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Z2DA--442-23-006 Warehouse Shelving and Floor Repair

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General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Solicitation (Original)
  • Original Published Date: Sep 01, 2023 03:43 pm MDT
  • Original Date Offers Due: Sep 14, 2023 10:00 am MDT
  • Inactive Policy: Manual
  • Original Inactive Date: Dec 13, 2023
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • NAICS Code:
    • 236220 - Commercial and Institutional Building Construction
  • Place of Performance:


2 STATEMENT OF WORK 2014 AMBULATORY CARE, DENTAL, STAIRWAY, IT CLOSETS PROJECT PROJECT NO. 442-14-06S 1 Project: 442-23-006 Project Name: Warehouse Shelving and Floor Repair Project Scope Purpose The purpose of this Statement of Work (SOW) is to modify and refresh the warehouse space in building 12 at the Cheyenne VA Medical Center. This project is located at the Cheyenne VA Medical Center Campus at 2360 East Pershing Blvd., Cheyenne WY, 82001. All local and federal standards and requirements shall be met. All outages and shutdowns shall be closely coordinated with the Contracting Officer Representative (COR) with minimum 14-day notice. Project Requirements The expectation for this project is to successfully facilitate the modify and refresh of the warehouse and shipping and receiving space in building 12. All work shall be planned and scheduled to minimize the construction activity impact on the operation of the warehouse and medical center. All work shall be conducted with strict adherence to Cheyenne Medical Center and Veteran s Health Administration regulations and dust mitigation requirements. Demo and dispose of space saver system in the warehouse building 12 from South half of the warehouse storage area. Anticipated work to include the following: Shelving Raised structure tracks flooring Electrical or mechanical mechanisms Correct south warehouse area flooring discrepancies. The approximate square footage is 1491 (37 -8½ by 39 -6 ). Repair damaged and unlevel floor with self-leveling concrete. Provide epoxy resinous floor with dark gray decorative color flakes, Dur-a-flex or equal. Final finish shall be dark, textured and slip resistant. Contractor shall install VA provided racks in the south half of the warehouse area after floor discrepancies are corrected and finished floor is cured. Verify final rack layout with COR prior to installation (approximately twenty (20) racks). Correct north warehouse area flooring discrepancies. The approximate square footage is 1073 (27 -2 by 39 -6 ). Repair damaged and unlevel floor with self-leveling concrete. Provide epoxy resinous floor with dark gray decorative color flakes, Dur-a-flex or equal. Final finish shall be dark, textured and slip resistant. Contractor shall install VA provided steel racks to the North area and perimeter walls once floor discrepancies are corrected and finished floor is cured. Verify final rack layout with COR prior to installation (approximately fifteen (15) racks). Contractor shall remove and dispose of existing workstation in shipping and receiving area. Existing workstation is multi-level, approximately 12 long with wings on North and South sides. South Warehouse dock (facing the hospital): Demo and remove garage door and tracks. Replace garage door with new automatic roll up door. Door shall include the following: Contractor shall provide Overhead Door Cooperation Rolling Service Door, series 625 or equal. Provide with 1 vision lites. Shall be brown or darker color. Commercial insulated. Security, steel quality. Electric assisted: Contractor shall provide Overhead Door Cooperation RSX series operator or equal. Contractor shall utilize existing electrical panel. Designed to fit current location (approx. 8 foot height by approx. 7 foot width). Demo and dispose of existing dock leveler: Dock leveler is approximately 7 foot by 7 foot. Provide exterior concrete wall flush with building façade. Contractor shall match existing adjacent wall texture and finishes. Infill remainder of void space with engineered fill and concrete as required. Finish shall be flush with adjacent floor. North Warehouse dock (facing building 13): Demo and remove dock leveler, shelter, and garage door and track. Replace garage door with new automatic roll up door: Overhead Door Cooperation Rolling Service Door, series #625 or equal. Provide with 1 vision lites. Commercial insulated. Security steel quality. Shall be brown or darker color. Electric assisted: Contractor shall provide Overhead Door Cooperation RSX series operator or equal. Contractor shall utilize existing electrical panel. Designed to fit current location (approx. 8 foot height by approx. 7 foot width). Replace existing dock leveler with new automatic loading dock leveler: Serco HFC series or equal. Electric assisted: Contractor shall utilize existing electrical panel. Provide with integrated dock master control panel, Serco or equal. Minimum 20,000 lb. capacity. Designed to fit current location (approx. 7 foot by approx. 7 foot). Replace North and South dock seals with new dock seals: Serco series #S-700 or equal. Endurance tested foam core. Roll-formed galvanized steel frame. Full access loading. Designed to fit current location (header approx. 8 foot, sides approx. 8 foot each). Correct shipping and receiving area flooring discrepancies once workstation has been removed. The approximate square footage is 945 (42 -115/16 by 22 -87/16 ). Repair damaged and unlevel floor with self-leveling concrete. Provide epoxy resinous floor with dark gray decorative color flakes, Dur-a-flex or equal. Final finish shall be dark, textured and slip resistant. Provide replacement workstation for existing workstation in warehouse shipping and receiving area: Workstation shall be 12 feet long by 30 inches deep running North to South Provide 3 foot long by 30 inch depth cabinet wing on South end of workstation. Cabinet shall have two (2) shelves. Cabinet shall be able to house existing printer. Provide sliding doors on shelves to limit dust infiltration. Provide drawers on portion of workstation running North to South. Entire workstation shall be 42 inches tall. Workstation shall be constructed out of wood. Workstation shall be provided with solid-surface countertop, Meganite or equal. Match color with finished floor. Refer to workstation plans for additional information. Fire Sprinkler head location adjustment as needed with garage door replacement. Existing electrical panel appears to have capacity for additional electrical load introduced from this project. Contractor shall price all required breakers, conduit and wire necessary for renovation. During construction if panel modification is deemed necessary, notify COR of issue for discussion prior to ordering of new electrical equipment. Phasing Timeline To limit the impact on the medical operations of the VAMC, the below outline construction phases will be followed but are subject to change. Coordinate and schedule each phase with COR for minimal disruption and to account for stakeholder work/activities. Phasing Areas are identified while bullets are individual operations needed. Order of individual operations can be discussed with COR for sequence change for improved schedule opportunities. Phasing areas are locked in. Phase 1: South half of the warehouse storage area Placed dust mitigation to isolate the work area. Contractor shall keep pathway available for access to and from mail room located on southern portion of building. Access can be gained by door located on SW of building near south dock. Once floor is ready for final finish contractor shall coordinate installation with mail room staff after hours. Mail room shall remain functional and accessible during normal business hours (0800 1630). Demo and dispose of space saver shelving system. Correct floor discrepancies on the phase 1 work area and provide epoxy resinous floor with dark gray decorative color flakes, Dur-a-flex or equal. Final finish shall be dark, textured and slip resistant. Install VA provided steel racks. Coordinate layout with COR prior to installation. Phase 2: North half of the warehouse storage area Placed dust mitigation to isolate the work area. Correct floor discrepancies on the phase 2 work area and provide epoxy resinous floor with dark gray decorative color flakes, Dur-a-flex or equal. Final finish shall be dark, textured and slip resistant. Install VA provided steel racks. Coordinate layout with COR prior to installation. Phase 3: Shipping and receiving area of the warehouse. Placed dust mitigation to isolate the work area. Demo and dispose of North dock leveler. Demo and dispose of South dock leveler. Infill void space of removed south dock leveler with concrete flush with adjacent floor. Remove existing workstation. Correct floor discrepancies on the phase 3 work area and provide epoxy resinous floor with dark gray decorative color flakes, Dur-a-flex or equal. Final finish shall be dark, textured and slip resistant. Demo and remove North and South roll up door and tracks. Install new North dock leveler. Install new automation dock roll up doors. Demo and dispose of existing dock seals. Install new dock seals. Install new workstation. Contractor Responsibilities The drawings show a general arrangement of systems areas but do not show all required equipment, racks, desk, shelves, etc. that may be necessary to field coordinate and install the system. It is the contractor s responsibility to field coordinate with existing infrastructure and supply all labor and materials necessary to provide a complete and working system as outlined in the construction documents. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to properly assess the contract documents and existing site conditions for the installation of the work prior to providing their bid. Contractor shall assess the contract drawings for the installation of the work as called out in the drawings and specifications. Contractor and/or sub-contractors shall be responsible for timely and accurate determination of work to be performed. Contractor to submit manufacturer s literature, product drawings, coordination drawings, electrical drawings for COR review and approval of new equipment and materials (coiling doors, door operators, workstation, dock leveler, dock shelter, etc.). Contractors shall adhere to the VAMC s facility security requirements, including preparation of a fire safety plan, protection of all existing facility improvements and coordination with the COR. All requests for any clarification shall be forwarded by the VAMC s Contracting Officer (CO) and copy the Contracting Officer Representative (COR). Contractor and/or sub-contractors shall perform all necessary investigations and work to determine and verify work can be performed as specified. Contractor and/or sub-contractors shall provide all materials and equipment as well as installation as required in the specifications and drawings. Contractor and/or sub-contractors shall provide material submittals to the Engineer of Record and COR for review and approval prior to purchase or installation. Contractor and/or sub-contractors are responsible for providing all tools and equipment necessary to perform this work. The medical center must remain operational throughout the construction period. Any required shutdowns shall be the coordinated through the COR and a minimum of 14 days prior to the proposed date of the shutdown. All work performed and specified shall comply with applicable Local, State, and Federal code requirements, and VA Master Construction Specifications. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to understand and comply with all applicable municipal, county, state, and federal codes, laws, ordinances, standards, rules and regulations. The Contractor will provide a final phasing plan that is coordinated with phasing information provided in the construction documents for COR approval. The contractor shall meet all specifications and approved drawings. The contractor will be held responsible for any damages to VA property and shall replace any damage in full. The contractor shall meet the safety requirements of OSHA and VA. The contractor shall meet all deadlines for construction. The contractor shall identify to the COR any possible problems and or deficiencies if they foresee a future problem related to the construction of the project. Electronic/Digital Deliverables/Hard Copies CD set with above documents (Report, Summary Report, Handwritten Notes) in a PDF format. PDF Format and Hard copy book of Operation and Maintenance Manuals of new equipment. An electronic copy of redline drawings of the completed work in the latest AutoCAD version or pdf. Safety & Training: The Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA) requires strict adherence to the Code of Federal Regulations 29, Part 1926. This includes the requirement that the contractor have a Competent Person on the job at all times (must have a 30-hour OSHA card), and that all contractor employees have received a minimum of ten (10) hours of OSHA construction safety training. Documentation of these requirements shall be submitted and approved prior to performing the work. Contractor must submit a company Site Specific Safety Plan (SSSP) that must be approved by VA Safety prior to work beginning. This plan shall detail fire, construction, and health-related safety measures, in addition to listing Training Records for all employees for the previous year. A company standard or boilerplate safety plan will not be acceptable plan should contain a detailed hazard analysis for each element of construction to be performed in the form of an Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA) or Job Hazard Analysis (JHA). This entire project shall conform to 100% of all VA standards and specifications, OSHA, AIA Construction Guidelines, Joint Commission Environment of Care Standards, and applicable building codes. The Contractor shall be responsible for the health and safety of their own employees. The VA will inform the Contractor of any hazards such as designated permit confined spaces, electrical hazards, etc. which may affect Contractor employees. The Contractor must take precautions appropriate for the safety of their employees as well as provide equipment necessary for these actions. Contractor employees will notify the VA Representative before entering a designated permit required confined space, so precautions can be taken in advance of the work. The Contractor shall adhere to VHA Directive 1192.01: Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Program for VHA Healthcare Personnel. The VHA Directive requires all HCP covered by the policy to receive the annual seasonal influenza vaccination. All contractors and subcontractors will follow COVID screenings and mask regulations per CDC policy and VHA Directives. The Contractor is responsible for protection of existing finishes, and VA property (FF&E), located in the areas where preventative maintenance and repair work is being performed, as well as along paths of travel to and from these areas. Both exterior and interior finishes and property must be maintained. The contractor is liable for any damage to VA property during the contract. Any damage to existing finishes must be repaired by the Contractor to equal or greater quality than existing finishes. All tasks accomplished by the Contractor personnel will be performed to preclude damage or disfigurement of government-owned furnishing, fixtures, equipment and architectural or building structures. Contractor will report any damage or disfigurement to these items when caused by the Contractor s personnel and will perform repairs or replace government-owned equipment, fixtures, furnishings, grounds and architectural or building structures to their previously existing condition. Comply with the requirements of the Div. 01 Safety Requirement s specification. A competent person must always be on site who has completed OHSA s 30-hour construction safety course per VA directive 2011-036. All other employees of general contractor must at a minimum has completed the OSHA 10-hour construction worker course and /or other relevant competency training, as determined by VA CP with input from the ICRA team. Provide a Site Safety and Health Officer (SSHO) in accordance with the specifications. Submit training records of all such employees for approval before the start of work. The contractor shall not mobilize until these and other requirements outlined in Division 1 specifications are met. Physical Security Requirements: The contractor shall comply with agency personal identity verification procedures identified in the contract that implement homeland security presidential directive-12 (hspd-12), office of management and budget (OMB) guidance m-05-24, and federal information processing standards publication (FIPS pub) number 201. The contractor shall insert this clause in all subcontracts when the subcontractor is required to have routine physical access to a federally controlled facility and/or routine access to a federally controlled information system. Every worker must wear a valid VA ID badge at all times to work on this site. The VA Police will issue day badges to workers who produce valid IDs. Right-to-work documentation will be required for workers who are not US citizens. Dust Mitigation Requirements: Provide active means to control airborne dust from dispersing into occupied areas and/or water mist surface to control dust (e.g., Mobile Dust Containment Cart or some other system). Seal doors to areas not a part of the scope are to prevent dust migration. Waste materials shall be removed in a clean and controlled manner for the project. Contain all trash and debris in the work area. Perform daily cleaning and disposal of trash (covered) from work area using an identified exit route. Any equipment, tools, or materials removed from the work area must be in sealed containers and/or cleaned of dust and debris prior to removal from the area. Nonporous/smooth and cleanable containers (with a hard lid) must be used to transport trash and debris from the construction areas. These containers must be damp-wiped cleaned and free of visible dust/debris before leaving the contained work area. Maintain clean surroundings when area is not contained by damp mopping or HEPA vacuuming surfaces at least daily. There shall be no standing water during construction. This includes water in equipment drip pans and open containers within the construction areas. All accidental spills must be cleaned up and dried within 12 hours. Remove and dispose of porous materials that remain damp for more than 72 hours. All work will be performed per the Contractor submitted and approved VA schedule, updated on a weekly basis, and the COR shall be notified at least 14 calendar days in advance the proposed areas that will undergo construction. All scheduling of areas will be coordinated with the relevant hospital personnel by the COR to minimize impact to normal hospital functions. Fire sprinkler lines will be down less than four hours unless otherwise approved by the COR. All sprinkler line shutdowns shall be coordinated with the COR at least 2 weeks in advance. Final Cleanup: Upon completion of project, or as work progresses, remove all construction debris from above ceiling, vertical shafts and utility chases that have been part of the construction. Perform HEPA vacuum cleaning of all surfaces in the construction area. This includes walls, ceilings, cabinets, furniture (built-in or free standing), partitions, flooring, etc. All cleaning performed by the Contractor shall be per Cheyenne VA hospital standards prior to turning the area over for use by the VA. Hours of Work Work shall be planned and scheduled to minimize the construction activity impact on the operation of the medical center. Work requiring system shutdowns, utility interruptions, critical infection control work, or potential interruption of power or HVAC to critical areas of the Medical Center will require extensive coordination and planning with the COR and will require at least 14 days notice. This work and high noise producing work is to occur outside of normal agency operations hours and on weekends. All other work is expected to occur within agency normal operation hours of Monday through Friday from 8:00am 4:30pm (MST). Schedule and Period of Performance Construction shall be completed 60 calendar days from Notice to Proceed. This period of performance includes considerations for long lead equipment times and phasing of the project. The hours of work shall take place during the normal business hours of 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday, Federal Holidays excluded. Request for weekend, after-hour, and Federal holiday work is permitted with a request in writing submitted beforehand. Off hours are not to billed as overtime. Federal Holidays and any other day declared a federal holiday by the President of the United States are defined below. New Year s Day Martin Luther King Jr s Day Presidents Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Columbus Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Juneteenth Day If a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday will be observed as the National Holiday. When a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday is observed as a National Holiday by the U.S. Government. All work is to have a limited impact on the facility, veterans, and employees. This may require evening or weekend hours and will be identified in the schedule. All after hours work should be scheduled in advance. All work shall be scheduled and performed within the date and time approved by the COR, in conjunction with the department occupying the space served by this equipment. Code & Regulation Compliance The Contractor shall comply with the public laws and statutes including all changes and amendments of federal, state, and local environmental statutes and regulations in effect of date of issuance of this delivery order, including, the applicable portions of the documents cited in the basic contract and below. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): NFPA 70 National Electrical Code NFPA 99-2015 Healthcare Facilities Code NFPA 101 Life Safety Code International Code Council (ICC): IBC: International Building, 2015 Building Officials and Code Administrators International (BOCA), 1999 International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO): UBC 1997: Uniform Building Code 29 CFR 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards 29 CFR 1926 Safety and Health Regulations for Construction Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) Underwriters Laboratories 2018 International Plumbing Code SBCCI Standard Plumbing Code Submittals Contractor shall submit the following prior to beginning scope of work: Project schedule with sequencing, durations, phasing, and cost loading within 10 working days of Notice to Proceed (NTP), and monthly with invoices. Site Specific Safety Plan (SSSP) SSSP to be submitted to VA Safety staff for review 10 working days after issuance of NTP. SSSP to be approved by VA Safety staff prior to start of construction activities. Construction Demolition Removal / Handover Plan Inspection reports, manufacturer approval certificates, and warranties. Penetration and or hot work permits as necessary. Manufacturer and construction warranties as noted in specifications. Project Schedule including sequencing and durations. SOV Schedule of Value The schedule will be provided to COR 10 working days prior to start of the work. Site superintendent OSHA-30, and tradesmen/laborer OSHA-10 certificates. OSHA-30 certified technician shall be onsite anytime work is being performed. Material Submittals Submit for COR approval Physical and electronic Redline drawings of the completed work. Technical literature and/or descriptions of all materials, equipment and tools proposed for use by the Contractor shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer or his/her designee for approval prior to contract start and whenever a change is required. All Contractor-furnished materials, equipment and tools used shall be standard products all manufacturers regularly engaged in the production of such items. The Contractor shall secure all materials. The Government assumes no liability for loss of or damage to Contractor-owned property held upon Government premises. Contractor shall submit hours worked, full report of completed piping which shall include location, hours worked, the full name of Contractor s employees on site, and digital photographs before and after work is completed. Reports shall be submitted within one day upon completion of work performed. Contractor will provide a completed redline drawing of the completed routing of piping. Reports shall be provided in hard copy as well as in an agreeable and compatible electronic format such as, but not limited to, pdf or Microsoft Word. Historic Preservation Where the Contractor or any of the Contractor's employees, prior to, or during the construction work, are advised of or discover any possible archeological, historical and/or cultural resources, the Contractor shall immediately notify the COR verbally, and then with a written follow up. Privacy Statement Information Security: The C&A requirements do not apply; a Security Accreditation Package is not required. Incidental exposure to protected health information may occur from accessing the work site. Staff will follow all Privacy & Security policies and procedures. Post Construction Quality Validation - END OF SOW-

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • 6162 S WILLOW DR SUITE 300
  • Greenwood Village , CO 80111
  • USA

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