CONTACT INFORMATION|4|N744.11|WWV|717-605-7296||
HIGHER-LEVEL CONTRACT QUALITY REQUIREMENT (NAVICP REVIEW FEB 1991)(FEB 1999)|1|See specifications on section C and E |
WIDE AREA WORKFLOW PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS (JAN 2023)|16|Invoice and Receiving Report Combo|NA|TBD|N00104|TBD|TBD|N50286|TBD|||NA|Certification N39040|||||
WARRANTY OF SUPPLIES OF A NONCOMPLEX NATURE (JUNE 2003)|6|1 Year|365 Days After Last Delivery Under This Contract |||||
1.DD1423 Data Item A001 (Inspection and Test Plan) may be waived if already on file at NAVSUP WSS Mechanicsburg.
2. All contractual documents (i.e. contracts, purchase orders, task orders, delivery orders, and modifications) related to the instant procurement are considered to be "issued" by the Government when copies are either deposited in the mail, transmitted by
facsimile, or sent by other electronic commerce methods, such as email. The Government's acceptance of the contractor's proposal constitutes bilateral agreement to "issue" contractual documents as detailed here in.
3.The following proposed delivery schedule applies:
Submission of all certification data CDRLS 20 days prior to delivery.
PNSY review/acceptance of certification CDRLS 6 working days after receipt
Final delivery of material (186 days)
1.1 The material covered in this contract/purchase order will be used in a crucial shipboard system. The use of incorrect or defective material would create a high probability of failure resulting in serious personnel injury, loss of life, loss of vital
shipboard systems, or loss of the ship itself. Therefore, the material has been designated as SPECIAL EMPHASIS material (Level I, Scope of Certification, or Quality Assured) and special control procedures are invoked to ensure receipt of correct material.
1.1.1 DSSP Scope of Certification Material - Material Control Division ;(B); applies to this material.
1.1.2 This ;Hose, Assembly; contains non-metallic materials which must satisfy the toxicity and flammability requirements of NAVSEA SS800-AG-MAN-010/P-9290. Use of any material other than that specified requires special engineering approval and may require
2.1 Order of Precedence - In the event of a conflict between the text of this contract/purchase order and the references and/or drawings cited herein, the text of this contract/purchase order must take precedence. Nothing in this contract/purchase order,
however, must supersede applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.
2.2 Applicable Documents - The document(s) listed below form a part of this contract/purchase order including modifications or exclusions.
2.2.1 Specification Revisions - The specification revisions listed under "Documents References" below are the preferred revision. Older and/or newer r evisions are acceptable when listed within Contract Support Library Reference Number CSD155 in ECDS (Electric
Contractor Data Submission) at: ht tps:// This is to allow Contractors to use certain acceptable older specification revisions to purge their existing stock of material certified to those older revisions or to use newer specification
revisions when material is certified to newly released revisions,without requiring the submittal of waiver/deviation requests for each specification revision on every contract. Revisions of specifications reflecting editorial and/or re-approval (e.g. E2009,
R2014, etc.) are considered inconsequential, but are acceptable when their revisions are listedwithin CSD155 or elsewhere within this contract.
2.2.2 Documents, drawings, and publications supplied are listed under "Drawing Number". These items should be retained until an award is made.
2.2.3 "Document References" listed below must be obtained by the Contractor. Ordering information is included as an attachment to this contract/purchase order.
DRAWING DATA=EB-3461 |96169| B| |D|0001 | B|49998|7163842
DRAWING DATA=2633-100-01S319 |53711| R|1N |D|0001 | R|49998|0068028
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0001 | H|49998|0055109
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0002 | G|49998|0077699
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0002.1 | H|49998|0043893
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0003 | H|49998|0045732
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0003.1 | H|49998|0058072
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0003.2 | H|49998|0064928
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0004 | G|49998|0063320
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0005 | G|49998|0047155
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0005.1 | G|49998|0043939
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0005.2 | G|49998|0040941
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0007 | G|49998|0036138
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0010 | G|49998|0036093
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0011 | G|49998|0039301
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0012 | G|49998|0045048
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0013 | G|49998|0048639
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0014 | G|49998|0088618
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0015 | G|49998|0045254
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0016 | G|49998|0039066
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0017 | G|49998|0059975
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0018 | G|49998|0044161
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0019 | G|49998|0040706
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0020 | G|49998|0108298
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0021 | G|49998|0043517
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0021.1 | G|49998|0031554
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0025 | G|49998|0068466
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0026 | G|49998|0035338
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0027 | G|49998|0050173
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0028 | G|49998|0067634
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0029 | G|49998|0042907
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0030 | G|49998|0050729
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0031 | H|49998|0057755
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0032 | G|49998|0041118
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0033 | G|49998|0044195
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0034 | G|49998|0063924
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0035 | G|49998|0045452
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0036 | G|49998|0040237
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0037 | G|49998|0043290
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0038 | G|49998|0028830
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0038.1 | G|49998|0036669
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0039 | G|49998|0049472
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0040 | G|49998|0031157
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0041 | F|49998|0039757
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0047 | H|49998|0040980
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0048 | G|49998|0029080
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0050 | H|49998|0033255
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0050.1 | H|49998|0043670
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0051 | G|49998|0038104
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0052 | H|49998|0034668
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0053 | H|49998|0039634
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0054 | G|49998|0032467
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0055 | G|49998|0020473
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0055.1 | G|49998|0026227
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0056 | G|49998|0037336
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0058 | G|49998|0037792
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0059 | G|49998|0041944
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0061 | G|49998|0030226
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0062 | H|49998|0037811
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0063 | H|49998|0023625
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0063.1 | H|49998|0035120
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0064 | H|49998|0036366
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0065 | G|49998|0037422
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0066 | G|49998|0033943
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0067 | G|49998|0036902
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0068 | G|49998|0032985
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0069 | H|49998|0036918
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0070 | G|49998|0041124
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0071 | G|49998|0036112
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0072 | G|49998|0039947
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0073 | G|49998|0035793
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0074 | G|49998|0030816
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0075 | H|49998|0030739
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0076 | G|49998|0036646
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0077 | G|49998|0032029
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0078 | G|49998|0040434
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0079 | G|49998|0030423
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0080 | G|49998|0029804
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0081 | G|49998|0020374
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0082 | G|49998|0027085
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0083 | G|49998|0021186
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0083.1 | G|49998|0038996
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0084 | G|49998|0034172
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0086 | G|49998|0035127
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0087 | G|49998|0029463
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0088 | G|49998|0030665
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0090 | H|49998|0043288
DRAWING DATA=6640819 |53711| H| |D|0091 | H|49998|0037889
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0000.COV | N|49998|0040678
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0001 | P|49998|0121119
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0002 | G|49998|0085582
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0002.1 | M|49998|0063448
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0002.2 | L|49998|0064355
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0002.3 | N|49998|0055237
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0002.4 | P|49998|0061503
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0002.5 | P|49998|0029266
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0003 | P|49998|0079937
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0003.1 | P|49998|0067845
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0003.2 | P|49998|0077241
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0003.3 | P|49998|0069423
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0003.4 | P|49998|0075483
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0003.5 | P|49998|0064361
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0003.6 | P|49998|0051428
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0004 | M|49998|0032660
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0005 | F|49998|0043704
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0005.1 | F|49998|0041028
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0005.2 | F|49998|0015271
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0006 | F|49998|0022502
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0007 | F|49998|0021856
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0008 | F|49998|0044149
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0009 | F|49998|0022452
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0010 | F|49998|0025911
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0011 | F|49998|0022816
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0012 | F|49998|0043005
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0013 | F|49998|0020683
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0015 | F|49998|0026208
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0016 | F|49998|0042780
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0017 | F|49998|0022597
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0018 | F|49998|0032898
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0019 | F|49998|0028605
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0020 | F|49998|0023946
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0021 | F|49998|0023980
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0022 | F|49998|0023549
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0023 | F|49998|0039054
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0024 | F|49998|0038085
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0024.1 | F|49998|0034868
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0024.2 | F|49998|0028461
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0027 | F|49998|0034951
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0028 | F|49998|0049202
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0029 | F|49998|0054241
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0029.1 | F|49998|0033427
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0029.2 | F|49998|0043879
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0031 | F|49998|0038076
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0032 | F|49998|0036533
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0032.1 | F|49998|0023718
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0032.2 | F|49998|0015630
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0032.3 | F|49998|0015296
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0033 | F|49998|0040472
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0034 | F|49998|0061469
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0035 | F|49998|0030027
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0036 | F|49998|0041665
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0037 | F|49998|0022852
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0038 | F|49998|0035314
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0039 | F|49998|0033847
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0040 | F|49998|0022313
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0041 | F|49998|0033497
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0042 | F|49998|0033520
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0043 | F|49998|0034009
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0044 | F|49998|0033657
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0045 | F|49998|0034485
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0046 | F|49998|0031769
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0047 | F|49998|0036084
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0048 | F|49998|0033414
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0049 | F|49998|0037012
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0050 | F|49998|0026121
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0051 | F|49998|0039507
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0052 | F|49998|0041648
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0053 | F|49998|0039949
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0054 | F|49998|0025479
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0055 | F|49998|0053322
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0055.1 | F|49998|0022139
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0055.2 | F|49998|0036880
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0055.3 | F|49998|0029540
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0056 | F|49998|0039667
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0057 | F|49998|0041167
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0057.1 | F|49998|0017915
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0057.2 | F|49998|0041350
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0057.3 | F|49998|0030689
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0058 | F|49998|0032672
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0058.1 | F|49998|0043353
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0059 | F|49998|0034886
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0060 | G|49998|0021075
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0061 | G|49998|0023109
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0062 | P|49998|0026514
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0062.1 | P|49998|0019576
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0064 | G|49998|0048711
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0065 | H|49998|0056112
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0065.1 | H|49998|0037413
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0065.2 | H|49998|0032605
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0066 | G|49998|0039211
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0066.1 | G|49998|0027774
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0067 | G|49998|0031249
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0068 | F|49998|0027758
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0069 | P|49998|0038105
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0069.1 | P|49998|0024690
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0070 | F|49998|0031555
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0071 | F|49998|0019950
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0072 | F|49998|0037948
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0073 | F|49998|0036236
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0074 | G|49998|0033048
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0074.1 | G|49998|0022528
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0075 | G|49998|0045386
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0075.1 | G|49998|0026868
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0076 | K|49998|0027422
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0076.1 | K|49998|0026247
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0076.2 | K|49998|0030659
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0076.3 | K|49998|0027700
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0076.4 | K|49998|0028271
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0077 | J|49998|0034431
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0078 | J|49998|0035665
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0079 | J|49998|0024587
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0080 | J|49998|0024026
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0081 | G|49998|0021046
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0082 | G|49998|0022022
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0083 | G|49998|0023317
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0084 | G|49998|0025401
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0085 | G|49998|0022582
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0086 | G|49998|0023281
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0087 | G|49998|0021213
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0088 | G|49998|0021921
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0089 | G|49998|0023441
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0090 | G|49998|0027149
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0091 | G|49998|0025427
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0092 | G|49998|0022452
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0093 | G|49998|0023257
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0094 | G|49998|0021272
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0095 | G|49998|0022542
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0096 | G|49998|0028142
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0097 | P|49998|0051383
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0097.1 | M|49998|0056470
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0097.2 | P|49998|0032340
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0097.3 | P|49998|0019124
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0098 | P|49998|0024772
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0098.1 | P|49998|0032316
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0098.2 | P|49998|0026643
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0099 | M|49998|0036925
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0099.1 | M|49998|0029165
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0099.2 | M|49998|0019705
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0100 | G|49998|0025780
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0101 | G|49998|0020117
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0102 | G|49998|0021481
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0103 | G|49998|0020729
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0104 | G|49998|0020998
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0108 | J|49998|0024345
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0109 | J|49998|0038560
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0109.1 | J|49998|0027335
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0109.2 | J|49998|0016072
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0109.3 | J|49998|0023244
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0109.4 | J|49998|0016257
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0114 | G|49998|0027999
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0114.1 | G|49998|0023178
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0114.2 | G|49998|0028851
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0115 | L|49998|0020653
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0116 | G|49998|0031975
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0116.1 | G|49998|0017364
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0117 | G|49998|0019664
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0118 | G|49998|0020654
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0119 | G|49998|0020148
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0125 | J|49998|0031275
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0126 | G|49998|0028996
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0127 | G|49998|0029331
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0128 | G|49998|0030054
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0129 | G|49998|0029202
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0130 | G|49998|0028476
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0131 | G|49998|0028589
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0132 | G|49998|0029054
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0133 | G|49998|0029461
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0134 | G|49998|0029748
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0135 | J|49998|0030310
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0136 | G|49998|0029023
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0137 | G|49998|0029157
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0138 | G|49998|0029155
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0139 | G|49998|0029464
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0140 | G|49998|0029610
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0141 | G|49998|0029466
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0142 | G|49998|0036262
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0143 | G|49998|0036744
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0144 | K|49998|0018859
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0146 | G|49998|0024277
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0146.1 | G|49998|0020191
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0147 | G|49998|0018932
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0150 | G|49998|0018927
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0151 | G|49998|0022455
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0152 | G|49998|0022148
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0153 | G|49998|0022597
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0154 | G|49998|0022741
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0155 | G|49998|0017504
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0156 | G|49998|0023863
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0157 | J|49998|0021743
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0158 | M|49998|0033425
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0158.1 | M|49998|0025194
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0159 | G|49998|0019363
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0160 | G|49998|0024761
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0161 | G|49998|0020281
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0162 | H|49998|0028563
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0162.1 | H|49998|0020885
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0163 | K|49998|0029875
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0163.1 | K|49998|0018032
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0164 | K|49998|0028825
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0164.1 | K|49998|0017261
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0165 | K|49998|0028897
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0165.1 | K|49998|0017825
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0166 | P|49998|0051166
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0166.1 | P|49998|0023769
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0168 | G|49998|0024349
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0169 | K|49998|0028621
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0170 | H|49998|0018094
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0171 | H|49998|0017998
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0172 | H|49998|0039235
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0172.1 | H|49998|0018777
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0172.2 | H|49998|0020440
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0173 | H|49998|0038417
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0173.1 | H|49998|0018219
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0173.2 | H|49998|0020070
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0174 | H|49998|0036487
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0174.1 | H|49998|0018483
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0174.2 | H|49998|0020254
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0175 | H|49998|0038290
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0175.1 | H|49998|0018660
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0175.2 | H|49998|0019910
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0176 | H|49998|0037642
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0177 | M|49998|0031475
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0178 | H|49998|0020865
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0179 | H|49998|0018751
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0180 | H|49998|0018492
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0181 | H|49998|0020055
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0182 | J|49998|0030590
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0183 | J|49998|0039544
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0184 | J|49998|0024124
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0185 | J|49998|0022072
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0186 | J|49998|0026466
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0187 | J|49998|0033535
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0188 | J|49998|0038348
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0189 | J|49998|0019091
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0192 | J|49998|0033660
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0192.1 | J|49998|0019547
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0195 | K|49998|0043771
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0196 | K|49998|0042435
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0197 | K|49998|0027321
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0198 | M|49998|0024695
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0198.1 | M|49998|0030012
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0198.2 | M|49998|0029465
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0198.3 | M|49998|0024547
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0198.4 | M|49998|0016176
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0198.5 | M|49998|0021163
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0198.6 | M|49998|0020403
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0199 | J|49998|0021654
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0200 | J|49998|0028243
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0201 | J|49998|0024524
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0201.1 | J|49998|0018549
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0201.2 | J|49998|0019369
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0202 | K|49998|0023162
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0202.1 | K|49998|0019991
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0203 | M|49998|0031813
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0203.1 | M|49998|0019886
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0203.2 | M|49998|0016345
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0204 | M|49998|0025104
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0205 | K|49998|0027196
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0206 | K|49998|0040535
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0206.1 | K|49998|0028569
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0207 | M|49998|0045581
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0208 | K|49998|0018931
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0209 | K|49998|0029400
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0209.1 | P|49998|0019311
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0209.2 | P|49998|0025278
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0209.3 | P|49998|0021699
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0210 | K|49998|0035267
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0211 | K|49998|0033125
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0212 | K|49998|0025441
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0213 | K|49998|0025049
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0213.1 | K|49998|0022953
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0214 | K|49998|0026262
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0214.1 | K|49998|0024695
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0215 | K|49998|0029154
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0216 | K|49998|0028251
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0217 | K|49998|0021689
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0218 | K|49998|0019545
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0220 | N|49998|0040080
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0220.1 | N|49998|0028915
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0220.2 | N|49998|0034665
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0220.3 | N|49998|0029440
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0221 | K|49998|0018860
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0222 | K|49998|0040112
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0222.1 | K|49998|0019308
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0222.2 | K|49998|0020093
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0223 | L|49998|0029925
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0224 | L|49998|0024779
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0225 | N|49998|0038670
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0226 | N|49998|0031470
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0226.1 | N|49998|0030573
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0226.2 | N|49998|0031900
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0226.3 | N|49998|0032951
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0228 | M|49998|0025883
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0229 | M|49998|0033707
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0230 | M|49998|0036945
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0231 | M|49998|0026663
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0232 | M|49998|0034750
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0233 | M|49998|0032743
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0234 | N|49998|0025884
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0234.1 | N|49998|0023930
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0235 | M|49998|0034992
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0237 | M|49998|0027330
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0238 | N|49998|0027263
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0239 | P|49998|0020614
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0239.1 | P|49998|0016006
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0240 | P|49998|0022341
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0240.1 | P|49998|0023146
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0241 | N|49998|0036092
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0241.1 | N|49998|0026549
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0242 | N|49998|0034239
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0242.1 | N|49998|0026654
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0243 | M|49998|0040268
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0244 | N|49998|0023082
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0244.1 | N|49998|0023223
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0245 | N|49998|0022368
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0245.1 | N|49998|0017069
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0246 | N|49998|0021788
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0246.1 | N|49998|0023752
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0247 | N|49998|0022215
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0247.1 | N|49998|0022717
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0248 | N|49998|0024245
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0248.1 | N|49998|0024224
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0249 | M|49998|0022177
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0249.1 | M|49998|0020284
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0250 | M|49998|0021555
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0250.1 | M|49998|0022385
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0251 | M|49998|0021411
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0251.1 | M|49998|0020167
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0252 | M|49998|0022168
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0253 | M|49998|0020979
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0254 | M|49998|0033175
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0255 | M|49998|0021841
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0255.1 | M|49998|0017200
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0256 | P|49998|0029106
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0257 | P|49998|0032291
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0257.1 | P|49998|0048717
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0258 | P|49998|0032179
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0259 | P|49998|0042215
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0260 | P|49998|0038742
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0261 | P|49998|0022545
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0263 | P|49998|0037709
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0264 | P|49998|0025340
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0265 | P|49998|0027315
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0266 | P|49998|0027864
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0267 | P|49998|0021608
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0267.1 | P|49998|0015172
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0268 | P|49998|0041476
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0268.1 | P|49998|0040310
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0268.2 | P|49998|0031945
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0269 | P|49998|0031940
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0270 | P|49998|0040397
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0271 | P|49998|0040289
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0272 | P|49998|0033452
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0273 | P|49998|0021053
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0273.1 | P|49998|0022710
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0274 | P|49998|0019738
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0275 | P|49998|0020668
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0276 | P|49998|0018995
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0277 | P|49998|0020177
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0278 | P|49998|0019385
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0279 | P|49998|0023185
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0280 | P|49998|0030576
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0280.1 | P|49998|0018788
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0280.2 | P|49998|0019200
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0283 | P|49998|0029082
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0283.1 | P|49998|0028382
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0284 | P|49998|0029259
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0284.1 | P|49998|0028295
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0285 | P|49998|0028795
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0285.1 | P|49998|0020539
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0286 | P|49998|0040458
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0287 | P|49998|0033759
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0287.1 | P|49998|0030461
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0287.2 | P|49998|0018763
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0288 | P|49998|0031475
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0288.1 | P|49998|0033653
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0289 | P|49998|0031778
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0289.1 | P|49998|0033374
DRAWING DATA=6640965 |53711| R| |D|0290 | P|49998|0033978
DOCUMENT REF DATA=ANSI/ASQ Z1.4 | | | |080101|A| | |
DOCUMENT REF DATA=MIL-STD-792 | | |F |060519|A| | |
DOCUMENT REF DATA=MIL-STD-1622 | | |B |061115|A| | |
DOCUMENT REF DATA=ISO_9001 | | | |081115|A| | |
DOCUMENT REF DATA=ISO10012 | | | |030415|A| | |
DOCUMENT REF DATA=ISO/IEC 17025 | | | |930903|A| | |
DOCUMENT REF DATA=MIL-H-24136 | | |B |930903|A| | |
DOCUMENT REF DATA=QPL 24136 | | |QPD|201218|A| | |
DOCUMENT REF DATA=QPL 24787 | | |QPD|201105|A| | |
DOCUMENT REF DATA=MIL-PRF-27617 | | |F |980217|A| | |
DOCUMENT REF DATA=MIL-I-45208 | | |A |810724|A| 1| |
DOCUMENT REF DATA=MIL-STD-45662 | | |A |880801|A| | |
DOCUMENT REF DATA=ANSI/NCSL Z540.3 | | | |130326|A| | |
DOCUMENT REF DATA=SS800-AG-MAN-010/P-9290 | | |A |200324|A| |42|
3.1 ;The Hose Assembly, must be manufactured in accordance with NAVSEA Drawing number 6640965 assembly 319, NAVSEA Drawing number 6640819 and Electric Boat Specification 3461, except as amplified or modified herein.;
3.2 ;A hydrostatic test in accordance with Note A of drawing 6640965 sheet 319 is required. Only a C of C is required for this test.
The hose assembly must be hydrostatically tested as follows:
a. Draw a circumferential chalk line around the hose next to each fitting attachment. Measure distance from the lines to fitting edges at four places 90�apart.
b. Attach test fitting or adapter. Flanged hose fittings should have strong backs installed to prevent distortion of the flange when the hose assembly is subjected to proof pressure if the hose design pressure exceeds the fitting rated pressure.
c. Using fresh water, apply a hydrostatic proof pressure per Note A of drawing 6640965 sheet 319. Hold this pressure for 1 to 5 minutes. Hose must not burst, leak or show signs of fitting separation.
d. Upon completion of test, measure the distance from chalk lines to fittings (refer to paragraph a above). Any change in measurement from those obtained in paragraph a is reason for rejection of the tested hose assembly.;
3.3 ;Lubrication per NAVSEA drawing 6640965 sheet 319-1 Note D must be with MIL-PRF-27617 Type III lubricants Krytox 240AC, Christo-Lube 111, or Christo-Lube 116.
Item 319-1 of drawing 6640965 must be a MIL-H-24136 qualified item. Item 319-2 of drawing 6640965 must be a MIL-F-24787 qualified item.;
3.4 Testing Certification - Certifications are required for the following tests on the items listed below. Additional testing on other piece parts (if any) per applicable drawings is still required, but certifications are only required as listed below.
Test - ;Hydrostatic test in accordance with Note B of drawing 6640965 sheet 319;
Item - ;Each hose assembly;
Performance - ;Pressurize the hose assembly to the pressure specified in Note B of drawing 6640965 sheet 319 using fresh water as a test medium; maintain pressure for at least 1 minute to accomplish inspection;
Acceptance - ;No Leakage is allowed;
3.5 General Application Cleaning - Cleaning must be in accordance with ;MIL-STD-1622; .
3.6 Off-Gassing Analysis is required in accordance with NAVSEA SS800-AG-MAN-010/P-9290A, Appendix F, paragraphs F4.2, F4.3, and F4.4. Off-Gassing Analysis is not required for every lot of stock material (plate, bar, castings, etc.) formed by the same vendor,
if NAVSEA SS800-AG-MAN-010/P-9290A, Section F4.4 is satisfied.
3.6.1 Off-Gassing Analysis must be conducted by one of the following labs:
1 ALS Simi Valley
Mr. Michael Conejo
2655 Park Center Dr. Suite A
Simi Valley, CA 93065
Phone (805) 577-2083
2 Electric Boat Corp.
Craig Adamson
75 Eastern Point Road
Groton, CT 06340-4989
Phone (860) 433-5866
3 Naval Surface Warfare Center - Crane
Mike Jones
300 Highway 361
Bldg 3395
Crane, In 47522-5001
Phone (812) 854-6313
Note: This lab contains the only chamber authorized for ordnance sampling.
4 Naval Experimental Diving Unit
Chuck Mayberry
321 Bullfinch Road
Panama City, Fl
Phone (850) 230-3163
3.6.2 Each item being supplied for the off-gas test must be odor tested prior to shipment to the off-gas test lab. Perform the odor test per the requirements specified in paragraph F.4.4.1.b of NAVSEA SS800-AG-MAN-010/P-9290A.
Note: The vendor must contact lab to determine test chamber size and depth limitations.
Note: Each shipment of material to be off-gas tested must be accompanied by paperwork identifying the following:
- The NSN
- The Procuring Activity
- The Contract Number
- The Serial Numbers of units in shipment
3.6.3 The listed labs have been assessed and accepted; however, due to the requirements of biennial reassessments there could be occasions when a given lab may have restrictions levied on them. It is incumbent upon the customer to contact the lab or NAVSEA 07Q4
to ascertain the current lab status. NAVSEA point of contact is Mr. Greg Sorrells (SEA 07Q43) at (202)781-0910.
3.7 The pressure tolerance must be as specified in the assembly drawing, detail drawing, design specification or elsewhere in this contract. Where pressure tolerances are not provided by drawings, specifications or specified elsewhere in this contract, the
following must be used:
For pressure tests below 100 PSIG, the pressure tolerance must be +1 PSIG / -0 PSIG.
For pressure tests at or above 100 PSIG up to and including 2500 PSIG, the pressure tolerance must be +2% / -0 PSIG rounded off to the nearest multiple of the smallest graduation on an analog test pressure gauge, not to exceed 50 PSIG.
For pressure tests above 2500 PSIG, the pressure tolerance must be +2% / -0 PSIG, rounded off to the nearest multiple of the smallest graduation on an analog test pressure gauge, not to exceed 200 PSIG.
The pressure test time tolerance must be as specified in the assembly drawing, detail drawing, design specification or elsewhere in this contract. Where pressure test time tolerances are not provided by drawings, specifications or specified elsewhere in this
contract, the following must be used:
For a test duration up to and including 1 hour, the tolerance must be +5 minutes / - 0 minutes.
For a test duration of more than 1 hour up to and including 24 hours, the tolerance must be +30 minutes / - 0 minutes.
For a test duration of more than 24 hours, the tolerance must be +60 minutes / - 0 minutes.
3.8 Mercury Free - Mercury and mercury containing compounds must not be intentionally added or come in direct contact with hardware or supplies furnished under this contract. Mercury contamination of the material will be cause for rejection.
3.9 See CDRL DI-MISC-80678 (Test Certification) - A statement of tests performed, listing the pieces tested must be furnished along with a copy of the test results. Certification must include the contractor's name, address and date, quantity inspected,
identified to the contract/purchase order and item number, and the Contractor's or authorized personnel's signature. Test certifications must reference the standard/specification, including the revision, to which the testing was performed and the acceptance
criteria used. Test procedure numbers may also be referenced on test reports. Test reports on weldments must be identified to weld joint and layer.
3.10 Configuration Control - The Contractor must maintain the total equipment baseline configuration. For items of proprietary design, Contractor drawings showing the latest assembly configuration must be provided to the Government in electronic (C4) format.
Definitions are provided elsewhere in the Contract/Purchase Order.
3.10.1 Waivers/Deviations - All waivers and deviations, regardless of significance or classification require review and approval by the Contracting Officer. Waivers and Deviations must be designated as Critical, Major, or Minor. The Contractor must provide
a copy of this request to the QAR. Requests must include the information listed below.
a. A complete description of the contract requirement affected
and the nature of the waiver/deviation (non-conformance),
including a classification of Critical, Major, or Minor.
b. Number of units (and serial/lot numbers) to be delivered in this
c. Any impacts to logistics support elements (such as software,
manuals, spares, tools, and similar) being utilized by Government
personnel or impacts to the operational use of the product.
d. Information about remedial action being taken to prevent reoccurrence
of the non-conformance.
3.10.2 All requests for Waivers/Deviations on NAVSUP-WSS Contracts must be submitted using the ECDS (Electronic Contractor Data Submission) system at
3.10.3 ECPs - The Government will maintain configuration control and change authority for all modifications or changes affecting form, fit, function, or interface parameters of the Equipment and its sub-assemblies. The Contractor must submit an Engineering
Change Proposal (ECP) for any Class I or II changes that impact the Equipment covered by this contract. ECPs must be prepared in Contractor format, and must include the following information:
a. The change priority, change classification (Class I or Class II),
and change justification.
b. A complete description of the change to be made and the need for
that change.
c. A complete listing of other Configuration Items impacted by the
proposed change and a description of the impact on those CIs.
d. Proposed changes to documents controlled by the Government.
e. Proposed serial/lot number effectivities of units to be
produced in, or retrofitted to, the proposed configuration.
f. Recommendations about the way a retrofit should be accomplished.
g. Impacts to any logistics support elements (such as software,
manuals, spares, tools, and similar) being utilized by Government
personnel in support of the product.
h. Impacts to the operational use of the product.
i. Complete estimated life-cycle cost impact of the proposed change.
j. Milestones relating to the processing and implementation of the
engineering change.
3.10.4 A copy of the final waiver/deviation (both approved and disapproved) must be forwarded with the applicable asset(s).
3.11 Certificate of Compliance - (SPECIAL EMPHASIS MATERIAL) The Contractor must prepare and submit a certificate of compliance certifying that the items/components furnished under this contract comply with the requirements of the procurement document,
including any/all invoked specifications and drawings.
3.12 Quality System Requirements - The Contractor furnishing items under this contract/purchase order must provide and maintain a quality system in accordance with ISO-9001 as amplified or modified herein, with the calibration system requirements of ISO-10012
or ANSI-Z540.3 with ISO-17025. A Quality System in accordance with MIL-I-45208, with the calibration system requirements of MIL-STD-45662, is acceptable as an alternate.
3.12.1 The Contractor's quality system and products supplied under the system are subject to evaluation, verification inspection, and acceptance/nonacceptance by the Government representative to determine the system's effectiveness in meeting the quality
requirements established in the Contract/Purchase Order.
3.12.2 The Contractor's quality system must be documented and must be available for review by the Contracting Officer or his representative prior to initiation of production and throughout the life of the contract. The Prime Contractor must, upon
notification, make his facilities available for audit by the contracting Officer or his authorized representative.
3.12.3 See CDRL DI-QCIC-81110 (Inspection System Procedures) - All suppliers of Deep Submergence Systems Program (DSSP) material are required to submit a copy of their current documented quality system procedures to the Procurement Contracting Officer (PCO)
prior to award of any contract/purchase order. Suppliers that have a copy of their current quality system procedures on file at NAVICP-Mech may request the PCO waive this requirement.
3.12.4 This contract provides for the performance of Government Quality Assurance at source. The place or places of performance may not be changed without the authorization of the Procurement Contracting Officer. Upon receipt of this order, promptly
notify the Government representative who normally services your plant so that appropriate planning for Government inspection can be accomplished. If you do not have an assigned Government representative, notify the nearest Defense Contract Management Agency
(DCMA) Office. In the event that a local Government representative or DCMA Office cannot be located, our purchasing agent should be notified immediately.
3.12.5 Any changes made by the Contractor to a qualified quality system will require concurrence by the Government Quality Assurance Representative prior to adoption.
3.13 Contractor Inspection Requirements - The Contractor must maintain adequate records of all inspections and tests. The records must indicate the nature and number of observations made, the number and type of deficiencies found, the quantities approved
and rejected and the nature of corrective action taken as appropriate.
3.13.1 The supplier's gages, measuring and test equipment must be made available for use by the Government representative when required to determine conformance with Contract requirements. When conditions warrant, the supplier's personnel must be made
available for operations of such devices and for verification of their accuracy and condition.
3.13.2 All documents and reference data applicable to this contract must be available for review by the Government representative. Copies of documents requ