Sources Sought Notice
This is a Sources Sought Notice
(a) The Government does not intend to award a contract on the basis of this Sources Sought or to otherwise pay for the information solicited.
(b) Although "proposal," "offeror," contractor, and "offeror" may be used in this sources sought notice, any response will be treated as information only. It shall not be used as a proposal. The Government is seeking information for market research purposes only.
(c) Any information received from a contractor in response to this Sources Sought may be used in creating a solicitation. Any information received which is marked with a statement, such as "proprietary" or "confidential," intended to restrict distribution will not be distributed outside of the Government, except as required by law.
(d) This Sources Sought is issued by VISN 2 Contracting Office in Montrose, NY for the purpose of collecting information about VA Stratton Albany Medical Center at 113 Holland Ave, Albany NY. The VA is seeking to provide for this requirement to be performed within 10 days of award which is estimated for 11/01/2023. The NAICS code identified for this requirement is 238220 Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors. The requirement is detailed in the Statement of Work section of this document.
(e) Cursory market research has identified small businesses that may be able to provide for this requirement. Contractors that are able to meet the requirements in the attachment and possess an interest in performing these service, are encouraged to email a capability statement and full information to Megan Ross at .
- Part of the purpose of this sources sought is to determine the viability of set aside to a specific socio-economic category (service-disabled veteran owned small business, veteran owned small business, women owned small business, HUB Zone, 8(a), small business). Interested parties MUST provide company/individual name, a capability statement, examples of same or similar work performed at other facilities, DUNS number and address, point of contact and social-economic.
If contractor is a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB), or any other special category of contractors, then contractor is responsible for providing documentation in support of this. This information will be used to determine the viability of a set aside for this requirement. If any of the requested information is not supplied with the response, this may result in the contractor not being considered in the Government s Procurement Strategy.
The following information is required for determining procurement strategy and viability of sources:
Set aside requirements have limitations on subcontracting. This service is located in Albany, New York. Provide your site location and supporting documentation. Given your location and proximity to the service site, how do you plan to accomplish self-performance of this work?
If your intention is to subcontract work, what tasks will be performed by you as the prime contractor? What tasks will require a subcontractor due to your inability to perform them within your company?
How many years experience does your company have in performing tasks of this nature, of this scope and this complexity? How many years of service do your proposed technicians have performing tasks of this nature, this scope, and this complexity? How many years does your proposed subcontractor have in performing tasks of this nature, this scope, and this complexity?
How many jobs of this of this nature, of this scope and this complexity have you performed in the past five years?
- Contractors shall also identify any Federal Supply Schedules that may carry the desired services.
- Contractors shall identify pertinent point of contact for company, contractor DUNS number for size standard and socioeconomic verification in SAM and VIP, as well as for any intended subcontractors.
- Contractor shall provide 2 to 3 instances of past experience which demonstrate that they are a firm regularly engaged in this type of work, to include subcontractors for those jobs.
- Contractor shall provide a listing of any teaming agreements they intend to employ in the performance of this requirement if awarded.
- Contractor shall supply proof of any applicable certification or training required to meet the regulatory requirements, if applicable.
- Contractors shall include any relevant comments about the Attachment(s) if applicable.
Below is the Limitation on Subcontracting Certificate of Compliance Clause. Please complete this as part of your response.
852.219-77Â VA Notice of Limitations on Subcontracting Certificate of Compliance for Services and Construction.
As prescribed in 819.7009(c) insert the following clause:
(a) Pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 8127(k)(2), the offeror certifies that
(1) If awarded a contract (see FAR 2.101 definition), it will comply with the limitations on subcontracting requirement as provided in the solicitation and the resultant contract, as follows: [Contracting Officer check the appropriate box below based on the predominant NAICS code assigned to the instant acquisition as set forth in FAR 19.102.]
(i) [ ] Services. In the case of a contract for services (except construction), the contractor will not pay more than 50% of the amount paid by the government to it to firms that are not VIP-listed SDVOSBs as set forth in 852.219-10 or VOSBs as set forth in 852.219-11. Any work that a similarly situated VIP-listed subcontractor further subcontracts will count towards the 50% subcontract amount that cannot be exceeded. Other direct costs may be excluded to the extent they are not the principal purpose of the acquisition and small business concerns do not provide the service as set forth in 13 CFR 125.6.
(ii) [ ] General construction. In the case of a contract for general construction, the contractor will not pay more than 85% of the amount paid by the government to it to firms that are not VIP-listed SDVOSBs as set forth in 852.219-10 or VOSBs as set forth in 852.219-11. Any work that a similarly situated VIP-listed subcontractor further subcontracts will count towards the 85% subcontract amount that cannot be exceeded. Cost of materials are excluded and not considered to be subcontracted.
(iii) Special trade construction contractors. In the case of a contract for special trade contractors, the contractor will not pay more than 75% of the amount paid by the government to it to firms that are not VIP-listed SDVOSBs as set forth in 852.219-10 or VOSBs as set forth in 852.219-11. Any work that a similarly situated subcontractor further subcontracts will count towards the 75% subcontract amount that cannot be exceeded. Cost of materials are excluded and not considered to be subcontracted.
(2) The offeror acknowledges that this certification concerns a matter within the jurisdiction of an Agency of the United States. The offeror further acknowledges that this certification is subject to Title 18, United States Code, Section 1001, and, as such, a false, fictitious, or fraudulent certification may render the offeror subject to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties, including prosecution.
(3) If VA determines that an SDVOSB/VOSB awarded a contract pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 8127 did not act in good faith, such SDVOSB/VOSB shall be subject to any or all of the following:
(i) Referral to the VA Suspension and Debarment Committee;
(ii) A fine under section 16(g)(1) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 645(g)(1)); and
(iii) Prosecution for violating section 1001 of title 18.
(b) The offeror represents and understands that by submission of its offer and award of a contract it may be required to provide copies of documents or records to VA that VA may review to determine whether the offeror complied with the limitations on subcontracting requirement specified in the contract. The Contracting Officer may, at their discretion, require the Contractor to demonstrate its compliance with the limitations on subcontracting at any time during performance and upon completion of a contract if the information regarding such compliance is not already available to the Contracting Officer. Evidence of compliance includes, but is not limited to, invoices, copies of subcontracts, or a list of the value of tasks performed.
(c) The offeror further agrees to cooperate fully and make available any documents or records as may be required to enable VA to determine compliance with the limitations on subcontracting requirement. The offeror understands that failure to provide documents as requested by VA may result in remedial action as the Government deems appropriate.
(d) Offeror completed certification/fill-in required. The formal certification must be completed, signed, and returned with the offeror s bid, quotation, or proposal. The Government will not consider offers for award from offerors that do not provide the certification, and all such responses will be deemed ineligible for evaluation and award.
I hereby certify that if awarded the contract, [insert name of offeror] will comply with the limitations on subcontracting specified in this clause and in the resultant contract. I further certify that I am authorized to execute this certification on behalf of [insert name of offeror].
Printed Name of Signee: _________________________________
Printed Title of Signee: ________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________________
Company Name and Address: _______________________________
(End of clause)
Background /Objective The Stratton VA Medical Center (VAMC) at 113 Holland Ave, Albany NY is currently seeking a contract to address several deficiencies found in our Boiler Plant during a safety inspection by BEI earlier this year.
Place of Performance Stratton VAMC Building 4 (Boiler Plant)
Period of Performance Work to commence within 10 days of notice to proceed. Work will be accomplished between 7 AM and 430 PM Mon-Fri and should not interfere with the operation of the Boiler Plant.
Scope of Work Correct Safety Device deficiencies from device testing results found during the Boiler Efficiency Institute testing of our three (3) Trane high pressure water tube Boilers to verify compliance to the VHA Directive 1810 and Compliance to the Boiler Institute Efficiency Required Inspections and Operational Tests.
Contractor will furnish all parts and labor to calibrate and verify operation of following devices on Boilers #1, #2, and #3.
5.5.8 Combustion Air Pressure Switch -
Comments: Fail installation/setpoint Plumbed fan out to atmosphere. Must be plumbed across fan inlet to outlet between any dampers. No lockable only open isolation valve in place for testing. Add valve. Add low pressure leg. Setpoint too low. Fan turndown to 19 hz not allowing CAPS switch to be properly set. Fan turndown is too low. Minimum delta P is around 1 inch wc which is less than the 35% allowable. Fan turndown must be set such that minimum delta P is 43% of the maximum delta P. This will equate to a minimum speed of approx. 33Hz. Boiler will have to be retuned upon achieving proper setup.
5.5.13 Liquid Relief Valve on Economizer-
Comments: Not able to be tested. Valves leaked by and no hydro pump.
5.4.3 Low Oil Atomizing Media Pressure-
Comments: Fail installation/setpoint- Switch is plumbed downstream of differential pressure regulator. VA requires switch to be upstream of differential pressure regulator and be set at 80% of regulated atomizing media pressure.
5.3.7 Pilot Gas Train Solenoid Vent Valve-
Comments: Fail installation- No leaks, open when boiler is offline. Manual valve downstream of vent valve must be lockable only in open position.
5.3.6 Automatic Gas Pilot Shut Off Valves-
Comments: Fail Installation- No Test port between ASCO valves. Add test port per 7th edition.
5.3.1 Low Pressure Gas Cutoff Switch-
Comments: Fail Installation- No isolation valve in place. Plumb per 7th edition and add isolation valve lockable only in open position. Setpoint and logic is ok. Activated at 6 psig.
5.2.3 High-High Steam Pressure Limit Switch-
Comments: Fail Logic and Setpoint- High-High cutout activated at 137 psig and is a manual reset switch, but not manual reset at the BMS. Setpoint too close to High Boiler Steam Pressure Limit Switch.
5.2.1 Steam Safety Valves Material of Construction-
Comments: Fail Installation -SV1 149 psig lift and reseat at 142 psig. SV2 lifted at 150 and reseated at 145 psig. Max pressure 150 psig. Vents adequate. Valve is cast iron construction. Cast iron is not allowed in systems exposed to 15 psig steam or greater. Valves must be cast steel per VA master specification and design alert.
5.1.2 Aux Low Water Cutoff Shunt-
Comments: Fail Installation- No independent shunt installed. Probe cutout activated with approx. 4.5 in of water in the sight glass. Boiler shut down and locked out properly.
4.12 Control Air Pressure Alarm-
Comments: Fail installation- Device is located upstream of all control regulators. VA requires alarm to be downstream of any final control regulator.
4.11 Oil Liquid Relief Valve Pump Set-
Comments: Fail installation Valves are not plumbed for testing. There is no pressure gage at relief valve location or test port. The system does not utilize a back pressure regulator. There is no visual flow indication.
5.5.15 Boiler Outlet (Stack) Damper Interlock-
Comments: Fail logic- Switch has no effect on control circuit. Wire switch into D-8 if damper modulates. If no modulation wire damper into 3-P. Damper currently does not move, stays in wide open position continually but is not mechanically constrained.
5.5.12 Low Flue Gas Oxygen Alarm and Cutout-
Comments: Fail installation/logic- No provision for testing. No test gas. No tuning data. No way to access air fuel controller to decrease air damper position. Setpoint is set at 1%. No effect on system when circuit was checked. Unclear if boiler is actually getting O2 signal from hays Cleveland box or from preferred pcc 3.
5.5.9 Pre-Purge Airflow Proving Switch-
Comments: Fail installation No lockable only open isolation valve is installed. Install valve to facilitate testing. Setpoint is too low. Increase PAPS setpoint to within 80% of maximum delta P at purge. Circuit is Good.
5.5.6 Low-Fire Proving Switches-
Comments: Fail Setpoint Air (Gas SP 8%, Air SP >20%, Oil SP-6%. Mechanical OK on all three.) Air setpoint is too high. Circuit is good on all three.
5.4.7 Burner Position Switch-
Comments: Fail logic- Switch prevents atomizing solenoid from receiving power and opening causing the boiler to trip on low atomizing media pressure. Switch must be wired into L1-3 circuit to prevent boiler from starting purge.
5.4.2 High Pressure Oil Fuel Cutoff Switch (HPFCS)-
Comments: Fail logic -Installation, Setpoint. Annunciation is low oil pressure. Improper annunciation.
5.1 Low Water Cutoff (LWCO)-
Comments: Fail Installation- No independent comment section. Probe cutout activated with 6 inches of water in the sight glass. Boiler shutdown and locked out properly.
4.14 High Fuel Gas Pressure Alarm-
Comments: Fail installation / setpoint- Isolation valve is not lockable only open and no annunciation of failure. Shut main natural gas automatic shutoff valve. Regulated gas pressure is 10 psig. Device activated at 15 psig. Device must be set to activate no higher than 120% of regulated pressure.
5.5.11 Min Pilot Flame Test & Low Pilot Gas Press SW-
Comments: Switch is wired in series with power to pilot valves. Must be in the P-3 running interlock. Switches activate at proper setpoint.
Contractor will ensure all items are addressed by a qualified Boiler Controls technician with knowledge and experience of the VHA Directive 1810, BEI testing as well as the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes and standards. All devices must be in compliance with VHA directive 1810 and BEI 7th edition for boiler safety device testing manual.
Contractor will test the functionality of the equipment upon completion of repair. If this is a test for repair, the Test should ensure that damaged parts have been successfully repaired and all functions including, but not limited to those related to repaired parts, are operational.
Delivery Schedule or Deliverables Contractor will document all repairs, calibrations and boiler tuning on separate documents correlating to each boiler using calibration sheets, work orders or tickets with a final report verifying all BEI findings/recommendations have been corrected for each boiler. Documents will be on paper format and sent to the Boiler plant representatives electronically.
Drawings, and Other Attachments BEI finding report supplied on request.
Compliance- The Contracting Officer or his/her designee will notify the contractor of any noncompliance with the foregoing provisions and the action to be taken. The Contractor shall, after receipt of such notice, immediately correct the conditions to which attention has been directed. Such notice, when served on the Contractor or his/her representative at the site of the work, shall be deemed sufficient for the purpose aforesaid. If the Contractor fails or refuses to comply promptly, the Contracting Officer may issue an order stopping all and any part of the work, and hold the Contractor in default.
Inspection- Upon completion of the testing/maintenance/calibration/ inspection service, the COR/POC will perform the inspection in the presence of the contractor personnel, prior to the contractor personnel leaving the facility. This inspection will ensure that all equipment is returned to full functioning condition No invoices will be processed for payment prior to the completion of POC inspection.
Other Related Services (Not Included in the Scope of Work)- Any services not expressly stated in this statement of work are not authorized. Services such as inspection, Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) required maintenance, or other maintenance and repair vital to the continued functioning of the systems may be added only after written modification from the contracting officer, unless they are inclusive to the requested services. No other person, including the COR or any other VA personnel are authorized to request additional work be performed by the contractor. Any additional services performed that are not authorized by the contracting officer will be considered inclusive.