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Type: Award Notice
Agency/Office: Department of Veterans Affairs, Network Contracting Office 10
Title: Three (3) Year High Voltage Testing and Calibration
Classification Code: H159 Quality Control- Electrical & Electronic Equipment Components
NAICS Code: 238210 Quality Control Electrical & Electronic Equipment Components
The Department of Veterans Affairs, Network Contracting Office 10, made an award to provide to acquire Triennial (Every Three Years) Electrical Testing and Calibration electrical systems in accordance with the statement of work for the Northern Indiana Healthcare Systems, Ft. Wayne Campus located at 2121 Lake Ave. Ft. Wayne, IN 46805 and Marion Campus located at 1700 E. 38th St., Marion, IN 46953. Clean, test, adjust, calibrate, and inspect all electrical distribution apparatus included in the statement of work.
The point of contact is Ms. Janel Tate, Contract Specialist, Network Contracting Office 10. Ms. Tate can be reached at