IAF-24-0005 Electrification of Redemption Hospital, Liberia
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General Information
- Contract Opportunity Type: Solicitation (Original)
- Original Published Date: Dec 12, 2023 01:38 pm CET
- Original Date Offers Due: Feb 14, 2024 10:00 am CET
- Inactive Policy: 15 days after date offers due
- Original Inactive Date: Feb 29, 2024
- Initiative:
- None
- Original Set Aside:
- Product Service Code:
- NAICS Code:
- Place of Performance: LBR
This is a solicitation announcement for design and construction services as described within the announcement on www.sam.gov (SAM). Offerors are responsible for monitoring the SAM website for changes to the announcement. If you are interested in this contract opportunity, you can sign up for email alerts for updates by selecting to “follow” this opportunity at the top right on the SAM.gov announcement webpage (requires account login; see SAM registration details below).
The Request for Proposal (RFP) provides parameters for a design-build project for renovation of the Redemption Hospital Complex in Monrovia, Liberia.
The project includes the following general items of work, detailed requirements are contained elsewhere in this Statement of Work:
a. Demolish existing electrical distribution system including Manual Transfer Switch (MTS).
b. Provide a new interior electrical distribution system with power system surge protection/ Voltage stabilizer.
c. Provide dedicated Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) for Back-up Generator system for critical areas only to include Theater, Delivery OB, Central Lab, Emergency rooms, pharmacy.
d. Provide new LED lighting and controls system.
See Project Location Map, provided as a solicitation attachment. This project is located in Monrovia, Liberia; Latitude 06°22’10.85“N, Longitude 10°47’30.95“W.
A virtual pre-proposal conference will be held via MS Teams on 10 January 2024 at 2 p.m. Central European Standard Time (CET). See below for the meeting link:
Pre-Proposal Site Visit. The Government scheduled a site a pre-proposal site visit on 17 January2024.
Location: This project is located in on the outskirts of Monrovia, Liberia; Latitude 6°22'10.1"N, Longitude 10°47'32.6"W
Time/Date: 17 January 2024 at 10.00 a.m. Local Time
Registration Instructions: Registration Instructions: Offerors must pre-register their
attendees no later than 16 January 2024. To Pre-Register, complete the site visit attendee information sheet (solicitation attachment 14) submit via email to thomas.m.bookout@usace.army.mil and phillip.n.tran@usace.army.mil. Offerors MUST pre-register in order to attend the site visit. IMPORTANT: Any individuals planning to attend must register in advance with all information provided in site visit attachment to be permitted access to the sites—please use the attendee information sheet attached to the RFP. Also, space may be limited and as a result the number of attendees per company may be limited.
Proposals must be prepared and submitted according to the instructions within the contract solicitation (plus amendments). Full instructions on how to submit a proposal are within the contract solicitation (plus amendments). Please follow the instructions carefully. Please be sure to submit your proposal no later than the time and date specified in the solicitation (plus amendments). Interested offerors must submit a non-price proposal for evaluation in addition to a price proposal to be considered for contract award.
Companies MUST be SAM registered to be eligible for award of any contracts for the US Government. See the solicitation posted with this announcement for instructions and complete details. The USACE Europe District has completed an Online Industry Day presentation that offers useful information for companies interested in doing business with us on design and construction projects, and it is posted to the USACE Europe District website at the following: https://www.nau.usace.army.mil/Business-With-Us/Contracting/Industry-Event/. The online presentation contains detailed information on how to register to do contract work for the US Government, how to read and understand a USACE solicitation, and how to do construction work for the USACE.
Contact Information
Primary Point of Contact
- SFC Sterling Alphonse
- sterling.j.alphonse@usace.army.mil
Secondary Point of Contact
- MAJ Matt Bookout
- thomas.m.bookout@usace.army.mil
- Phone Number 491746326882