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APEX Accelerators are an official government contracting resource for small businesses. Find your local APEX Accelerator (opens in new window) for free government expertise related to contract opportunities.

APEX Accelerators are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense.

The APEX Accelerators program was formerly known as the Procurement Technical Assistance Program (opens in new window) (PTAP).

General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Combined Synopsis/Solicitation (Original)
  • Original Published Date: Aug 26, 2022 12:19 am AKDT
  • Original Date Offers Due: Sep 10, 2022 08:00 am AKDT
  • Inactive Policy: 15 days after date offers due
  • Original Inactive Date: Sep 25, 2022
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside: Total Small Business Set-Aside (FAR 19.5)
  • Product Service Code: 2060 - COMMERCIAL FISHING EQUIPMENT
  • NAICS Code:
    • 339920 - Sporting and Athletic Goods Manufacturing
  • Place of Performance:


This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for services in which the government intends to acquire in accordance with FAR Part 13, Simplified Acquisitions Procedures. Department of Commerce (DOC), National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Auke Bay Laboratories has requirement for Skates for longline survey.

Background:  The Auke Bay Laboratory of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC) annually surveys sablefish and other major groundfish species in the Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands, and Gulf of Alaska. The present survey is designed to continue the time series (1979-94) of the discontinued Japan-U.S. cooperative longline survey of the Gulf of Alaska. The survey uses hook and line (longline) gear fished on the ocean floor at depths from 200-1000m. The survey duration is approximately 85 days and nearly nine miles of longline gear comprising 7200 hooks is set each day.  To properly assess groundfish species it is necessary to have standardized fishing gear that is the same as gear used previously on the survey. The standard fishing gear for the survey is a skate, which is a piece of groundline 98 m long with 45 hooks spaced at 2 m intervals.

Objective: Purchase at minimum 400 new skates of the standardized longline gear to the specifications described below and shown in Figure 1. Additionally, the AFSC may exercise up to three contract options to deliver up to an additional 800 skates (400 skates per option for a total of 1,200 skates including the base contract and options). The AFSC will provide the necessary (1) marked groundlines (3/8" diameter American Line), (2) gangions (#60 medium lay thread), (3) beckets (#72 medium lay thread), and (4) flagging tape.

Schedule/Period of Performance:  The government needs at minimum 400 new skates delivered No Later Than (NLT) July 1, 2023 for deployment during the 2024 survey season (Base Contract). If Option 1 is exercised, up to an additional 400 skates shall be delivered NLT July 1, 2024. If Option 2 is exercised, up to an additional 400 skates shall be delivered NLT July 1, 2025. If Option 3 is exercised, up to an additional 400 skates shall be delivered NLT July 1, 2026. A total of up to 1,600 skates shall be delivered over the life of the contract if all three options are exercised to the full amount. This will be a firm fixed-price contract (per skate cost) with a firm delivery schedule unless extended by written mutual agreement.  Performance period will be from date of award to July 1, 2026. The government will notify the contractor by September 30, 2023 whether it intends to exercise Option 1 so as to allow adequate time for delivery of completed skates by NLT July 01, 2024. The government will notify the contractor by September 30, 2024 whether it intends to exercise Option 2 so as to allow adequate time for delivery of completed skates by NLT July 01, 2025. The government will notify the contractor by September 30, 2025 whether it intends to exercise Option 3 so as to allow adequate time for delivery of completed skates by NLT July 01, 2026.

Project Deliverables and Associated Deadlines:

The completed delivery and acceptance of:

400 new skates NLT July 1, 2023 (Base Contract)

Up to 400 new skates NLT July 1, 2024 (Option 1)

Up to 400 new skates NLT July 1, 2025 (Option 2)

Up to 400 new skates NLT July 1, 2026 (Option 3)

The Government will accept partial deliveries as the skates are completed.

Requirements:  The contractor shall (1) Splice eyes into both ends of the groundline of each skate as per Figure 1 (each skate is to measure a total of 98 meters in length after completion of eye splicing), (2) Attach the cut and measured beckets to the marked groundline at the measured marks on the groundline (there are 45 beckets and gangions per skate); (3) Attach a gangion to each becket ; and (4) Attach flagging tape to the groundline approximately 2 ft. from the first becket of each skate.

For each skate, the Government will provide a measured and marked groundline, measured and cut beckets and gangions, and flagging tape. The Contractor will be responsible for picking up materials and delivering completed skates to the AFSC, Bldg. 32, NOAA Western Regional Center, 7600 Sand Point Way N.E., Seattle, 98115. The Government will accept partial deliveries as the skates are completed. The Project Contact or his designee will check completed work and will not accept skates that are not constructed to the specifications above and shown in Figure 1.

Upon completion, skates of gear are 98 m (or 55 fm) long and contain forty-five beckets and gangions spaced 2 m apart. The groundline of each skate is marked with bright-colored flagging and red ink at the first and forty-fifth beckets, and with red ink at the remaining forty-three beckets. Five meters (16 ft) of groundline are left bare on each end. Skate eyes are 46 cm (18 in) long. The splice to form the eye is tapered, but the ends are not burned because the burned ends abrade the surrounding line when it is stretched. Gangion, becket, and groundline materials are medium lay #60 thread, medium lay # 72 thread, and soft medium lay 9.5 mm (3/8 in) American Line SSR 100 (or equivalent nylon line), respectively.

Figure 1. Schematic of standardized AFSC longline gear used for stock assessment surveys.

Technical Proposal Requirements: 

Offerers shall submit a bid and provide information on their technical expertise and qualifications for meeting stated requirements (including their past performance on relevant projects). Award will be based on the lowest price technically acceptable, longline gear building experience, and past performance. Design substitutions are not acceptable. Design specifications must be included with bid.

Emailed Correspondence or Response to Solicitation should reference solicitation # ABL-22068, in the Subject line to ensure it is received successfully.  Evaluation and resulting award anticipated to within 48 hours of due date.

This is a simplified acquisition with an estimated value of less than $150,000.00. The following provisions and clauses shall apply to this solicitation and resultant award. The provisions and clauses may be downloaded at

*** All contractors doing business with this Acquisition Office must be registered and active in the System for Award Management (SAM).  No Award can be made unless Cotnractor/Vendor is registered and active in SAM.  For additional information visit  In order to register with SAM and to be eligible to receive an award from this acquisition office, all offerors must have a Dun & Bradstreet Number. A Dun & Bradstreet number may be acquired free of charge by contacting Dun & Bradstreet on-line at or by phone at (800) 333-0505.

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • KANSAS CITY , MO 64106
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact


  • Sep 25, 2022 07:56 pm AKDTCombined Synopsis/Solicitation (Original)