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Media Services for Traffic Safety Public Safety Campaigns

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APEX Accelerators are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense.

The APEX Accelerators program was formerly known as the Procurement Technical Assistance Program (opens in new window) (PTAP).

General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Presolicitation (Original)
  • Original Published Date: May 13, 2022 03:07 pm EDT
  • Original Response Date:
  • Inactive Policy: Manual
  • Original Inactive Date: Jun 15, 2022
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • Product Service Code: R701 - SUPPORT- MANAGEMENT: ADVERTISING
  • NAICS Code:
    • 541810 - Advertising Agencies
  • Place of Performance:


This is a Pre-Solicitation notice (synopsis) for a procurement in accordance with FAR Part 5.203 that provides notice of the Government's proposed contract action listed herein.  

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is an operating administration within the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). NHTSA’s mission is to save lives, prevent injuries, and reduce traffic-related deaths and economic losses resulting from motor vehicle crashes. Pursuant to its authority under 23 U.S.C. 401, et. Seq., the agency supports state highway safety programs, researches and develops highway safety programs, implements high visibility enforcement advertising campaigns and supports national priority safety programs,  with the goal of ending preventable tragedies and reducing economic costs associated with motor vehicle use and highway travel.

Motor vehicle travel is the primary means of transportation in the United States. Yet for all its advantages, motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death for people living in the United States. In response to this issue, NHTSA promotes programs that encourage drivers to abstain from unsafe behaviors such as impaired driving and texting and address child car safety.

The success of these safety programs requires working with various partners and State agencies to help encourage safer behaviors of drivers, occupants, cyclists, and pedestrians. Since traffic safety problems affect people in all communities, successful programs that improve safety involves people at all levels of the Government, within businesses and organizations, and both organizational and individual volunteers. It also requires successful communications programs.

NHTSA has developed its communications programs through a process that is first grounded in sound Agency policy and program, and then relies on the development and implementation of national traffic safety campaigns to encourage targeted road users to adopt positive traffic safety behaviors. Communication focused on getting people to change their behavior is more successful in an environment that includes continuous and consistent messaging. While that strategy has proven extremely effective; limited budgetary resources prevent NHTSA from being able to use paid advertising to support many of its outreach and educational efforts. Therefore, the Agency must rely on donated media public service advertising (PSA) campaigns that raise awareness about specific risky traffic safety behaviors among a large national target audience. Donated media is a common term used in advertising related to PSA campaigns that means time and space that organizations give pro bono to support PSA campaign messages.

The objective of this Contract is to induce behavioral change by raising awareness about traffic safety issues though large-scale, fully integrated, donated media public service advertising (PSA) campaigns

Solicitation Information:  

The Government contemplates the award of a single source Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract as noted in the attached Justification of Other Than Full and Open (JOTFOC) Competition.  The period of performance of the contract will not exceed sixty (60) months.  

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • WASHINGTON , DC 20590
  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact
