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APEX Accelerators are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense.

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General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Solicitation (Updated)
  • Updated Published Date: Jan 22, 2025 09:58 am CST
  • Original Published Date: Feb 16, 2024 03:43 pm CST
  • Updated Date Offers Due: Feb 18, 2025 04:00 pm CST
  • Original Date Offers Due: Apr 29, 2024 04:00 pm CDT
  • Inactive Policy: 15 days after date offers due
  • Updated Inactive Date: Mar 05, 2025
  • Original Inactive Date: May 14, 2024
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • NAICS Code:
    • 334412 - Bare Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing
  • Place of Performance:
    Grand Prairie , TX


Amendment 0012 change proposal due date to 18 February 2025. _______________________________________________________________________

Amendment 0011 to solicitation SPRRA224R0016 is to update the estimated annual demand for Circuit Card Assembly NSN: 5998-01-497-3340, Part# 13508140, from a quantity of 10 each to 41 each. _______________________________________________________________________

Amendment 0010 change proposal due date to 23 January 2025. _______________________________________________________________________

Amendment 0009 change proposal due date to 11 December 2024. _______________________________________________________________________

Amendment 0008 change proposal due date to 21 November 2024. _______________________________________________________________________

Amendment 0007 change proposal due date to 7 November 2024. _______________________________________________________________________

Amendment 0006 change proposal due date to 31 October 2024. _______________________________________________________________________

Amendment 0005 change proposal due date to 10 October 2024. _______________________________________________________________________

Amendment 0004 change proposal due date to 26 September 2024. _______________________________________________________________________

Amendment 0003 change proposal due date to 12 September 2024. _______________________________________________________________________

Amendment 0002 change proposal due date to 24 July 2024. _______________________________________________________________________



The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) is issuing solicitation SPRRA224R0016 to add parts to the new

subsumable contract to the Captains of Industry (COI) contract, SPE4AX-22-D-9000 (DLA Huntsville

Spares) for fiscal years, 2025 (FY25) through 2027 (FY27).

The subsumable contract will fall under the Lockheed Martin COI / Umbrella contract, SPE4AX22D9000.

These parts will support the Patriot Missile Weapon System.

This is a sole sourced requirement and as such is being procured in accordance with FAR 6.302-1(a)(2); “…only one responsible source and no other supplies or services will satisfy agency requirements.”

Cost and Pricing

Proposal Content/Cost/Price Supporting Documentation. At a minimum, offeror proposal shall include

the following:

The Government contemplates Firm-Fixed-Pricing (FFP) for this effort in accordance with the

overarching basic contract, and requests pricing for three (3) years. This is an RFP for part number

support requirements generated by the Army Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM) Logistics

Center (ALC) Project Offices used on the Patriot Missile Weapon System.

The offeror shall prepare one summary schedule. Along with the summary schedule, the offeror shall

provide fully supportable cost data which substantiates the offeror’s summary schedule for the P/Ns.

Submission must include working Excel files with applicable excel formulas, showing direct cost inputs

and building to the proposed cost. Files are required at every level, to include inter-organizational work (if

applicable). Submission shall be in accordance with FAR 15.408, Table 15-2, Instructions for Submitting

Cost/Price Proposals When Certified Cost or Pricing Data Are Required. Back up documentation shall

detail the labor categories to be used, labor hours proposed by category, material and equipment cost, and a total cost breakdown. The offeror shall also provide supporting cost/price documentation for all

proposed subcontractors, to include the proposed type of subcontract.

To comply with this solicitation, the offeror is required to price Fiscal Years 2025 - 2027 (FY25-27).

Items, and the possibility of more in the future, will be repriced again at the end of FY27.

FAR 15.408, Table 15-2 requires prime contractors and higher tiered subcontractors to conduct price

analysis of all subcontractor proposals and a cost analysis of each subcontractor proposal for which

certified cost or pricing data is required. Fair and reasonable subcontractor analysis in accordance with

FAR 15.404-3(b) Subcontract Pricing Considerations shall accompany proposal submission.

An un-sanitized cost breakdown (all cost information, rates/dollars) shall also be provided in a Microsoft

Excel File.

In support of the proposed Indirect Expense Rates, Inter-Organizational Transfers (IOTs) and its

subcontractor(s) shall provide documentation of the most recent Indirect Expense Rates, to include, at

least one of the following:

 Forward Pricing Rate Agreements (FPRAs) with DCAA or DCMA.

 Forward Pricing Rate Recommendations (FPRR) from DCAA or DCMA.

 Forward Pricing Rate Proposal (FPRP), Approved Provisional Rates Proposal or other statement

of current rates including three (3) years of Incurred Cost Submissions to DCAA detailing pools

and bases (by expense accounts) information which validates the calculations or Three (3) years

historical actual detailing pools and bases (by expense accounts) information which validates the


Note: The rates reflected in the FPRA, FPRR, FPRP, Approved Provisional Rates Proposal or other

statement of current rates shall directly match the proposed rates as detailed in the proposal. If the rates do not match, the offeror shall provide sufficient detail explaining how the proposed rates are realistic.

Identify key business unit personnel related to contracting, technical and pricing questions and known

DCMA or DCAA business unit points of contact (POCs) to expedite the question/review process.

In accordance with FAR clause 52.215-22, Limitation on Pass-Through Charges, if offeror intends to

subcontract more than 70 percent of the total cost of work to be performed under the resulting add-on,

offeror shall identify in its proposal a description of the value-added provided by offeror as related to the

work to be performed by the subcontractor(s) as defined by FAR clause 52.215-22.

Offeror shall identify and address in its proposal all actual or potential Organizational Conflicts of

Interests (OCIs), per FAR 9.5, or state that there are no known potential OCIs. If any actual or potential

OCIs are identified, then offeror shall submit a mitigation plan.

No assumptions, terms, conditions, caveats or exceptions submitted within offeror proposal, in response

to this RFP, will be accepted or incorporated into the basic contract. All assumptions shall be addressed

and/or resolved through the use of the question-and-answer period.

Offeror shall submit their subcontracting plan with their proposal as a separate document. The subcontract

shall be incorporated by reference and made a part of the final award. The subcontract will be used to

ensure offeror is on track to meet the goals established in the base contract.

Additional Considerations

Containers - The Government did not provide separate Subcontract Line Item Numbers (SLINs) to

accommodate items that may require reusable shipping containers. However, if an item requires a

reusable shipping container, a SLIN may be added to allow the offeror to price the item with a shipping

container. The offeror shall propose the most expeditious delivery schedule for each item.

First Article Test (FAT) may be required, if so, the requirement will be included on the applicable

delivery orders. When required, FAT must be separately priced. The offeror may submit a Request for

FAT Waiver; however, FAT may be included on the award in anticipation of the requirement on future

orders. Upon receipt of the FAT Waiver request, DLA will submit documentation to SRD for evaluation

and technical consideration.

Economic Order Quantities (EOQs) shall be proposed by the contractor to ensure optimal ordering

quantities. The EOQ information requested in this narrative, is being solicited to avoid acquisitions in

disadvantageous quantities and to assist the Government in developing data for current and future

acquisitions of this item/these items. The Government anticipates the offeror’s proposal (in view of

market research, historical awards, the nature of the item(s) being solicited, and the current economic

environment) will include quantities/ranges that will vary from those being solicited. The solicited

quantities are based on estimated annual demands and as such Government reserves the right to award the

most advantageous quantities &/or ranges.

Evaluation Criteria - Minimum technical requirements. To be technically acceptable and thus, eligible for

award, a proposal must conform to ALL solicitation requirements, such as terms and conditions,

representations and certifications, and technical requirements provided within all sections of this

solicitation and/or within its attached addenda. Proposals receiving a technical rating of “Unacceptable”

will be ineligible for award.


In addition to meeting the solicitation’s technical and quantity increment or range

requirements above and cost and pricing requirements below, the Government will evaluate a proposal’s

pricing for reasonableness. Evaluation of a proposal's pricing will not obligate the Government to order

the estimated quantities or to distribute orders in the manner evaluated. The Government may reject a

proposal as “Unacceptable” if its pricing is determined to be materially unbalanced.

Cost and Pricing Data. Offerors must provide all cost or pricing information required by FAR

15.4. Failure of a proposal to provide cost or pricing information required by FAR 15.4 will result in said

proposal being deemed Unacceptable, and thus, ineligible for award.

PDQR - The Product Quality Deficiency Report Program (Army Regulation 702-7) will be used when

contractors: 1) deliver deficient items or 2) receive deficient items from a DoD supply chain in support of

Army requirements. When requested, the Contractor shall assist the cognizant Contract Administration

Office in evaluating PQDRs and exhibits for defects reported on items manufactured under this contract

to determine the root cause for deficiencies. Corrective action and Preventative Action to preclude

recurrence of discrepancies shall be an integral part of the Contractor’s Quality Program. These defects

may be reported from any DoD activity that discovers a defective item.

Ranges - Offerors are requested for increments or ranges of quantities as listed in the attachment. The

awarded quantity, or quantities in the case of multiple items, will be based on the requirements of the

Government and the combination of price and quantity per item that is the most advantageous to the

Government. Quantity increments shall consist of a primary amount and alternate amounts based on

incremental increases. The quantity awarded will be either the full primary, or one of the alternate

quantities. Quantity ranges consist of a specific series of ranges. The quantity awarded may fall anywhere

within range. If this is a request for quote (RFQ) or a request for proposal (RFP), an offer that only

contains prices for quantities other than those quantities indicated in the schedule of supplies or services

may be precluded from consideration for award if the contracting officer elects to make an award without

discussion of proposals.

The contract quantity range shall be determined by the total quantity at the time of delivery

awarded. There shall be no downward adjustment to an already awarded delivery order regardless of if

another delivery order is awarded in the same ordering period. For example, one delivery order quantity

may not be combined with any other delivery order quantity to create a price break, even if the new

delivery order is placed in the same ordering period. Each order stands on its own. In the event an order

is issued for quantities outside the ranges established in the contract, the unit price associated with the

highest list range will apply to that order. The contractor has the right to accept or reject any quantity

outside the ranges established in the contract and adjust the production lead time / monthly delivery rate

as appropriate.

Ozone Depleting Substances – Item(s) being procured have been identified as having Ozone Depleting

Substances and High Global Warming Potential Hydrofluorocarbons (OHM) specifications.

(a) In accordance with Section 326 of P.L. 102-484, the Government is prohibited from awarding any

contract which includes a specification or standard that requires the use of a Class I ozone-depleting

substance (ODS) identified in Section 602(a) of the Clean Air Act, (42 U.S.C. 767a(1), or that can be met

only through the use of such a substance unless such use has been approved, on an individual basis, by a

senior acquisition official who determines that there is no suitable substitute available.

(b) To comply with this statute, the Government has conducted a best effort screening of the

specifications and standards associated with this acquisition to determine whether they contain any ODS

requirements. To the extent that ODS requirements were revealed by this review they are identified below

with the disposition determined in each case.

(c) If offerors possess any special knowledge about any other ODSs required directly or indirectly at

any level of contract performance, the U.S. Army would appreciate if such information was surfaced to

the Contracting Officer for appropriate action. To preclude delay to the procurement, offerors should

provide any information as soon as possible after release of the solicitation and prior to the submission of

offers to the extent practicable. It should be understood that there is no obligation on offerors to comply

with this request and that no compensation can be provided for doing so.

Export Control – Arms Export control is applicable. The technical data package contains technical data

whose export is restricted by the Arm Export Control Act (Title 22 U.S.C., SEC 2751 ET SEQ.) or

Executive Order 12470. Violation of these export laws are subject to severe criminal penalties. Export

Control requires the applicable certifications to be current for both the quoter and manufacturer. The

offeror and any source(s) of supply it will use for contract performance must have an active United

States/Canada Joint Certification Program (JCP) certification to access export-controlled data. DLA does

not intend to delay award in order for an ineligible offer or its source(s) supply to apply for and receive

authority approval to access the export-controlled data.

Packaging – Standard practice for military packaging shall be utilized (MIL-STD-2073-1).

Delivery Schedule – Proposal shall include proposed production lead time and monthly delivery rate.

Proposal Submission – Proposal shall be electronically submitted to Government. Offeror can contact

contract team for a DOD Safe Site link for submission purposes.

CLINS - NSNs listed on this effort may be awarded together or separately.


252.227-7017 Identification and Assertion of Use, Release, or Disclosure Restrictions

52.204-8 Annual Representations and Certifications.

52.223-4701 Ozone Depleting Substance

DLAD 52.233-9001 Disputes – Agreement to Use Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) .


Solicitation Receipt – Request offeror acknowledge receipt of solicitation SPRRA224R0016 within 3

business days and feedback on feasibility in meeting the closing date of 4PM CST 29 April 2024

referenced in solicitation submittal email and SAM.GOV posting. If offeror elects to "No Bid", please

provide detailed rationale and an alternate source of supply.

Proposal Receipt - Upon receipt of proposal, DLA Contracting Team shall acknowledge receipt. Within 3

business days, the Government will identify deficiencies, request additional information/documentation,

and/or provide proposal acceptance. Offeror proposal shall remain valid for a minimum of one hundred

and eighty (180) days from the date of acceptance.


All communications SHALL be submitted in writing ONLY AND directly to the following DLA

Contract Team Members.

Becky Brady, DLA Aviation-Huntsville

Contracting Officer, Strategic Missile Team


David Bennett, DLA Aviation- Huntsville

Contract Specialist


Offeror shall not contact any other Government personnel other than the person(s) identified above.

Contacting any Government personnel other than the individual(s) identified above could result in an

organizational conflict of interest (OCI).

Be advised that this requirement shall be advertised in the website for viewing by the general

public. In the event another supplier indicates interest in responding to the requirement as a result of

viewing the synopsis, a formal solicitation will be issued to accommodate that supplier.

Please direct inquires, requests for clarification, and status updates to David Bennett



SPRRA224R0016 Attachment 021524 (full list of parts)

FAT Waiver Worksheet REV E 031220


Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • REDSTONE ARSENAL , AL 35898-7340
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact
