2024 Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) Vehicle Program
Note: There have been new actions to this contract opportunity. To view the most recent action, please click here.
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General Information
- Contract Opportunity Type: Solicitation (Updated)
- Updated Published Date: Jul 10, 2024 02:28 pm EDT
- Original Published Date:
- Requirements Strategy:
- Inactive Policy: Manual
- Updated Inactive Date: Feb 22, 2029
- Original Inactive Date:
- Initiative:
- None
- Original Set Aside:
- Product Service Code:
- NAICS Code:
- Place of Performance: Washington , DC 20405USA
OPEN SEASON FALL 2024 (updated July 10, 2024):
1) GSA has added the following attachments in support of the Fall 2024 Open Season:
- Technical Exceptions Worksheet (TEW)
- Line Item Availability Template
- Law Enforcement Upfit (LU) Quote Worksheet
- Joint Program Open Season Conference Slides
- Request for AutoBid Account Form
2) Existing contractors and new offerors may request any new vehicle models to be added to their AutoBid account for bidding during this Fall Open Season using the Google Form at https://forms.gle/aDmwuwa2k4CTT9uSA.
3) Should vendors or potential offerors wish to view the recording of the Joint Program Open Season Conference held on June 27, 2024, offerors may request a GSA Affiliated Customer Account (GACA). Visit the following website for instructions: https://insite.gsa.gov/system/files/insite/GACA__GSAAffiliatedCustomerAccounts_FEB_2023-v3.pdf (cut and paste address into your browser). Once approved, offerors may access the recording at the following link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KFttee2gg8uRsnc1m7onvgObRQglYSJa/view?usp=sharing (cut and paste address into your browser).
4) AutoStandards will open on July 12, 2024 and is scheduled to close on July 22, 2024. All new and existing contractors shall submit or update vehicle data within the AutoStandards system. One-on-one meetings are available upon request. Please let us know promptly if you have any questions or concerns.
OPEN SEASON FALL 2024 (June 13, 2024):
Under solicitation 47QMCA23R0011, 2024 OCONUS Vehicle Program, GSA is announcing the FY24 Fall Open Season period for existing contractors to provide new model year (NMY) information on awarded line items, as well as for existing contractors or new interested offerors to propose new models under the program. Please see the attached Special Notice for full details. GSA will hold a virtual Industry Day on Thursday, June 27, 2024, from 9:00am – 10:00am EDT to go over the Open Season process. All interested parties should attend.
Important Dates:Open Season Industry Day w/ Vendors: June 27, 2024
AutoBid Requests for Accounts and Models Lists due: July 2, 2024
AutoBid opens: July 22, 2024
AutoBid closes: August 21, 2024
Deadline for submission supplemental documents: August 21, 2024
This solicitation remains open beyond the initial deadline for Standard Item 888E ONLY. Item 888E is an open line item that allows an offeror to propose any commercially-made motor vehicle incorporating emerging technology, for which there is an existing Federal Standard vehicle category and which conforms to all GSA standards and regulations that pertain to the Government’s motor vehicle requirements. Please see attached Special Notice for more information.
The General Services Administration's (GSA) Automotive Acquisition Support Center invites firms interested in submitting offers under the Government's solicitation for the 2024 Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) Vehicle Program.
Vehicle types being sought by the Government for this program include, but are not limited to:
- Sedans and Passenger Station Wagons
- Passenger Vans
- Sport Utility Vehicles (crossovers and full-size)
- Pickup trucks
- Vocational Body Trucks
- Wheelchair & Ambulance Vehicles
- Medium & Heavy Trucks include: dump, stake, cargo vans, refrigerated vans, and tractors
- Passenger Shuttle Buses (16-60)
Amendment 012 (November 29, 2023)
1) The due date for final proposal revisions via AutoBid and email is hereby extended to 3:00pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) on December 8, 2023.
2) Attachments are hereby incorporated or updated as follows:
- 47QMCA23R0011 Attachment E1 - Purchase Descriptions - Europe 2023-11-29
- 47QMCA23R0011 Attachment E3 - Purchase Descriptions - Open Market 2023-11-29
Amendment 011 (October 23, 2023)
1) The due date for proposal submissions via AutoBid and FedConnect is hereby extended to 3:00pm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on October 30, 2023.
2) Attachments are hereby incorporated or updated as follows:
- 1 - 47QMCA23R0011 2024 OCONUS Solicitation Document 2023-10-23
- 47QMCA23R0011 Attachment A - Proposal Checklist 10-17-2023
- 47QMCA23R0011 Attachment C - Vendor Response Document - 10-17-2023
- 47QMCA23R0011 Attachment G - Estimated Quantities - 10-23-2023
- 47QMCA23R0011 Attachment F1 - Schedule of Items - 10-23-2023
- 47QMCA23R0011 Attachment E1 - Purchase Descriptions - Europe 10-17-2023
- 47QMCA23R0011 Attachment E3 - Purchase Descriptions - Open Market 10-17-2023
Amendment 010 (September 21, 2023):
1) Attachments are hereby incorporated or updated as follows:
- 47QMCA23R0011 Attachment BB - Questions and Answers 9-21-2023
Amendment 009 (September 7th, 2023):
1) The due date for proposal submissions via AutoBid and FedConnect is hereby extended to 3:00pm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on September 29, 2023
2) Attachments are hereby incorporated or updated as follows:
- 1 - 47QMCA23R0011 2024 OCONUS Solicitation Document 2023-9-7 (changes are highlighted in blue)
Amendment 008 (August 23rd, 2023):
1) The due date for proposal submissions via AutoBid and FedConnect is hereby extended to 3:00pm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on September 13, 2023
2) Attachments are hereby incorporated or updated as follows:
- 1 - 47QMCA23R0011 2024 OCONUS Solicitation Document 2023-08-23 (changes are highlighted in green)
- 47QMCA23R0011 Attachment BB - Questions and Answers 8-23-2023
Amendment 007 (August 18th, 2023):
1) Attachments are hereby incorporated or updated as follows:
- 1 - 47QMCA23R0011 2024 OCONUS Solicitation Document 2023-08-18 (changes are highlighted in yellow)
- 47QMCA23R0011 Attachment E2 - Purchase Descriptions - Japan 8-18-2023
- 47QMCA23R0011 Attachment E3 - Purchase Descriptions - Open Market 8-18-2023
- 47QMCA23R0011 Attachment W3 - Open Market Requirements - 8-18-2023
Amendment 006 (August 8th, 2023):
1) GSA is hereby accepting proposals in response to the attached Solicitation Document and the associated attachments. The due date for feedback, questions, and comments is 3:00pm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on August 21, 2023. The due date for proposal submissions in accordance with Solicitation Document Section F.1 is 3:00pm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on September 7, 2023.
2) Attachments are hereby incorporated or updated as follows:
- 1 - 47QMCA23R0011 2024 OCONUS Solicitation Document 2023-08-08
- 2 - 47QMCA23R0011 Significant Changes
- 47QMCA23R0011 Attachment Z -Request for AutoVendor Account Form
- 47QMCA23R0011 Attachment AA - Pre-Proposal Conference Slides
- 47QMCA23R0011 Attachment BB - Questions and Answers
3) Due to size limitations, GSA cannot attach the recorded Pre-Proposal Conference held on August 8, 2023. Should potential offerors wish to view this recording, offerors may contact the GSA points of contact to request a GSA Affiliated Customer Account (GACA). Once approved, GSA will share the video via Google Drive.
Amendment 005 (August 7th, 2023):
1) GSA is hereby accepting proposals in response to the attached Request for Proposal (RFP) document and the associated attachments. The due date for feedback, questions, and comments is 3:00pm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on August 21, 2023. The due date for proposal submissions in accordance with RFP Section F.1 is 3:00pm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on September 6, 2023.
2) GSA will hold a virtual Pre-Proposal Conference on August 8th, 2023, from 9:00am-10:00am Eastern to review the RFP and instructions as well as an AutoStandards tutorial. All interested parties should attend. The meeting info is as follows:
***NOTICE - This conference will be recorded***
2024 Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) Vehicle Program Pre-Proposal Conference
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: meet.google.com/wke-uwio-uuf
Or dial: (US) +1 929-399-5432 PIN: 623 570 181#; (JP) +81 3-4545-0450 PIN: 694 534 566 8111#
Should you require additional call in numbers for additional country codes, please contact the GSA representatives below.
Amendment 004 (July 17th, 2023):
1) GSA is accepting industry feedback, questions, and comments on the attached DRAFT Request for Proposal (RFP) document and the associated attachments. The due date for feedback, questions, and comments is 3:00pm Eastern on August 7th, 2023.
2) GSA will hold a virtual Pre-Proposal Conference on August 8th, 2023, from 9:00am-10:00am Eastern to review the RFP and instructions as well as an AutoStandards tutorial. All interested parties should attend. The meeting info is as follows:
***NOTICE - This conference will be recorded***
2024 Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) Vehicle Program Pre-Proposal Conference
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: meet.google.com/wke-uwio-uuf
Or dial: (US) +1 929-399-5432 PIN: 623 570 181#; (JP) +81 3-4545-0450 PIN: 694 534 566 8111#
Should you require additional call in numbers for additional country codes, please contact the GSA representatives below.
Amendment 003 (March 2nd, 2023):
1) Extend the due date for AutoStandards Request Forms FROM: 3:00pm Eastern on March 03, 2023, TO: 3:00pm Eastern March 17, 2023; AND
2) Extend the due date for Makes/Models Submissions to GSA Engineering FROM: 3:00pm Eastern on March 03, 2023, TO: 3:00pm Eastern March 17, 2023.
Amendment 002 (February 17th, 2023):
1) Provide Questions and Answers as submitted in response to the RFP; AND
2) Extend the due date for AutoStandards Request Forms FROM: 3:00pm Eastern on February 17, 2023, TO: 3:00pm EasternMarch 03, 2023; AND
3) Extend the due date for Makes/Models Submissions to GSA Engineering FROM: 3:00pm Eastern on February 17, 2023, TO:3:00pm Eastern March 03, 2023.
Amendment 001 (January 23rd, 2023):
1) Provide Questions and Answers as submitted in response to the RFP; AND
2) Provide the PowerPoint slides from the pre-solicitation conference held on January 18, 2023, at 0900 ET; AND
3) Provide Video Recording from the Pre-Solicitation Conference; AND
4) Provide an updated Anticipated Models List.
Original Posting (January 6th, 2023):
The General Services Administration's (GSA) Automotive Acquisition Support Center invites firms interested in submitting offers under the Government's upcoming 2024 model year solicitation for the 2024 Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) Vehicle Program beginning June 2023. This process, conducted via GSA's AutoStandards web application, assists GSA Automotive to develop the Government's technical requirements for motor vehicles.
Vehicle types being sought by the Government for this program include, but are not limited to:
- Sedans and Passenger Station Wagons
- Passenger Vans
- Sport Utility Vehicles (crossovers and full-size)
- Pickup trucks
- Vocational Body Trucks
- Wheelchair & Ambulance Vehicles
- Medium & Heavy Trucks include: dump, stake, cargo vans, refrigerated vans, and tractors
- Passenger Shuttle Buses (16-60)
In order for a particular model to be proposed and available in AutoBid, GSA’s price proposal submission system, once the final solicitation is released, the model must be created and technical data provided to GSA during the AutoStandards process. Due to Systems limitations, there will not be an opportunity to submit alternative models after the release of the solicitation. Prospective offerors may choose to submit a proposal under any model created during the AutoStandards process once the solicitation is issued, but all prospective offerors will be limited to the models with technical data submitted during AutoStandards. Additional information will be provided during the Pre-Solicitation Conference.
The General Services Administration is the mandatory source for vehicles purchased in the United States under the Federal Property Management Regulation (FPMR) 101-26.501. GSA's Vehicle Purchasing Division purchases an estimated 50,000 new model year non-tactical vehicles for Federal Executive Agencies and the Department of Defense annually. All GSA vehicle purchases are governed by program specific Federal Vehicle Standards, which are assimilated by GSA Engineering personnel prior to solicitation publication.
The AutoStandards process engages interested parties to provide technical data for vehicles to be potentially offered to the Government in response to these forthcoming solicitations and to assist in development of the Federal Vehicles Standards for the current model year and specific program. As noted above, all prospective models must be established during the AutoStandards process in order to be included in AutoBid once the final solicitation is released. Please note, GSA is NOT requesting pricing at this time. GSA is currently only in the requirements development phase of the acquisition.
Interested parties must complete the following steps prior to February 17, 2023, in order to participate:
1) Interested parties are required to request an AutoStandards account no later than February 17, 2023. A user name and password is obtained by submitting the attached “Request for AutoStandards Account” document, complete with all necessary information, to automotiveedi.partnerships@gsa.gov. GSA intends to open AutoStandards on Tuesday, February 21, 2023, and close it for vendor technical data submission on Monday, May 8, 2023.
2) Interested parties must review the list of makes/models being sought and submit any additional models for consideration to John Hampson, GSA Vehicle Engineer Branch Chief, at john.hampson@gsa.gov by February 17, 2023. Please see the attached “Current Active Models” as a starting point and identify any additions with your firm’s submission. These model lists are necessary for GSA to establish them in our database so they will be available in AutoStandards for technical data population.
GSA will hold a virtual Pre-Solicitation Conference on Wednesday, January 18, 2023, from 9:00am-10:00am ET to review these instructions as well as an AutoStandards tutorial. All interested parties should attend. The meeting info is as follows:
***NOTICE - This Pre-Solicitation Conference will be recorded***
2024 Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) Vehicle Program Pre-Solicitation Conference
Wednesday, January 18 · 9:00am – 10:00am ET
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: meet.google.com/pkc-sajh-eiz
Or dial: (US) +1 240-435-4408 PIN: 556 505 096#
For a better understanding of the potential solicitation requirements, please review previous years’ acquisition histories located here:
2020 European Vehicles Program
2018 ShuttleBuses for Use in Europe
2016 GSA Fleet Vehicles for Use in Europe
GSA anticipates similar proposal requirements and terms and conditions, though full solicitation terms will be released in June 2023 under a separate notice.
GSA looks forward to your firm’s participation in the 2024 Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) Vehicle Program.
For additional information please contact GSA’s Vehicle Purchasing Division at 844-472-1200 or by email at vehiclebuying@gsa.gov.
Primary Point of Contact:
Michael Davidson - QMAAA
Contract Specialist
Phone: 703-0603-8338
Secondary Point of Contact:
Brent Evans - QMAAA
Contract Specialist
Phone: 610-545-7612
Contracting Office Address:
1800 F Street NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20405
United States
Place of Contract Performance:
1800 F Street NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20405
United States
Contact Information
Primary Point of Contact
- Michael Davidson
- michael.davidson@gsa.gov
- Phone Number 7036038338
Secondary Point of Contact
- James Purdy
- james.purdy@gsa.gov
- Phone Number (215) 466-5843