered by this agreement. Be able to respond on site within a reasonable period of time. 24. Provide training to designated VA pipefitter employees (currently three employees) regarding the operation and maintenance (O & M) of the WRJ VA Medical Center drinking water system. Such training to be done through on site, email, telephone and computer. The training is specific to the O & M of the WRJ VA Medical Center system and is not intended to cover elements of the required State of Vermont Class 3 Operator Certification Exam such as mathematics, chemistry, microbiology, fluoridation, filtration, softening, membrane systems, sedimentation, coagulation and other technical training such as covered in the text entitled Water Treatment Operator Training Handbook, American Water Works Association, 2013. OTHER Operator shall be responsible for maintaining Class 3 certification including expenses and man hours required. Operator shall provide all VA required insurance Operator shall submit billing based on a flat rate per month to cover all agreed upon recurring Operator Services. Invoices shall be submitted electronically as required by VA. Such invoices shall be submitted monthly. Any non-covered services shall be identified up front by the Operator and communicated immediately to VA Management so an advance decision can be made as to how to handle associated costs. No extra services or costs will be honored by the VA unless approved in advance by the VA contracting officer. Coverage of additional service as authorized by the COR. Such services to include a request with the bid for an hourly rate for additional services as agreed to by both parties then at award include a number of hours each month (such as 8-hours each month) for additional services . Operator will be required to cover their own expenses in the delivery of these services. There will generally be no reimbursement for mileage, food, lodging, etc. when delivering these services. The contract term shall be for one year, with the option to extend one additional year. The effective start date will be date contract is awarded. Renewals will be renegotiated and will require approval of both parties. In the event of a project to recondition the VA water tower, the Water Operator shall continue their water monitoring duties as normal with the temporary tanks acting as the water tower Work Schedule Normal working hours are from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Work can be performed after hours as needed, so long as it is coordinated with the contract COR and the affected department. Privacy Statement Information Security The C&A requirements do not apply; a Security Accreditation Package is not required. Incidental exposure to protected health information may occur from accessing the work site. Staff will follow all Privacy & Security policies and procedures. Records Management The following standard items relate to records generated in executing the contract and should be included in a typical procurement contract: Citations to pertinent laws, codes and regulations such as 44 U.S.C chapters 21, 29, 31 and 33; Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552); Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a); 36 CFR Part 1222 and Part 1228. Contractor shall treat all deliverables under the contract as the property of the U.S. Government for which the Government Agency shall have unlimited rights to use, dispose of, or disclose such data contained therein as it determines to be in the public interest. Contractor shall not create or maintain any records that are not specifically tied to or authorized by the contract using Government IT equipment and/or Government records. Contractor shall not retain, use, sell, or disseminate copies of any deliverable that contains information covered by the Privacy Act of 1974 or that which is generally protected by the Freedom of Information Act. Contractor shall not create or maintain any records containing any Government Agency records that are not specifically tied to or authorized by the contract. The Government Agency owns the rights to all data/records produced as part of this contract. The Government Agency owns the rights to all electronic information (electronic data, electronic information systems, electronic databases, etc.) and all supporting documentation created as part of this contract. Contractor must deliver sufficient technical documentation with all data deliverables to permit the agency to use the data. Contractor agrees to comply with Federal and Agency records management policies, including those policies associated with the safeguarding of records covered by the Privacy Act of 1974. These policies include the preservation of all records created or received regardless of format [paper, electronic, etc.] or mode of transmission [e-mail, fax, etc.] or state of completion [draft, final, etc.]. No disposition of documents will be allowed without the prior written consent of the Contracting Officer. The Agency and its contractors are responsible for preventing the alienation or unauthorized destruction of records, including all forms of mutilation. Willful and unlawful destruction, damage or alienation of Federal records is subject to the fines and penalties imposed by 18 U.S.C. 2701. Records may not be removed from the legal custody of the Agency or destroyed without regard to the provisions of the agency records schedules. Contractor is required to obtain the Contracting Officer's approval prior to engaging in any contractual relationship (sub-contractor) in support of this contract requiring the disclosure of information, documentary material and/or records generated under, or relating to, this contract. The Contractor (and any sub-contractor) is required to abide by Government and Agency guidance for protecting sensitive and proprietary information.

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • TOGUS , ME 04330
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact


  • Dec 27, 2024 11:55 pm ESTSources Sought (Original)