Advanced Medium Mobile Power Sources (AMMPS)
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APEX Accelerators are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense.
The APEX Accelerators program was formerly known as the Procurement Technical Assistance Program (opens in new window) (PTAP).
General Information
- Contract Opportunity Type: Sources Sought (Updated)
- Updated Published Date: Feb 10, 2022 12:42 pm EST
- Original Published Date: Mar 02, 2021 03:26 pm EST
- Updated Response Date: Feb 17, 2022 01:00 pm EST
- Original Response Date: Apr 13, 2021 04:00 pm EDT
- Inactive Policy: 15 days after response date
- Updated Inactive Date: Mar 05, 2022
- Original Inactive Date: Apr 28, 2021
- Initiative:
- None
- Original Set Aside:
- Product Service Code:
- NAICS Code:
- 335312 - Motor and Generator Manufacturing
- Place of Performance:
Title: Expeditionary Energy and Sustainment Systems (E2S2) - Advanced Medium Mobile Power Sources
The U.S. Army (Expeditionary Energy and Sustainment Systems), requests letters of interest from qualified businesses, specifically to provide feedback for the inclusion of Cost and Software Data Reporting System (CSDR) requirements IAW 252.234-7004, Cost and Software Data Reporting under the proposed contract for Advanced Medium Mobile Power Sources (AMMPS).
By way of this Market Survey/Sources Sought Notice, the U.S. Army (Expeditionary Energy and Sustainment Systems) intends to determine the necessity for incorporation of Cost and Software Data Reporting requirements under the proposed contract for AMMPS. The responses to this notice will be used for information and planning purposes and does not constitute a solicitation. This RFI is NOT a request for proposal, request for quotation, or an invitation for bid, nor does its issuance obligate or restrict the Government to any eventual acquisition approach. This RFI does not obligate the Government to issue a solicitation. Contractors are responsible for all expenses associated with participating in this RFI. At this time, proprietary information is not requested and respondents shall refrain from providing proprietary information in response to this Notice. Please be advised that all responses and submissions become Government property and will not be returned. Not responding to this Notice does not preclude participation in any future RFP, if any is issued. Responses to this Sources Sought announcement will be used by the Government to make appropriate acquisition decisions. Acknowledgement of receipt of submitted items may not be made, and respondents likely will not be notified of the outcome of the information received.
In accordance with FAR 15.201(e), responses to this notice are not offers and cannot be accepted by the U.S Government to form a binding contract. It is the responsibility of the interested parties to monitor this site for additional information pertaining to this Notice.
The purpose of Amendment 03 is to update the response date.
The primary objective of Amendment 02 is to gain feedback from industry pertaining to the incorporation of Cost and Software Data Reporting System (CSDR) requirements.
The primary objective of Amendment 01 is to update the continued procurement of AMMPS generator sets for the remaining Army Acquisition Objective (AAO) using Government Furnished Technical Data Packages and gain clear understanding of vendor technical capabilities. In addition, the purpose of this amendment is to allow additional time for responses from industry.
The purpose of this RFI is to gather information to inform the Government’s strategy on a future potential contract action to procure Advanced Medium Mobile Power Sources (AMMPS) generator sets and to determine whether full and open competition or other than full and open competition is appropriate. The Army Contracting Command-Aberdeen Proving Ground (ACC-APG), Belvoir Division, is seeking sources on behalf of the Project Manager Expeditionary Energy and Sustainment Systems (PM E2S2), Product Manager Mobile Electric Power Systems (PdM MEPS) that have or will have the capability to manufacture, test, produce and deliver AMMPS generator sets using Government furnished Technical Data Packages (TDPs).
The Government urges manufacturers and other potential sources to respond to this RFI to demonstrate their capability to produce AMMPS generator sets. A lack of interest from capable sources may impact the Government’s ability to use competitive procedures to procure the remaining requirements for AMMPS generator sets.
AMD 02: Based on current policy Cost and Software Data Reporting (CSDR) is required on the all ACAT I and ACAT II program contracts valued at greater than $50M, which is inclusive of supporting sub-contractors.
The AMMPS is an ACAT II program with acquisition value greater than $100M. CSDR is used to capture expenditure, technical, and programmatic data after contract execution. CSDR reporting is a primary data source utilized when completing cost and budget estimates. CSDR is similar to Earned Value Management in that both systems rely on financial information and work breakdown structures. However major differences include the reporting of costs by recurring and non-recurring, tracking of functional cost, and reporting of proprietary information including cost, G&A, Contractor Profit/Loss or Fee. The CSDR requirement ensures that you, the vendor, will report the actual, internal cost incurred and not simply regurgitate the contract’s Fixed Firm Price.” See CSDR Contractor FAQs at following link:
AMMPS was developed to support the tactical power generation requirements of Department of Defense (DoD) and its components in accordance with DoD Instruction (DoDI) 4120.11 "Mobile Electric Power Systems (MEPS)". In accordance with DoDI 4120.11, the DoD must maintain a MEPS standard family of mobile electric power generating sources (MEPGS) both in end items, as a component of a system, and establish common military operational requirements.
The AMMPS program met this requirement by providing a family of generator sets that meets the needs of the DoD. AMMPS is the third generation of the medium sized (5-60 kilowatt [kW]) DoD Standard Family of MEPGS. AMMPS replaces the second-generation medium sized Tactical Quiet Generators (TQG). AMMPS employs advanced technologies to enhance power generation capability, increase reliability, reduce system size and weight, employ Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) tier certified engines and provide improved fuel efficiency. The AMMPS program completed the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) phase of the Acquisition Life Cycle with the achievement of Milestone (MS) C Full Rate Production decision on 20 July 2011. The AMMPS program developed and fielded 5 generator set sizes operating in 50/60 Hertz (Hz) mode and 4 generator set sizes operating in 400 Hz mode. The AMMPS began initial fielding in May 2012.
AMMPS was officially granted approval to enter into the Production and Deployment (P&D) phase after its design passed intensive Army and other service evaluations to assure the design met the established performance criteria dictated in the Joint Tactical Electric Power (TEP) Operational Requirements Document (ORD). The TEP ORD was converted into the TEP Capability Production Document (CPD) and approved using the Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) in May 2011. To meet the standardization requirements of DoDI 4120.11, the designs, developed by Cummins Power Generation (CPG), are described on Government owned TDPs in order to procure the same configurations in future contracts. The TDPs are made up of design, vendor item and source control drawings.
Contract Number: W15P7T-04-D-A003
Contractor: Cummins Power Generation, Inc.
Award Date: 29 September 2004
Expiration Date: 28 September 2014
Competitive Status: Full and Open Competition
Contract Number: W909MY-15-D-0010
Contractor: Cummins Power Generation, Inc.
Award Date: 15 May 2015
Expiration Date: 14 July 2016
Competitive Status: Sole Source Award IAW FAR 6.302-1
Contract Number: W909MY-18-D-0033
Contractor: Cummins Power Generation, Inc.
Award Date: 29 August 2018
Expiration Date: 12 September 2022
Competitive Status: Sole Source Award IAW FAR 6.302-1
The AMMPS family of generator systems consists of 5 generator set sizes with 5 kilowatt (kW), 10kW, 15kW, 30kW and 60kW capacities and separate models to provide 50/60 Hertz (Hz) or 400 Hz power, and includes the associated interface kits, switch boxes, and trailers. There are over 20 distinct configurations within the family. The AMMPS systems are specialized, medium-sized Jet Propellant 8 (JP-8) fueled generators used to supply electricity to military systems away from a fixed electrical power source. The generators are specialized pieces of equipment due to the environmental conditions they must operate in and the weapon systems they power. The proposed acquisition is for production and delivery of AMMPS systems to meet the ongoing needs of the Army and DoD services for medium sized mobile power generators pending award of a competitive contract and achievement of full production capability under that contract.
The Army Acquisition Objective (AAO) as of July 2020 is 31,646 generators across the fleet. By the end of the current IDIQ contract (September 2022), the Army will have procured approximately 26,000 generators. Therefore, the anticipated upcoming requirement will be the contract vehicle to procure the remaining generators fulfilling the AAO (approximately 7,763 units). In addition to the Army’s need, the E2S2 Program Office anticipates that other Military Departments will order approximately 681 generators. This estimate for purchases by the other Military Departments is based on historical averages and is subject to change.
Performance Parameters for the AMMPS generator sets include requirements to:
- Operate in adverse environments and with the weapon systems they power;
- Operate in conditions from -50°F to +135°F;
- Support a 72 hour mission without failure and no more than 1 hour of maintenance;
- Must not be susceptible to electromagnetic interference;
- Must not create electromagnetic interference for supported systems;
- Survive High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse;
- Meet strict noise levels to prevent detection;
- Meet fuel consumption requirements while running on non-diesel fuel;
- Be certified for low velocity airdrop and helicopter sling load.
- Would the inclusion of CSDR requirements on the AMMPS contract impact your ability to complete contract requirements or deter you from submitting a proposal? Y or N
Please answer the following questions pertaining to CSDR Reporting Requirements:
1. Are you familiar with Cost and Software Data Reporting (CSDR)? Either FlexFile (Data Item Description: DI-FNCL-82162) or DD Form 1921, 1921-1 or 1921-3 (DI-FNCL-81565C, DI-FNCL-81566C, or DI-FNCL-81765C)? Data Item Descriptions, format, and CDRL examples can be found here:
2. Have you ever submitted CSDR reports to the government as a prime contractor Y or N, or as a subcontractor Y or N?
3. Has your company been involved with or supported an effort to get CSDRs waived from contract requirements (as either a prime or subcontractor)? If so, what were the grounds for the CSDR waiver?
4. Does your company have a Certified Accounting System?
5. Does your company have the ability to track actual cost by Work Breakdown Structure (MIL-STD-881E WBS) and data item tagging? MIL-STD-881E WBS can be found here:
6. Does your production process track costs elements (labor, hours, material) at a serial number / system level?
7. Will your accounting system allow for all costs to be mapped from the internal accounting systems to the CSDR reporting structure, contractor functional categories and standard functional categories as referenced in the FlexFile DID? Or will they be allocated?
8. Can recurring & nonrecurring costs be captured in the internal accounting systems? Or will they be allocated?
9. As the Prime Contractor or Sub Contractor, please provide an estimated staffing, in Full-time equivalent (FTE) or man-hours, for both non-recurring to establish CSDR for this program, if required, and recurring per report or per month to maintain the CSDR reporting. Please identify the period of time the FTE and/or man-hours apply. (i.e. FTE/mo, or man-hours/report, etc.)
10. What is your ability to report costs by units/lots/orders/end items? Can cost be collected by unit or will they be allocated?
11. Does your contractor’s business unit already meet the reporting requirement for the 1921-3, Contractor Business Data Report? (The 1921-3 is required when a business unit has a total of $250M or more on government contracts or subcontracts with CSDR requirements.)
12. If your company is unable to provide or has no history of providing CSDR reports, do you have an alternative format that could be provided? For example: an internal cost and hours report. If so, can this report conform to MIL-STD-881E WBS?
13. Are the hardware items you plan to propose/provide for this contract commercial items? Can you provide documentation of how they are commercial (e.g., Catalog pricing or commercial customers that buy the same end items)?
14. Please address any other concerns you have about the CSDR requirements.
Provide the following information about your company. If submitting a team response, please include the requested information for all companies on the team.
Company Name, Address, and Country of Business
Company Representative, Business Title, Representative Phone Number, Email Address, Company Website
Cage Code, NAICS Code (Business Size), DUNS Number
Partners Team Approach
Business Classification/Socio-Economic Status (e.g., large, small, 8(a), women-owned, hub-zone, SDB, Service-Disabled Veteran-owned)
THIS NOTICE IS NOT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL. It is a market research tool being utilized to gain industry feedback pertaining to the inclusion of Cost and Software Data Reporting System (CSDR) requirements for the proposed contract AMMPS. As stated in the above, this Sources Sought notice is not to be considered as a commitment by the government, nor will the government pay for any information solicited or delivered. Participation in response of this RFI, will not preclude any vendor from responding to future acquisitions, either individually or as part of a team. However, a lack of interest by capable firms may increase the possibility that other than full and open procedures may be used to satisfy this requirement.
Marketing brochures will not be considered adequate information in response to this RFI. Limit responses to a total page limit of ten (10) pages. The font shall be Arial and no smaller than 10pt with a least one (1) -inch margin.
The Government requests that any response to this RFI be provided no later than 17 February 2022. All responses under this Sources Sought Notice must be emailed to:
Kadi-Jah Sheridan, Contract Specialist,, and Kristin Height, Contracting Officer,
Please use the EMAIL SUBJECT: [Contractor Name] AMMPS FY22 RFI CSDR. Email shall be limited to 10MB. In the event multiple emails are required, please confirm all emails submitted in support of the RFI response were received.
Telephone inquiries will not be accepted or acknowledged, and no feedback or evaluations will be provided to companies regarding their submissions.
Please note, vendors not registered in the Beta System for Award Management (SAM) database prior to award of contracts will not be eligible for award. Vendors must also be registered in SAM under the applicable NAICS code as indicated in the advertised RFP to be considered for award. Vendors may register for SAM online at or by calling 1-866-606-8220.
Contact Information
Contracting Office Address
- ALEXANDRIA , VA 22331-0700
Primary Point of Contact
- Kadi-Jah Sheridan
Secondary Point of Contact
- Kristin Height
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- Mar 02, 2021 03:29 pm ESTSources Sought (Updated)
- Mar 02, 2021 03:26 pm ESTSources Sought (Original)