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APEX Accelerators are an official government contracting resource for small businesses. Find your local APEX Accelerator (opens in new window) for free government expertise related to contract opportunities.

APEX Accelerators are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense.

The APEX Accelerators program was formerly known as the Procurement Technical Assistance Program (opens in new window) (PTAP).

General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Solicitation (Original)
  • Original Published Date: Jan 09, 2024 06:47 am EST
  • Original Date Offers Due: Feb 08, 2024 01:00 pm EST
  • Inactive Policy: 15 days after date offers due
  • Original Inactive Date: Feb 23, 2024
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • Product Service Code: 1720 - AIRCRAFT LAUNCHING EQUIPMENT
  • NAICS Code:
    • 336413 - Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing
  • Place of Performance:


CONTACT INFORMATION|4|N723.07|B5G|215-697-2928|| ITEM UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION AND VALUATION (JAN 2023)|19|||||||||||||||||||| HIGHER-LEVEL CONTRACT QUALITY REQUIREMENT|8||||||||| INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SUPPLIES|26||||||||||||||||||||||||||| TIME OF DELIVERY (JUNE 1997)|20||||||||||||||||||||| STOP-WORK ORDER (AUG 1989)|1|| WIDE AREA WORKFLOW PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS (JAN 2023)|16|INVOICE AND RECEIVING REPORT COMBO||TBD|N00383|TBD|TBD|SEE SCHEDULE|TBD||||||||| NAVY USE OF ABILITYONE SUPPORT CONTRACTOR - RELEASE OF OFFEROR INFORMATION (3-18))|1|| VALUE ENGINEERING (JUN 2020)|3|||| EQUAL OPPORTUNITY (SEP 2016)|2||| SMALL BUSINESS SUBCONTRACTING PLAN (DOD CONTRACTS)- BASIC (DEC 2019)|2||| INTEGRITY OF UNIT PRICES (NOV 2021)|1|| WARRANTY OF SUPPLIES OF A NONCOMPLEX NATURE (JUN 2003)|6|365 DAYS AFTER DELIVERY OF UNIT|45 DAYS FROM DEFECT WAS FOUND||||| SMALL BUSINESS SUBCONTRACTING PLAN (SEP 2023)|4||||| EQUAL OPPORTUITY FOR WORKERS WITH DISABILITIES (JUN 2020)|2||| TRANSPORTATION OF SUPPLIES BY SEA (JAN 2023)|2||| BUY AMERICAN-FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS-BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM - BASIC (NOV\23)|5|||||| LIMITATION OF LIABILITY--HIGH-VALUE ITEMS (FEB 1997)|1|| ALTERNATE A, ANNUAL REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS (NOV 2023)|13|||||||||||||| BUY AMERICAN-FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS-BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM CERTIFICATE-BASIC (NOV 2023))|5|||||| BUY AMERICAN--BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM (NOV 2014)|1|| ROYALTY INFORMATION (APR 1984)|1|| ANNUAL REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS (MAR 2023)|13|336413|1250|||||||||||| FACSIMILE PROPOSALS (OCT 1997)|1|| NOTICE OF PRIORITY RATING FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE, EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS, ANDENERGY PROGRAM USE (APR 2008))|2||x| All contractual documents (i.e. contracts, purchase orders, task orders,delivery orders and modifications) related to the instant procurement areconsidered to be "issued" by the Government when copies are either deposited in the mail, transmitted by facsimile, or sent by other electronic commercemethods, such as email. The Government's acceptance of the contractor'sproposal constitutes bilateral agreement to "issue" contractual documents asdetailed herein. Early and incremental deliveries accepted. All Terms and Conditions are in accordance with BOA: N00383-24-G-AV01. \ 1. SCOPE 1.1 . Markings shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-130. 1.2 PRE-AWARD / POST AWARD REQUIREMENTS: Due to the critical use of this item and its quality history, a pre-award survey and post-award conference may be required for all new manufacturers. For all previous sources, a post-award conference may be recommended. 1.3 Sampling rates (AQLs) indicated below shall be used in accordance with ANSI Z1.4 for Single Sampling and a General Inspection Level of II. 1.4 In addition to the 100% PCO Mandatory, critical and major characteristics, attributes for plating, hardness and non-destructive testing will be inspected one hundred percent. 1.5 Contractor shall develop a system for identification of individual piece parts for traceability purposes. Markings shall not be permanent. 1.6 An AQL of 1.5 will be used for Class 3 threads and dimensions, and geometric feature controls with a tolerance range of .010 or less. 1.7 For minor characteristics, a sampling rate determined by the contractor and subject to QAR approval will be used. 1.8 The material covered in this contract/purchase order will be used in a crucial shipboard system enabling the launch and/or recovery of aircraft. The use of incorrect or defective material would create a high probability of failure resulting in a serious personnel injury, loss of life, loss of vital shipboard systems or loss of aircraft. Therefore,the material has been designated as Critical material and special control procedures are invoked to ensure receipt of correct material. 1.9 Articles to be furnished hereunder shall be manufactured, tested and inspected in accordance with ;NAWC LAKEHURST; drawing number ( ;30003; ) ;2-7938-5; , Revision ;H; and all details and specifications referenced therein. 1.10 Unless expressly provided for elsewhere in this clause, equipment such as fixtures, jigs, dies, patterns, mylars, special tooling, test equipment, or any other manufacturing aid required for the manufacture and/or testing of the subject item(s) will not be provided by the Government or any other source and is the sole responsibility of the contractor. The foregoing applies notwithstanding any reference to such equipment or the furnishing thereof that may be contained in any drawing or referenced specification. 1.11 If MIL-STD-454 is referenced in the drawings or in the specification, the contractor is expected to show compliance with IPC/EIAJ-STD-001C. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS DRAWING DATA=2-7938 |97415| H| |D| | | | 3. REQUIREMENTS - NOT APPLICABLE 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE 4.1 . Mandatory Inspection Requirements: 100% Procurement Contracting Officer (PCO) mandatory inspection is required and shall be accomplished at source under the surveillance and final approval of the cognizant DCMAO Quality Assurance Representative (QAR). During production, mandatory inspection is required to be accomplished by the contractor as follows: A. Level of Inspection (LOI). 1. Critical characteristics: 100% inspection shall apply. 2. Major and Minor characteristics: LOI shall be in accordance with a sampling plan acceptable to the QAR. B. Critical characteristics: ;ANY ACTUAL DIMENSIONS MUST BE RECORDED. CERTIFICATIONS TO BE ON FILE FOR A MINIMUM OF SEVEN YEARS AFTER DELIVERY OF CONTRACT. ; C. Major and Minor characteristics 1. Shall be defined by the contractor subject to QAR concurrence, unless defined on applicable drawings and associated specifications. 4.2 FINAL INSPECTION REQUIREMENT:Due to the critical nature of this item, representatives of the buying office/and the cognizant field activity, NAWC Lakehurst, shall be notified by the successful contractor at least 14 days prior to presentation to the DCM QAR of the items for final inspection so that they may have the option of witnessing the final inspection. The contractor shall notify by email or TELEFAX PCO and NAWC Lakehurst QA ;ROY JANNEY NAWC QA (732) 323-1381; to arrange for the final inspection.The authority of the QAR shall not be abrogated. If the notification is not given to both sites then the QAR shall not accept the units. 4.3 CRITICAL MANUFACTURING PROCESSES ( ;APPLIES; ) HEAT TREAT ( ; ; ) WELDING ( ;APPLIES; ) CADMIUM PLATING ( ;APPLIES; ) ENGINEERING CHROME PLATING ( ; ; ) NICKEL CHROME PLATING ( ; ; ) CASTING(S) ( ; ; ) FORGING(S) ( ;APPLIES; ) MPR (MATERIAL PROCESSING REQUIREMENTS) 4.4 SPECIAL INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS ( ;APPLIES; ) MAGNETIC PARTICLE INSPECTION ( ;APPLIES; ) SURFACE INSPECTION ( ;APPLIES; ) PENETRANT INSPECTION ( ; ; ) RADIOGRAPHIC INSPECTION ( ; ; ) ULTRSONIC INSPECTION ( ; ; ) HIGH SHOCK TEST ( ; ; ) MECHANICAL VIBRATION TEST 4.5 FINAL INSPECTION REQUIREMENT:Due to the critical nature of this item, representatives of the buying office/and the cognizant field activity, NAWC Lakehurst, shall be notified by the successful contractor at least 14 days prior to presentation to the DCM QAR of the items for final inspection so that they may have the option of witnessing the final inspection. The contractor shall notify by email or TELEFAX PCO and NAWC Lakehurst QA ;ROY JANNEY QA REP AT FAX (732) 323-4986; to arrange for the final inspection.The authority of the QAR shall not be abrogated. If the notification is not given to both sites then the QAR shall not accept the units. 5. PACKAGING- MIL-STD 2073 PACKAGING APPLIES AS FOUND ELSEWHERE IN THE SCHEDULE 6. NOTES - NOT APPLICABLE THIS IS A ALRE CRITICAL SAFETY ITEM. FOR DRAWING UPDATES, SEE ATTACHED NAWC LKE DRAWING UPDATE SHEET. NAVSUP REFERENCE ONLY: (19-10071): THE COMPONENTS BEING ACQUIRED UNDER THIS SOLICITATION HAVE BEEN CLASSIFIED AS "CRITICAL" REQUIRING ENGINEERING SOURCE APPROVAL BY NAVAL AIR SYSTEMS COMMAND ONLY THOSE COMPANIES WHO HAVE SUBMITTED & BEEN APPROVED WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR AWARD UNDER THIS SOLICITATION ANY COMPANY SUBMIT A SOURCE APPROVAL REQUEST AS OUTLINED IN THIS SOLICITATION. \ DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION=ASREQ block 6: forward additional copy to aso code cited in block 10.A on page 1. RECEIPT INSPECTION: RECEIPT INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATE OF SUB-COMPONENTS: ^THE FOLLOWING CRITICAL SAFETY ITEMS SHALL BE RECEIPT INSPECTED AND CERTIFIED AT LAKEHURST: -COLLET HEAD P/N 7-1668-3 -COLLET COLLAR P/N 7-0508-3 -LOCK RING SEAT P/N 7-0517-2 -LOAD RELEASE SLECCVE P/N 7-0518-2-CYLINDER P/N 7-0522-2 -CYLINDER P/N 7-0522-2-STRAIN BAR P/N 7-0529-3 -LOAD TRANSFER SLEEVE P/N 7-0533-3-ROD END CONNECTOR 7-0545-2 -THRUST BEARING P/N 7-0621-1 -PRIMARY LOCK SEGMENT P/N 7-0622-2 -SECONDARY LOCK SEGMENT 7-0623-2 -PARTS WILL BE CERTIFIED, MARKED AND RETURNED TO SUPPLIER FOR PAINTING (IF RE QUIRED) ASSEMBLY B.DOCUMENTS: -THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO PROVIDE ALL CERTIFICATIONS, COPIES OF ANY CMM PRINT OUTS,TEST REPORTS, AND ALL IN-PROCESS INSPECTION DOCUMENTS NEEDED TO SUBSTANT IATE PRODUCT QUALITY FOR CSIs IDENTIFIED HEREIN (P/N 7-1668-3,P/N 7-0508-3,P/N 7-0517-2,P/N 7-0518-2, P/N 7-0522-2, 7-0529-3, P/N 7-0533-3, P/N 7-0545-2, P/N 7-0621-1,P/N 7-0622-2, AND P/N 7-0623-2).THE DATA SHALL BE PROVIDED CONCURRENT LY WITH THE RESPECTIVE HARDWARE DELIVERIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE CERTIFICATION PROCESS AND FORWARDED TO THE NAVAL AIR WARFARE CENTER AIRCRAFT DIVISION, CODE B148-2, ROUTE 547, LAKEHURST, NJ 08733-5125 9 ATTEN: PAUL CAMPOS). RESULTS OF HEAT TREAT SAMPLES IAW MPR 520 FOR P/N's 7-0617-2, 7-0533-3,7-0622-2AND 7-0623-2 SHALL BE SUBMITTED CONCURRENTLY WITH THESE PARTS TO NAVAIR LAKEHURST FOR RECEIPT INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION OF SUB-COMPONENTS SUBSTANTIATE PART QUALITY RECEIPT INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION OF THE TOP ASSEMBLY -THE RECEIPT INSEPCTION AND CERTIFICATION OF THE TOP ASSEMBLY SHALL OCCUR DURING THE FINAL INSPECTION. THIS INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE WITNESS OF FINAL SETTINGS IAW NOTE 17,18,AND 19 PER PARTS LIST (PL) 2-7938, CONTRACTOR ASSIST AND PART MARKING AS SPECIFIED APPLIES. CONTRACTOR ASSIST AND PART MARKING a. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSIST ON THE CONDUCT OF THE INSPECTIONS (BOTH FINAL AND INTERIM) REQUIRED THAT ARE NECESSARY TO CERTIFY ITEMS SPECIFIED HEREIN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ADEQUATE FACILITIES,INSPECTION EQUIPMENT, AND SKILLED PERSONNEL,TO SUPPORT THE NAVAIR INSPECTOR IN THE CONDUCT OF THE INTERIM INSPECTIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE GAUGES, TOOLS, FIXTURES AND JIGS NECESSARY TO PERFORM THE INSPECTIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO PROVIDE SUFFIENT RIGGING/MATERIAL HANDLING SERVICES AND MANPOWER TO SETUP/CONFIGURE/OPERATE EQUIPMENT & MACHINES USED TO ACCOMPLISH THE INSPECTION TASK.THIS CONTRACTOR ASSIST REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE APPLICABLE TO 100% OF THE PRODUCTION QUANTITIES. AS PART OF THE MRI PROCESS, THE NAVAIR QA REPRESENTATIVEWILL PROVIDE, IN WRITING, A CERTIFICATION NUMBER ALONG WITH DIRECTION FOR MARKING THE CRITICAL SAFETY ITEMS (CSI). DELIVERY SCHEDULE: -LOAD RELAEASE SLEEVE (P/N 7-0518-2) SHALL BE DELIVERED AT MAXIMUM RATE OF 10 UNITS PER MONTH. COLLET HEAD (P/N 7-1668-3) SHALL BE DELIVERED AT A MAXIMUM RATE OF 5 UNITS PER MONTH -COLLET COLLAR (P/N 7-0508-3) SHALL BE DELIVERED AT A MAXIMUM RATE OF 10 UNITS PER MONTH -LOCK RING SEAT (P/N 7-0517-2) SHALL BE DELIVERED AT A MAXIMUM RATER OF 10 UNITS PER MONTH -CYLINDER (P/N 7-0522-2) SHALL BE DELIVERED AT A MAXIMUM RATE OF 10 UNITS PER MONTH -STRAIN BAR (7-0529-3) SHALL BE DELIVERED AT A MAXIMUM RATE OF 5 UNITS PER MONTH -LOAD TRANSFER SLEEVE (P/N 7-0533-3) SHALL BE DELIVERED AT A MAXIMUM RATE OF 10 UNITS PER MONTH -ROD END CONNECTOR (P/N 7-0545-2) SHALL BE DELIVERED AT A MAXIMUM RATE OF 10 UNITS PER MONTH -THRUST BEARING (P/N 7-0621-1) SHALL BE DELIVERED AT A MAXIMUM RATE OF 10 PRIMARY LOCK SEGMENT (P/N 7-0622-2) SHALL BE DELIVERED AT A MAXIMUM RATE OF 30 SECONDARY LOCK SEGMENT (P/N 7-0623-2) SHALL BE DELIVERED AT A MAXIMUM RATE OF 3 UNITS PER MONTH TURNAROUND TIME: -FOR PURPOSES OF PLANNING, ESTIMATED EVALUATION TIME FOR THE LISTED IN SECTION VI IS 30 DAYS AFTER DATE OF RECEIPT UNIQUE REQUIREMENTS: FOR COLLET HEAD P/N 7-1668-3, COLLET COLLAR P/N 7-0508-3, LOCK RING SEAT P/N 7-0517-2, LOAD RELEASE SLEEVE P/N 7-0518-2, CYLINDER P/N 7-0522-2, STRAIN BAR P/N 7-0529-3, LOAD TRANSFER SLEEVE P/N 7-0533-3, ROD END CONNECTOR 7-0545-2, THRUST BEARING P/N 7-0621-1, PRIMARY LOCK SEGMENT P/N 7-0622-2, AND SECONDARY LOCK SEGMENTP/N 7-0623-2 ANY CHANGE IN THE APPROVED MANUFACTURING PROCESS OR SUBCONTRACTOR'S MANUFACTURING PROCESS SHALL FIRST BE APPROVED BY NAWCADLKE CODE4.8.2.1 THROUGH AN ENGINEERING CHANGE PROPOSAL REQUEST RECEIPT INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION OF SUB COMPONENTS: DATA REQUIREMENTS: -COPIES OF ALL APPROVED REQUEST FOR DEVIATIONS AND WAIVERS ALL APPROVED MRB ACTIONS -CHROME PLATE PER DWGS. 7-1668,7-0508,7-0522,7-0529, AND 7-0621 -CADIUM PLATING PER DWGS. 7-1668,7-0508,7-0522,7-0529- AND 7-0545 -SHOT PEENED PER DWGS. 7-1668,7-0508,7-0522,7-0529,7-0545, AND 7-0621 -HARDNESS TEST PER DWGS. 7-0517,7-0622, AND 7-0623 -STRESS RELIEF PER DWGS. 7-1668,7-0508,7-0518,7-0545, 7-0517 AND 7-0621 -MAGNETIC PARTICLE INSPECTION PER DWGS. 7-1668,7-0508,7-0517,7-0518,7-0522, 7-0529,7-0529,7-0533,7-0545,7-0621,7-0622,AND 7-0623 -HEAT TREAT PER DWGS. 7-1668,7-0508,7-0518,7-0522,7-0529,7-0545, AND 7-0621 -DIMENSIONAL INSPECTION PER DWGS. 7-1668,7-0517,7-0518,7-0522,7-0529,7-0533, 7-0545,7-0621,7-0622, AND 7-0623 -MATERIAL CERTIFICATION PER DWGS. 7-1668,7-0508,7-0517,7-0518,7-0522,7-0529 7-0533,7-0545,7-0621, 7-0622 AND 7-0623 -CARBOURIZE IAW MPR 520 PER DWGS. 7-0517,7-0533,7-0622, AND 7-0623 -GLASS HEAD PEEN PER DWG. 7-0529 -TEMPER ETCH INSPECTION PER DWGS. 7-1668,7-0508, AND 7-0545 -DRY FILM LUBRICANT PER DWGS. 7-1668 -PASSIVATE PER DWGS 7-0517 AND 7-0533 RECEIPT INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION OF TOP ASSEMBLY DATA REQUIREMENTS: a. Copies of all approved Request for Deviations, Request for Wavers and all approved MRB actions b. Functional test IAW ATP 4-7938 c. Final settings IAW ATP 4-7938 d. Torque settings per Parts List (PL) 2-7938 and Drawing 7-0530 e. Dimensional/alignment settings per PL 2-7938 f. Chrome plate per Drawings 7-1668, 7-0508, 7-0522, 7-0529, 7-0620,and 7-0621 g. Cadmium plate per Drawings 7-1668, 7-0508,7-0522,7-0529, 7-0545,and 7-0546 h. Shot peen per Drawings 7-1668, 7-0508, 7-0522, 7-0529, 7-0545, and 7-0621 i. Hardness test per Drawings 7-0622, and 7-0623 j. Stress relief per Drawings 7-1668, 7-0508, 7-0518, -0538,7-0545, and 7-0621 k. Magnetic particle inspection per Drawings 7-0508,7-0514,7-0518,7-0522, 7- 7-0528, 7-0529,7-0530,7-0533,7-0538,7-0539,7-0545,7-0620,7-0621,7-0622,7-0623, and 7-2334 I. Heat treat per Drawings 7-1668, 7-0508, 7-0514, 7-0518, 7-0522, 7-0523,7-05287-0529, 7-0530, 7-0538, 7-0539, 7-0540, 7-0541, 7-0545, 7-0546, 7-0547,7-0620, 7-0621 and 7-2334 m. Dimensional inspection per Drawings 7-1668, 7-0508, 7-0509, 7-0511, 7-0514, 7-0518, 7-0519, 7-0520, 7-0521, 7-0522, 7-0523, 7-0524, 7-0525, 7-0526, 7-0527,7-0529, 7-0530, 7-0533, 7-0535, 7-0538, 7-0539, 7-0540, 7-0541, 7-0542, 7-0543,7-0545, 7-0546, 7-0547, 7-0548, 7-0581, 7-0620, 7-0621, 7-0622, 7-0623, 7-0629,7-0517,7-0528,7-0544, 6-0140, 7-0140, 7-0545, 7-0547, 7-0548, 7-0581, 7-0620,7-0623, 7-0629, 6-0140,6-0141,6-0251,6-0252,7-2334 AND 7-2723 n. Material certification per Drawings 7-1668, 7-0508, 7-0509, 7-0511, 7-0514, 0520, 7-0521, 7-0522, 7-0523, 7-0524, 7-0525, 7-0526, 7-0527, 7-0528, 7-0529, 7-0530, 7-0533, 7-0535, 7-0538, 7-0539, 7-0540, 7-0541, 7-0542, 7-0543, 7-544,7-0546, 7-0547, 7-0548, 7-0581, 7-0620, 7-0621, 7-0622, 7-0623, 7-0629, 6-0140,7-0517, 7-0519, 7-0529, 7-0545, 7-0141, 7-0545, 6-0141, 6-0251, 6-0252, 7-2334, and 7-2723 o. Passivate per Drawings 7-0511, 7-0519, 7-0520, 7-0521, 7-0523, 7-0524, 7-0527-0528, 7-0530, 7-0535, 7-0539, 7-0540, 7-0541, 7-0543, 7-0546, 7-0548, 7-0725, 7-0527, 7-0542 and 7-2334 p.Penetrant inspection per Drawings 7-0523, 7-0526, 7-0540, 7-0541, 7-0542, 7-0546, and 7-0581 q. Anodize per Drawings 7-0629, and 7-2723 r. Sand Blast per Drawing 7-0540 s. Glass bead blast per Drawing 7-0546. t. Glass bead peen per Drawing 7-0529 u. Paint per PL 2-7938; and Drawings 7-1668, 7-0508, 7-0529, 7-0530, 7-0539, 7-0629, 7-2334 and 7-2723 v. Temper etch inspection per Drawings 7-1668, 7-0508, and 7-0545 w. Dry film lubricant per Drawing 7-1668. x. Lubricant per Drawing 2-7938. y. Sealant per Drawing 2-7938. z. Carburize IAW MPR 520 per Drawings 7-0517, 7-0533, 7-0622, and 7-0623 . aa.Urethane casting per Drawing 7-0539 Receipt inspection will be completed concurrently with final inspection at contractors facility DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION=ASREQ Block 6: Forward additonal copy to ASO code cited in block 10.A on page 1. MANUFACTURING PLAN: MANUFACTURING PLANS ONLY NEED TO BE SUBMITTED IF DIFFERENT THAN MANUFACTURING PLAN LISTED BELOW: 1. Load Release Sleeve (P/N 7-0518-2),Triumph Plan approved by NAVAIR (2/9/15 UPDATED SEP 2019 2. Collet Head (P/N 7-1668-3 ), Triumph Plan approved by NAVAIR (5/18/17) UPDATED JAN 2020 3. Collet Collar (P/N 7-0508-3), Triumph Plan approved by NAVAIR (4/15/15) 4. Lock Ring Seat (P/N 7-0517-2), GE Aviation Syst. Plan approved by NAVAIR (4/29/14) 5.Cylinder (P/N 7-0522-2 ), GE Aviation Syst.Plan approved by NAVAIR (3/19/15 6. Strain Bar (P/N 7-0529-3), Triumph Plan approved by NAVAIR (12/30/14) UPDATED DEC 2019 7. Load Transfer Sleeve (P/N 7-0533-3),Triumph Plan approved by NAVAIR 11/29/168. Rod End Connector (P/N 7-0545-2), Triumph Plan approved by NAVAIR (2/18/15) 9. Thrust Bearing (P/N 7-0621-1), Triumph Plan approved by NAVAIR (4/27/16 UPDATED FEB 2020 10. Primary Lock Segment (P/N 7-0622-2), GE Aviation Syst. Plan approved by NAVAIR 10/23/15) 11. Secondary Lock Segment (P/N 7-0623-2),Triumph Actuation Systems-Yakima (TAS-Y) Plan approved by NAVAIR (4/29/16) Tailor DI-MISC-80074 as follows: a. Delete b. Delete c. Delete d. Delete e. Delete f. Delete g. Delete h. Delete i. Delete 10.2.6 The manufacturing plan shall as a minimum include the following: a. Documentation of all required manufacturing processes b. All required equipment c. All manufacturing process sheets d. Identify all subcontractor manufacturing processes and associated subcontractor. e. Provide any necessary personnel certification f. Plan shall be submitted for P/N 7-0518-2, 7-1668-3, 7-0508-3, 7-0517-2, 7-0522-2, 7-0529-3, 7-0533-3, 7-0545-2, 7-0621-1, 7-0622-2, and 7-0623-2 DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION=ASREQ Block 6: Forward additonal copy to ASO code cited in block 10.A on page 1. Mil-STD-1520C Material Review Board Procedure(MRB) that describes a process for the review of minor non-conformances per MIL-STD-1520C except that the provisions for Government participation and approval as specified insection 4.7 shall be executed concurrently with the Contractors review and disposition process stated in para 4.5.1. Government participation shall include NAVAIR In-Service Engineering Code and the DCMA Quality Assurance Representative. NAVAIR participation shall be in the concurrent review and subsequent approval/disapproval of submitted minor non-conformances whereby, as part of their MRB process, the contractor will submit their requests to NAWCADLKE via email to the following email address:LKHR_ENGRG_REQUESTS@NAVY.MIL

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • PHILADELPHIA , PA 19111-5098
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact


  • Feb 23, 2024 11:55 pm ESTSolicitation (Original)