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MHS EITS Geographic Service Provider (GSP)

info alert

Note: There have been new actions to this contract opportunity. To view the most recent action, please click here.

General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Special Notice (Updated)
  • Updated Published Date: May 16, 2022 08:02 am CDT
  • Original Published Date: Jul 29, 2021 07:36 pm CDT
  • Updated Response Date: Jul 29, 2022 11:00 pm CDT
  • Original Response Date: Jul 29, 2022 11:00 pm CDT
  • Inactive Policy: 15 days after response date
  • Updated Inactive Date: Jan 10, 2023
  • Original Inactive Date: Aug 13, 2022
  • Initiative:
    • None


  • Original Set Aside:
  • Product Service Code:
  • NAICS Code:
  • Place of Performance:


13 May 2022

The purposes of this posting is to provide responses to comments and questions posed by industry following the DEFENSE HEALTH AGENCY (DHA) Industry Day on March 30, 2022 along with those posed on the draft Geographic Service Providers (GSP) Performance Work Statement (PWS.)  DHA continues to release iterative draft documents for industry comments and questions. Accordingly, the following documents are provided:

  • Exhibit 1 GSP Labor Categories
  • Exhibit 2 GSP Geographic Locations
  • Exhibit 3 DHA New Employee Handbook
  • Exhibit 4 GSP Acronyms and Definitions
  • Exhibit 5 GSP PRS
  • GSP Incumbent Contract Data
  • GSP Question Matrix Template
  • GSP Response Matrix

The DHA appreciates your continued support and interest in the GSP effort and welcomes additional comments and questions on the documents provided.  Please do so using the provided GSP Questions Matrix Template and email the completed matrix to the Contracting Officer, Dr. Jerome Watkins at no later than May 27, 2022. 

The DHA anticipates future releases of draft documents for industry comments and questions, including acquisition and evaluation details, in late June to early July.

The primary Point of Contact (POC) is Dr. Jerome Watkins, Contracting Officer, email:  Dr. Watkins will serve as the POC for all future communication regarding this GSP. Please continue to monitor this notice for future draft document releases, news, and updates.

30 March 2022

DHA hopes that each of you were available to hear the GSP Program Manager, Mr. Daniel Winske, brief at the DHA Industry Day on March 30, 2021. The GSP briefing slides are attached.

The GSP IPT plans iterative releases of draft documents for your input. The draft GSP Performance Work Statement (PWS) is attached for your review. Please review the PWS and provide comments (per the attached comment matrix) no later than 14 April 2022. The completed comment matrix should be sent to Dr. Watkins at

Documents provided include:

  1. 2022 DHA IDRE Briefing for GSP
  2. GSP PWS draft3.29.22
  3. GSP PWS Comment Matrix for Industry

The GSP IPT team continues to review the information, questions, responses, and data from the last industry day and one-on-ones. The primary Point of Contact (POC) is Dr. Jerome Watkins, Contracting Officer, email: Dr. Watkins will serve as the POC for all future communication regarding this GSP. Please continue to monitor this notice for future draft document releases, news, and updates.

24 February 2022

The GSP IPT team will participate in the scheduled 2022 DHA Industry Day on 30 March 2022. Information regarding the 2022 DHA Industry Day can be located on @  For you convience, I have listed the posting below however; please refer to the official posting for updates:

"Defense Health Agency (DHA) Fiscal Year FY22-23 Industry Day Requirements Exchange

What: Defense Health Agency (DHA) Fiscal Year (FY) 22-23 Industry Day Requirements Exchange

When: 30 March 2022

Where: Remote, via Adobe Connect

Industry Day Details

DHA plans to conduct a virtual Industry Day Requirements Exchange (IDRE) to advise industry about its upcoming requirements and business opportunities. This IDRE will take place on 30 March 2022 at 0900 EST. A Q&A chat will be available throughout the event to provide participants the opportunity to ask questions related to presented requirements. Interested parties should look for a follow-up to this notice that will include a detailed agenda and additional event information. All briefings and discussions will be conducted at the unclassified level.

Registered persons will be provided an Adobe Connect link to access the event. Due to technology constraints, video capacity will be limited to the first 1,000 attendees. For those unable to access the video, a conference call dial-in will be available for audio access to the presentation.

Briefing slides referenced by Industry Day speakers will be posted to this notice when they become available for public release, upon which participants will have the opportunity to submit questions to the government that may be addressed during the event. Please direct any administrative questions to, and include “30 March 2022 IDRE Vendor Question - [Insert Company Name]” in the subject line. Do not include any procurement sensitive, controlled unclassified, or classified information in submitted questions. DHA may not answer all submitted questions before, or during, the event. A Q&A summary will be made available after the event for those unable to attend.

This IDRE announcement is issued solely for information and planning purposes and all information provided is subject to change. It does not constitute a solicitation (Request for Proposal or Request for Quotations) or a promise to issue a solicitation in the future. This IDRE announcement does not commit the government to contract for any supply or service, whatsoever. Furthermore, the government is not, at this time, seeking proposals for any requirement discussed in the IDRE materials. Responders are advised that the government will not pay for any information or administrative costs incurred in response to this IDRE announcement. All costs associated with responding to this IDRE announcement will be solely at the responding party's expense."

The GSP IPT team continues to review the information, questions, responses, and data from the last industry day and one-on-ones. The primary Point of Contact (POC) has changed from Mr. Christopher Rieper, Contracting Officer, to Dr. Jerome Watkins, Contracting Officer, email: Dr. Watkins will serve as the POC for all future communication regarding this GSP. Please continue to monitor this notice for future draft document releases, news, and updates.

17 February 2022

Thank you for your continued interest in the Global Service Providers (GSPs) acquisition. The GSP IPT team will participate in the scheduled 2022 DHA Industry Day on 30 March 2022. No additional information is currently regarding Industry Day. The GSP anticipates the release of a draft Performance Work Statement (PWS) after the Industry Day on/or about 31 March 2022. The GSP IPT welcomes Comments/Questions following the posting of the PWS. The PWS posting will include specific guidance for submitting Comments/Questions. The GSP IPT team continues to review the information, questions, responses, and data from the last industry day and one-on-ones. The primary Point of Contact (POC) has changed from Mr. Christopher Rieper, Contracting Officer, to Dr. Jerome Watkins, Contracting Officer, email: Dr. Watkins will serve as the POC for all future communication regarding this GSP. Please continue to monitor this notice for future draft document releases, news, and updates.

20 January 2022               

Welcome Back! The GSP IPT team hopes everyone had a very safe and Happy Holiday season! The GSP IPT team continues to review the information, questions, responses, and data from the last industry day and one-on-ones. No additional information is currently available. However, the primary Point of Contact (POC) has changed from Mr. Christopher Rieper, Contracting Officer, to Dr. Jerome Watkins, Contracting Officer, email:  Dr. Watkins will serve as the POC for all future communication regarding this GSP. Please continue to monitor this notice for future draft document releases, news, and updates.


13 December 2021

We would like to thank everyone for the responses to all of the questions and documents released thus far.  While we will be working over the next few weeks, we do not anticipate releasing any additional documents or asking for any feedback/responses until after the new year.

The GSP IPT team wishes everyone a very Happy Holiday and a safe and fun New Year!


27 October 2021

The Government has had an opportunity to further digest the information, questions, responses, and data provided from the last industry day and one-on-ones.  The participation we are receiving is fantastic and greatly appreciated.  As a follow-on we would like information regarding the following:

The Government’s is trying to ascertain Small Businesses capability and capacity to fulfill the GSP requirements and has the questions below.  Please provide your response to the following questions to me via email no later than Monday, November 1st 2021.

1. How many total Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) does your company employ (this may include W-2 & 1099 status employees)?

When responding to questions 2-5 below, both Government and non-Government projects may be included.   Also, please limit responses to projects that include one or more of the nine GSP scope areas (refer to the attached GSP Scope Document dated July 2021 for further description of the requirements.)

2. List the cities, states and/or military installations where your company performed at any time in the past three years.

3. Identify any limitations to FTE count your company may have in performing GSP requirements.

4. Identify any limitations to geographic boundaries (e.g., OCONUS/CONUS, number of states, facilities, distance between locations) your company may have in performing GSP requirements.

5. Identify any limitations to the nine scope areas your company may have in performing GSP requirements.


27  September 2021

The Questions and Government responses received during the Industry Day and one-on-one sessions has been attached for reference.

Please continue to monitor this notice for future draft document releases, news, and updates.


8 September 2021

The Defense Health Agency Geographical Service Provider virtual Industry Day will be held on Monday, September 13th, 2021 at 1300 hours EDT.                       

Microsoft Teams will be used for this event along with an audio bridge.  Microsoft Teams may only be accessible to those with a Government-issued Common Access Card accessing Microsoft Teams via the web portal or the app, connected via VPN.  Please use the following link. join/19%3adod%3ameeting_d628c7c8c7604d06abc3de6641780e9b%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22102d0191-eeae-4761-b1cb-1a83e86ef445%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2283055249-5766-4c33-87f9-992f82f0af59%22%7d

For all other participants, please use the following audio bridge.

Dial In: 410-874-6749
Conference ID 340 415 034#

All microphones should be muted for the duration of the event.           

The briefing charts are currently available in the attachments portion of this announcement.

Questions on the briefing charts are requested to be submitted via email NLT September 9th, 2021 to  Additional questions may be asked during or following the brief using the conversation feature for those connected via Microsoft Teams.  Any questions submitted via Microsoft Teams will be visible to any participants.  At the conclusion of the brief, the Government plans to read aloud and answer as many questions as possible, including any questions which were submitted in advance to the Contracting Officer. 

Participation in this event is purely voluntary, pre-decisional and non-authoritative.  The Government reserves the right to use these communications for any purpose consistent with, and not otherwise prohibited by FAR Part 10.


3 September 2021

To our industry partners.  I would like to apologize for the mixed and inconsistent messaging related to the upcoming Industry Day for this GSP requirement.  To provide clearer guidance and instruction we are providing the following:  

Out of respect for your time we are rescheduling the Industry Day to the 13th of September, with the one-on-ones to be held the following three  days(14th 15th and 16th).  This will allow an additional day than originally scheduled for greater opportunities to connect.    

While we wish we had the ability to schedule a one-on-one with each and every interested contractor during this event, that simply isn’t feasible given the amount of interest.  If selected for a one-on-one you will receive an individual email no later than 8 September.  By close of business 9 September, I will update this posting confirming that the one-on-one emails were sent.  Please be assured that we will be maintaining open and frequent engagement throughout the requirement development process.  This will not be the only event of this nature for the GSP program.

No further action is needed on your part to register for, or attend the industry day, other than monitoring this site for updates.  We would like everyone to enjoy this long Labor Day weekend, so we will not be publishing the briefing slides until next week.  The slides will be published early enough to ensure constructive one-on-ones with emphasis on potential GSP solutions.  The team looks forward to meeting with you and ask that you continue to monitor this publication as this is the most current and reliable source for GSP related data and updates.


2 September 2021

Due to the overwhelmingly positive response to attend the below referenced industy day, the response date (as instructed) is extended to 3 September 2021 by 11:00 a.m. (local San Antonio, TX timezone).  So we can plan and organize this event responsibly, if the GSP 7 September 2021 Industry Day Fillable Form has not been submitted be the above date and time, you will not be considered for a one-on-one but may still attend the industry day event.


27 August 2021

The DEFENSE HEALTH AGENCY (DHA) will hold a Virtual Industry Day targeted to Small Businesses to engage and assess their capabilities and ideas for developing the DHA’s Deputy Assistant Director Information Operations/J-6 (DAD IO/J-6) Geographic Service Provider(s) (GSPs) Acquisition Strategy requirements. Although the target audience is Small Business, other than Small Businesses may participate.

Included with this update are the following documents:
1) GSP Industry Day Announcement
2) GSP 7 September 2021 Industry Day Fillable Form

Please follow the submission instrucitons on the announcement, and we look forward to meeting with all that are interested!


16 August 2021

The Government has received great feedback to the published problem statement.  I would like to thank you all for the time taken to submit this first set of data to help shape this requirement!

Beyond expressing thanks for the responses, this posting proivdes a very quick update.  The team is still reviewing the responses to the problem statement and will need some more time before we can make any follow-on decisions/documentation.  


29 July 2021

The purpose of this first posting is to provide a Problem Statement related to the GSP requirement, a General Scope Document, and a list of Potential GSP Facilities.  Specific instructions and response information is contained in the GSP Problem Statement document.  All responses to this first data set shall be submitted to on or before 4:00 p.m. (local San Antonio, TX time) 09 August 2021. 

The following documents have been uploaded as a result of this posting:
1) GSP Problem Statement_July 2021
2) GSP Scope Document_July 2021
3) Potential GSP Facilities_July 2021


*Opening Information*

This will be a comprehensive communication medium during the development of the Military Health System (MHS) Enterprise Information Technology Services (EITS) Geographic Service Provider (GSP) requirement.  The EITS Program Office is currently developing three (3) distinct but related requirements: The Enterprise Information Technology Service Integrator (EITSI) requirement, the Capability Service Provider (CSP) requirement, and the Geographic Service Provider requirement (what this special notice in focused on). 

As with the EITSI requirement, this posting will be a continuously growing and evolving communications platform for the Government to provide information and solicit feedback, and for industry partners to provide feedback, ask questions, and assist in the development of the GSP requirement.

Instructions and response dates will be specified as new or additional information is published to this Announcement.  The response date established with the basic announcement has been set to a year from now to keep this active throughout this requirement’s development process.

Contact Information

Contracting Office Address

  • USA

Primary Point of Contact

Secondary Point of Contact
