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APEX Accelerators are an official government contracting resource for small businesses. Find your local APEX Accelerator (opens in new window) for free government expertise related to contract opportunities.

APEX Accelerators are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense.

The APEX Accelerators program was formerly known as the Procurement Technical Assistance Program (opens in new window) (PTAP).

General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Sources Sought (Original)
  • Original Published Date: May 30, 2024 09:54 am PDT
  • Original Response Date: Jun 13, 2024 12:00 pm PDT
  • Inactive Policy: 15 days after response date
  • Original Inactive Date: Jun 28, 2024
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside: Total Small Business Set-Aside (FAR 19.5)
  • NAICS Code:
  • Place of Performance:
    Bremerton , WA 98314



The Defense Logistics Agency Maritime Puget Sound is issuing this sources sought and request for information as a means of conducting market research to identify parties having an interest in and the resources to support a material requirement in Bremerton, WA. THIS NOTICE OF INTENT IS NOT A REQUEST FOR COMPETITIVE QUOTES. However, interested parties may identify their interest and capability to respond to this requirement no later than June 6, 2024. As a result of analyzing responses to this notice of intent, the Government shall determine if a solicitation will be issued. Any prospective contractor must be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) in order to be eligible for award. Interest parties are encouraged to furnish information by email only with RESPONSE TO INTENT TO SOLE SOURCE FOR DEHUMIDIFIER in the subject line.

16' LONG X 8'-5" WIDE X 10' HIGH. WEIGHT IS 12,000 LBS


1.    SCOPE - This specification contains the requirements for a portable, skid mounted, self-contained dehumidifier assembly supplied complete and ready for use. The portable dehumidifier assembly will be used as a process environment conditioning system for shipboard abrasive blast and paint operations.


2.1   GENERAL - The documents listed in this section are specified in sections 3 and 4 of this 
specification. This section does not include documents cited in other sections of this 
specification or recommended for additional information or as examples. While every effort has been 
made to ensure the completeness of this list, document users are cautioned that they must meet all 
specified requirements of documents cited in sections 3 and 4 of this specification, whether or not 
they are listed.


2.2.1  Specification, standards, and handbooks -The following specifications, standards, and 
handbooks form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, 
the issues of these documents are those cited in the solicitation or contract.

29 CFR 1910    Occupational Safety and Health Standards
29 CFR 1915             Occupational Safety and Health Standards for Shipyard Employment
(Information is available online at: FEDERAL STANDARDS
Federal Standard 313D        Material Safety Data, Transportation Data and Disposal Data
for Hazardous Materials Furnished to Government Activities (Copies available online at

2.2.2   Other Government documents, drawings, and publications - The following other Government 
documents, drawings, and publications form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. 
Unless otherwise specified, the issues of documents are those cited in the solicitation or 


PSNS & IMF P5100 (14)  Visitor and Contractor Handbook
(Request for copies should be addressed to Puget Sound Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance 
Facility, Code 980.2, 1400 Farragut Avenue Bremerton, WA 98314-5000)

2.3   NON-GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS - The following documents form a part of this document to the 
extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of documents are those cited in the 
solicitation or contract.

NFPA 70                   National Electric Code (NEC)
NFPA 79                   Electrical Standards for Industrial Machinery (Information is available 
online at:

NEMA ICS-1                 Industrial Controls and Systems General Requirements
NEMA MG-1   Motors and Generators Revision 1
(Copies available at: or National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 
1300 North 17ᵗʰ Street, Suite 1752, Rosslyn, VA 22209)


IEEE STD 841-2009         Standard for Petroleum and Chemical Industry-Premium-
Efficiency, Severe-Duty, Totally Enclosed Fan-Cooled (TEFC) Squirrel Cage Induction Motors-Up to 
and Including 370 kW (500 hp)
(Information is available at AMERICAN NATIONAL 
ANSI Z535.4    Product Safety Signs and Labels
(Copies available at: or ANSI Attn: Customer Service Department, 25 W 43ʳᵈ 
Street, 4ᵗʰ Floor, New York, NY 10036)


AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code Steel

(Application for copies should be addressed to the American Welding Society, 550550 N.W. LeJeune 
Road, Miami, Florida 33126)

ASTM A123             Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and 
Steel Products

ASTM D2201            Standard Practice for Preparation of Zinc-Coated and Zinc- Alloy-Coated Steel 
Panels for Testing Paint and Related Coating Products
ASTM E477             Standard Test Method for Laboratory Measurements of Acoustical and Airflow 
Performance of Duct Line Materials and Prefabricated Silencers
(Application for copies should be addressed to the American Society For Testing Materials, 1916 
Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103)

SSPC-SP1 Surface Preparation Specification No. 1 SSPC-SP10 Near-White Metal Blast Cleaning
(Additional information is available at:
3.    ORDER OF PRECEDENCE - Unless otherwise noted herein or in the contract, in the event of a 
conflict between the text of this document and the references cited herein, the text of this 
document takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes applicable laws and 
regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.


4.1   General Description of System - The portable dehumidifier assembly shall be designed for 
continuous operation and reliable performance in the specified environment. The unit shall be of 
the solid desiccant, non- cycling sorption type, with a one-piece (monolithic) desiccant wheel, and 
shall include a desiccant wheel drive system, processing fan, desiccant reactivation heater(s) and 
fan, and an electrical control panel; all skid mounted within a rigid structural frame.

4.2   Conditions of Service and Performance - The following service and operational conditions 
shall apply to the equipment delivered under this specification.

4.2.1  Operating Environment - The proposed system will be operated in a heavy industrial 
environment and shall operate continuously over an extended period of time with minimal maintenance 
and upkeep. The unit shall be suitable for operation in an outdoor marine industrial environment, 
at variable ambient temperatures of -10ᵒF to
+104ᵒF, with humidities of up to 100%, in a salt and dust laden atmosphere, and wind driven rain, 
sleet and snow.

4.2.2  Size and Weight Limitations - The size of the unit shall be kept as small as practicable. 
The overall dimensions, including the skid base and framework, shall not exceed 8.5 feet wide x 
16.0 feet long x 10.1 feet high. No portion of the equipment or enclosure shall extend beyond these 
dimensions. The total weight of the unit shall not exceed 12,000 pounds.

4.3   General Equipment Requirements

4.3.1  Response To Request - As a part of the response to this request, descriptive literature 
shall be furnished in sufficient detail to show that the proposed design will meet these 
specifications. Vendor submittals shall include brochures of the model being submitted, assembly 
sketches with critical dimensions, sketches (with dimensions) of all tooling provided, statements 
of compliance or exceptions to the specification, and performance statements with special attention 
to the key performance criteria stated herein.

4.3.2  New Developments - If, during the contract period, any new developments are generated that 
would improve the efficiency, accuracy or productivity of the machine and its related equipment or 
would decrease its operation costs, the contractor shall immediately notify the Contracting 
Officer, in order that the new developments may, at the Government’s option, be included in the 
equipment being purchased herein. All reports of such developments shall be addressed to the 
Contracting Officer.

4.3.3  Maintainability - The equipment shall be designed and constructed to permit maintenance 
personnel to service the equipment easily and effectively using a minimal number of tools. The 
contractor shall provide any special tools required to service the unit. The equipment shall have 
access covers, as necessary, to facilitate inspection, cleaning and repair or replacement of 
internal parts.

4.3.4  Standard, Off the Shelf Components – All materials and parts comprising the system shall be 
new, of current design and manufacture, and shall not have been in prior service except as required 
for factory testing. Standard, off the shelf components with proven reliability shall be used 
wherever possible to increase performance reliability and reduce costs. The equipment shall be one 
of the manufacturer’s current production models which, on the day this solicitation is issued, has 
been designed, engineered and sold, or is being offered for sale through advertisements or 
manufacturer’s published catalogs or brochures. Products such as a prototype unit, pre-production 
model, or experimental unit DO NOT qualify as meeting this requirement. The equipment shall be 
complete, so that when connected to the utilities identified herein, it can be used for the 
function for which it is designed and constructed.

4.3.5  Personnel Safety and Health Requirements - All machine parts, components, mechanisms, and 
assemblies furnished on the unit shall comply with all specific requirements of “OSHA Safety and 
Health Standard (29CFR1910), General Industry” that are applicable to the equipment itself. Covers, 
platforms, guard rails, belt guards, and safety devices shall be provided for all parts of the 
equipment that present a safety hazard. The safety devices shall not interfere with the operation 
or maintenance of the equipment. The safety devices shall be removable to facilitate inspection, 
maintenance, and repair of the part. Additional safety and health requirements shall be as 
specified in other paragraphs of this specification.

4.3.6  NRTL Listing or NRTL Field Inspection and Approval - The Dehumidifier shall be listed or 
approved by one of the following methods:   Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) Listing and Labeling- The equipment 
specified herein shall be listed and labeled by an Occupational Safety & Health Administration 
(OSHA) approved Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory. Test data reports shall be furnished for 
review.   Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) Field Inspection - The equipment 
specified herein shall be field inspected and approved by an Occupational Safety & Health 
Administration (OSHA) approved Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory. Test data reports shall be 
furnished for review.

4.3.7  Safety Devices - All machine parts, components, mechanisms, and assemblies furnished on the 
unit shall comply with all specific requirements of “OSHA Safety and Health Standard (29 CFR 1910), 
General Industry” that are applicable to the equipment itself. Covers, platforms, guard rails, belt 
guards, and other safety devices shall be provided for all parts of the equipment that present a 
safety hazard. The safety devices shall prevent unintentional contact with the guarded part. The 
safety devices shall not interfere with the operation or maintenance of the equipment. The safety 
devices shall be removable to facilitate inspection, maintenance and repair of the part. Access 
Ladders, Platforms, and Safety Rails: For all equipment that requires preventative maintenance and 
servicing, provide access ladders, platforms, safety rails with toe boards and devices as required 
to meet 29 CFR 1910 Subpart D to allow workers to perform the maintenance without the use of 
personal fall protection.

4.3.8  Energy Isolating Devices - The equipment shall be provided with energy isolation devices 
(e.g. power switches, safety devices, circuit breakers, valves, etc.) that protect personnel from 
the release of hazardous energy. Hazardous energy includes electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, 
pneumatic, gravity, or other energy that could harm employees involved in servicing or maintenance 
of the equipment. The devices shall be installed as the first energy control device on all major 
components of the system such that the component can be isolated at the component level. The 
devices shall be designed and manufactured such that they can be padlocked in the user-selected 
position (ON or OFF, OPEN or CLOSED) to prevent inadvertent or unauthorized change.

4.3.9  Audible Noise Levels - During normal operation, the dehumidifier assembly shall not produce 
noise levels greater than 84 dB(A) as measured on the “A” scale and 92 dB(C) as measured on the 
“C”at any point three feet from the unit using a standard sound level meter at slow response (29 CFR 1910.95, Occupational 
Noise Exposure Standard). See paragraph 4.4.3 for noise level testing

4.3.10  Electrical - The equipment delivered and all accessory parts shall operate from a single 
source of primary power ( 460 VAC, three phase, 60 Hz ).  All Electrical Components including motors, starters, relays, switches, and wiring shall 
conform to and be located in accordance with the applicable NFPA, NEMA, and ANSI standards for the 
intended application.  Grounding - All exposed, non-current carrying metal parts on the equipment shall be 
maintained at common, zero ground potential. None of the primary circuits in the equipment shall be 
connected to ground. A grounding stud/lug on the equipment shall provide a means for grounding the 
equipment.  Overcurrent Protection - All electrical components shall be fused or circuit breaker 
protected in each phase conductor for AC circuits and both DC circuit conductors. Overloads, fuses 
and circuit breakers shall be coordinated for maximum component protection and minimum circuit 
disruption.  Motors - All electric motors shall be the totally enclosed, fan cooled style, rated for 
continuous duty, and equipped with ball bearings. Bearings shall be of the sealed for life and 
permanently lubricated type. Motors shall be in accordance with NEMA MG-1 requirements.

4.3.11  Bearings - All bearings contained in the equipment and the entire system must be United 
States (U.S.) or Canadian manufactured. If they are not U.S. or Canadian manufactured bearings, the 
vendor must provide a list of exact U.S. or Canadian made equivalent bearings that can be used for 
replacement of each bearing within this equipment or system.

4.3.12  Environmental Protection - The unit shall be designed and constructed so that during 
operation, service, transportation and storage conditions described herein, including final 
disposal, the equipment will comply with all applicable Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and 
Occupational Safety and Health Agency (OSHA). The equipment described herein shall not contain or 
emit material hazardous to the ecological system as prescribed by federal, state, and local 
statutes in effect at the point of installation.

4.3.13  Hazardous Material Exclusions - Materials being provided as part of the equipment shall be 
free of known hazardous materials. Definitions of hazardous materials are specified in the latest 
version, including revisions adopted during the term of the contract, of Federal Standard No. 313.  Notwithstanding any other hazardous material usage permitted in this contract, 
radioactive materials or instruments capable of producing ionizing radiation as well as materials 
which contain asbestos, mercury, cadmium, lithium, methylene chloride, lead (=or>0.06%), or 
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s) are prohibited.

4.3.14  Painting - Exterior surfaces of all components shall be either hot dip galvanized or 
blasted and painted with federal standard green (14187) in accordance with the following 
requirements.  General requirements.
(A)  Components shall be prepared and coated prior to final assembly.
(B)  The exterior and interior of all enclosures and components shall be primed and painted unless 
they are fabricated of stainless steel, fiberglass, plastic, or carbon steel hot dip galvanized per 
ASTM A 123.
(C)  Coatings shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.  Preparation.
(A)  Prior to galvanizing or blasting, weld spatter and other surface imperfections shall be 
removed by grinding.
(B)  Components to be coated shall be cleaned to SSPC-SP1 (solvent cleaning) prior to abrasive 
blasting. This step assures the removal of oil, salt, and other surface contamination which can 
prevent proper paint adhesion in spite of subsequent abrasive blasting.

(C)  All sides of components shall be abrasive blasted to SSPC-SP10, (Steel Structures Painting 
Council- Surface Preparation Standard number 10, “Near White Blast”), with a surface profile of 1.5 
to 2.5 mils.

4.3.15  Safety Signs and Labels - “Caution” or “Warning” stainless steel plates and labels in 
accordance with ANSI Z535.4 shall be securely attached to the equipment in visible locations, with 
any safety precautions to be observed by the operator or maintenance personnel permanently marked 
on the plates.

4.3.16  Identification Plate – Stainless steel identification plates shall be furnished with the 
equipment. A nameplate shall be affixed to each major component of the system showing the 
manufacturer’s name, equipment model, year of manufacture, contract number, and any other pertinent 
information for identifying the part as a unique component of the system.

4.3.17  Lift Sketch - The contractor shall provide a stainless steel lift sketch furnished on the 
equipment that shall identify the following ( the lift sketch shall be reviewed by the government 
prior installation on the equipment) :
a. The weight of the load
b. The location of the center of gravity
c. The minimum capacity and length of the slings
d. The minimum capacity of other standard lifting gear
e. The attachment (lifting) points for each load

4.4   Requirement for Dehumidifier - The portable dehumidifier assembly specified herein shall 
include, but is not limited to the following components, attachments, and accessories.

4.4.1  Desiccant Wheel - The desiccant wheel design shall employ a honeycomb type structure, with 
the desiccant impregnation of the wheel of such quality that the drying/reactivation process can be 
efficiently performed while the dehumidifier unit is in continuous operation. Under normal 
operating conditions, the desiccant shall have a service life of 20,000 hours (minimum) without 
replenishment or replacement.

4.4.2  Processing Fan - The processing fan shall be electric motor driven, and shall be rated for 
12,000 SCFM (minimum) at 5” External static pressure.

4.4.3  Processing Capacity - The dehumidifier shall maintain a conditioned airflow over the entire 
range of 6,000 to 12,000 SCFM (minimum). The minimum moisture removal rate at 12,000 SCFM shall be 
270 pounds per hour at 80ᵒF and 60% relative humidity

4.4.4  Desiccant Reactivation - The desiccant wheel shall be electric motor driven to continuously 
rotate, thus permitting simultaneous air processing and desiccant reactivation. An electric motor 
driven fan and electric heater(s) shall provide forced hot air for desiccant reactivation. An 
electronic proportional controller shall be provided to automatically regulate the operation of the 
reactivation heaters and maintain the required temperature for optimum efficiency.

4.4.5  Filters - The unit shall be supplied with permanent, washable filters for the processing and 
reactivation input air systems.

4.4.6  Cooling Coil - The dehumidifier shall have a cooling coil that is compatible with saltwater 
( 190 psig at 60 degrees F) for cooling the process air after it passes through the desiccant.  Performance: 12000 SCFM air entering the unit at a temperature of 127ºF Dry Bulb / 15ºF Wet Bulb. The air leaving the unit shall not exceed 69ºF Dry Bulb / 15ºF Wet Bulb. Maximum air pressure drop across the unit shall be 1" w.g. Air face velocity no greater than 500 fpm  Coil Construction:
a. Fin construction shall be aluminum
b. Tubes: shall be ASTM B111, 90/10 copper nickel.
c.  Headers shall be constructed of copper.
d.  A stainless steel drain pan shall be provided.
e.  The coil frame shall be constructed of stainless steel.
f.  Saltwater supply and return connections shall be 2 inch NPT(minimum), oriented with the pipe 
axis approximately horizontal.
g.  Header design shall permit inserting a long rod or brush into each tube to remove deposits.
h.  Coils shall be pitched and drainable. A valve drain and vent shall be provided to allow the 
coils and headers to be drained.
4.4.7  Heating Coil - The dehumidifier shall have an after heating coil that is compatible with 
saturated steam (150 psig) for heating the process air after it passes through the desiccant.   Coil Construction:
a.  The coil shall be fabricated with weld steel coils with corrosion coating on the coils for 
b. The supply/return connections shall be 1 ½”inch NPT (minimum).
c.  A low point drain shall be provided.
d. Design pressure: 150 psi saturated steam.
e.  Discharge temperature shall be 100°F to 120°F.
4.4.8  Enclosure - The enclosure shall have access panels on both sides of the unit for inspection 
and servicing without disconnecting ducting or electrical wiring. An observation window shall be 
provided to permit visual inspection of the desiccant wheel while the unit is in operation.   The unit shall be equipped with static pressure seals to separate process and 
reactivation airstreams and minimize detrimental leakage of air or moisture with pressure 
differentials up to 8 inches of water gauge.   The dehumidifier shall have a hooded roof to prevent water from accumulating atop the 
equipment. 4.4.9
4.4.10  Inlet/Outlet Connections - The unit shall be supplied with processing and reactivation 
outlet dampers, and shall be configured for rectangular, flange-connected ducting. Process and 
reactivation air inlet connections shall be fitted with weatherhoods to prevent rainwater 
intrusion.  Outlet Flange - The outlet connections shall be 18” round with flanged adapter as shown 
in enclosure 1.

4.4.11  Main Control Panel - The unit shall be supplied with a main control panel and quarter turn 
latches (no keyed latches) which shall include the following:   A NEMA 4X, UL labeled enclosure with a fused main disconnect switch or circuit breaker 
for single point electrical disconnect to the entire system.  Motor starter(s), overload protection devices, off/on/automatic operation switch control 
relays, and any additional fault and indicating lights. Auxiliary instrumentation to include an 
hour meter to indicate cumulative run time.

4.4.12  Main Disconnect Panel (separate from main control panel) A NEMA 4X enclosure with UL 98 
motor controller or safety switch (visible blade type).  Disconnecting means shall be included to 
provide isolation of all electrical energy to the main control panel. This disconnecting means 
shall be lockable in the open circuit (off) position. One (1) - 200 feet of flexible 250 MCM AWG/ single conductor type W power cable rated for 
310 Amps @ 75 Degrees Celsius (shipyard shall install the wire).

4.4.13  Structural - For portability, the entire unit shall be mounted on a single heavy-duty skid 
base. The skid base shall provide adequate bracing and support to permit placing the entire 
assembly on uneven surfaces without causing equipment damage, distortion or overstress. The base 
and associated framework shall be gusseted and cross braced as necessary to withstand the stresses, 
vibration and shock associated with rough handling and transport of the unit by overhead crane or 
flatbed truck over rough surfaces. The skid base and framework shall be welded in accordance with 
ANSI/AWS D1.1. The dehumidifier structure shall be lifted with four lifting attachments with a single 
point crane hook without a spreader bar attachment. The structure shall be lifted by four pendant of equal length. Chain falls and other 
leveling devices will not be used.

4.4.14  Lifting and Handling - The skid shall be equipped with four lifting pads welded into the 
structure. The allowable bending strength shall be based upon 1/3 of the allowable yield strength 
or 1/5 of the allowable ultimate strength, whichever is the most conservative, of the lifting 
attachment material.  The shear strength shall be equal to 0.58 times the allowable design bending strength 
defined above.  The bearing strength shall be equal to 0.3 times the ultimate strength of the lifting 
attachment material.   The lifting attachments shall be sized based on actual weights plus 10% for unexpected 
growth in the weight of the load. The resulting value shall be further increased to reflect the 
loads induced by the angle the slings make to the plane the lifting attachments lie on. The 
attachments shall be oriented so the slings shall not pull out of the plane of the individual 
lifting attachment by more than 5º unless they are designed to withstand the resulting side load. 
The attachments shall be arranged so the load is lifted relatively level. If the equipment is 
intended to be stackable, provisions in the design shall be made to prevent damage to the lift 
points of the lower item if the upper item is not landed accurately or symmetrically. In addition, 
the individual loads for each point shall be calculated based on the configuration of the rigged 
equipment and the location of its center of gravity. These final values shall be referred to as the 
Working Load Limit (WLL).   When installing three, four, or more lifting attachments, only two shall be assumed to 
carry the load unless a spreader or strongback is used. The use of spreaders or strongbacks shall 
be kept to a minimum, but if they are deemed necessary, a lift sketch detailing the required 
spread, capacity and orientation of that gear shall be provided for review at the time of the 
submittal of the equipment design.  The structure supporting the lifting attachments shall be designed to sustain the various 
lateral loads imparted by the arrangement of the lifting attachments and the induced sling angle 
loads based on a buckling analysis per the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), 
Allowable Stress Design.   The lifting attachments are required to withstand a load test of 200% (+5%-0%) of the 
Working Load Limit (WLL) for 2 minutes. Acceptance criteria shall be: No bending, cracking, or 
permanent deformation of the lifting attachments or associated structure. The contractor’s 
certified representative will perform the load testing plus a pre- and post-load VT per the 
inspection requirements of American Welding Society (AWS) D1.1 and submit documentation of the 
satisfactory results of all the various tests. The lifting attachments shall be labeled with the 
WLL and the test date.  All calculations required for the design of the lift points shall be performed by a 
Professional Engineer, and shall be provided for review at the time of the submittal of the 
equipment design.

4.4.15  Forklift Pockets - The base shall also have fully enclosed forklift slots for handling with 
a forklift truck. The forklift slots shall be 12-inches wide by 6 -inches high rectangular tube +/- 
1/2-inch on 60 inch centerline.

4.5   Technical Data to be Provided

4.5.1  Operator / Maintenance Manuals - The equipment shall be furnished with five (5) copies of 
the manufacturer’s standard Operation and Maintenance Manual(s) and one copy on CD-ROM disk(s) for 
each order placed. All information contained in the manual(s) shall reflect the unit and its 
components in the “as built” configuration.

a. All instructions and illustrations necessary for proper operation of the equipment.
b. Instructions, diagrams, and electrical/electronic schematics required to troubleshoot and repair 
the unit in the event of malfunction or breakdown.
c. Complete parts list(s) cross indexed to indicate part application by circuit symbol. Procurement 
information shall be provided for all replacement components.

4.5.2  Lifting Attachment Certification - Concurrent with equipment delivery, the contractor shall 
supply a letter of certification stating the lifting pads meet the specified design criteria.

4.5.3  NRTL Listing or NRTL Field Inspection and Approval Compliance Statement - The contractor 
shall provide signed, written certification of compliance to the requirements of Section 3.3.6- 
NRTL listing or NRTL field inspection and approval. Failure to provide this certification will 
delay acceptance of the equipment, and could result in rejection for failure to comply with the 
terms of the contract.

4.5.4  Warranty - Supplies and services furnished shall be covered by warranty from defects in 
design, materials and workmanship. The warranty shall be the manufacturer’s standard commercial 
warranty, which shall conform to all requirements of the contract. Acceptance of the manufacturer’s 
standard commercial warranty shall not minimize the rights of the government under clauses in the 
contract, and in any conflict that arises between the terms and conditions of the contract and 
manufacturer’s warranty, the terms and conditions of the contract shall take precedence. The 
warranty period shall commence from the date of acceptance as cited on a properly executed DD Form 
250 per paragraph 4.4.5.

4.5.5  Training - Provide onsite training within 20 working days after satisfactory completion of 
acceptance testing of the system. The services of a qualified representative(s) shall be provided 
for specialized training to familiarize receiving activity personnel with the equipment and to help 
ensure reliable performance and maximum service life, during normal usage. Training sessions shall 
be provided for each group/type of government personnel. The training shall apply to operational, 
mechanical and electrical personnel.   Training shall be for a period of eight (8) hours (minimum). This training shall include 
preparation of equipment for operation and actual, safe operation of the equipment. Training shall 
also include trouble-shooting and methods of correction if the equipment malfunctions and 
electrical equipment/controls/drives/interface units and related components.   Training shall be scheduled and tailored by mutual agreement between the Contractor and 
the receiving activity.   The entire contractor cost of providing the training (including travel, per diem, etc.) 
shall be covered by this contract.

4.5.6  Performance Data – Test performance report shall be supplied to ensure the basic performance 
test is performed and the equipment is functioning properly. Items to be tested but not limited to: 
FLA, heater and motor(s) amp draw on each leg, DP reading, process air/reactivation air inlet 
temperature, process air/reactivation air inlet humidity, process air/reactivation air outlet 
temperature, process air/reactivation air volume and process air/reactivation air outlet humidity.

4.1   Responsibility for Inspection - The Contractor shall be responsible for the performance of 
all inspection requirements (examinations and tests) as specified herein. The Contractor may use 
his own facility or any other facility suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein. The 
Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in this specification, 
where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to the 
prescribed requirements.

4.2   Responsibility for Compliance - All items shall meet all requirements of sections 3 and 5. 
The inspection(s) set forth in this specification shall become part of the contractor’s overall 
inspection system or quality program. The absence of any inspection requirements in the 
specification shall not relieve the contractor of the responsibility of assuring that all products 
or supplies submitted to the Government for acceptance comply with all requirements of the 
contract. Sampling inspections, as part of manufacturing operations, is an acceptable practice to 
ascertain conformance to requirements; however, this does not authorize submission of known 
defective material, either indicated or actual, nor does it commit the Government to accept 
defective material.

4.3   Basic Performance Tests - Basic performance tests shall be conducted on the primary equipment 
and all associated equipment to the extent practicable, to demonstrate functionality. The tests may 
be performed by the Manufacturer, either by personnel of their service organization directly, or by 
an independent testing agency.

4.3.1  At the option of the government - Tests may be witnessed by a representative of Puget Sound 
Naval Shipyard or shall have the option of sending their technical representative(s) to witness the 
tests. The Contractor shall schedule and coordinate the test at origin. At least fifteen days prior 
to the test, the Contractor shall notify the Shipyard Point Of Contact of the scheduled date, time, 
and location of the test.

4.4  Inspection At Destination

4.4.1  Initial Test And Grooming - The equipment delivered with the system shall by inspected by 
the Government for mechanical integrity as follows:
•  All welds shall be inspected for integrity and appearance.
•  Surfaces shall be examined for sharp edges and burrs.
•  Fasteners shall be checked for tightness.
•  Paint will be checked for flaking and blistering.
•  The fit of parts shall be observed, with particular reference to the interchangeability of 
those, which are likely to require replacement.
•  Electrical requirements examined for compliance to the National Electrical Code, (NFPA 70 and 
NFPA 79).
Note: Faults will be duly recorded and presented to the contractor for rectification.

4.4.2  Operational Tests - Upon satisfactory completion of the tests above, the equipment shall be 
setup by the government for an operational test. The unit shall be exercised to the extent 
necessary to prove proper operation in accordance with specification requirements. The system shall 
function, without failure, for the duration of this test period. If a failure occurs during 
operational testing, the contractor shall be duly notified for rectification and upon repair the 
tests shall be restarted from the first test. Three failures without completion of the operational 
tests shall be considered cause for rejection of the system. For the purpose of this test, a 
“failure” is defined as any equipment malfunction, which requires remedial action to restore the 
system to full operation in accordance with contract specifications.

4.4.3  Noise Level Test - The Government Industrial Health and Safety Department shall conduct a 
noise level survey using a certified sound level-measuring instrument. Four random measurements 
shall be taken at the operator’s work position(s) and at each side and end of the equipment. For 
each measurement, the microphone shall be located on a straight line which is perpendicular to the 
surface/corner being measured and at a height corresponding to the point of the highest noise level 
emitted from the surface/corner at the herein specified location or distance from the equipment. 
Each sample shall be 84 dB (A scale) or less and a 92 dB (C scale) or less.

4.4.4  Provisions for Repair and Test - In the event of a test failure, the contractor, at their 
discretion, may elect to correct the failed condition and request a retest of the system.

4.4.5  Final Acceptance - Upon satisfactory completion of testing of the equipment (paragraph

4.4.2), an authorized Government Representative shall sign and forward the acceptance document(s) 
(DD Form 250) to the paying office.

5.1   Notification - The receiving activity shall be notified no less then 48 hours prior to the 
arrival at the site of the contractors installation personnel.

5.2   Shipment - Shipment of materials shall be coordinated with site preparation and installation. 
Material transportation from the manufacturer’s facility to the work site shall be the 
responsibility of the contractor. Limited secured storage areas at the facility will not permit the 
Government to store material for extended periods of time. Early shipment of materials, without the 
permission of the receiving activity shall be refused.

5.3   Packing Material - The use of shredded paper, whether newspaper, office scrap, computer 
sheets, or wax paper, in packing material for shipment to Navy activities, is prohibited.

5.4   Delivery - The equipment shall be delivered to:
Puget Sound Naval Shipyard 1400 Farragut Avenue
Bremerton, WA. 98314-5001



6.1.1  Security Regulations - The contractor shall comply with security regulations imposed by the 
installation Commander and/or agency occupying the space where the work/training is to be 
performed, which includes obtaining any necessary personnel security clearances and vehicle passes.


6.2.1  Access Badges (Controlled Industrial Area) – Upon contract award, employees or 
representatives of the Contractor who require access to the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Controlled 
Industrial Area (CIA) and shall be admitted to the work site only after they have been issued a 
Security Pass/ID Badge.
NOTICE: Persons who are currently on probation or parole from a felony conviction cannot qualify 
for a Security Pass/ID Badge and will be denied access to the Shipyard. Contractor personnel requiring access badges for unescorted entry into the CIA will be 
required to provide personal background information to the extent necessary to obtain a Security 
Pass/ID Badge. A request for Visitor Badge, PSNS Form 5512/127, completed by the sponsor (typically the 
Contracting Officer or the Receiving Activity Point of Contact) and submitted by the sponsor 
(Receiving Activity Point of Contact) to the Pass and I.D. Office, at least five (5) business days 
before the badges are needed. The Government will issue badges without charge Contractors, their subcontractors and vendors requesting access to the CIA will be required 
to view an orientation videotape lasting approximately 30 minutes prior to receiving a badge. Contractor shall allow approximately two (2) hours for each employee to acquire a badge. Each employee shall visibly display/wear the Government issued badge chest high over the 
front of their outermost clothing. It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to collect and account for all Security 
Pass/I.D. Badges issued to their personnel upon termination of any employee, expiration of the 
badge, completion of the contract, or when access is no longer required. Badges, passes and permits 
shall be returned to the Pass and I.D. Office immediately.

6.2.2  Required Documentation - Contractors working within the CIA are required to be United States 
citizens and must show proof of citizenship prior to receiving a badge. Acceptable forms of proof 
Original Birth Certificate
Original Department of State Birth Certificate Certificate of Person Born Abroad
Original Naturalization Certificate Valid United States Passport

6.2.3  NOTE: Proof of U.S. citizenship shall be hand carried by the employee to the Pass and I. D. 
Office located in Bldg. 981, when picking up the badge.

6.2.4  Foreign Nationals or Affiliations - Foreign Nationals (non U.S. Citizens) or persons 
affiliated with, or employed by, a foreign, or foreign owned company will not be granted access to 
Puget Sound Naval Shipyard CIA without prior written approval from Commander, Naval Sea Systems 
Command (NAVSEA).

6.2.5  The Government will provide a standard background information data form for obtaining NAVSEA 
approval of foreign nationals. This form can be obtained from the Contracting Officer or the 
Receiving Activity Point of Contact.

6.2.7  Vehicle Passes6.2.8  Contractors will be allowed to bring company vehicles into the CIA based upon the nature of 
their work as determined by the Commanding Officer in conjunction with the Industrial Security 
6.2.9  Forms for obtaining vehicle passes and permits may be obtained from the Receiving Activity 
Point of Contact.
6.2.10  Each contractor, subcontractor and vendor vehicle shall be registered with the Pass and 
I.D. Office located in Bldg. 981.
6.2.11  Contractors shall clearly display an authorized company sign or logo on their vehicle.
6.2.12  Contractor vehicles are not allowed to enter the CIA with more than three (3) people 
6.2.13  After contract award, the Contracting Officer will issue a memorandum that lists the 
vehicles a contractor will be allowed to bring into the CIA.
6.2.14  Each permit will include the company name, license plate number and expiration date.
6.2.15  CIA permits will be issued to each authorized vehicle by license number.
6.2.16  Each contractor, subcontractor and vendor shall provide the state registration or a 
photocopy and proof of insurance documents of each approved vehicle to the Pass and I.D. Office 
where one of the following Vehicle Permits will be issued and the purpose for each type of permit.
6.2.17  Lay-down Permit - A permit that authorizes the vehicle to be brought in to transport tools, 
parts, or materials to/from the site or function as a work platform. Vehicles with Lay-down permits 
are kept at the negotiated job site when not traveling to/from the gate.
6.2.18  Load/Unload Permit - A permit that authorizes the vehicle to be brought in to drop off 
tools, equipment and machinery (which cannot be hand carried) then is taken out of the CIA. 
Vehicles with Load/Unload Permits shall not be left unattended at the job site for more than 30 
6.2.19  Service Permit - A permit that authorizes the vehicle to be brought in and used as a mobile 
work platform because it contains tools, parts, materials, supplies and/or fabrication equipment. 
Vehicles with Service Permits allow the vehicle to be used at job sites throughout the CIA where no 
negotiated lay-down area exists.

6.2.21 Parking
6.2.22  Vehicles and equipment- Vehicles and equipment required by the Contractor to complete this 
contract must be registered with Shipyard Security.
6.2.23  Contractor vehicles must be marked on the outside with the company name or logo or both. 
Failure to comply will result in ticketing and/or loss of vehicle privileges.
6.2.24  Regular Working Hours - All work is to be performed during Puget Sound Naval Shipyard & 
Intermediate Maintenance Facility Bremerton Site’s regular work hours from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., 
Monday through Friday except for Federal Holidays.
6.2.25  Restricted Colors - This Shipyard uses the colors magenta, yellow, red and blue to identify 
specially controlled materials. The Contractor is specifically prohibited from using magenta, 
yellow, red or blue colored plastic wrapping materials or bags, tape, or other covering materials.
6.2.26  Radio Restrictions - Operation of privately owned citizens band or amateur radio equipment 
(receive and transmit) within the geographic limits of Puget Sound Naval Shipyard is prohibited. 
All radio equipment installed in privately owned motor vehicles must be turned off upon entering 
any gate to the Government Activity.
6.2.27  Privately Owned Personal Computers And Cellular Telephones - The use of privately owned 
personal computers and cellular telephones by contractor personnel at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard is 
restricted. Contractors requiring such devices in the performance of this contract shall obtain a 
copy of the applicable form(s) from the Contracting Officer. The completed applicable form(s) shall 
be returned and routed for Government approval. The use of cell phones are not permitted at anytime 
while driving anywhere within the Government Activity.
6.2.28  Photography/Recording - Contractor personnel are prohibited from having photographic 
equipment (including cell phones and watches capable of taking pictures), tape recorders, zip 
drives, personal electronic management devices, or other recording devices in their possession 
while inside the Government Controlled Industrial Area (CIA).
6.2.29  Sanitation – Puget Sound Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility (PSNS & IMF) 
prohibits its employees to consume food except in designated areas. Per the Code of Federal 
Regulations, 29 CFR 1910.141, Sanitation, employees may not eat or drink in regulated work areas or 
in other industrial work areas where toxic materials are present. Hardhats, gloves and any other 
regulated work clothing shall not be worn or placed in designated eating areas.
6.2.30 Smoking – Smoking is permitted in designated areas only.


O 21

O 18

20° (TYP)

3/16" STEEL

19 1/2

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • BREMERTON , WA 98314-5000
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact


  • Jun 28, 2024 08:55 pm PDTSources Sought (Original)