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General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Solicitation (Updated)
  • Updated Published Date: Jun 28, 2023 08:06 pm EDT
  • Original Published Date: Jun 09, 2023 04:26 pm EDT
  • Updated Date Offers Due: Jul 10, 2023 06:00 pm EDT
  • Original Date Offers Due: Jul 10, 2023 05:00 pm EDT
  • Inactive Policy: Manual
  • Updated Inactive Date: Jul 24, 2023
  • Original Inactive Date: Jul 25, 2023
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • NAICS Code:
    • 237110 - Water and Sewer Line and Related Structures Construction
  • Place of Performance:
    Tobyhanna , PA 18466


SOLICITATION #: W912BU23R0026 ? TYAD Utilities The scope of work for this project at Tobyhanna Army Depot is to replace the existing sanitary, water and storm systems and repave existing roadways as shown in the design plans and according to the project breakout and phasing as demonstrated in the Design Analysis Report. The new storm system and roadways will only be installed in the Army Depot secured Industrial Area generally defined as the area within First Street to Sixth Street and Gibbs Street to Myer Street and including Electronics Drive. The existing sanitary sewer mains will be removed and replaced generally in place with new PVC mains, and existing manholes will be replaced with precast concrete manholes. Sanitary sewer service lines to adjacent buildings will be replaced to within 5 feet of the building and new cleanouts will be installed. Some existing sanitary manholes and mains will be abandoned in place and filled with flowable fill as depicted in the design plans. The existing water mains, valves and fire hydrants will be replaced generally, in place with new ductile iron mains, valves and fire hydrants and protective bollards. Water and fire connections to the mains will be re-connected to the new mains as depicted in the design plans. Some existing water mains will be abandoned in place and filled with flowable fill as depicted in the design plans. Install new air vacuum valves and vaults as shown in the design plans. Portions of the existing storm system within the Industrial Area will be replaced and supplemented with new RCP pipe and precast concrete inlets. Portions of the existing storm system mains to the outfalls will be lined as depicted in the design plans. Connections to the storm sewer mains from building downspouts will be provided as depicted in the design plans. The paving of the main roadway network within the Industrial Area will be replaced with new paving to enable more efficient and sufficient drainage of storm runoff. Affected sidewalks will be replaced and parking areas will be milled and overlaid as shown in the design plans. New striping for travel way lines, parking areas and crosswalks will be replaced in kind or as otherwise shown on the design plans. Location The work is located at the Tobyhanna Army Depot, Tobyhanna, PA, approximately as indicated. The exact location will be shown by the Government Designated Representative (GDR).OCCUPANCY OF PREMISES Building(s) will be occupied during performance of work under this Contract. Occupancy notifications will be posted in a prominent location in the work area. Ensure there is always proper means of access and egress to/from the building safely through the work site if necessary, in clearly marked and protected pathways. Any building entrance closures must be approved by the GDR. Before work is started, arrange with the GDR a sequence of procedure, means of access, space for storage of materials and equipment, and use of approaches, corridors, and stairways. EXISTING WORK In addition to FAR 52.236-9 Protection of Existing Vegetation, Structures, Equipment, Utilities, and Improvements :a. Remove or alter existing work in such a manner as to prevent injury or damage to any portions of the existing work which remain. b. Repair or replace portions of existing work which have been altered during construction operations to match existing or adjoining work, as approved by the GDR. At the completion of operations, existing work must be in a condition equal to or better than that which existed before new work started. c. Remove all temporary construction access/egress elements and return the any alteration made during the construction period to and acceptable finished quality level. LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES Obtain digging permits prior to start of excavation, and comply with Installation requirements for locating and marking underground utilities. Contact local utility locating service a minimum of 48 hours prior to excavating, to mark utilities, and within sufficient time required if work occurs on a Monday or after a Holiday. Verify existing utility locations indicated on contract drawings, within area of work. Identify and mark all other utilities not managed and located by the local utility companies. Scan the construction site with Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), electromagnetic, or sonic equipment, and mark the surface of the ground or paved surface where existing underground utilities are discovered. Verify the elevations of existing piping, utilities, and any type of underground or encased obstruction not indicated, or specified to be removed, that is indicated or discovered during scanning, in locations to be traversed by piping, ducts, and other work to be conducted or installed. Verify elevations before installing new work closer than nearest manhole or other structure at which an adjustment in grade can be made. Instructions to Offerors (ITO)The US Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District wishes to place a Firm Fixed Price (FFP) Contract for W912BU-23-R-0026 TYAD Utilities. The attached PWS/SOW describes this effort. THIS ITO IS NOT AN AUTHORIZATION TO START WORK.1. Please adhere to the following timelines :If you choose to submit a proposal, it shall be submitted as follows by 10July 2023 by 0500 PM EST :Proposals shall be submitted electronically as specified herein. Mailed in or hand carried proposals will not be considered. All proposals shall be submitted electronically through the Solicitation Module of the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) website at Offerors files are limited to 1.9 GB per file, however there is no limit on the number of files that can be uploaded. If an Offeror attempts to transmit a large number of files, recommend that combining or ZIP files before uploading to the PIEE site. Offerors may use compression utility software such as WinZip or PKZip to reduce file size and facilitate transmission. It is Offerors? responsibility to check with PIEE to ensure successful submission. Offerors are responsible for allowing sufficient time for the proposal to be received in accordance with the instructions provided. All offerors must request TDY Utilities Plans via email from Deah Gerard-May at . Accordingly, the Philadelphia District will NOT accept proposals by mail, hand-carry, or commercial courier (that is, no physical proposals will be accepted in response to this solicitation). All proposals must be submitted by electronic commerce only (that is, by submission through PIEE, as discussed below).The Government will not be responsible for proposals delivered to any location or to anyone other than those designated to receive proposals on its behalf. Offerors are responsible for ensuring that proposals are submitted so as to reach the designated recipient of proposals. Offerors are responsible for allowing sufficient time for the proposal to be received in accordance with the instructions provided. Electronic Proposal Submission in PIEE: In accordance with FAR 15.203(c), electronic commerce may be used to issue Request for Proposals (RFPs) and to receive proposals, modifications, and revisions when contracting by negotiation. Proposals will be submitted through PIEE ( All proposals must be uploaded into PIEE infrastructure not later than the RFP due date stated in Block 13 of the SF1442 or per any subsequent solicitation amendments. Training material and guides for registering and submitting proposals can be found below and is provided to assist in locating the full scope of resources available on the PIEE website:? PIEE Solicitation Module Vendor Access Instructions : For instructions on how to post an offer, please refer to the Posting Offer demo: Additional training and PIEE Solicitation Module resources can be found on the PIEE website at: are two vendor roles (Proposal Manager and Proposal View Only) for the PIEE Solicitation Module. The Proposal Manager role is required to submit an offer to a solicitation posted in the PIEE Solicitation Module. Additionally, please be advised that when using the PIEE Solicitation Module, the user?s e-mail address in PIEE must match the e-mail address on file in OFFERORS ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO AVOID WAITING UNTIL THELAST MINUTE TO ATTEMPT TO TRANSMIT THEIR PROPOSALS. TECHNICALISSUES WITH UPLOAD MAY RENDER YOUR PROPOSAL TO BE LATE. Receipt of Submissions For the purposes of establishing whether a proposal submission is considered timely, the Government considers the date and time the submission is completely uploaded in the PIEE website. Do not assume that electronic communication is instantaneous. It can take several minutes or even hours in some cases. The electronic proposal submittal contents shall conform to the details of the solicitation and subsequent amendments. Each volume of the proposal shall be submitted electronically as detailed above. The Government intends for PIEE to serve as the primary means for submitting the proposals. Accordingly, proposals received by email, modifications thereto, or cancellations of proposals will not be accepted unless the Offeror sends an email containing the required proposal documents along with an explanation as to why the proposal was not submitted via PIEE. Emails are to be sent to the Contract Specialist and the Contracting Officer and must be received by the Government electronic infrastructure prior to the exact time set for receipt of proposals. The Offeror will be solely responsible for ensuring that the email and the proposal in its entirety are received timely. The emailed version will then serve as the Offeror?s official submission. Late proposals will be handled in accordance with FAR 15.208.2. Instructions:1. Offers, consisting of Cost/Price as well as Technical and Past Performance information, shall be submitted. Offerors are permitted to provide ONLYONE Offer for consideration; if more than ONE offer is received, the offerors responses may be determined unacceptable and will not be evaluated or considered for award. Alternate quotes that are received as the result of a revised understanding of the requirement as the result of a site visit may be accepted at the proposal submission date. The alternate proposal however is limited to ONE. There is a 75-pagelimitation for the proposal(not including the schedule). Offerors are required to satisfy all requirements of the PWS/SOW that is attached.2. As seen below, Volume II shall be the completed Excel workbook entitled ?Electronic Bid Form TYAD Utilities.xlsx.? The SF1449 along with Representations and Certifications, and any amendment(s) must be Submitted/acknowledged as part of Volume II. Volume II- Cost/PriceThe Summary Workbook shall consist of a breakdown of the following worksheets (as detailed below). Attached is the format for the Summary Workbook entitled ?Electronic Bid Form TYAD Utilities Cost-Price.xlsx.?a. Summaryi. The Offeror shall submit a Microsoft Excel file (workbook- entitled ?Electronic Bid Form TYAD Utilities. xlsx?) that calculates and includes the formulas necessary to develop a summary worksheet (single tab within workbook) which provides the summary of total cost/price for the entire Summary of work. Offeror may also fill out bid schedule on SF1449at the time of submission. b. Worksheet for the Summary of Work i. Each worksheet shall have a summary by cost element. Contractors are required to complete each tab of the worksheet for TYAD Utilities ii. Offerors shall propose any costs associated with Contractor Manpower Reporting, as a separate cost on your summary, or specifically state that this is not separately priced in the pricing methodology (separate worksheet if necessary).Volume I- Past Performance, Management and Small Business Participation Plan Factors Please see Section M below for detailed information on evaluation of Management, Past Performance, Small Business Participation Plan andPrice.1. The contractor shall provide a narrative which addresses all subfactors (A, B, C, D and E) under Volume 1.Offerors will submit separate CPARS report or past performance questionnaires for up to three (3) similar projects completed within the last 5 years as a prime or subcontractor for Factor 1. One such project should total $20M or more and the other 2should total $10M or more. Notes for Volume I and II: This is a Firm Fixed Price Contract type and price must be submitted in accordance with the worksheet provided. Offers submitted by email shall have a subject line in the following format: ?Solicitation Number-Proposal-Contractor Name? (example W912BU-23-R-0026-RFP -Acme Company), failure to submit emails in this format may result in your offer no longer being considered for award. Offers submitted via email as attachments shall be submitted in Adobe Acrobat for Volume I and Excel format for Volume II. There is a 75-page limitation on the entire proposal submission(excluding the schedule).3. IMPORTANT NOTES: This Contract is governed, insofar as applicable, by the procedures set forth in FAR 15.3 Source Selection. FAR 15 (Contracting by Negotiation) procedures shall not apply to this task order, either directly or by analogy, except to the extent required by FAR15.3. FAR and FAR 15.101-1. 15.101-1 (Tradeoff Source Selection Process) will apply to this contract. Submission of a proposal in response to this RFP constitutes the offerors express acknowledgment to that effect. All other procedures are at the sole discretion of the Government as set forth in this RFP. The Government intends to evaluate proposals and award a FFP contract to the offeror that provides the best value to the Government.4. Additional Information4. Additional Information: Please email any questions including technical questions you may have regarding this effort to, and the Contracting Officer will coordinate a response. DISCUSSIONSThe PCO may conduct discussions with each offeror for clarification purposes, after the evaluation team has conducted their reviews. However, it should be noted that the PCO reserves the right to award without discussions. If discussions re conducted, after the conclusion of said discussions, any new information received from the offerors will be evaluated. This evaluation will be documented in a supplement to the Initial Evaluation Report (Interim Evaluation Report)and will consist of an update, which addresses each factor and subfactor of the Initial Evaluation Report SITE VISITA site visit is scheduled for Tuesday, June 20th, 2023 at 0900 EST at TDY Army Depot in Tobyhanna, PA. All interested parties must notify Joseph Durkin at by 14 June 2023 of said interest as well as complete applicable documentation to be provided by said POC. RFIs All RFIs are to be submitted within 7 calendar days of the Site Visit.

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • PHILADELPHIA , PA 19103-0000
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact
