Amendment 0001 See attached documents for W912P523R0003 Amendment 0001: W912P523R0003, Excel version of W912P523R0003 Price Schedule, Exhibit A-G_Rev 1 ________________________________________***YOU MUST USE THE PIEE-SOLICITATION LINK BELOW IN THIS DESCRIPTION BLOCK TO ACCESS ALL SOLICITATION DOCUMENTS.*** This solicitation is OPEN TO SMALL BUSINESS PARTICIPATION only. All contractors must be registered and have an active and verified account in the System for Award Management (SAM) to receive a contract award from any DoD activity. Contractors may access the Internet site at: to register and/or obtain information about the SAM program. Contractors must ensure that the applicable NAICS code 561210 is included in their profile prior to submission of offer. SYSTEM FOR AWARD MANAGEMENT (SAM) REGISTRATION: Please be advised of on-line registration requirements for Contractor Registration and for Representations and Certifications Application which are now located in System for Award Management SAM database at The representations and certifications section in SAM are required to be updated annually as a minimum to keep information current, accurate and complete. The electronic annual representations and certifications are effective for one year from the date of initial submission and expire on an annual basis from the update to SAM.ATTENTION: DUNS TO UNIQUE ENTITY ID: Starting Monday, April 4, 2022, you can no longer see or use the DUNS Number anywhere in The new Unique Entity ID will be the official governmentwide identifier used for federal awards. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Nashville District Contracting Division has a requirement to provide Operations and Maintenance Services at Dale Hollow Lake project. Dale Hollow Lake is located on the Obey River, 100 miles east of Nashville, TN and thirty (30) miles north of Cookeville, TN. The areas of work are located in Clay, Overton, Fentress, and Pickett counties in Tennessee; also in Clinton and Cumberland counties in Kentucky. Principal cities in the area are Celina, Livingston, and Byrdstown in Tennessee; Albany and Burkesville in Kentucky. Work items include: 1. Grass Mowing and Maintenance of Landscaped Areas 2. Cleaning Services ? Recreational Facilities and Areas 3. Janitorial Services 4. Facility Repair, Maintenance, and Other Non-Routine Work 5. Cleaning Services at Primitive Sites 6. Herbicide Application 7. Dumpster Collection Services 8. Marking and Painting Boundary Lines 9. System Monitoring and Testing 10. Beach and Playground Maintenance 11. Pavement Striping and Sealing 12. Maintenance of Navigation Aids INQUIRIES: A bidder inquiry key is included in the solicitation. Questions regarding the solicitation must be submitted via Bidder Inquiry in ProjNet at: PROPOSAL SUBMISSION TRANSITION TO PIEE SOLICITATION MODULE: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Nashville District, is in the process of transitioning to using the PIEE Solicitation Module for Electronic Quote/Bid/Proposal Submissions, to replace the use of DoD SAFE and email transmissions. The PIEE Solicitation Module provides a capability for secure, timestamped submission of contractor proposals, bids, quotes and was designed specifically to capture the documentation needed to memorialize the date and time of offer submissions, as well as to retain those files and the attendant time and date stamps. It supports large file sizes of 1.9 GB per file, with no limit on the number of files, as well as multiple file formats. Also, the module is integrated with the System for Award Management (SAM), Contract Opportunity, that contains the notices in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation Part 5 requirements. SAM solicitation notices will now contain an accessible link of the posting in PIEE. Solicitation attachments will no longer be included in; however, they will be available for download on PIEE in the Solicitation module. Also, the specific instructions on offer submission using the PIEE Solicitation Module will be included in the solicitation. You are highly encouraged to start your registration in PIEE for access to the Solicitation module application and set up an account. This will assist in streamlining the submission process for future Contract Opportunities issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Nashville District. To submit a Quote/Bid/Proposal in the PIEE Solicitation Module, a vendor must create or have an account with the Proposal Manager Role. Additionally, the users e-mail address in PIEE must match the e-mail address on file in Your company must-1) Be registered with an active registration on the website. There is no cost to use SAM. It is MANDATORY that all vendors be registered on the website to receive contracts.2) Be registered in the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) for the Solicitation Module with the Proposal Manger role. There are ten (10) Steps to accomplish the above which can be found on the PIEE website. The complete list of the Steps can be found at to submit an offer is available as a DEMO or PDF that can be found at: Instructions on how to register for the Solicitation (Application) Module if you already have PIEE access, but do not have access to the Solicitation module is available as a DEMO or PDF that can be found at: FOR PIEE Vendor Registration: PIEEVendor Customer Support Page: PIEEHelp Desk e-mail address: Help Desk phone number: (866) 618-5988.