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APEX Accelerators are an official government contracting resource for small businesses. Find your local APEX Accelerator (opens in new window) for free government expertise related to contract opportunities.
APEX Accelerators are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense.
The APEX Accelerators program was formerly known as the Procurement Technical Assistance Program (opens in new window) (PTAP).
General Information
- Contract Opportunity Type: Presolicitation (Updated)
- Updated Published Date: May 22, 2024 06:53 am EDT
- Original Published Date: Aug 19, 2019 01:18 pm EDT
- Updated Response Date:
- Original Response Date:
- Inactive Policy: Manual
- Updated Inactive Date: Sep 30, 2024
- Original Inactive Date:
- Initiative:
- None
- Original Set Aside:
- NAICS Code:
- 541715 - Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Nanotechnology and Biotechnology)
- Place of Performance:
Amendment No. 1 to BAA FA8750-19-S-7013
The purpose of this amendment is to:
1. Regarding Section IV.4.f. HUMAN USE-
AFRL does not anticipate use of any human subjects under this BAA.
2. Section VI.1 is updated to revise the date of the RI-Specific Proposal Preparation Instructions as shown below:
1. PROPOSAL FORMATING: When developing proposals, reference the AFRL "Broad Agency Announcement (BAA): Guide for Industry," Mar 2015, and RI-Specific Proposal Preparation Instructions, Jul 2019, which may be accessed at:
cview=1. Always reference the newest versions of these documents.
No other changes are made.
AMENDMENT 2 to BAA FA8750-19-S-7013
The purpose of this modification is to republish the original announcement, incorporating any previous amendments, pursuant to FAR 35.016(c).
This republishing also includes the following changes:
- Part I, Overview Information:
- Updates FBO reference to Beta SAM website;
- Updates the BAA Manager name and information;
- Part II, Full Text Announcement:
- Section III.2.b.2, updates the DCSA website;
- Section IV.3.a, updates the DCSA website;
- Section IV.4.b and IV.4.c. updates clause dates;
Section IV.4.e, updated the link to reference the Beta SAM website; - Section VI.1, updates the RI Specific Proposal Preparation Instructions Beta SAM link;
- Section VII, updates the TPOC name and information and the AFFARS Ombudsman clause date
No other changes have been made.
AMENDMENT 3 to BAA FA8750-19-S-7013
The purpose of this modification is to republish the original announcement, incorporating any previous amendments, pursuant to FAR 35.016(c).
This republishing also includes the following changes:
- Part I, Overview Information:
- No changes made;
- Part II, Full Text Announcement:
- Section IV.2, updates Content and Format language;
- Section IV.3.a, updates the NISOPM reference to reflect it being codified in the CFR;
- Section IV.4, adds paragraph g;
- Section V., adds paragraph 4 regarding adequate price competition;
- Section VI.1, updates the Proposal Formatting language;
- Section VI.7, updates the applicable provisions;
- Section VII: updated the OMBUDSMAN
Amendment No. 4 to BAA FA8750-19-S-7013
The purpose of this amendment is to:
- Section III, Eligibility Information, adds the following paragraph 5 for S&T Protection:
5. In accordance with AFRLI 61-113, S&T Protection, Contractors/Recipients are required to submit with their proposal a Standard Form 424, "Research and Related and Senior and Key Person Profile (Expanded), as well as a Security Program Questionnaire, which are included in the RI-Specific Proposal Preparation Instructions and can be accessed at: Always reference the
newest versions of these documents. Complete and submit the required forms with your proposal to the technical point of contact (TPOC) listed in Section VII-Agency Contacts AND
Contractors will be required to provide documentation of their Security Program Plan for initial Institution S&T Protection Program Review. The purpose of requesting the plan is to evaluate the offeror’s capacity for protecting the Government’s S&T and failure to demonstrate a plan adequate to meet the needs of the requirement may be grounds for considering the proposal unawardable. In the event a security risk is identified and the Government has determined the security risk exceeds the acceptable threshold, the Contractor/Recipient will be notified and informed of the termination/decline of award. The Government will be only required to provide a general statement of the reasoning due to Government OPSEC measures.
After award, the Contractor/Recipient will be required to re-submit the Standard Form 424 as an annual requirement to the points of contact listed above.
No other changes are made.
AMENDMENT 5 to BAA FA8750-19-S-7013
The purpose of this modification is to extend the term of the BAA and to
republish the original announcement, incorporating any previous amendments,
pursuant to FAR 35.016(c).
This modification also includes the following changes:
Part I:
a) Overview Information, extends the BAA term and adds white paper
dates for FY23 and FY24;
b) Updated references of Beta SAM to SAM throughout;
Part II:
c) Section II, updates anticipated funding for FY20-22 and adds
potential funding for FY23 and FY24;
d) Section III, adds paragraphs 4 and 5;
e) Section IV.1, extends the BAA term and adds white paper dates for
FY23 and FY24;
f) Section IV.f.5, removes the last sentence regarding options;
g) Section V.2.a, updates Review and Selection process language;
h) Section VI.1, updates the Proposal Formatting language;
i) Section VI.4.d, adds language;
j) Section VI.7, updates the applicable provisions;
k) Section VII, updates the OMBUDSMAN.
No other changes have been made.
AMENDMENT 6 TO BAA FA8750-19-S-7013
The purpose of this modification is to republish the original announcement, incorporating any previous amendments, pursuant to FAR 35.016(c).
This republishing also includes the following changes:
- Part I, Overview:
- Removes John Myers as Flyleaf TPOC;
- Part II, Full Text Announcement:
- Section I, updates the POC for both focus areas to Joshua Surman;
- Section III.2.b.2, updates the DCSA website;
- Section IV; adds statement regarding responsible sources;
- Section V.2.b.2, adds paragraph c. regarding the S&T process during evaluation;
- Section V.3, is updated from FAPIIS to Responsibility/Qualification (R/Q) Public Access;
- Section V.4, adds language regarding the certified cost and pricing data threshold for small businesses and non-traditional defense contractors;
- Section VI.1, updates the Proposal Formatting language;
- Section VI.7, updates the applicable provisions;
- Section VII, removes John Myers as Flyleaf TPOC;
- Section VII, updates AFFARS to DAFFARS and the OMBUDSMAN date.
No other changes are made.
AMENDMENT 7 to BAA FA8750-19-S-7013
The purpose of this amendment is to cancel BAA FA8750-19-S-7013.
This BAA is now closed and no further white papers will be accepted.
Contact Information
Contracting Office Address
- CP 315 330 7298 26 ELECTRONIC PKWY BLDG 106 RM E125
- ROME , NY 13441-4514
Primary Point of Contact
- Amber Buckley
- Phone Number 315-330-3605
Secondary Point of Contact
- Mr. John Myers
- Phone Number 315-330-4812
- Oct 01, 2024 12:00 am EDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Jan 29, 2024 07:08 am ESTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Oct 10, 2023 07:27 am EDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Sep 30, 2022 11:56 pm EDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Jun 27, 2022 10:32 am EDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Aug 19, 2021 12:34 pm EDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Aug 17, 2020 10:49 am EDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Jan 28, 2020 09:54 am ESTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Oct 11, 2019 10:57 am EDTPresolicitation (Updated)
- Aug 19, 2019 01:18 pm EDTPresolicitation (Original)