Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture Tranche 3 DRAFT RFP/RFI
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General Information
- Contract Opportunity Type: Special Notice (Original)
- Original Published Date: Nov 08, 2024 04:14 pm EST
- Original Response Date: Nov 25, 2024 12:00 pm EST
- Inactive Policy: 15 days after response date
- Original Inactive Date: Dec 10, 2024
- Initiative:
- None
- Original Set Aside:
- Product Service Code:
- NAICS Code:
- Place of Performance: Chantilly , VAUSA
The Space Development Agency (SDA) is interested in support to the Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA) Tranche 3 (T3) Program Integration effort. This program is comprised of systems engineering and integration activities supporting the T3 Program, which will extend the PWSA through the acquisition and integration of hundreds of space vehicles (SV) and associated ground segment (GS) elements.
SDA is seeking a solution that provides PWSA T3 Program Integration involving systems engineering and integration activities necessary to facilitate the delivery of T3 Transport Layer (T3TL), T3 Tracking (T3TRK), and T3 Custody Layer (T3CL) and their integration with the PWSA GS and user segment to advance the operational PWSA.
SDA’s mission is to rapidly deliver space-based capabilities to the Joint Warfighter in support of missions worldwide. SDA endeavors to fulfill this mission through the acquisition, operation, and continuous evolution of the PWSA in a manner that enables our Joint Force to deter and, if necessary, defeat emerging adversarial threats. In pursuit of this mission, the PWSA is currently committed to delivering specific data transport, navigation, and sensing capabilities which are further defined in the Statement of Work (SOW).
SDA is seeking feedback on the following areas and SDA asks respondents to provide a technical description of a notional PWSA Tranche 3 Program Integration solution.
Respondents may address any or all of the following:
- Enterprise Architecture Analysis – Evaluate the architecture products that comprise the PWSA Enterprise Functional Baseline (FBL), including but not limited to CONOPS, Other Direct Costs (ODCs), and system architecture diagrams, to ensure that they remain aligned with T3 program execution and provide the necessary guidance to enable T3 Program delivery.
- Program Requirements Assessment and Management Support – Assess the requirements products that comprise the FBLs managed by the T3 Program, including but not limited to program technical requirements documents (TRDs); ensure that PWSA Enterprise FBL requirements products remain aligned with T3 Program equities and are properly decomposed into T3 Program-managed FBL requirements products and in turn into requirements products among Component Program-managed Allocated Baselines (ABLs) then Product Baselines (PBLs); identify gaps and issues with requirements products and provide recommendations substantiated by analysis to address; support management of requirements products.
- Program Integration and Verification Management – Develop and manage the integration and verification products that comprise the FBLs managed by the T3 Program, including but not limited to key interface verification, compatibility, and interoperability test plans and ground-based and on-orbit system-level test plans; coordinate execution of corresponding integration, verification, and test events and evaluation of results; assess verification evidence for sell-off.
- Program Configuration Management – Manage the configuration and change log of the contents of T3 Program-managed FBLs, including knowledge management and content distribution among stakeholders, coordination of product reviews, adjudication of feedback, and management of change requests through applicable Engineering Review Board (ERB) and Configuration Control Board (CCB) processes.
- Engineering Support – Provide spacecraft, mission payload, GS, launch integration, and mission engineering expertise and support to actively guide the delivery and integration of T3 SVs and GS elements with the greater PWSA and User Segment.
- Program Schedule Management – Manage the integrated master schedule comprised of critical activities and milestones that are consequential to T3 Program delivery; assess the IMS for accuracy, completeness, and risk; identify and resolve schedule issues and inconsistencies.
- Program Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management – Manage the T3 Program risk, issue, and opportunity register and process, including risk, issue, and opportunity management board coordination, risk, issue, and opportunity assessment, and coordination and tracking of mitigation strategies; actively identify risks and mitigations and perform select mitigation activities.
- Program Trade Studies and Assessments – Identify, prioritize, and perform trade studies and technical assessments to inform critical decisions that impact T3 Program delivery.
- Technical Reviews – Prepare for and execute critical technical reviews for T3 Program; support PWSA Enterprise and Component Program technical reviews as required.
- Experience – Demonstrate experience developing, integrating and managing configuration control of multiple systems, within the past three years.
- Organizational Conflict of Interest (OCI) - Address the OCI requirement for avoidance and inform the Government of any concerns or alternatives to avoidance with rationale.
- Security - The effort will require all personnel with access to this program to have TS/SCI clearances and for the Contractor to have cleared facilities capable of processing/storing TS/SCI data.
Please send an email to:
SUBJECT: “Company Name, CUI Request” and provide the following information:
Company Name:
Cage Code:
City, State of Company location
Email address:
All responses to this RFI/draft RFP must be received no later than 1200 PM (Eastern) on 25 November 2024 and should include the following information:
- Company Name, Address, and Contact Information including phone and email
- Company Capability Statement (Not to exceed one page). Include business size (large or small). NAICS 541715
- No page restrictions on technical content
- Comment Resolution Matrix (CRM) – please address any comments regarding the documents using the CRM. Respondents may also add a tab for additional comments.
- Respondents are welcome to provide commercial product fact sheets.
- Unclassified and CUI responses should be sent to
- Secret information should be emailed to: (ONLY IF NEEDED)
- Respondents submitting classified information must send an unclassified email to angelita.m.lawrence.ctr@mail.milnotifying SDA of this submission method.
When submitting a response, please use the subject “PWSA Tranche 3, Prgm Integration draft RFP/RFI Response – [Contractor Name]”. Any responses submitted through different channels or to a different e-mail address will not be considered. All submissions may request read receipts. SDA will review the draft RFP/RFI responses to assess value and potential performance capability that may be useful to support the PWSA Tranche 3, Prgm Integration solicitation.
This announcement contains all information required to submit a response. No additional forms, kits, or other materials are needed. Although the word “proposal” is used in this RFI/Draft RFP, your response will be treated solely for information and planning purposes; it does not constitute a formal solicitation for proposals. In accordance with FAR 15.201(e), responses to this notice are not offers and cannot be accepted by the Government to form a binding contract. Submission of a response is strictly voluntary and is not required to propose to a subsequent SDA solicitation. No solicitation exists; therefore, do not request a copy of the solicitation. If a solicitation is released, it will be synopsized on It is the responsibility of any potential offerors/bidders to monitor this site for release of any solicitation or synopsis. SDA will NOT provide reimbursement for costs incurred in responding to this draft RFP or participating in any subsequent workshop, briefing, Industry Day or other virtual or in-person discussion, or pay for the information solicited except as an allowable cost under other contracts as provided in subsection 31.205-18, Bid and Proposal Costs, of the Federal Acquisition Regulation.
To the maximum extent possible, please submit non-proprietary information. If proprietary information is submitted, it must be appropriately and specifically marked as “Proprietary.” It is the submitter's responsibility to clearly define to the Government what is considered proprietary data. SDA will not publicly disclose proprietary information obtained as a result of the draft RFP. To the full extent that it is protected pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act and other laws and regulations, information properly identified by a respondent as “Proprietary” will be appropriately controlled. Submissions may be reviewed by Government personnel and support contractors bound by appropriate non-disclosure agreements. Responses to this draft RFP will not be returned. Intellectual or other privileged or proprietary information contained in responses to this draft RFP will not be distributed outside of the Department of Defense or United States Government employees from other Government agencies who are working with SDA on this draft RFP. Respondents are advised that SDA is under no obligation to acknowledge receipt of the information received or provide feedback with respect to any information submitted under this draft RFP. Responses to this draft RFP do not bind SDA to any further actions.
Contact Information
Primary Point of Contact