Fleet Week Port Everglades Command Center
Award Details
- Contract Award Date: Apr 17, 2023
- Contract Award Number: N6883623P0119
- Task/Delivery Order Number:
- Modification Number:
- Contractor Awarded Unique Entity ID:
General Information
- Contract Opportunity Type: Justification (Original)
- Original Published Date: Apr 18, 2023 09:43 am EDT
- Inactive Policy: 30 days after published date
- Original Inactive Date:
- Initiative:
- None
- Product Service Code:
- NAICS Code:
- Place of Performance: , FL 33316USA
FLEET WEEK PORT EVERGLADES is an annual, large, Navy sanctioned event held in the City of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Commander, Navy Region Southeast is directed to establish a U.S. NAVY COMMAND CENTER in which the ashore established facility will have certain capabilities in order to support multiple layers of coordination between local, state and federal agencies in support of the Schedule of Events; force protection for multiple Naval units and community events to support the Naval Public Affairs mission. Based on these mission requirements the following required capabilities are identified: reliable communication; sufficient IT support to include suitable connectivity for approximately 40 personnel from several federal and state agencies. Specifically the following rental and services are needed:
CABLE TV – standard service from 21-30 April 2023, to include installation and removal of TV antenna.
SOFAS – QTY 2 Each, shall be vinyl or leather, with seating capacity for four (4) or more adults from 21-30 April 2023.
CHAIRS – QTY 40 Each, Folding or Stackable, shall be able to fit under tables (see 3.1.5), from
21-30 April 2023. For Briefing area (see enclosure 1).
FORTY-INCH (40") – 1 Each, Flat Screen TV with STAND; from 21-30 April 2023.
TABLES – QTY 20 Each, shall be 6 Foot in Length from 21-30 April 2023.
TABLE CLOTHS – QTY 20 Each, Size to Fit Tables 6 Foot in Length. Color can be Blue, black or white cloth. All cloths shall be the same color.
TELEPHONE (CELL) – QTY 10 Each, to include long distance in the USA; from 21-30 April 2023.
INTERNET CONNECTIVITY- Internet connections to support total of twenty (20) Each computers from 21-30 April 2023 to be distributed as follows: Fourteen (14) computers connections in Command Center (CC), and six (6) computers connections in Public Affairs (PA).
WIFI CONNECTIVITY- Wi-Fi signal to support 20 devices, not to interfere with internet connectivity listed above (see 3.1.8); from 21-30 April 2023.
Contact Information
Primary Point of Contact
- Mrs. Peiney Allerton
- peiney.t.allerton.civ@us.navy.mil
- Phone Number 9043379324